(Kinda confused on who is supposed to review mine though, but if ya review mine I'll review yours, just leave some feedback in my thread and I'll make sure I review it)
Yeah, I think a lot of people seem to have lost track, lol. I don't think mine ever got reviewed, or if it did it didn't update in-game.
"The Grey has Risen, Book One" - NW-DDK8N6EYP
"No Prey, No Pay" - NW-DG2XDJH84
neurojamMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2013
I agree great thread Idea!.
I think you'll like my quest.. Ye Old Chuckle Hut ( NW-DQ1PGH6HW )
Link: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?247731-Ye-Old-Chuckle-Hut&highlight=chuckle
Protector's Enclaves first comedy tavern complete with Heckling, 'comedian control devices', and a sacrifice of the worst comedian at the end of the show. Lemme know what u think.
I Played Escaping the king of ghouls. I was unable to finish the quest. For me one of the objectives (heading back to the mortrurary from the crypt) was behind a wall so I could not go back after killing the 5 ghouls. Up to that point things were going well though.
Escaping the King of Ghouls - NW-DALP70L5M
by: @odoofmetz
Tag: Combat
Sub Tag: Solo (but bring potions ^_^ and pull smartly while you move quickly), Story, Crypt, Outdoor
Something is killing the members of the Morticians guild in Neverwinter - and stealing away with the bodies of the recently embalmed dead. Herbert West, de-animator of the undead, has called upon your services due to the recent death of his adventuring partner, Rorik Caskcracker. Being an undertaker himself, Herbert knows he is a potential target and has sought out your aid in what turns into a cross planar adventure.
Its not too long, but its fairly difficult with some unique fights.
"After a night at the Driftwood Tavern you overhear some men talking about a noble that's looking for someone special. They tell you of a house that's tucked away... away from prying eyes. The next day you poke around Neverwinter until you find a house that seems to be invisible to all others, even the guards. You knock on the door."
I'll partake. Warning though, my quest is long. Link in my sig.
Did the quest. I liked that you put a little effort into effects and some outdoor customization. Story had a good flow. You need to work on mixing up encounters. You over-used the same mobs. The last map was ok, but needed some TLC in the decoration department. The final boss did strike me as a "time" being. He was more like an undead. Overall good quest, but you can spend more time on making it your own.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
My foundry in Slovak language: NW-DOBV4VXBC Ezrianova skrysa
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm up for another go of this.
Quest in sig
Review of Weird of the Weather-witch
General comments
Really pretty good. I liked the plot and the cave was very well constructed with lots of water and fauna to make it seem realistic.
The cove was kind of empty in contrast, but what can you really put on a beach? Maybe more rocks and trees near the edges, off the sandy bit. Or wreckage from past shipwrecks. Maybe birds circling overhead.
The tavern was nice and lively.
* One of the bouncers on the door looks quite silly constantly doing the "Threaten" animation.
* Mosby not lined up with wall
* Keg of ale on bar has 2 in it's name
* How long did it take you to write that barmaid conversation? I was going to make a comment about how I thought it was going to end up as a monty python scetch. Then...
* Talking with Jess pulls the camera into the wall. Not sure what you can do about this other than have her face another direction.
* In Gwindeths room some of the books are floating. Also behind sofa something is sunken into floor
* At the very end of hall, item clipping into wall. Rhyme in comment unintentional.
* Plant near seeing stone, into wall. Also one near mosby. Actually a few of the plants. Debatable if this is a problem, could just be their leaves bending.
* Room near caption Dorian. Fire in fireplace clipping into back wall.
* Spear holding up banner near Dorian does not touch banner
* Screw you Dorian. I wondered what those boxes were.
* The ship's sails are immovable and dug into the sand. Not much you could do about this, we work with what cryptic gives us. Maybe rotate the ship a little so at least you can't walk into them?
* I like how you've used rocks to restrict the size of the cove and make it more ominous but you can get under the rocks and out from the cove at a point on the south eastern edge. Follow the wall from Dorian and check on the edge. It was kind of neat finding it actually. You could just close up the far end and put another hidden object in there.
* The name "Large Sand Spider Ambusher" (at least I assume that's what it was) is a little too long and gets truncated with dot dot dot. You could leave out the "Large" part. Its implied by context.
* At this point Dorian has the name "Dorian #4"
* Dorian is running on all fours in the cave. Was this intended?
* Many of the mushrooms all around the cave system are floating off the ground.
* Floating corpses near bonfire
* Crates that captains log are on clip into rock
* The Rotter patrol near the prison gets stuck on a rock
* Um, the prison is pretty easy to get out of. Not only are there boxes to jump up on but some of the bars are far enough apart that you can just walk through.
* Ogre half way up wall. But someone already mentioned that.
* You can free the prisoners before being told about them. The sequence with setting fire to the platform is nicely done, but it feels kind of silly if I've already opened the prison door. Similarly the archers that are supposed to kill anything that moves down there are too far away to attack. Once again not much to be done about this but you could add an invisible wall with something like "There are too many enemies ahead, to proceed would be certain death yada yadda..." to stop this happening.
* Penultimate boss is tagged as group "Foulspawn".
* Ach. I didn't find all of the items. Never mind...
2nd Edit: Oh and the combat seemed pretty reasonable for solo. For a 54 CW at least.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
I finished mine finally (that's a lot of work to develop one of these)!
I'll review whoever posts after me. The person above me should review mine. Thanks!
Weird of the Weather-witch - NW-DEZAK4QPA
Thanks for the very detailed review notes, lostcharta! I think I fixed/adjusted everything you noted. A few were part of the built-in decorations, so I couldn't change those. Dorian's mannerisms/movement (e.g on all fours at one point) are intentional; part of his transformation (not exactly what I wanted, but as close as I could get).
My Reviews:
Feast of the Moon - excellent! I'm really looking forward to parts 2 & 3. The fight in the red crystal room was quite challenging, since I could barely see the attack indicator graphics under the red water
I noticed only a few very minor issues. The Elf Visitor dialogue has furniture spelled wrong. I think "Meat, Meat, Meat" should be "Meat, meat, meat". And I think the correct grammar should be "It was I who..." (instead of whom). Not certain about that last one though.
Rising of the Dark - very well done. I found they story quite engaging. I didn't notice any flaws/typos/etc. Overall, I liked chapter 1 a little more. In this one, the overall pacing was too constant. I think it could be a little better with some crescendos, like some mini-bosses perhaps. I expected getting the 3 items would be a bit more tricky/challenging after the intro dialogue. I'm a TR, but I didn't notice any traps in the crypt (even after the girl's warning). But, I didn't have time to explore the whole area. The ending (at least the one I picked) was very good.
Shadow of the World - Wow! What an amazing conclusion to that campaign. Loved it! The Devourer fight was quite a challenge (let's just say I'm glad the respawn point was nearby). Awesome lighting effects. Too bad sounds isn't working well. I assume you have for Jubel's trap and such. LOL at Jubel the Sorry. The disembodied voices in the Labyrinth of Despair were great. Overall, the mood was terrific.
A few minor typos and such:
- some floating rocks on the path with the green lights
- Hexacron: "been many worlds" should be "been to many worlds". "is sigh" should be "is a sigh"
- a few times you used "it's" when you should have used "its" - on Hexacron and the Shadow Emissary dialogue
- the Lost Soul patrols onto the tent
xhritMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Oh, you are going to have fun!
Part III, Shadow of the World, is the one that needs reviews, as parts I and II already qualify for foundry daily quest rewards.
Thing is, you won't understand the story unless you play the first two parts.
All three the quests take about ~10-15 min each to speed run through, but there are tons of side quests, alternate paths, lore objects, secret shortcuts, and other things to do that it makes the average playtimes really high.
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
I'll have another go at this.
Quests are in my sig. The Vault is newer and needs checking (for combat difficulty especially) but I've recently made some changes to the crypt that could do with a look. Do whichever you wish.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
I'll have another go at this.
Quests are in my sig. The Vault is newer and needs checking (for combat difficulty especially) but I've recently made some changes to the crypt that could do with a look. Do whichever you wish.
Ran The Linkwell Crypt w/ my gf, because we wanted to start your campaign at the start. Overall it was a great quest; the dialog was rather amusing, the encounters were not too difficult (we were duo; idk how it would be solo), and I really liked the fake chest at the end. I would have given it 5/5 but I got stuck in the crypt in the room with the dead body at top of stairs and had to use /killme. She gave it 5 stars, as she didn't get stuck. ^^
You should lower the stairs so it is not so high, or if you can't do that, remove the stairs entirely. Also, you could maybe make the crypt a bit smaller, but leave the same number of mobs in, so the pacing is a bit better. There were a few times where it felt like we were just running through empty halls.
Everything else was perfect; fix that 1 room and I will give you your last star.
Everdark is my quest that needs reviews most; it is standalone and has nothing whatsoever to do with my other 3 quests, so you don't need to run the first three to know what is going on.
vuelheringMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I think you did the wrong order, xhrit.... you should be reviewing whomever posts in this spot here.... If I were doing it, then I'd watch this thread and review the person's FQ that posted following me. By a gentleman's agreement, I'd then review it.
It's a good concept, as it allows the reviewee to pick the reviewer, by posting after his post.
Okay since I'm not sure xhrit got his review I decided to review him and who ever posts after me. I have two quest in for review
The first is my first fondry atempt. "In defence of the Beggar King" NW-DHJPT25G4 It is a 45 min solo dungion type quest chain with alot of small, but stong ecounters. It still is fun with two players but 2+2compaions it gets alittle easy. Don't use the portal if your up to "open the door" as I added it to fix a extreamly long run back between "search the southren caves" and "open the door". I then relized if you do not die untill after "open the door" your being teleported the wrong way. Someting I cant fix with editor closed.
The second is "The Infinity chest" NW-DKAAXTP4W This one is a brutal 10 min "survial"/"hord mode" type qwest that starts easy but even with a guradin using a cleric pet, I find im ussing pots as soon as I can towrds end.
You can pick either or to play. It is apreciated.
Found this quest vey well done. Good map. No glitches unless the spiders in the corners at the end were supose to agro into boss fight. I missed the ring so I think I missed the love story aspect. The nock out and caged part was nicly done. I started off with a lvl 22 greatsword with greatsword pet solo, but after ussing 6 pots and a portable alter only half way in I swiched to my cleric pet and never used another pot the rest of the way down. The story felt as if it was rich in d&d lore.
45 min story driven solo dungon. Branching dialogs. Multiple mid boss encounters. More small groups of tuff mobs then trash spam. "In defence of the Beggar King" now elidgable for daily foundry. NW-DHJPT25G4
10 min short but sweat. Amusing story and dialog. Light humor. Creative hord/survival mode hybred. Detailed eviroment. Entense combat with little no respite. Lovable contact npc. "The Infinity Chest" NW-DHKAAXTP4W
Yeah, I think a lot of people seem to have lost track, lol. I don't think mine ever got reviewed, or if it did it didn't update in-game.
"No Prey, No Pay" - NW-DG2XDJH84
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
I think you'll like my quest.. Ye Old Chuckle Hut ( NW-DQ1PGH6HW )
Link: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?247731-Ye-Old-Chuckle-Hut&highlight=chuckle
Protector's Enclaves first comedy tavern complete with Heckling, 'comedian control devices', and a sacrifice of the worst comedian at the end of the show. Lemme know what u think.
I Played Escaping the king of ghouls. I was unable to finish the quest. For me one of the objectives (heading back to the mortrurary from the crypt) was behind a wall so I could not go back after killing the 5 ghouls. Up to that point things were going well though.
by: @odoofmetz
Tag: Combat
Sub Tag: Solo (but bring potions ^_^ and pull smartly while you move quickly), Story, Crypt, Outdoor
Something is killing the members of the Morticians guild in Neverwinter - and stealing away with the bodies of the recently embalmed dead. Herbert West, de-animator of the undead, has called upon your services due to the recent death of his adventuring partner, Rorik Caskcracker. Being an undertaker himself, Herbert knows he is a potential target and has sought out your aid in what turns into a cross planar adventure.
Its not too long, but its fairly difficult with some unique fights.
Search code - NW-DIYMYKKVY
Average Duration - 20 minutes
In game description:
"After a night at the Driftwood Tavern you overhear some men talking about a noble that's looking for someone special. They tell you of a house that's tucked away... away from prying eyes. The next day you poke around Neverwinter until you find a house that seems to be invisible to all others, even the guards. You knock on the door."
Who's up?
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Did the quest. I liked that you put a little effort into effects and some outdoor customization. Story had a good flow. You need to work on mixing up encounters. You over-used the same mobs. The last map was ok, but needed some TLC in the decoration department. The final boss did strike me as a "time" being. He was more like an undead. Overall good quest, but you can spend more time on making it your own.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
My quest: NW-DDJJA7X98
The Camp and bandits
Solo quest with a great story
Ezrianova skrysa
Quest in sig
Review of Weird of the Weather-witch
General comments
Really pretty good. I liked the plot and the cave was very well constructed with lots of water and fauna to make it seem realistic.
The cove was kind of empty in contrast, but what can you really put on a beach? Maybe more rocks and trees near the edges, off the sandy bit. Or wreckage from past shipwrecks. Maybe birds circling overhead.
The tavern was nice and lively.
* One of the bouncers on the door looks quite silly constantly doing the "Threaten" animation.
* Mosby not lined up with wall
* Keg of ale on bar has 2 in it's name
* How long did it take you to write that barmaid conversation?
* Talking with Jess pulls the camera into the wall. Not sure what you can do about this other than have her face another direction.
* In Gwindeths room some of the books are floating. Also behind sofa something is sunken into floor
* At the very end of hall, item clipping into wall. Rhyme in comment unintentional.
* Plant near seeing stone, into wall. Also one near mosby. Actually a few of the plants. Debatable if this is a problem, could just be their leaves bending.
* Room near caption Dorian. Fire in fireplace clipping into back wall.
* Spear holding up banner near Dorian does not touch banner
* Screw you Dorian. I wondered what those boxes were.
* The ship's sails are immovable and dug into the sand. Not much you could do about this, we work with what cryptic gives us. Maybe rotate the ship a little so at least you can't walk into them?
* I like how you've used rocks to restrict the size of the cove and make it more ominous but you can get under the rocks and out from the cove at a point on the south eastern edge. Follow the wall from Dorian and check on the edge. It was kind of neat finding it actually. You could just close up the far end and put another hidden object in there.
* The name "Large Sand Spider Ambusher" (at least I assume that's what it was) is a little too long and gets truncated with dot dot dot. You could leave out the "Large" part. Its implied by context.
* At this point Dorian has the name "Dorian #4"
* Dorian is running on all fours in the cave. Was this intended?
* Many of the mushrooms all around the cave system are floating off the ground.
* Floating corpses near bonfire
* Crates that captains log are on clip into rock
* The Rotter patrol near the prison gets stuck on a rock
* Um, the prison is pretty easy to get out of. Not only are there boxes to jump up on but some of the bars are far enough apart that you can just walk through.
* Ogre half way up wall. But someone already mentioned that.
* You can free the prisoners before being told about them. The sequence with setting fire to the platform is nicely done, but it feels kind of silly if I've already opened the prison door. Similarly the archers that are supposed to kill anything that moves down there are too far away to attack. Once again not much to be done about this but you could add an invisible wall with something like "There are too many enemies ahead, to proceed would be certain death yada yadda..." to stop this happening.
* Penultimate boss is tagged as group "Foulspawn".
* Ach. I didn't find all of the items. Never mind...
2nd Edit: Oh and the combat seemed pretty reasonable for solo. For a 54 CW at least.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
I'll review whoever posts after me. The person above me should review mine. Thanks!
Weird of the Weather-witch - NW-DEZAK4QPA
Thanks for the very detailed review notes, lostcharta! I think I fixed/adjusted everything you noted. A few were part of the built-in decorations, so I couldn't change those. Dorian's mannerisms/movement (e.g on all fours at one point) are intentional; part of his transformation (not exactly what I wanted, but as close as I could get).
My Reviews:
Feast of the Moon - excellent! I'm really looking forward to parts 2 & 3. The fight in the red crystal room was quite challenging, since I could barely see the attack indicator graphics under the red water
I noticed only a few very minor issues. The Elf Visitor dialogue has furniture spelled wrong. I think "Meat, Meat, Meat" should be "Meat, meat, meat". And I think the correct grammar should be "It was I who..." (instead of whom). Not certain about that last one though.
Rising of the Dark - very well done. I found they story quite engaging. I didn't notice any flaws/typos/etc. Overall, I liked chapter 1 a little more. In this one, the overall pacing was too constant. I think it could be a little better with some crescendos, like some mini-bosses perhaps. I expected getting the 3 items would be a bit more tricky/challenging after the intro dialogue. I'm a TR, but I didn't notice any traps in the crypt (even after the girl's warning). But, I didn't have time to explore the whole area. The ending (at least the one I picked) was very good.
Shadow of the World - Wow! What an amazing conclusion to that campaign. Loved it! The Devourer fight was quite a challenge (let's just say I'm glad the respawn point was nearby). Awesome lighting effects. Too bad sounds isn't working well. I assume you have for Jubel's trap and such. LOL at Jubel the Sorry. The disembodied voices in the Labyrinth of Despair were great. Overall, the mood was terrific.
A few minor typos and such:
- some floating rocks on the path with the green lights
- Hexacron: "been many worlds" should be "been to many worlds". "is sigh" should be "is a sigh"
- a few times you used "it's" when you should have used "its" - on Hexacron and the Shadow Emissary dialogue
- the Lost Soul patrols onto the tent
Great finish - highly recommended!
The Cursed Emerald:
Part III, Shadow of the World, is the one that needs reviews, as parts I and II already qualify for foundry daily quest rewards.
Thing is, you won't understand the story unless you play the first two parts.
All three the quests take about ~10-15 min each to speed run through, but there are tons of side quests, alternate paths, lore objects, secret shortcuts, and other things to do that it makes the average playtimes really high.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
Quests are in my sig. The Vault is newer and needs checking (for combat difficulty especially) but I've recently made some changes to the crypt that could do with a look. Do whichever you wish.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
Ran The Linkwell Crypt w/ my gf, because we wanted to start your campaign at the start. Overall it was a great quest; the dialog was rather amusing, the encounters were not too difficult (we were duo; idk how it would be solo), and I really liked the fake chest at the end. I would have given it 5/5 but I got stuck in the crypt in the room with the dead body at top of stairs and had to use /killme. She gave it 5 stars, as she didn't get stuck. ^^
You should lower the stairs so it is not so high, or if you can't do that, remove the stairs entirely. Also, you could maybe make the crypt a bit smaller, but leave the same number of mobs in, so the pacing is a bit better. There were a few times where it felt like we were just running through empty halls.
Everything else was perfect; fix that 1 room and I will give you your last star.
Everdark is my quest that needs reviews most; it is standalone and has nothing whatsoever to do with my other 3 quests, so you don't need to run the first three to know what is going on.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
It's a good concept, as it allows the reviewee to pick the reviewer, by posting after his post.
Foundry name: Vuelherring (with an extra 'R', matey)
"Bring out yer Dead" NW-DAI945C2G #humor #story #solo
The first is my first fondry atempt. "In defence of the Beggar King" NW-DHJPT25G4 It is a 45 min solo dungion type quest chain with alot of small, but stong ecounters. It still is fun with two players but 2+2compaions it gets alittle easy. Don't use the portal if your up to "open the door" as I added it to fix a extreamly long run back between "search the southren caves" and "open the door". I then relized if you do not die untill after "open the door" your being teleported the wrong way. Someting I cant fix with editor closed.
The second is "The Infinity chest" NW-DKAAXTP4W This one is a brutal 10 min "survial"/"hord mode" type qwest that starts easy but even with a guradin using a cleric pet, I find im ussing pots as soon as I can towrds end.
You can pick either or to play. It is apreciated.
Found this quest vey well done. Good map. No glitches unless the spiders in the corners at the end were supose to agro into boss fight. I missed the ring so I think I missed the love story aspect. The nock out and caged part was nicly done. I started off with a lvl 22 greatsword with greatsword pet solo, but after ussing 6 pots and a portable alter only half way in I swiched to my cleric pet and never used another pot the rest of the way down. The story felt as if it was rich in d&d lore.
10 min short but sweat. Amusing story and dialog. Light humor. Creative hord/survival mode hybred. Detailed eviroment. Entense combat with little no respite. Lovable contact npc. "The Infinity Chest" NW-DHKAAXTP4W