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If Mad Dragon is any indication of things to come you can have it...



  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mad Dragon is actually easier in the Epic 60 version than the normal 35ish version.

    Definitely the first difficult dungeon you encounter, and I'd argue harder than the rest of the normals after (though Grey Wolf Den's final boss can be rough for some groups too).
  • zeldainkneehighszeldainkneehighs Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    I'd argue harder than the rest of the normals after (though Grey Wolf Den's final boss can be rough for some groups too).

    Agreed. Also, when people realize they have heals, can use potions, and don't need to zerg every boss and control adds --- you will do much better. Then again, the community for the most part are ****ing dead in the brain and will never figure that out. It reminds me of playing League of Legends.
  • daschladaschla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 240 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I gave it a whack at 34ish If I recall, and it was a failure. The CW fancied himself a DPS and adds were fully ignored.
    Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
  • apocalypseincapocalypseinc Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daschla wrote: »
    I gave it a whack at 34ish If I recall, and it was a failure. The CW fancied himself a DPS and adds were fully ignored.


    Part of that is just going to be the prohibitive costs of respending Powers and Feats.

    I'm a Renegade Wizard at the moment. Could I respend my Feats/Powers to crowd control better? Possibly with regard to Powers, absolutely with regard to Feats. Am I able to? No - because I'm not tossing money at the game to do it. I'll toss a little money at the game now and then but there's no way I'm tossing the amount needed to respec on a whim or a fight-to-fight basis like in, say, WoW. It's just not happening.

    So I'm stuck as Renegade, even when Oppressor would be better for some fights.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Part of that is just going to be the prohibitive costs of respending Powers and Feats.

    I'm a Renegade Wizard at the moment. Could I respend my Feats/Powers to crowd control better? Possibly with regard to Powers, absolutely with regard to Feats. Am I able to? No - because I'm not tossing money at the game to do it. I'll toss a little money at the game now and then but there's no way I'm tossing the amount needed to respec on a whim or a fight-to-fight basis like in, say, WoW. It's just not happening.

    So I'm stuck as Renegade, even when Oppressor would be better for some fights.

    That really have so very little to do with your ability to control as a wizard. It's mainly the powers you select. You should have more then enough points to pick control powers as well as damage powers and swap at will, regardless of your feats.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dogasi wrote: »
    A few groups later and many many potions, I don't like it. I struggled as a lvl 34 cleric with a solid group helping all they could but at the last 25% or so it just got stupid with the adds. Anyone else getting crushed there? Im sure I can level up and go back at 38 but what happens with the endgame?
    It's hard for me to trust those who made it played it and said "thats great!" Maybe that dungeon isn't as intended. Are Higher level dungeons similar? same? worse?

    tl, dr: but short answer, if you are going to cry and quit because level 34 content is too hard, l2p and good riddance.
  • pope292pope292 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So basically, the right tactic is to take care of the adds first. If that's so simple, why do so many PUGs fail? Or am I missing something and there is something more to it?
  • qaeroqaero Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pope292 wrote: »
    So basically, the right tactic is to take care of the adds first. If that's so simple, why do so many PUGs fail? Or am I missing something and there is something more to it?

    I think many fail because it's the first encounter in the game that causes a paradigm shift in tactics. Once you learn that encounter and apply it to future encounters (as they all are pretty much the same...avoid red, kill adds) it makes the following ones seem easy by comparison.
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a more of a real issue than the difficulty of a dungeon. Mad dragon is hard...but i see it doable if the group communicates I mean voice chat is included with the game. My issue is with the class of cleric. You automatically get stuck as the role of a healer when they are REALLY awesome damage dealers. I should be allowed to play my character how I want and not how someone else thinks I should play my character. That's what D&D is all about. Making your character all your own. So my suggestion is to put in a job selection in when joining a que. Tank, Healer, or Damage. A lot of MMO's do this and it works wondrously.

    And about the dungeon difficulty Please don't listen to the farmers that just want to speed trough a dungeon for loot and diamonds. Mad dragon is fine in difficulty. It was an epic and awesome fight... like it's supposed to be. (although the adds are kind of pointless when fighting a green dragon.) Not saying make it easier, just lighten up on the adds and make the dragon difficult but doable fight. Like giving it a tail swipe or bite attack. That way it's still a thinking fight and not a face roll or a healers and ranged to run for their lives for most of the encounter fight. I would love to see that instance with just the dragon at the end and it be an epic fight without the need for adds. Cause well in D&D Dragons are usually encountered alone cause.... they're freaking dragons.

    Epic Wolf's den is hard to. With the right set up you can conquer the dungeon with a chance to still wipe.
    I was doing Epic wolf and the tank wanted me to keep control of all the mobs and dps the entire fight, I told him I could do only one not both (Two CW are mandatory to have a smooth transition to loot.).
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

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