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How to fairly fix rogues

kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Thieves' Den
Simply remove their ability to do ranged attacks in PvP. Make their ranged attack become a melee attack.

Now before all you "I only want to play rogues because they are overpowered and take less skill than any other class to play" people start flaming the idea, look at it for its actual merits....

Rogues are an assassin type class. They are meant to sneak up (stealth), Disable (several forms including stun, slow etc), and kill (extreme melee burst damage) their opponents. Their ranged attack is overkill. Its bad enough having to try and stay away from a rogue because they stealth up to you, jump on you and run you down with higher movement, but then on top of all that they do crazy ranged damage, more than my cleric does with ranged attacks.

So if you think about it with your eyes and brains open, it really does make sense. Rogues do not need nor warrant ranged attacks in pvp.
Post edited by kato009 on


  • idiocyincarnateidiocyincarnate Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then you don't need Astral Shield stacking. Fine with me!
  • solresolsolresol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    True enough, save the missile damage for the incoming Ranger
  • seryiyirisseryiyiris Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sure, remove our ranged attacks. We'll take more mobility to compensate so we can stick on you with our regular attacks then.

    Also, as said before, we'll take your Astral Shields being able to stack, too. Sound good? No?

    Sorry then, we're going to keep throwing our knives at you.
  • bestcarrynabestcarryna Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    oh what, can't handle a couple knives?
    Kaenerys - Mindflayer - TR
  • agent2090agent2090 Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »

    Rogues are an assassin type class.

    And assassins never throw stuff, right?
  • hearsticlesicushearsticlesicus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »
    but then on top of all that they do crazy ranged damage, more than my cleric does with ranged attacks..

  • kryusskryuss Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Typical post of someone who isn't skilled enough to handle that class. I don't know you, but from what u've said I guess u came to make this thread right after some rogue owned you. No sugestions, no facts, no numbers, just moaning and being angry in particular.. calm down, try out the rogue and its mechanics before you start saying how OP it is, maybe u'll realize its not that easy to play it well.. I guess it doesn't feel good when someone's is permanently killing you. But maybe he's really good player :).. From my experience, I can handle and kill 2 ppl with my rogue, as long as they'r not skilled.. as soon as I meet an average skilled CW, without precise dodging and using impossible to catch in right moment.. I can pretty much do nothing, more like die trying :).. For instance, sometimes I'm having a game when I just roll over everyone and it seems to be OP, as u said, and easy.. then I log again boosted by playing well, I meet other group and I'm last, couldn't really do much. There's important points in pvp.. its ur skill vs. skill of ur opponents, but mostly it's your group and it's tactics, playstyle. If you zerg in a middle then you can except gettind owned by rogue. Sorry, this is getting long and boring but I feel like this system is pretty fair. If ur skilled, you can really "own", if not you getting "owned", no matter class u playing. What happened with GW2... thief was well designed in beta, yet many casual players kept moaning how OP it is. Well then, they nerfed it.. not because it was really OP, more because there's more casual than hardcore players in GW2, so they can't afford to lose them.. I'm not saying u gotta play all day long so ur good, that wouldn't be fair to casual players. But pvp is about being quick, tactical thinking more than about hours u spent playing it. Anyone can learn it, so please don't say it's OP just because u met someone better. No offense
  • stormshadow73stormshadow73 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why do non-rogues ccome to this forum to tell us how to "fix" rogues? I mean, what are you hoping for? That we will agree and in turn ask the devs to take away our 1 ranged attack? Get a clue and then gtfo.
  • b0r7b0r7 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP is obviously butt hurt and has hasn't played a rogue before. Its doubtful that 12 daggers can kill a single player (not that I haven't played but 1 match, cause its boring as <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>) but that the daggers on a 3 second recharge to refill it and it takes 36 seconds to max it out from 0 daggers back to 12. Its useful to kill off weak NPC (where I use it more) running towards you but its faster to do several thousand K to a boss type NPC in several seconds in melee then stand back in range and chuck daggers at it.

    Recap: Players have thousands of hitpoints, even at 31 currently for me (just over 7000 hitpoints) I belive on a full 12 knife toss it would do about 2000 (I think) but I can do thousands more in same time in melee. Melee is far more effective, so rogues are not a ranged class.
  • awdeohawdeoh Member Posts: 53
    edited May 2013
    I could live without COS as far as the class and it's role goes. I'd love to see combat advantage removed in place of a positional damage, which forces us to use stealth and maneuver to get in behind people.

    But if you take away one thing, the whiners will want more. Give and inch, take a mile.

    Bring all the other classes up to our level so they have as much fun as us. Don't pull us down to theirs so we have to enjoy the game as little as they seem to.
  • tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another low level scrub crying for rogue nerf. Too bad it's not going to happen. I fkin guarantee the least amount of class played at level 60 are rogues for pvp. Most of them reroll to GF or CW, the REAL pvp classes.
  • talvos38talvos38 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    Another low level scrub crying for rogue nerf. Too bad it's not going to happen. I fkin guarantee the least amount of class played at level 60 are rogues for pvp. Most of them reroll to GF or CW, the REAL pvp classes.

    this has to be the most ignorant quote i have seen so far on these forums...
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    awdeoh wrote: »
    I could live without COS as far as the class and it's role goes. I'd love to see combat advantage removed in place of a positional damage, which forces us to use stealth and maneuver to get in behind people.

    But if you take away one thing, the whiners will want more. Give and inch, take a mile.

    Bring all the other classes up to our level so they have as much fun as us. Don't pull us down to theirs so we have to enjoy the game as little as they seem to.

    Thats just it though.

    It's nothing like that at all.

    TR's Are so easy to kill. I rolled a CW and Obliterated one. Simply by knowing what he's guna try and do.

    Problem is people are not learning fast enough. They see big numbers on them and they are like "**** op that TR must have killed me all on his own."

    If you work properly as a team no class is op. just the synergy of all the classes put together.

    CW - hold the target and aoe
    GF - Harass the enemy and requires little healing support.
    GWF - stun lock the healer/Target and aoe
    TR - DPS and burst down the target or harass a target.
    Hlr - Heals & can cause a large problem when played well.

    Separate these and you get

    CW - Can hold for a short burst but will get overrun very quickly. Can try an escape but will most likely get caught. Good ones can **** someone in seconds.
    GF - Can last for ages but struggles to kill more then 1-2 targets on his own. Has a very viable option to retreat easily.
    GWF - Can take down someone fairly quick but will get overrun from 2 good people. Can retreat easily.
    TR - Can easily take on 2 people and burst them down just as easily and quickly as they can kill the TR.
    Hlr - Can handle itself for a long time vs multiple people. But only when played properly. Dies very quickly vs TRs due to lack of dodging and mobility.

    Fact is if you nerf TR's, you are guna get the forums FLOODED with people wanting to nerf all the other classes because of lack of dps. If you increase dps on the other classes you are guna get SHHHHHAT ON by good teams.

    Here's a tip - if you know TR's are a problem how about you guys start focusing them more. I see people ignoring me all the time and going straight for the healer when knowing full well I'm lurking behind theirs.

    Sometimes the healer isn't the one you should focus first when you have a squishy TR running around the place.

    Get your CW to hold him and GF + GWF locking him down also get the CW to push the others away without pushing the TR.

    Seriously people get a grip and start playing properly instead of expecting your "expert previous knowledge" to carry you.

    It's a new game - learn how to play it.
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • kryusskryuss Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    awdeoh wrote: »
    I could live without COS as far as the class and it's role goes. I'd love to see combat advantage removed in place of a positional damage, which forces us to use stealth and maneuver to get in behind people.

    Big disagree.. nobody is forcing you, that's very strong word, to get behind your target. But, if you are able to do it, u get some bonuses from it. It's not like if you can't stick on someone's back, TR is useless.. I like this system alot, if you skilled enough you get some bonus. That's how it should be
  • awdeohawdeoh Member Posts: 53
    edited May 2013
    kryuss wrote: »
    Big disagree.. nobody is forcing you, that's very strong word, to get behind your target. But, if you are able to do it, u get some bonuses from it. It's not like if you can't stick on someone's back, TR is useless.. I like this system alot, if you skilled enough you get some bonus. That's how it should be

    I'm not saying 'forces' in a way that means it's mandatory.. chill out. I'm just spitballing the idea of a positional damage that Burglars get in LOTRO, which I think is much closer to my idea of how a rogue class should operate. The positional damage would start at something like a 15% bonus, and be able to be modified by feats. IMO the 'combat advantage' idea seems a little weird for a Rogue. It may work for other melee classes, perhaps implemented when they full off a stun, daze or whatever which triggers combat advantage.. but for Rogues, it just seems like a last minute add-on.

    As far as PvP, I haven't even stepped in, I'm still leveling my Rogue. I'm just getting sick of everyone complaining that Rogues need to be nerfed, and I'm trying to do my part to talk some sense into morons who think that the best option is to drag a good class down into the mud, instead of raising the other classes up. Replying to OP's suggestion, I can deal with our ranged knives being cut, or even split into a different path which trades off melee DPS for range. Just sayin'.

    And agreed with e11z's comments on learning to play the class properly.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The concept of a fix is that something is broken. Nothing is broken. Our ranged attack is low damage, relatively, anyone in their right mind would PREFER a rogue be tossing daggers at them than stabbing them. Unless of course you mean you think it would be "balanced and fair" to have the rogue unable to fight back and locked down at range? Something like slowed/chilled and pushed back, hmm? Yea, that sounds much more "fair".
  • penonationpenonation Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »
    Simply remove their ability to do ranged attacks in PvP. Make their ranged attack become a melee attack.

    Now before all you "I only want to play rogues because they are overpowered and take less skill than any other class to play" people start flaming the idea, look at it for its actual merits....

    Rogues are an assassin type class. They are meant to sneak up (stealth), Disable (several forms including stun, slow etc), and kill (extreme melee burst damage) their opponents. Their ranged attack is overkill. Its bad enough having to try and stay away from a rogue because they stealth up to you, jump on you and run you down with higher movement, but then on top of all that they do crazy ranged damage, more than my cleric does with ranged attacks.

    So if you think about it with your eyes and brains open, it really does make sense. Rogues do not need nor warrant ranged attacks in pvp.
    I actually agree that Rogue ranged DPS could use a little fine-tuning (and I am a Rogue). However, your reasoning is flawed. Saying "They are meant to sneak up (stealth), Disable (several forms including stun, slow etc), and kill (extreme melee burst damage) their opponents" and then following it up with "they do crazy ranged damage, more than my cleric does with ranged attacks" is pretty comical. Using your own logic, Clerics are meant to heal people and excel against undead. Why would you expect your ranged attacks to do more damage than an assassin?
  • werepedobearwerepedobear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    nice to see what class all the L2p bozos made. INB4 the nerf. and the crying that ensues afterwards. This game needs balance, starting with the ever so popular TR. you're a hypocrite if you dont think so.
  • nemonusnemonus Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »
    Simply remove their ability to do ranged attacks in PvP. Make their ranged attack become a melee attack.

    Now before all you "I only want to play rogues because they are overpowered and take less skill than any other class to play" people start flaming the idea, look at it for its actual merits....

    Rogues are an assassin type class. They are meant to sneak up (stealth), Disable (several forms including stun, slow etc), and kill (extreme melee burst damage) their opponents. Their ranged attack is overkill. Its bad enough having to try and stay away from a rogue because they stealth up to you, jump on you and run you down with higher movement, but then on top of all that they do crazy ranged damage, more than my cleric does with ranged attacks.

    So if you think about it with your eyes and brains open, it really does make sense. Rogues do not need nor warrant ranged attacks in pvp.

    Sure. But first nerf CW ridiculous damage output for a "control" class, and make Cleric's blue shield less game-breaking. Then you can take away out only means of killing enemies who run away. Your cleric isn't a DPS class, so it shouldn't be doing more damage than us in any situation. Sort of like how we have extremely low defense, and can't heal ourselves in any situation.

    Stop posting on our forums please.
  • cloudspidercloudspider Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ET go home
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then you don't need Astral Shield stacking. Fine with me!

    I am not high enough level to aquire this skill but from reading the summary of it, it does not sound like it does devastating damage to me, nor does it sound as if it is out of line of the cleric class, but alas I admit I have not used it yet.
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    seryiyiris wrote: »
    Sure, remove our ranged attacks. We'll take more mobility to compensate so we can stick on you with our regular attacks then.

    Also, as said before, we'll take your Astral Shields being able to stack, too. Sound good? No?

    Sorry then, we're going to keep throwing our knives at you.

    Of course you want to keep everything you have and still say you need more. OP classes never admit it.
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kryuss wrote: »
    Typical post of someone who isn't skilled enough to handle that class. I don't know you, but from what u've said I guess u came to make this thread right after some rogue owned you. No sugestions, no facts, no numbers, just moaning and being angry in particular.. calm down, try out the rogue and its mechanics before you start saying how OP it is, maybe u'll realize its not that easy to play it well.. I guess it doesn't feel good when someone's is permanently killing you. But maybe he's really good player :).. From my experience, I can handle and kill 2 ppl with my rogue, as long as they'r not skilled.. as soon as I meet an average skilled CW, without precise dodging and using impossible to catch in right moment.. I can pretty much do nothing, more like die trying :).. For instance, sometimes I'm having a game when I just roll over everyone and it seems to be OP, as u said, and easy.. then I log again boosted by playing well, I meet other group and I'm last, couldn't really do much. There's important points in pvp.. its ur skill vs. skill of ur opponents, but mostly it's your group and it's tactics, playstyle. If you zerg in a middle then you can except gettind owned by rogue. Sorry, this is getting long and boring but I feel like this system is pretty fair. If ur skilled, you can really "own", if not you getting "owned", no matter class u playing. What happened with GW2... thief was well designed in beta, yet many casual players kept moaning how OP it is. Well then, they nerfed it.. not because it was really OP, more because there's more casual than hardcore players in GW2, so they can't afford to lose them.. I'm not saying u gotta play all day long so ur good, that wouldn't be fair to casual players. But pvp is about being quick, tactical thinking more than about hours u spent playing it. Anyone can learn it, so please don't say it's OP just because u met someone better. No offense

    First of all, learn some grammar, all those u's and ur's make me immediately doubt your intelligence.

    Second of all, you were correct, you do not know me. And yet you presume to know my skill level, my reason for posting, claim I am whining and crying and angry, that I dont know my class or the rogue class...... whew that's alot of assumptions.
    You might want to get your crystal ball checked because it is broken.
    My skill level, from reactions I get from other players, is well above average, so wrong there.
    My reason for posting is to offer a possible solution to a very obvious problem, so wrong there.
    Some rogue did not "own" me, I am posting because of the obvious imbalance that needs addressing, so wrong there.
    You say I make no suggestions, but my post IS a suggestion, so wrong there.
    Being angry in particular... There is no anger in my thread, just a statement and a suggestion, so wrong there.
    Assuming someone was permanently killing me, wrong there.

    Do you see a pattern here ?

    Yes, I do agree with one thing you posted, that PvP has alot to do with player skill, tactics and group make-up. BUT that really has nothing to do with my post. My post is not asking to limit one rogue per pvp round, I am simply stating that I do believe that rogues should not possess ranged attacks in pvp since their role is to be melee assassins.

    Automatically jumping to conclusions is part of the problem of testers. It is not your job to assume anything. Your job is to test the game and give feedback in an intelligent and articulate manner. And as my father always told me, if you are not of the solution then you are part of the problem.

    So use a little intelligence and give actual feedback and solutions, not assumptions.

    Thank You.
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    b0r7 wrote: »
    OP is obviously butt hurt and has hasn't played a rogue before. Its doubtful that 12 daggers can kill a single player (not that I haven't played but 1 match, cause its boring as <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>) but that the daggers on a 3 second recharge to refill it and it takes 36 seconds to max it out from 0 daggers back to 12. Its useful to kill off weak NPC (where I use it more) running towards you but its faster to do several thousand K to a boss type NPC in several seconds in melee then stand back in range and chuck daggers at it.

    Recap: Players have thousands of hitpoints, even at 31 currently for me (just over 7000 hitpoints) I belive on a full 12 knife toss it would do about 2000 (I think) but I can do thousands more in same time in melee. Melee is far more effective, so rogues are not a ranged class.

    If the ranged attack is so awful then losing it should not be a problem ?!?!
  • kato009kato009 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nemonus wrote: »
    Sure. But first nerf CW ridiculous damage output for a "control" class, and make Cleric's blue shield less game-breaking. Then you can take away out only means of killing enemies who run away. Your cleric isn't a DPS class, so it shouldn't be doing more damage than us in any situation. Sort of like how we have extremely low defense, and can't heal ourselves in any situation.

    Stop posting on our forums please.

    First of all, The reason for the rogue forums is to discuss the rogue class. Not just those that play the class but those who play with and against them as well. Clerics ONLY attacks are ranged attacks and spells. So even hinting that we should do <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage with ranged is stupid almost as dumb as claiming you cant heal yourselves in any situation. POTIONS are self healers and if you run any dungeon you know to use them because in this game the "Healer" class is not really a healer class. It is more of a hybrid class that has a little healing and more agro generation than the rest of the group combined.
  • nemonusnemonus Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »
    Of course you want to keep everything you have and still say you need more. OP classes never admit it.

    That's a possibility. Another possibility is that you're just wrong.

    Rogues need ranged attacks, because all of our primary damage skills require an enemy to be standing still. They also have huge wind-up animations.
  • nemonusnemonus Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    kato009 wrote: »
    First of all, The reason for the rogue forums is to discuss the rogue class. Not just those that play the class but those who play with and against them as well. Clerics ONLY attacks are ranged attacks and spells. So even hinting that we should do <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage with ranged is stupid almost as dumb as claiming you cant heal yourselves in any situation. POTIONS are self healers and if you run any dungeon you know to use them because in this game the "Healer" class is not really a healer class. It is more of a hybrid class that has a little healing and more agro generation than the rest of the group combined.

    Your attacks don't matter. You're a cleric. You have your role and you're mad that you can't do everything else. Clerics should by far be the least effective strikes of all of the classes. And guess what? They are. If the class is poorly made, then that's a problem for the developers.

  • utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First, you admit you are not level 60 so that you do not access some of cleric key powers to make them shine.

    Secondly, you said that your skill level is above average. Then there is a high chance that you got owned or outsmarted by skillful rogues. And unfortunately for you, since they find that you are an easy target, they always take you down first.

    Thirdly, in pvp, skills, gears and team play are really important. Do not expect a player with greens going to own another with purples. A well organized team which means they have a all-round team with the holy trinity and/or have better team play will pawn the worse one regardless your skill level, remember one man wont win the match. For example, a smart team will always protect and destroy anyone touching their key players like clerics or control wizards. If you are getting destroyed by rogues which mean your teammates do not take care of you enough or simply you wander too far from them or they are just too weak to protect you.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
  • dwillbdwillb Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. Delete PvP. We don't need all this nonsense in a DnD game.
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    dwillb wrote: »
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. Delete PvP. We don't need all this nonsense in a DnD game.

    I don't think anyone forces you to play PvP. Personally, I like it a lot. And I've played D&D for about 20 years, on computer and tabletop. People have different tastes, but you seem to be one of the people, who are happy to sacrifice other people's fun as long as it doesn't affect you.
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