As a cleric using 40% threat reduction I can say this happens often... from 30+ I am a constant agro magnet... I've started using gear with as much defense as possible now rather than healing stats just so I can tank all the adds while the guardian fighter tanks a boss.... Great weapon fighters don't seam to have a chance at pulling threat from me... I wish they did!
Exact same reason I want a GWF buff. I play a cleric and I'm the off tank in every group - not intentionally.
amarad4658Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The pay to win nonsense begins! Paid to hit max level in a couple hours and he had a epic purple weapon waiting for him at 60 from HotN.
What did he win?Nothing.He lost out on all the great content.Getting Max level fast is not a win.Get over it.Im enjoying the game and all the questing as you should.If someone else chooses that path who are you to question him.He wants to miss out then let him.
What did he win?Nothing.He lost out on all the great content.Getting Max level fast is not a win.Get over it.Im enjoying the game and all the questing as you should.If someone else chooses that path who are you to question him.He wants to miss out then let him.
Even GF are out damaging the GWF, they out threat the GWF and they Mitigate damage better than the GWF. Oh they also out heal them.
The two most comparable classes for the GWF is the GF and the TR. We have to start somewhere for comparison for our concerns as to why the GWF is not performing as well as other classes.
the GWF is a damage dealing tank. Meaning they should have moves that can out threat a rogue, via a combination of threat buffs and damage. Or simply a powerful taunt.
As one of the Two Damage dealers, GWF should be dealing noticeable more damage than the GF, CW and the DC.
I Did an Orc Skirmish today as my lv 18 GWF, I was out damaged by a lv 13 CW. Did a Pvp today with a lv 19 GWF, a rogue on my team at lv 10 joined said it was his first time playing rogue. He topped the charts above everyone on the team but was still out performed by the enemy teams 2 other rogues. (I have 40 levels of experience as GWF from the beta's).
The GWF should be the 2nd best class at single target DPS, CW and DC are obviously better at Aoe and the rogue is number 1 single target DPS. However a 20 Str GWF single target at will Hits for less base damage with about half the attack speed as a 13 Str rogues single target At will.
GWF should have the slow attack speed but they should be dealing more damage per hit than a rogue, and the rogue should win with faster attack speed and more crits due to dex. It should be comparable with the rogue.
The worst thing about the GWF situation is that CRytic has made no Acknowledgement what so ever about 80% of players concerns regarding this class. This is Beta after all, working out the kinks and dealing with game balance is what needs to be done.
I dont understand why he is being called a defender, his entire page reads as an offensive armored fighter. "Are enemies not dying fast enough for you? TRY THE GWF!!" I too noticed my cleric WAY out damaging my GWF, its very depressing. He should equal a rogues damage, why not? GWF gets more armor and hp, rogue gets stealth and a real dodge (can dodge ANY attack, GWF still takes hits while sprinting) TR gets more CC, GWF gets more aoe. GWF basically eats all the hits that a rogue can dodge, thats how they survive. There are three paragon classes, one of them should make him an acceptable offensive character, or at least one of the prestige classes. I hope for an axemaster or something.
divinehopeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 48
Situations where you're 'shining' right now, CW's and Devoted Clerics are actually out dpsing you. Really not much going for GWF right now.
They need to either beef up their tanking/agro capabilities or DPS. GWF's would actually make a great addition to groups given clerics get swamped by adds - if GWF's could hold the adds + dps them down while rest of the team is on the boss, GWF's would be viable.
No. They don't. Get to 60, play the game and learn what the GWF can really do. They come out as top DPS in most instances about 90% of the time. They absolutely dominate on AoE packs.
They start off slow sub 30, after 30 its just an upward trend. I also highly suspect that'll they'll scale w/ gear better than the existing classes. Just wait a month or two and watch how GWFs end up destroying the damage charts.
This is the danger when trying to talk class balance from a new game perspective, this whole thread is a cesspool of misinformation and nonsense.
No. They don't. Get to 60, play the game and learn what the GWF can really do. They come out as top DPS in most instances about 90% of the time. They absolutely dominate on AoE packs.
They start off slow sub 30, after 30 its just an upward trend. I also highly suspect that'll they'll scale w/ gear better than the existing classes. Just wait a month or two and watch how GWFs end up destroying the damage charts.
This is the danger when trying to talk class balance from a new game perspective, this whole thread is a cesspool of misinformation and nonsense.
lol tr and cw almost do 2x more damage in dungeons then gwf ,idk whit who played but if gwf was top dps then rest of team was afk half a time ,in all stream of lvl 60 dungeons i watched and seen gwf is a lot behind in total damage 2x or bit less then cw and 2xless then tr in the total damage done screen
Nope, a well built Gwf leaves TR in the dust @ 60. They are late bloomers is all. They are not building right... They probably focusing on Destroyer rather then seeing the synergy for unstoppable. A TR will not beat an Unstoppable build in overall dps.
purutzilMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I agree, GWF sucks, make sure to roll other stuff.
*So eager to roll his GWF tomorrow with less people playing it to feel special!*
GWF level 60 (Beholder) - The pains of leveling!
Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
Nope, a well built Gwf leaves TR in the dust @ 60. They are late bloomers is all.
What are you basing this on? A post made by someone else? (Who also said he has not many L60 pieces because the queue times are so long, so how many rogues has he played with?.) I'm not saying that it is or is not that way, but in the one L60 epic dungeon video, the GWF performed the same as at earlier levels: much worse than the rogue, and worse than the CW. I'm still mostly in a "wait and see" position. My GWF is only 17 or so. (CW is close to 50 now.)
If your 60 GWF is behind on damage against a CW, you need to reroll. Against a TR, I'd understand.
Je Bus is here to save you! (⊙ω⊙)
shaokumaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited April 2013
I started a GWF just because all the bad things I heard to experience them myself.
Only up to level 24 so far though.
Haven't had much issues with quests and such yet.
However my main being a trickster rogue I can really feel the damage difference.
In dungeons too I feel like I did pretty good then notice the total damage at the end is pretty low, usually 3rd or 4th and I am top damage taken =D
I have read on numerous posts about it being a scaling issue and hope so, I wouldn't mind the GWF being lower than a TR however as of right now at level 24 it is painfully low. Some of the players that zerged to the end have been claiming the damage will improve a lot once you pass 30ish and the farther up you go. I have a lot of faith in it being a scaling issue though, this is still beta, kinda...
GWF is a dps/striker. Their role is to do aoe damage in dungeon. We have all seen bosses just hit the spam button and adds pop out. Problem is people where QQ that a GWF was broken so they nerfed it. They nerfed it to hard.
In a dungeon a Great weapon fighter should always be on the top of the list. With so much trash in a dungeon. That AOE burst damage would moves a GWF a head of a TR. Who dps would shine on a boss battle. Sad that the devs listen to pvper QQ and over nerfed the class.
This class needs to be rebuffed and returned to it original build.
daradalMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
GWF is a dps/striker. Their role is to do aoe damage in dungeon. We have all seen bosses just hit the spam button and adds pop out. Problem is people where QQ that a GWF was broken so they nerfed it. They nerfed it to hard.
In a dungeon a Great weapon fighter should always be on the top of the list. With so much trash in a dungeon. That AOE burst damage would moves a GWF a head of a TR. Who dps would shine on a boss battle. Sad that the devs listen to pvper QQ and over nerfed the class.
This class needs to be rebuffed and returned to it original build.
Everything I heard after beta was that the GWF needed a buff not a nerf and for that we seem to have gotten nerfed anyway. Its almost like maybe they were trying for the rogue and accidentally nerfed the wrong class......
helpmeplease1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I dont think people understand what striker means and have been playing WoW for too long, striker is a class that does single target damage only, they are not their to do aoe dps, the role of the GWF on the neverwinter wiki is to do be very damaging with the secondary role of striker, whill having enough durability to offtank in a pinch, if you simply buff GWF's durability and give it threat then it starts to become a GF because that is the role of the GF
The GWF is a aoe striker with light off tank capability, cant argue with cryptic themselves because its on their very own wiki which describs the classes
If cryptic did anything wrong, it was calling GWF a defender, when they are in reality of their own game design a striker class with SECONDARY role of defender
you are correct.
with that said, i for one really haven't fount it too hard to level. hit level 30 and haven't been defeated much noticed better dps numbers when i fixed my gear stats
aitolosMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Im in full epic gear i have good build and fine rotation after i read all the guides here the funny thing today i was feeling powerful destroying all the trash packs in a instance
when suddently a rogue in that run said i suck and i ask why he said that i was the lowest dps from the three by some millions behind...i was like but why?? im doing what im suppose to do...anyway im starting to think that i suck as a player because whatever i do i got pwned XD or maybe gwf have some problems atm? the egg made the chicken or the chicken the egg god knows :S
helpmeplease1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It's really simple, in D&D 4th edition, the great weapon fighter is a Defender... not a striker. It's not a DPS class in any fashion... if you wanted a pure DPS class you'd roll up the Trickster Rogue - the only Striker in the game presently. :P Fighters aren't strikers at all anyways, that's the Barbarians job. Every single Fighter is a Defender in 4.0 ruleset.
first off no one likes 4th edition =P lawl. next gwf could go either way as dps or tank since there is a tank tree and a dps tree =P
I still dont have any problems with my dps and as far as the gwf goes, it is more of a late blooming class, lots of good perks the farther you level.
i solo easily with my GWF, the weapon merchant in trade district sells cheap blue weapons that will ease it up for you. And they also require thinking when spending the power points. And anyways. they get very much stronger in the 60s with better weapons exc. But they do really need a buff.. They can easily be switched out with a rogue to probably dps 2x or even 3x more in a whole dungeon. And GWF doesen't really buff up the team very much either.. so probably some more buffs for the team and some stronger attacks would make them a little cooler.
But there is no need to not recommend GWF to players. because they are strong and unique in there own way.. they are just harder in my opinion.
As usual, 2handed weapon warriors suck. Then they get buffed to kingdom-come and make people whine about them. Then they get nerfed to ****. Then they get buffed. No MMO company ever managed to balance the 2handed fighter, same as the stealth class: they're both either OP as sin or nerfed to ****.
Although my favorite characters are heavily armored, two handed weapon wielding warriors, in single player games, for MMOs I gave up trying to play one of these as no MMO company ever managed to get it right.
LOTRO champ with a 2h is pretty well balanced. As a not really pvp friendly game, it matters the least there, but they are neither OP nor UP, serving the same role as here (aoe damage) though they also do significant single target dps.
As far as leveling up fast --- who cares? I have 5 characters now. At some point, one of them may be leveled up in the express lane. The first 2, however, are going to see the game the old fashioned way. But what if all I cared about were mmo pvp? If that is how I wanted to play (I do not) then what is wrong with express lane to max, gear up, and go at it? If having fun, the point of a game, is found that way, go for it.
While the lower levels of GWF are kinda dooky once you hit the 40's you'll see a difference. I soloed leveled just fine with a Cleric level 15. GWF's are strong in T2 and can easily Top DMG in PvE and can hold there own in PvP as well. Think you need to do more research.
cooldraufMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
I see many people doing fine in endgame dungeons and pvp. In pvp they're just extremely annoying with stunlock builds (I would call that clearly OP), and in dungeons they do AOE close combat dps, which means you won't have big damage figures but you'll do it consistently. The GWF, if well played, is a great help when a team needs to handle trash mobs running at the cleric.
If you think the game is a dps race then you're doing it wrong. The GWF class is currently half control and half dps and imo it's fine. Why would you play a half control and half dps to be willing to challenge strikers in dps? Makes no sense to me.
Also... I'm playing a cleric and did most of the game content solo, and clerics can barely heal themselves and have less HPs and resistance rates than GWFs. What are you doing wrong?
there's really not that much wrong with the GWF, it pretty much does what it's supposed to do..
* Clean minions by aoe, handle the odd standard mob.
*offtank the elites in a pinch.
that's all the class is meant to do well..
And, yep that's exactly what it seems to do.
Now imagine if a rogue was total trash at anything but stabbing bosses and elites in the back..
Where would that put rogues on the dps-list?
pretty low, right?
does it mean that theyre useless?
Nope, because that's what theyre for, pretty much. That, and disarming traps/unlocking stuff..
I keep hearing i should suck and be useless..
But i do my part just fine, i solo just fine, i do dungeons just fine.
Thing is, to me, the class *feels* fine on it's own, it fulfills my expectations of it from reading the official descriptions.
(The one thing i find is hindering me from doing my job is CW's spamming their knockbacks so i don't get determination from face-time with the adds, messing up the threat queues, leaving both me and GF's wondering wth? then the cleric dies from spamming their heals.)
Be aware though, that i do not, never have, and never will measure "success" or have a concept of "winning" by being placed first or last on some summary list at the end of a dungeon, usually play full-on tanks through the entire levelling process in every mmo, so in comparison i'm melting the mobs with mind-bullets playing this class..
Playing a rogue would probably bore me to tears, kind of like hitting ctrl-space in the foundry for 60 levels...
helpmeplease1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
While the lower levels of GWF are kinda dooky once you hit the 40's you'll see a difference. I soloed leveled just fine with a Cleric level 15. GWF's are strong in T2 and can easily Top DMG in PvE and can hold there own in PvP as well. Think you need to do more research.
Still a little strong? I won’t bother to quote it but I have a suspicion. GWF are strong…on paper. Statistically they should be strong. According to a vat of numbers, when properly stirred and folded into a report they seem like they would be strong. But there are occasions where statistics and data will turn followers into fools.
For instance if space aliens got ahold of a report detailing how much time people spend off the ground without any material support they might conclude that people could hover. But anyone who has tripped might tell you. It don’t really work that way.
According to the statistical wisdom, since my GWF is getting beaten up like a drunk in an MMA match, I should assume that my cleric would get absolutely destroyed in the same situation. However said cleric just murders her way though it like a boss. Clearly there is something that make leveling a GWF painful.
I admit to a serious drinking problem with my GWF, its one potion after another. Yesterday a bunch of orcs held an intervention. The Ogre wrote me a letter about how my drinking was affecting him. But what can I do? There is no other way to get health back outside of a companion. Restoring strike? Yeah that might offset a single hit from one of the eight mobs surrounding me at the time. If the Tab power also had a great big self heal attached then I would feel equal to any of the encounters out there. But currently I am exactly as dangerous as the number of red flasks I am carrying.
Having said all that I do have to admit that when I started playing the GWF, I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t think about my cleric until I received my first really embarrassing beatdown. If the class were as continually playable as the rest I feel that people would play it and not look back. I may yet roll another one. But I know it will be pain.
So currently the question you have answer to play a GWF is:
Do you want it enough?
nothvMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
there's really not that much wrong with the GWF, it pretty much does what it's supposed to do..
* Clean minions by aoe, handle the odd standard mob.
*offtank the elites in a pinch.
that's all the class is meant to do well..
And, yep that's exactly what it seems to do.
Now imagine if a rogue was total trash at anything but stabbing bosses and elites in the back..
Where would that put rogues on the dps-list?
pretty low, right?
does it mean that theyre useless?
Nope, because that's what theyre for, pretty much. That, and disarming traps/unlocking stuff..
I keep hearing i should suck and be useless..
But i do my part just fine, i solo just fine, i do dungeons just fine.
Thing is, to me, the class *feels* fine on it's own, it fulfills my expectations of it from reading the official descriptions.
(The one thing i find is hindering me from doing my job is CW's spamming their knockbacks so i don't get determination from face-time with the adds, messing up the threat queues, leaving both me and GF's wondering wth? then the cleric dies from spamming their heals.)
Be aware though, that i do not, never have, and never will measure "success" or have a concept of "winning" by being placed first or last on some summary list at the end of a dungeon, usually play full-on tanks through the entire levelling process in every mmo, so in comparison i'm melting the mobs with mind-bullets playing this class..
Playing a rogue would probably bore me to tears, kind of like hitting ctrl-space in the foundry for 60 levels...
We are supposed to be AoE machines, yet we lack AoE attacks with bite. We have AoE dailies, but as far as encounters go, the ones we have are lacking in damage, outside of indomitable strike which has a very small AoE. I constantly see CWs and even clerics wipe out entire armies of minions at 60 much faster than I could hope to. GWF has a few gimmicky builds that work out somewhat well, but I have yet to see them do something that the other classes can't do just as well or even better.
i have to say i've got no experience with the game but the first 12 level have been fun, unfortunately i noticed too how much i have to rely on health potion.
i've just started a cleric and he destroy pack of mobs maybe even faster the GWF and surely with his health staying almost always at max, it just feels easier to play with i must say.
i like the GWF playstyle, i hope it gets better with more level, i'll give it a chance until 20 or so.
Exact same reason I want a GWF buff. I play a cleric and I'm the off tank in every group - not intentionally.
What did he win?Nothing.He lost out on all the great content.Getting Max level fast is not a win.Get over it.Im enjoying the game and all the questing as you should.If someone else chooses that path who are you to question him.He wants to miss out then let him.
Stay on topic?
I dont understand why he is being called a defender, his entire page reads as an offensive armored fighter. "Are enemies not dying fast enough for you? TRY THE GWF!!" I too noticed my cleric WAY out damaging my GWF, its very depressing. He should equal a rogues damage, why not? GWF gets more armor and hp, rogue gets stealth and a real dodge (can dodge ANY attack, GWF still takes hits while sprinting) TR gets more CC, GWF gets more aoe. GWF basically eats all the hits that a rogue can dodge, thats how they survive. There are three paragon classes, one of them should make him an acceptable offensive character, or at least one of the prestige classes. I hope for an axemaster or something.
That just proves the people you grouped weren't doing much, was there a TR in there? If so he must have been taking a nap.
The GWF is the DPS tank.....they are NOT Rivals of the TR in dps.
my buddies GWF defends about the same as my GF on mobs that break my guard in one or two hits. Not bad considering he does hella more damage
What do you win?
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
No. They don't. Get to 60, play the game and learn what the GWF can really do. They come out as top DPS in most instances about 90% of the time. They absolutely dominate on AoE packs.
They start off slow sub 30, after 30 its just an upward trend. I also highly suspect that'll they'll scale w/ gear better than the existing classes. Just wait a month or two and watch how GWFs end up destroying the damage charts.
This is the danger when trying to talk class balance from a new game perspective, this whole thread is a cesspool of misinformation and nonsense.
*So eager to roll his GWF tomorrow with less people playing it to feel special!*
Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
What are you basing this on? A post made by someone else? (Who also said he has not many L60 pieces because the queue times are so long, so how many rogues has he played with?.) I'm not saying that it is or is not that way, but in the one L60 epic dungeon video, the GWF performed the same as at earlier levels: much worse than the rogue, and worse than the CW. I'm still mostly in a "wait and see" position. My GWF is only 17 or so.
Only up to level 24 so far though.
Haven't had much issues with quests and such yet.
However my main being a trickster rogue I can really feel the damage difference.
In dungeons too I feel like I did pretty good then notice the total damage at the end is pretty low, usually 3rd or 4th and I am top damage taken =D
I have read on numerous posts about it being a scaling issue and hope so, I wouldn't mind the GWF being lower than a TR however as of right now at level 24 it is painfully low. Some of the players that zerged to the end have been claiming the damage will improve a lot once you pass 30ish and the farther up you go. I have a lot of faith in it being a scaling issue though, this is still beta, kinda...
In a dungeon a Great weapon fighter should always be on the top of the list. With so much trash in a dungeon. That AOE burst damage would moves a GWF a head of a TR. Who dps would shine on a boss battle. Sad that the devs listen to pvper QQ and over nerfed the class.
This class needs to be rebuffed and returned to it original build.
Everything I heard after beta was that the GWF needed a buff not a nerf and for that we seem to have gotten nerfed anyway. Its almost like maybe they were trying for the rogue and accidentally nerfed the wrong class......
you are correct.
with that said, i for one really haven't fount it too hard to level. hit level 30 and haven't been defeated much noticed better dps numbers when i fixed my gear stats
when suddently a rogue in that run said i suck and i ask why he said that i was the lowest dps from the three by some millions behind...i was like but why?? im doing what im suppose to do...anyway im starting to think that i suck as a player because whatever i do i got pwned XD or maybe gwf have some problems atm? the egg made the chicken or the chicken the egg god knows :S
first off no one likes 4th edition =P lawl. next gwf could go either way as dps or tank since there is a tank tree and a dps tree =P
I still dont have any problems with my dps and as far as the gwf goes, it is more of a late blooming class, lots of good perks the farther you level.
But there is no need to not recommend GWF to players. because they are strong and unique in there own way.. they are just harder in my opinion.
LOTRO champ with a 2h is pretty well balanced. As a not really pvp friendly game, it matters the least there, but they are neither OP nor UP, serving the same role as here (aoe damage) though they also do significant single target dps.
As far as leveling up fast --- who cares? I have 5 characters now. At some point, one of them may be leveled up in the express lane. The first 2, however, are going to see the game the old fashioned way. But what if all I cared about were mmo pvp? If that is how I wanted to play (I do not) then what is wrong with express lane to max, gear up, and go at it? If having fun, the point of a game, is found that way, go for it.
If you think the game is a dps race then you're doing it wrong. The GWF class is currently half control and half dps and imo it's fine. Why would you play a half control and half dps to be willing to challenge strikers in dps? Makes no sense to me.
Also... I'm playing a cleric and did most of the game content solo, and clerics can barely heal themselves and have less HPs and resistance rates than GWFs. What are you doing wrong?
* Clean minions by aoe, handle the odd standard mob.
*offtank the elites in a pinch.
that's all the class is meant to do well..
And, yep that's exactly what it seems to do.
Now imagine if a rogue was total trash at anything but stabbing bosses and elites in the back..
Where would that put rogues on the dps-list?
pretty low, right?
does it mean that theyre useless?
Nope, because that's what theyre for, pretty much. That, and disarming traps/unlocking stuff..
I keep hearing i should suck and be useless..
But i do my part just fine, i solo just fine, i do dungeons just fine.
Thing is, to me, the class *feels* fine on it's own, it fulfills my expectations of it from reading the official descriptions.
(The one thing i find is hindering me from doing my job is CW's spamming their knockbacks so i don't get determination from face-time with the adds, messing up the threat queues, leaving both me and GF's wondering wth? then the cleric dies from spamming their heals.)
Be aware though, that i do not, never have, and never will measure "success" or have a concept of "winning" by being placed first or last on some summary list at the end of a dungeon, usually play full-on tanks through the entire levelling process in every mmo, so in comparison i'm melting the mobs with mind-bullets playing this class..
Playing a rogue would probably bore me to tears, kind of like hitting ctrl-space in the foundry for 60 levels...
hehe you said dooky
For instance if space aliens got ahold of a report detailing how much time people spend off the ground without any material support they might conclude that people could hover. But anyone who has tripped might tell you. It don’t really work that way.
According to the statistical wisdom, since my GWF is getting beaten up like a drunk in an MMA match, I should assume that my cleric would get absolutely destroyed in the same situation. However said cleric just murders her way though it like a boss. Clearly there is something that make leveling a GWF painful.
I admit to a serious drinking problem with my GWF, its one potion after another. Yesterday a bunch of orcs held an intervention. The Ogre wrote me a letter about how my drinking was affecting him. But what can I do? There is no other way to get health back outside of a companion. Restoring strike? Yeah that might offset a single hit from one of the eight mobs surrounding me at the time. If the Tab power also had a great big self heal attached then I would feel equal to any of the encounters out there. But currently I am exactly as dangerous as the number of red flasks I am carrying.
Having said all that I do have to admit that when I started playing the GWF, I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t think about my cleric until I received my first really embarrassing beatdown. If the class were as continually playable as the rest I feel that people would play it and not look back. I may yet roll another one. But I know it will be pain.
So currently the question you have answer to play a GWF is:
Do you want it enough?
We are supposed to be AoE machines, yet we lack AoE attacks with bite. We have AoE dailies, but as far as encounters go, the ones we have are lacking in damage, outside of indomitable strike which has a very small AoE. I constantly see CWs and even clerics wipe out entire armies of minions at 60 much faster than I could hope to. GWF has a few gimmicky builds that work out somewhat well, but I have yet to see them do something that the other classes can't do just as well or even better.
i've just started a cleric and he destroy pack of mobs maybe even faster the GWF and surely with his health staying almost always at max, it just feels easier to play with i must say.
i like the GWF playstyle, i hope it gets better with more level, i'll give it a chance until 20 or so.