Partly because I have no idea how to pronounce it(I keep saying taylirah in my head...) LOL
But I like how, as you said, apart of it is a bunnys name, while rah means leader = 3=
10/10, because it sounds like some HAMSTER ninja warior character from a choclet-fudge-coated-and-covered-with-sprincles comic book, and I like chocolate!
Next !
Also. If you're gonna rate my name, read it in this way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09s-c2JVI40
Makes it MUCH better.
Through wisdom, people find strength. Through strength, power. Through power, truth of character.
Such is the cycle, and so it shall remain.
Also, Main used name is Caaldun. Please rate that one.
I rate it sixteen wombats out of seven balloons.
And also 8/10.
Through wisdom, people find strength. Through strength, power. Through power, truth of character.
Such is the cycle, and so it shall remain.
~Napoleon Bonaparte
Also, thanks Sominator.
Partly because I have no idea how to pronounce it(I keep saying taylirah in my head...) LOL
But I like how, as you said, apart of it is a bunnys name, while rah means leader = 3=
Rolls off the tongue. It's cute.
now for mine: Treave Witheredleaf
The rationale (or lack thereof) behind my rating is moot.
Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."
- Kender Proverb
(considering this I would top rate your name as well but I'll leave that for the next guy/gal)
Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."
- Kender Proverb
10/10 if you change your name to steamed crab.
Steamed crab? You mean my cousin?
10/10, Because i knew the definition without looking it up