PW/Cryptic - What on earth was the reasoning behind this? Why would you create such a great story, with additional quests for every class, only to ruin it by making sure that you have to be within a certain level range to complete them!
My first character, I pretty much ignored the dailies and did just my quests... And it worked out great. I got to see ALL the content that every area offered.
Now with my TR, I PvP a lot (because it's super fun with that class), and I literally outleveled 4 zones so far. Imagine my surprise when I was questing in an area only to have the chain suddenly STOP. It just stopped! No more quests, no message that I outleveled the area, nothing! All the quests just ended after I came back from a Skirmish that made me level.
I thought this was a bug, made a ticket, and continued to PvP and run Skirmishes for the AD... Only to outlevel 3 more zones that I now can't quest in.
Knox still gives you the initial quest to go to said area and quest there, but after that first task the entire quest chain for the WHOLE zone just stops!
Please, please make it so that we can keep adventuring in these zones! Why the hell is this even an issue in the first place? Just seems like poor design to me.
. . . . . I merged your thread in here as they are pretty much the same topic, out-leveling quests and not being able to see the quest-giver's exclamation icon for low-level quests.
. . . . . Yes, you can pick up out-leveled quests still by visiting the quest givers. The problem that I am seeing is that there is no way to toggle the quest marker on for low-level quests. I hope they implement this soon. Unfortunately however, you CAN out-level Dungeon Delves and Skirmishes and then will be unable to do them again. I hope this latter is also resolved soon too.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but when you do the epic version of a dungeon and you had not done the normal version, you do get the achievements for both.
. . . . .We should be allowed to re-do any content once we have out-leveled it. I rose a fuss over this in STO, as did many others, and we eventually were blessed with the ability to repeat every single quest in the game as many times as we like. Hopefully they do the same here.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but when you do the epic version of a dungeon and you had not done the normal version, you do get the achievements for both.
Apparently, the quests are still there, you just can't see the ! over the NPC's heads anymore. Which can make it a bit harder to find them.
This doesn't seem to be the case on some side quests. For example, I missed the Blacklake quests lines that include "body snatching" and "assigning blame" on my main, but got them on my alt. When I went back to the quest givers with my main I couldn't pick them up.
well 2 options:
1. get someone on that level of dungeon, do team, make him/her leader, queue for the dungeon
2. find the entrance .... but even though you are high above it level, don't do it alone, not recommended
Totally agree with the idea to let us redo all the quests and skirmishes if we want to,especially as others said outleveling makes you unable to complete your quest chain (which is kinda game breaking for me).Losing achivements and not to mention essential items (like the bag) is a bit withering and disheartening.I was "lucky" because i only lost one skirmish which i never completed due the outleveleing and i didn't lose much but i just imagine how others feel when they realize they just lost the chance for the bag (or any other achivement).So yes, let us redo all the quest again.
However in the view point of fairness we have to mention it will generate insane amount oh high level players farming low level quests for rare or boss specific items.It would cause massive flood of rare item in the AH and of course massive inflation too on those items.
My suggestion is if you redo low level quests which is 5 levels below you (just like now,you can't enter skirmishes if you 5 levels higher than the actual level of the skirmish so let's stick to this rule if it is already implanted),you can only unlock the achivement and get the quest rewards once.The mobs won't drop you anything, this way we can be sure of fair play.
Thx for listening .
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Well said and I completely agree!
Wow thanks!!!
This doesn't seem to be the case on some side quests. For example, I missed the Blacklake quests lines that include "body snatching" and "assigning blame" on my main, but got them on my alt. When I went back to the quest givers with my main I couldn't pick them up.
1. get someone on that level of dungeon, do team, make him/her leader, queue for the dungeon
2. find the entrance .... but even though you are high above it level, don't do it alone, not recommended
Will this work for skirmishes? That's the real problem. I'll give that a try.
However in the view point of fairness we have to mention it will generate insane amount oh high level players farming low level quests for rare or boss specific items.It would cause massive flood of rare item in the AH and of course massive inflation too on those items.
My suggestion is if you redo low level quests which is 5 levels below you (just like now,you can't enter skirmishes if you 5 levels higher than the actual level of the skirmish so let's stick to this rule if it is already implanted),you can only unlock the achivement and get the quest rewards once.The mobs won't drop you anything, this way we can be sure of fair play.
Thx for listening