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Game is in beta - cash shop is a beta test



  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lollie wrote: »
    Google doesn't have a cash shop.


    Also, I wasn't the one who brought up Google, so why are you directing this to me?
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    Your spelling, grammar and use of language are so abysmally bad, I'm having a hard time deciphering your post — let alone taking it seriously.

    Anyway, as someone already pointed out, it's Google's trademark strategy to keep products in beta for insane amounts of time, way past the point where any of its users would still consider it anything but a launched and stable product.

    Kinda funny how you just owned yourself, no?

    Makes me smile :)

    I do agree his grammar is horrible, but his points are valid. There's a generation gap in the understanding of what the fuq a beta really is. The younger generation has grown up on F2P MMOs because mommy and daddy don't wanna pay the cost/sub to let their children//teenagers play video games for countless hours. While others have been playing MMOs since ZMuD. Beta is a loosely used term in the gaming industry but there comes a time where you have to draw the line between actually testing the game and making a profit. PWE did it all wrong. Releasing a cash shop into a so-called "open beta" is probably the biggest faux pas you can commit as a game developer. Everyone knows it, everyone sees it. No one wants to admit it.
  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I do agree his grammar is horrible, but his points are valid. There's a generation gap in the understanding of what the fuq a beta really is.

    I stopped reading here. Meanings change all the time. that's not an opinion, that's a fact. Deal with it. Talk to me again when you have understood this.
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    I stopped reading here. Meanings change all the time. that's not an opinion, that's a fact. Deal with it. Talk to me again when you have understood this.

    Meanings only change because the younger generation translates/re-translates words into meaningless ****. Right breh, totes fuqin right.

    No! Left!
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wonder if you can have a converstation without being a snithe little prick?
  • iminers242iminers242 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In a sense, yes. However, if Perfect World wanted to charge a subscription fee to run Neverwinter, they would. I'm not the only one that realizes that there is a difference between games that charge to play and games that don't.

    (Don't go running around saying that I give a bad name to PWE. If I didn't like them, I wouldn't be modding for them).

    I never said that the money didn't or doesn't pay for the service. But when you buy the item, you cannot expect anything but the item. What PWE prioritizes with that revenue is not in my knowledge, nor my discretion to state.

    Edit: Good luck with this game. o/
  • trippletea7trippletea7 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In a sense, yes. However, if Perfect World wanted to charge a subscription fee to run Neverwinter, they would. I'm not the only one that realizes that there is a difference between games that charge to play and games that don't.

    (Don't go running around saying that I give a bad name to PWE. If I didn't like them, I wouldn't be modding for them).
    I never said that the money didn't or doesn't pay for the service. But when you buy the item, you cannot expect anything but the item. What PWE prioritizes with that revenue is not in my knowledge, nor my discretion to state.

    Just from this one statement. And I know this said mod said that he isn't trying to give PWE a bad name. But I had the misfortune of playing PWE first game Perfect world. I'm not going to spend a single dime on this game, at least until some things in the Zen shop are brought down. I know there are some things in the cash shop that are for certain pay to win in this game, like you can get some of the very high level marks and enchants and they are extremely important to get through end game content at this point.And in the time it takes to get said marks from just accumulating AD, it would take a few weeks if not a month or so. Which is NOT a good time vs. Real money exchange in this instance. Tyvm for your opinion mr. mod. But for now have a good day working for PWE.And btw on a side not, please for the love of all that's good. Buff great weapons fighter so that they're acually not torture to get through the early levels, either increase their damage slightly or health. tyvm.
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    iminers242 wrote: »
    ...Gonna leave this one alone. Good luck with this..
    Wait what? The fuq did he just say? Is he blatently talking **** about the company he works for? So confused.
  • borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    Meanings change all the time. that's not an opinion, that's a fact. Deal with it. Talk to me again when you have understood this.

    That would mean that the new meaning of beta is what was previously known as a "bad release". In the end all you do is alter the meaning of things but the excuse is still gone, it still is a released game not ready to be released. I find it amazing that people often think that altering how facts are categorized somehow changes what the facts mean.
  • bridgemongerbridgemonger Member Posts: 194 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lollie wrote: »
    My experiences do however.

    opinion and fact flip floppity
    I'm sure there are some people that worked for Siemens in WWII that had a bad company experience, and others that worked for them that did not.

    I would bet anything that the majority of people that have worked on this game and like playing it feel like the first, rather than the latter right now.
    60cw 51tr 16dc 5gf
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    borneol wrote: »
    That would mean that the new meaning of beta is what was previously known as a "bad release". In the end all you do is alter the meaning of things but the excuse is still gone, it still is a released game not ready to be released. I find it amazing that people often think that altering how facts are categorized somehow changes what the facts mean.

    Amen brother.
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    But me saying Amen would mean that I'm worshipping God? So confused.
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wait what? The fuq did he just say? Is he blatently talking **** about the company he works for? So confused.

    He doesn't work for Perfect World, he volunteers his time for free to make sure these forums don't go out of control.
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    He doesn't work for Perfect World, he volunteers his time for free to make sure these forums don't go out of control.

    When does he sleep?
  • lollielollie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »

    And this game does have a cash shop, which means it's asking for our money. Not sure why I have to explain this to you, perhaps I have a tendency to overestimate intelligence/comprehension.
    riven84 wrote: »
    Also, I wasn't the one who brought up Google, so why are you directing this to me?

    You stated it in your post, I was responding to your post.
  • denavaidenavai Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    Once NWO sends out their cds. That is when I no longer consider this game as "testing phase." It's sad that developer's have blurred the line of release and beta. It used to be after final wipe (Whether Closed / Open Beta) they would consider the product as "released" with intention of retaining player data as electronic property, however, that is no longer the case. Now developers couldn't give a dam; With the level of customer support / quality assurance greatly diminishing from poor publishing companies. I begin to question whether the new term of "Launch Release" is when the original dev. team leaves.... Any case, the MMO market has become saturated, and the terms of old have a new meaning with the incline of change...

    In my opinion, I too believe... Once you intend to retain player data, you're no longer in testing. The ball is rolling, and any roll backs / loss's will be just as bad as a failed release. Enough of the word games... I blame big name publishing on the lack of support, and the foreign market for redefining "test."
  • thatdeangreythatdeangrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I hope that the cash shop makes major changes but I highly doubt it. It is a shame because this game is incredibly fun. To give perspective, I play APB: Reloaded and have for about two years now. In those two years I have spent around $200. Take into account that every so often I would not log in more than once a week and you can see that I have no issue supporting a F2P title. Neverwinter is different than APB. What people can buy makes any form of competition uncompetitive.

    It is funny because the first thing I looked at buying in the Zen shop was an outfit. I was prepared to buy purely cosmetic items until I realized I could never do anything meaningful. I do think though that the game can still function as something to play exclusively with a real life circle of friends in an organized way.
  • borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I hope that the cash shop makes major changes but I highly doubt it. It is a shame because this game is incredibly fun. To give perspective, I play APB: Reloaded and have for about two years now. In those two years I have spent around $200. Take into account that every so often I would not log in more than once a week and you can see that I have no issue supporting a F2P title. Neverwinter is different than APB. What people can buy makes any form of competition uncompetitive.

    It is funny because the first thing I looked at buying in the Zen shop was an outfit. I was prepared to buy purely cosmetic items until I realized I could never do anything meaningful. I do think though that the game can still function as something to play exclusively with a real life circle of friends in an organized way.

    Or just to experience player created content in the foundry. But I fully agree that for the competitive MMO player this one is not suitable at all. And even though the foundry is amazing in MMO terms, it's not exactly up to par with the original Neverwinter modules.
  • saamarsaamar Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What's with all the animosity? I've been skimming this thread and page after page seems to be the tired debate of open beta vs soft launch. Whether it's one or the other or both, what's it really matter? The game is out. You can play it for free. There are things for sale in an internet store. You can buy them if you like. You don't have to buy them if you don't want to.

    The game is pretty good. I like it. Plus it's free, I haven't had to spend a dime. It just baffles me that people get a deal like this and want to complain...
  • krenkren Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    Your spelling, grammar and use of language are so abysmally bad, I'm having a hard time deciphering your post
  • sierra0668sierra0668 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, almost EVERY F2P game in open beta has a cash shop, simply due to the fact that the development company/team NEED money to continue A)working on the game, and B)show investors/banks that the title IS and WILL make money. This is OPEN beta, and like all other games in OPEN beta, there won't be an account wipe on release, meaning you can feel free to purchase whatever you want, and it's yours until you use it up, sell it, or discard it.
  • samuraikingssamuraikings Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wonder if you can have a conversation without being a snithe little prick?

    He is named after a League of Legends character and apparently the 84th one, what did you expect?
    Foundry Name: "Wolframs Last Stand" (@Holythirst)
    Foundry Map: Blacklake District
    Type: Campaign, Story, Dungeon - 5 bosses, 1-2 players
    Current State: Version 2.2 is up. Full release. Try it with code below.

    Short Code: NW-DU2BES2WA
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saamar wrote: »
    What's with all the animosity? I've been skimming this thread and page after page seems to be the tired debate of open beta vs soft launch. Whether it's one or the other or both, what's it really matter? The game is out. You can play it for free. There are things for sale in an internet store. You can buy them if you like. You don't have to buy them if you don't want to.

    The game is pretty good. I like it. Plus it's free, I haven't had to spend a dime. It just baffles me that people get a deal like this and want to complain...

    It's the lack of customer service that goes along with an internet cash shop.

    People are losing items/AD/zen through the AH and PWE refuses to reimburse anything lost. There's no code to stop items from being deleted when your bags are full.

    Mathematically some items don't compare in price from zen to astral diamonds.
    Mounts for example. It would cost you $50 in zen to upgrade your 5g mount to 110% for one character or $40 in zen to purchase a %110 for your account.

    But for you to even be able to trade Astral Diamonds for Zen a third party has to purchase said Zen. It gets more involved, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  • teldarateldara Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saamar wrote: »
    What's with all the animosity? I've been skimming this thread and page after page seems to be the tired debate of open beta vs soft launch. Whether it's one or the other or both, what's it really matter? The game is out. You can play it for free. There are things for sale in an internet store. You can buy them if you like. You don't have to buy them if you don't want to.

    The game is pretty good. I like it. Plus it's free, I haven't had to spend a dime. It just baffles me that people get a deal like this and want to complain...

    It's because the blatant fanboy-ism that defend the game to death because it's "in beta" and all issues and bugs should be waved away with a wand because it's "in beta".

    In reality, Open Beta with a fully functional cash shop that won't be refunded and character's won't be wiped is technically "released". The fact is, all MMOs are in a perpetual "beta" phase. New content is always added. Tweaks, patches, maintenances. That's where the argument lies.

    The fanboys defending the game because it's "in beta" for all the excuses. Majority of all F2P games (initially F2P) games are now and still in "Open Beta". Maple Story was in Open Beta for YEARS. Perfect World International is still in Open Beta.

    The only MMOs that aren't in "Open Beta" are Buy to Play games (Defiance, Guild Wars 2, League of Legends is an outlier as it's a F2P, and etc) and Subscription games (World of Warcraft, eve, etc). These games are considered "Released". Where as F2P games with a fully functional cash shop that intends to take money and not refund anything. Character's won't be wiped unless drastic measures (which is never). That is basically the same thing as "Released". MMOs are always evolving. They are in a constant state of "Beta".

    Kickstarter isn't the same thing. Kickstarter is more-or-less PRE-ORDERING games before it's released. Such as Pre-Ordering Halo, Mass Effect, the list goes on and on. You are technically pre-ordering a game before it's released.

    The argument is stupid and semantics are thrown out of the windows for the sake of arguing.

    Examples: DOTA 2 is still in "Closed Beta" but, keys are thrown everywhere. It's technically an Open Beta by now. The cash shop is open and taking your money. Nothing will be reseted. No wipes. Yet, it's still in "Closed Beta". Majority of us think of it as a released game. Should beta be an excuse? Not really. It's no longer in "beta".

    League of Legends is a "Released" game. Beta ended after it was released in September 2009. The game still has ever changing patches and new champions often times a year. It's not in "Beta" as they released the game with 40 champions and now they have 100+. Is it a beta? No. It's released.

    Guild Wars 2, for the most recent memory, had your usual phases. Alpha, Closed Beta, Open Beta, Release. Alpha and Closed beta was sent out to select few under heavy NDA. Open Beta started for beta weekends. Cash shop transactions went through but everything was wiped and refunded (gems were refunded). Then it released.

    Neverwinter is among the majority of F2P crowd. Alpha test. Limited closed beta test, closed beta test weekends (keys were everywhere), and now Open Beta. Cash shop is open to take in money and use it to pay off for the game. Employees, you name it. Yet, they will never wipe the characters. Nothing will be refunded or rolled back. The game is essentially released. Just like GW2 except with the title of "Open Beta." When will they decide it will be a full game? Who knows. PW the game is still in Open Beta.
  • freetosprayedfreetosprayed Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    Neverwinter is currently in Open Beta. During Open Beta you have the opportunity to pick up items from the cash shop that will persist through Open Beta and Launch. These are permanent purchases that you get to keep (aside from items that are consumed, of course)! They are not removed from your account, nor are the purchases refunded.

    We always welcome feedback regarding how the game should function during Alpha/Closed Beta/Open Beta/Launch, so please continue to share your feedback! However, please make sure this feedback is clearly posted as feedback, to ensure that other users who read your comments are given accurate information regarding the current functionality.

    (editing thread title slightly to reduce potential confusion - thanks in advance for understanding!)

    Thank you!

    When is the launch ?
  • thatdeangreythatdeangrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    When is the launch ?

    It already launched. This is just marketing spin. Reviewers have even gone forth with reviewing already. MMORPG.com said it will review soon regardless because it is just a stunt to be able to brush away shortcomings. I think the game is fun, especially combat, but the whole "beta" thing is silly.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lollie wrote: »

    Admin Clarification from Dezstravus

    Neverwinter is currently in Open Beta. During Open Beta you have the opportunity to pick up items from the cash shop that will persist through Open Beta and Launch. These are permanent purchases that you get to keep (aside from items that are consumed through use, of course). They are not removed from your account, nor are the purchases refunded.

    We always welcome feedback regarding how the game should function during Alpha/Closed Beta/Open Beta/Launch, so please continue to share your feedback! However, please make sure this feedback is clearly posted as feedback, to ensure that other users who read your comments are given accurate information regarding the current functionality. Thank you!

    Okay, if the cash shop is in beta test as the title of the thread suggests, how about giving me some beta money to spend in it?

    Because I'll be frelled backwards and running if I'm spending any of my actual cash until Cryptic irons out game play and bugs.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • karmeliakarmelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sierra0668 wrote: »
    Well, almost EVERY F2P game in open beta has a cash shop, simply due to the fact that the development company/team NEED money to continue A)working on the game, and B)show investors/banks that the title IS and WILL make money.

    Perfect World makes enough money that they would not need an open cash shop in a game in beta development stage to finance it.

    Check their latest financial results and balance sheets.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • ragerblade82ragerblade82 Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    Lmao Open beta. Is that what all mmos are now? SINCE most of them are changing all the time. I guess all of them are open betas huh?

    If everyone can play. If the cash shop is open, and no wipes. It is released. Simple as that. The devs can say whatever bs they want. Most players are not stupid. Some in this thread are who are defending it, but most see through the bs.
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