But bad for them. You are the one saying companies need to make money right?
Do you even understand what you are saying?
Yes. Do you think they'll lower prices/change system because a bunch of people whines in the forum calling them scam artists? Or if no one buys the respecs in the cash store? What do you think it's more likely?
Seeing as how you quoted me i'm assuming your reply was directed at me. if so you are an idiot.
You are the one not seeing a difference between buying an apple when you can check if its not rotten, and a situation when you get an apple (for free) in a closed box, box opens after a week if you daily spend few hours poking it, and then you see its rotten and a note "for fresh apple pay 10 euros".
You are the one not seeing a difference between buying an apple when you can check if its not rotten, and a situation when you buy an apple in a closed box, box opens after a week if you daily spend few hours poking it, and then you see its rotten and a note "for fresh apple pay 10 euros".
Yes i have already edited the mistake in sentence. But you didnt got the point i see anyway. How suprising
Let me explain this to you like to a children you hate so much:
They make you poke it like an idiot, and after you waste so much of your time poking it to notice its rotten, then they say "pay 10 euros to get a good one"
Yes. Do you think they'll lower prices/change system because a bunch of people whines in the forum calling them scam artists? Or if no one buys the respecs in the cash store? What do you think it's more likely?
Most likely the people complaining won't be buying anything so it's the same thing. That's not the point.
It's that you don't make sense and contradicting yourself. You said it was overpriced so why are you arguing with me when I agree with that?
kharnzorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 20Arc User
You are the one not seeing a difference between buying an apple when you can check if its not rotten, and a situation when you buy an apple in a closed box, box opens after a week if you daily spend few hours poking it, and then you see its rotten and a note "for fresh apple pay 10 euros".
I'm sorry but no. If i choose to spend my DISPOSABLE income on something then i will. Its my choice. I'll make educated decisions on what i want to buy based on pricing BEFORE i do. Its pretty stupid of you assume i'd do otherwise seeing as how you dont know me from a bar of soap. Get back under your bridge you filthy troll.
*edit* Also why the hell would i let an apple sit in a box for a week? if i knew it was going to sit in a box for a week i wouldnt want to eat the **** thing in the first place.
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Most likely the people complaining won't be buying anything so it's the same thing. That's not the point.
It's that you don't make sense and contradicting yourself. You said it was overpriced so why are you arguing with me when I agree with that?
I am not arguing with you, I am complaining at amount of insult and verbal abuse people throw at the ones that are paying for their play time, the ones who spend money
I am not arguing with you, I am complaining at amount of insult and verbal abuse people throw at the ones that are paying for their play time, the ones who spend money
Exactly. I wish they force users age to show near their avatar, then I'd knew automatically who to ignore.
I think there is a lot of children in this forum. Or slightly HAMSTER adults
I see you have moved from Defiance forums to here now. Is this your favorite pass time? picking up arguments with strangers on forums and finding any excuse to post your cliche insults? which is next mmorpg forum you will be jumping to defend in a month or so to post insults ?
I am not arguing with you, I am complaining at amount of insult and verbal abuse people throw at the ones that are paying for their play time, the ones who spend money
Sorry, but people defending the system are being rude as well. In fact they are the instigators. You even talked about cheap people which is basically an insult.
Anyways that's not what you were saying at all. You disagreed with respeccing costing $10 and proceeded to mock people who have issues with it.
I see you have moved from Defiance forums to here now. Is this your favorite pass time? picking up arguments with strangers on forums and finding any excuse to post your cliche insults? which is next mmorpg forum you will be jumping to in a month or so to post insults?
Dont blame him. He paid up front for a cat in a bag. Facing the truth doesnt profit him anyhow, so he do what he can to deny he was scammed. As long as he have the last word saying "no, this game is great and everything is fair in it!" he can act like it is, and he was not cheated anyhow.
All your posts contained references to people who are somehow losers because they paid for this crappy gameand now it's too late or some other nonsense, so .. go troll somewhere else?
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I see you have moved from Defiance forums to here now. Is this your favorite pass time? picking up arguments with strangers on forums and finding any excuse to post your cliche insults? which is next mmorpg forum you will be jumping to defend in a month or so to post insults ?
No, my past time is playing games and I don't mind paying for them. Also I have a strong antipathy vs trolls and idiots.
Sorry, but people defending the system are being rude as well. In fact they are the instigators. You even talked about cheap people which is basically an insult.
Anyways that's not what you were saying at all. You disagreed with respeccing costing $10 and proceeded to mock people who have issues with it.
Don't mind him. People like him follow a pattern. He was all over defiance forums not so long ago defending devs and their every move. Soon he will get bored here and move on to some other MMO to rinse and repeat.
No, my past time is playing games and I don't mind paying for them. Also I have a strong antipathy vs trolls and idiots.
That is interesting considering you spend more time on forums playing white knight than actually playing the game. As far as little apathy for trolls is concerned...it find this statement extremely ironic.
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Don't mind him. People like him follow a pattern. He was all over defiance forums not so long ago defending devs and their every move. Soon he will get bored here and move on to some other MMO to rinse and repeat.
Actually I wasn't, I even said that the game was mediocre, if you bothered reading. I only said that spazzing all over the forums like a bunch of 12 years old wasn't going to make the game get better. But I see you must have been one of the spazzers, so I am not surprise to find you here. And pissed off
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Don't mind him. People like him follow a pattern. He was all over defiance forums not so long ago defending devs and their every move. Soon he will get bored here and move on to some other MMO to rinse and repeat.
That is interesting considering you spend more time on forums playing white knight than actually playing the game. As far as little apathy for trolls is concerned...it find this statement extremely ironic.
Servers are down, as you would know if you bothered playing the games you post about...
Actually I wasn't, I even said that the game was mediocre, if you bothered reading. I only said that spazzing all over the forums like a bunch of 12 years old wasn't going to make the game get better. But I see you must have been one of the spazzers, so I am not surprise to find you here. And pissed off
Actually i didn't even used to post on forums. more like a lurker. I never even bought the game but kept an eye on things. And i remember your name because you were one of the most outspoken and loud posters over there insulting people who disagreed with your view point.
And thanks for proving my point once again. You are a very bitter and angry individual and i really feel sorry for you.
No, my past time is playing games and I don't mind paying for them. Also I have a strong antipathy vs trolls and idiots.
Well you are an idiot in my eyes and no one takes issue with paying. Not a single person complaining has expressed any aversion to paying some money so I don't know why people continually bring this up. You have to pay for every game out there and most of us have whether it be other pc or console games.
The issue is the cost and pricing which is something you agree with. The only reason the insults come because every time people raise an issue with the monetization scheme in this game, defenders come and start flaming for even criticizing it. Not that they aren't willing to pay at all, but rather they feel it's unfair.
If you want to claim to not be an idiot then maybe you can grasp this.
Actually I wasn't, I even said that the game was mediocre, if you bothered reading. I only said that spazzing all over the forums like a bunch of 12 years old wasn't going to make the game get better. But I see you must have been one of the spazzers, so I am not surprise to find you here. And pissed off
Actually it sort of does. Practically every patch released in d3 since launch has incorporated the "spazzing" feedback from the players.
Look it doesn't make you look cool or give you brownie points with the devs and frankly you are annoying.
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Actually i didn't even used to post on forums. more like a lurker. I never even bought the game but kept an eye on things. And i remember your name because you were one of the most outspoken and loud posters over there insulting people who disagreed with your view point.
And thanks for proving my point once again. You are a very bitter and angry individual and i really feel sorry for you.
As if you need an excuse to insult people around here to justify your purchase and investment in game.
Servers are back up so i am outta here but hey congrats on spending 60 bucks on another game just to HAMSTER and moan on forums. Next stop Elder Scroll Online...see you there in few months.
Alright lets stop the personal journeys we started and get back on topic. Some people want to be a change when they see whats bad around them. If they see something immoral and wrong they stand against it and voice their disaproval. Hence such threads in the forums. There is no need of attacking them.
The analogy to the rotted apple in a free box that opens after a week (if you poke it for hours daily) with a label advertising the paid, fresh apple is not bad analogy is perfect analogy to the producer's scheme here. And it does meet the definition of scam. We were not shown the prices and disabled features in this game which is advertised as "free to play". You can call it paid game or demo. Demo is a term for game where some of its features are disabled. And it was a very respectfull practise for developers time ago. Some people were curious about testing the game some are not interested in investing their time in demos. Now investing time in a game and then get a suprise that its just a demo is just not fair. And we, well at least I am here to voice my disaproval.
Alright lets stop the personal journeys we started and get back on topic. Some people want to be a change when they see whats bad around them. If they see something immoral and wrong they stand against it and voice their disaproval. Hence such threads in the forums. There is no need of attacking them.
The analogy to the rotted apple in a free box that opens after a week (if you poke it for hours daily) with a label advertising the paid, fresh apple is not bad analogy is perfect analogy to the producer's scheme here. And it does meet the definition of scam. We were not shown the prices and disabled features in this game which is advertised as "free to play". You can call it paid game or demo. Demo is a term for game where some of its features are disabled. And it was a very respectfull practise for developers time ago. Some people were curious about testing the game some are not interested in investing their time in demos. Now investing time in a game and then get a suprise that its just a demo is just not fair. And we, well at least I am here to voice my disaproval.
Feel free to voice your opinion but try to avoid being such a presumptuous ****** about it.
mutharexMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Servers are back up so i am outta here but hey congrats on spending 60 bucks on another game just to HAMSTER and moan on forums. Next stop Elder Scroll Online...see you there in few months.
Yes, but "selling" someone something for free or very low and then asking for high price when the other party realised the stuff is not what the description said is illegal and classified as scam. Free market is not anarchistic market. There are rules you know. The rules are there to ensure that always both parties involved in trade of product or service are satisfied. Fake advertisement and hidden payments are domain of scam artists like big corporations with army of lawyers bending the oversized, socialistic law (that plenty of times negates each others) so much that it becomes its counterpart.
Its what the drag dealers do. They create in their victims's brains an image of joy and happiness for free, and then BAM! you have to choose pay for more or get yourself a detox.... or just keep suffering.
Detox in this case is uninstalling the game and never looking back at the immoral dealer.
Yes. Do you think they'll lower prices/change system because a bunch of people whines in the forum calling them scam artists? Or if no one buys the respecs in the cash store? What do you think it's more likely?
You are the one not seeing a difference between buying an apple when you can check if its not rotten, and a situation when you get an apple (for free) in a closed box, box opens after a week if you daily spend few hours poking it, and then you see its rotten and a note "for fresh apple pay 10 euros".
Except you didn't pay for the apple
Yes i have already edited the mistake in sentence. But you didnt got the point i see anyway. How suprising
Let me explain this to you like to a children you hate so much:
They make you poke it like an idiot, and after you waste so much of your time poking it to notice its rotten, then they say "pay 10 euros to get a good one"
Most likely the people complaining won't be buying anything so it's the same thing. That's not the point.
It's that you don't make sense and contradicting yourself. You said it was overpriced so why are you arguing with me when I agree with that?
*edit* Also why the hell would i let an apple sit in a box for a week? if i knew it was going to sit in a box for a week i wouldnt want to eat the **** thing in the first place.
I got your point, just that it's a weak and incorrect analogy. Hence point is moot
I am not arguing with you, I am complaining at amount of insult and verbal abuse people throw at the ones that are paying for their play time, the ones who spend money
You are complainign about insults? YOU?
I see you have moved from Defiance forums to here now. Is this your favorite pass time? picking up arguments with strangers on forums and finding any excuse to post your cliche insults? which is next mmorpg forum you will be jumping to defend in a month or so to post insults ?
Sorry, but people defending the system are being rude as well. In fact they are the instigators. You even talked about cheap people which is basically an insult.
Anyways that's not what you were saying at all. You disagreed with respeccing costing $10 and proceeded to mock people who have issues with it.
Dont blame him. He paid up front for a cat in a bag. Facing the truth doesnt profit him anyhow, so he do what he can to deny he was scammed. As long as he have the last word saying "no, this game is great and everything is fair in it!" he can act like it is, and he was not cheated anyhow.
All your posts contained references to people who are somehow losers because they paid for this crappy gameand now it's too late or some other nonsense, so .. go troll somewhere else?
No, my past time is playing games and I don't mind paying for them. Also I have a strong antipathy vs trolls and idiots.
Don't mind him. People like him follow a pattern. He was all over defiance forums not so long ago defending devs and their every move. Soon he will get bored here and move on to some other MMO to rinse and repeat.
That is interesting considering you spend more time on forums playing white knight than actually playing the game. As far as little apathy for trolls is concerned...it find this statement extremely ironic.
I rest my case
I think you have the wrong person. Why don't you quote me then.
Actually I wasn't, I even said that the game was mediocre, if you bothered reading. I only said that spazzing all over the forums like a bunch of 12 years old wasn't going to make the game get better. But I see you must have been one of the spazzers, so I am not surprise to find you here. And pissed off
Servers are down, as you would know if you bothered playing the games you post about...
Actually i didn't even used to post on forums. more like a lurker. I never even bought the game but kept an eye on things. And i remember your name because you were one of the most outspoken and loud posters over there insulting people who disagreed with your view point.
And thanks for proving my point once again. You are a very bitter and angry individual and i really feel sorry for you.
As if you need an excuse to insult people around here to justify your purchase and investment in game.
Well you are an idiot in my eyes and no one takes issue with paying. Not a single person complaining has expressed any aversion to paying some money so I don't know why people continually bring this up. You have to pay for every game out there and most of us have whether it be other pc or console games.
The issue is the cost and pricing which is something you agree with. The only reason the insults come because every time people raise an issue with the monetization scheme in this game, defenders come and start flaming for even criticizing it. Not that they aren't willing to pay at all, but rather they feel it's unfair.
If you want to claim to not be an idiot then maybe you can grasp this.
Actually it sort of does. Practically every patch released in d3 since launch has incorporated the "spazzing" feedback from the players.
Look it doesn't make you look cool or give you brownie points with the devs and frankly you are annoying.
Lurking worked a lot better for you, a lot
Yes it did, i am 60 bucks richer now.
Servers are back up so i am outta here but hey congrats on spending 60 bucks on another game just to HAMSTER and moan on forums. Next stop Elder Scroll Online...see you there in few months.
The analogy to the rotted apple in a free box that opens after a week (if you poke it for hours daily) with a label advertising the paid, fresh apple is not bad analogy is perfect analogy to the producer's scheme here. And it does meet the definition of scam. We were not shown the prices and disabled features in this game which is advertised as "free to play". You can call it paid game or demo. Demo is a term for game where some of its features are disabled. And it was a very respectfull practise for developers time ago. Some people were curious about testing the game some are not interested in investing their time in demos. Now investing time in a game and then get a suprise that its just a demo is just not fair. And we, well at least I am here to voice my disaproval.
Feel free to voice your opinion but try to avoid being such a presumptuous ****** about it.
Oh I am sure you will be there, as usual
Totally unnecessary and case in point. You are the ones trolling.
This game isn't free2play with that microtransaction right now.
+1 Totally agreed!