As I have not & probably will not create foundry content I'm not sure if these options are already available & just not being used by the creators. I've not done many foundries, but I will most certainly continue to enjoy them as those who are creating them are doing a fabulous job!
I would like to see more campfires though & one at the start. Sometimes I forget to heal before I go in & sometimes there are fights right at the start, but nowhere to heal up after.
I'd like to see a vendor option so we can sell off our greys/whites that we've picked up along the way, maybe halfway through a longer foundry.
I'd like to see profession skill nodes also, & perhaps the vendor can sell potions & kits like the one in Cloak Tower.
Is there a way to "port out" and then return without losing progress? Sometimes life happens & it would be great if that were possible.
Is there a way to keep track of the ones that you've already completed? Or to mark them somehow for your own personal reference as Favorites? (like right now, it's easy for me to remember which is which because I've not done many & I can't wait to run through "A Hidden Blade" with my husband, but after I've done a bunch....)
As I have not & probably will not create foundry content I'm not sure if these options are already available & just not being used by the creators. I've not done many foundries, but I will most certainly continue to enjoy them as those who are creating them are doing a fabulous job!
Try making something, it can be as fun as playing quests
I would like to see more campfires though & one at the start. Sometimes I forget to heal before I go in & sometimes there are fights right at the start, but nowhere to heal up after.
It's developers restriction to prevent some kinds of exploits. Only one respawn point per map, only one reward chest per quest et cetera..
I'd like to see profession skill nodes also, & perhaps the vendor can sell potions & kits like the one in Cloak Tower.
About nodes, there were discussions about it, but it's hard to let every player make a map with nodes and don't let anybody exploit this. Same goes for random chests. Vendor with potions would be vendor you mentioned earlier
Is there a way to "port out" and then return without losing progress? Sometimes life happens & it would be great if that were possible.
Unfortunately, I don't know. I tried to do this on one map, but failed. Maybe there is way, but I don't know.
Anyway, you can logout and log in while inside Foundry created content.
Is there a way to keep track of the ones that you've already completed? Or to mark them somehow for your own personal reference as Favorites? (like right now, it's easy for me to remember which is which because I've not done many & I can't wait to run through "A Hidden Blade" with my husband, but after I've done a bunch....)
There is nothing like that, but I saw once that "Accept" button changed to "Accept (again)". Favorites are nice idea, but "subscribe" does part of the job.
As someone who never made a quest yet, this thread is really insightful to see what kind of restrictions the Foundry content has. It makes reviewing content much easier.
You need the ability to either create large boss mobs, or turn any normal mob into a boss mob, From there we need the ability to dictate 3 or 4 abilities it does, when it tries to do them and how often it will do them, Ie, every 25,50,75%hp releases a huge explosion.
Also need to save these bosses for future use for just a quick drag and drop on to other maps, even teh ability to scale them down
You also need to uniform the loot, i should be able to lable my map a dungeon tier 1, teir 2, level 60 only and it should drop the same loot as the official dungoens, provided they meet a certain criteria decided by cryptic.
Foundry in its current state is a waste of time.
Add the ability to make PVP maps. Unless you think king of the hill is the only game mode we should all force ourselves to enjoy.
I'd like a dedicated textbox for "patch notes" in Foundry quests. This way I could easily communicate with my players what has been updated whenever I republish.
whovencroftMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I know this has already been said but I'd like to see branching story arcs. I want players to be able to make a choice, and have it actually matter within the story. I'd also like to be able to go so far as to branch onto entirely different maps, depending on choices.
It would also be neat if we could set options based on the class or classes of the people playing. IE: A Cleric and GWF are running the map, so encounter B spawns after event D. Whereas when a CW and a GF run it, Enc. D spawns after event A. Etc, etc.
Oh, and scaling encounters +1-4 depending on the number of players.
It has. On server side. If you dont save on computer, next time you enter edit screen you will be asked if load auto-save from server side. Not sure how often it's saving.
About rest - I will review and add them to list when forums will be free of this massive traffic.
Thanks for the heads up, i wasn't sure if it saved locally as an emergency crash-dump only or on the server.
I've had the servers go down on me between saves a few times, and that makes me nervous
It recovered fine with no corruptions or too much lost work though, i'd guess it's a 15 minute interval between server-saves or so.
I thought of a few more annoyances:
* Dialog popups as an end-quest step.
After killing the orcs a dialog pops up with some text, like descriptions of the battlefield and such.
* Morphing of items/npc's into different npc's/items.
Currently we have to "cheat" with screen blackouts and such while we swap models.
Making a statue come alive and follow you would be one application.
(ever seen dr who?)
The ability to design dedicated Dungeon quests, that require a group of 5 to enter.
The ability to design dedicated Raid quests, that require a group of 10 to enter.
(The purpose for the above two is to literally provide an UNLIMITED amount of Dungeon and end-game Raid content. One of the biggest problems new MMO's run into is the lack of content in the end-game. I'm positive that something like player made Dungeons and Raids, if executed properly with the right evaluation system and loot drops from each boss as well as the end-of-quest chest being level-appropriate and challenge appropriate, ex. more bosses = slightly better end-of-quest chest loot, of course having a cap on the amount of bosses you can have)
STRICT rules on the minimum number of "Trash Pull" encounters that you must place for each boss.
The ability to customize a boss's mechanics, possibly not fine-tuning but selecting a base ability set and being able to re-color the abilities. (Monster Summoning, Various AOE effects, CC effects).
A sort of Green Light system to allow dungeons/raids to get voted in: Allow players to run the quest in God Mode, with no XP/Loot rewards, and if it gets enough positive reviews it gets greenlighted. To give incentive for players to do this but not make it MANDATORY for players to do so, grant players small amounts of AD for successfully completing and reviewing a dungeon or raid trying to make it through the Green Light system (250 AD for a dungeon, 500 for a raid, 1x/day, with a bonus amount awarded if your decision matches the decision made on whether or not to pass or fail the quest). Quests would be up for green light review for maybe 1 week, and if they do not receive enough "pass" marks, or too many "fail" marks, it does not make it through the system. After the 1 week, those that get enough "pass" marks would be reviewed by Cryptic before the final decision to add them to the game - this way, you can weed out ones that people gave passing marks simply for the purpose of easy loot.
Adding to this list:
The ability to use custom ambient Music for the entirety of a map. (Difficult to pull off, but this could add so much depth) Obviously, you'd need to add a disclaimer stating that the user must own content they are uploading, and any content found to be protected by copyrights will be taken down.
The ability to change up encounters! Put a budget on the amounts/types of mobs you can place in a given difficulty of encounter and let us do the rest! The foundry could greatly use a new tool for making custom Encounters entirely.
The ability to make quest items drop off of mobs.
The ability to link the death of a creature to another event WITHOUT using Quest Objectives. I.E. door unlocks when X mob/encounter dies, cannot interact with this item/NPC until X mob/encounter dies, for the purpose of adding "hidden" or optional objectives to quests.
Let us pick a sound that plays when an objective is completed.
Alone in the darkness, that is where you truly discover yourself. Without self, without the core of your identity, you are nothing. - Rasmenar
A few suggestions that I posted in a similiar thread:
- Pre-configured Boss encounters
- Allowance for a couple of random resource nodes.
% chance of type and whether or not they appear at all defined by developers
- Allowance for a single minor treasure chest.
% chance of type and whether or not they appear at all defined by developers
- More build features, such as false walls, operatable switches and bridges that can be extended or raised/lowered.
- A Monster Creation Tool so that we can create our own monster encounters with customised powers and appearance.
For the monster creation tool, I was thinking that it would be similar to the costume creator, but you select the type of encounter you want to make (boss, hard melee, minion, etc) which would then give you an exact amount of points to spend on powers and buffs for that type of encounter... so you could give a boss only ice related skills, should there be too few ice skills for the points, you could then spend the points on stat buffs, so every encounter would be balanced at least.
- A 'wait' system for quest dialog
It's possible for party members to skip over reading quest dialog, forcing the quest onto the next step for all party members. I propose a "wait" mechanism, so that all party members must have completed the dialog steps before activating the next step of the quest. I totally missed what was going on in one quest because someone skipped through it all before I had time to read.
- More flexibility for patrol waypoints.
Such as performing/completing an animation before moving on to the next waypoint or waiting at a waypoint for a definable amount of time before moving to the next waypoint.
I've only used the Foundry for glorified (wonderfully so) housing/RP location creation so my one personal wish is they continue to add new detail items to the game. As I run through the game I'm always making mental lists of objects I see sitting around that aren't in the Foundry. I want more toys!
Okay guys, added more things to the list. I do not add everything, but mainly because I do not really understand, or something similar is already on the list (if you put new idea how to make more various encounters - feel free to post, but there is already on the list issue like that).
I also put list into colors, it's temporarily. When I will have some more free time I will remake entire list into few smaller with categories.
I've only used the Foundry for glorified (wonderfully so) housing/RP location creation so my one personal wish is they continue to add new detail items to the game. As I run through the game I'm always making mental lists of objects I see sitting around that aren't in the Foundry. I want more toys!
I would be happy with secret doors. That would be swell. Why we have a dungeon editor with no basic staple to dungeons such as, you know, secret doors... is beyond my understanding.
I don't think these were mentioned in the original list, forgive me if they were:
When selecting a "special effect" object, such as the cloth door or a lava-fall, replace it with something, anything, instead of making it invisible. A featureless grey box roughly the same dimensions would be fine.
And I just want to second or third or millionth flying in 3D-edit mode. All you gotta do is disable player collision, like in The Elder Scrolls games. You don't even need space bar be "go higher". Just look up and hit forward to go up, and down to go down. Add it as an option in the "God Mode, Untargettable, Normal" for example: no avatar collision.
This one may already be in, but I didn't see it: allow us to make custom layouts/clusters. And allow layout editing in 3D-mode, if possible. If I make a shack, painstakingly put together fence by barrier by barrel by rock it'd be nice if I could save it for re-use in another map, or if I could move the entire thing to reposition it instead of having to move every individual piece again.
Multiple levels on the 2D editor. You start off the same, but you can add a layer, where you input the z-axis height. It's not an invisible ceiling or anything in-game, it just makes it so any new details or clusters you drop onto this new layer get that z-axis figure instead of 0. Right now if you want more than one floor, you drop everything 'downstairs' and have to drag it up in 3D-mode, position it on the x-y plane and roughly on the z-axis, go back to 2D and manually equalize all their z-axis values. (And, currently, build a temporary platform to work from while avoiding looking at said platform lest collision get turned off and you fall down again. So really guys, please, flying.)
Not spawning beneath the map when I exit 3D-mode or even spawn into the map the first time would also be nice, but with flying that can be circumvented.
And a Foundry Workshop where people can upload their maps or home-made buildings, NPCs, etc to be used by other people. Could be nice further down the road. I mean, I love building worlds, but I'm no good at dialogue or making up a story.
thesabotenderMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
* Dialog popups as an end-quest step.
After killing the orcs a dialog pops up with some text, like descriptions of the battlefield and such.
This would work with my "Force Dialog Start" checkbox on story dialogs suggestion, just have it come after a "Kill Mob" objective. (this could also be a "Start Dialog When" similar to the "Visible When" drop down. Post link
Making a statue come alive and follow you would be one application.
(ever seen dr who?)
This would be "easy" for Cryptic, jeg just need to add a skeletal rig (for animations) to some statues. You could then use them as monsters or NPCs
And on that note, I would like to add:
- More monsters, even ones that are not used in the official game, like: Cows, Pigs, Deer, Stag, Giant Rat, Vampires, Gelatenous Cubes (they are in the game, why cant we use them?), Liches, Displacer Beasts, Umberhulks.
Also while i'm complaining about classical D&D things that are not in the game, why no Dragonborn? they were a core race in 4th Edition.
madmike82508Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited May 2013
Love the foundry Quests but what I dont love is the when one of the group memebers is done with reading the quest and hits continue EVERYONE proceeds through it. Please fix it where we have 20 second timer from the first time someone hit the last response in the conversation or rdy box after you choose your options and the conversation is about to close. I am not a fast reader and not having time to read these guys quests in the foundry is irritating. Specially if we are not friends people sometimes just skip through it and it make EVERYONE skip. thank you
thesabotenderMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I just found something I would like...
This is for Foundry testing only! On the Respec menu, let us have a "Give item"
This will show a popup that lets the select an item to recieve, as in: Armor, Weapons, Potions, Kits, Mounts, etc.
I could really use a mount on my map, as it is the largest outdoor area, with lots of back and forth :P
Just one request. Allow enemy and friendly npcs with customizable skills and stats. The guard encounter is, to my knowledge, the only way to have npc allies and the variety of guards is woefully inadequate. The only changes you can make to them is cosmetic and you can't even change their weapons. They are also really weak even the Brute Soldier one. I'm trying to make a quest with an npc follower who can hold his own in a fight and sadly, he dies really fast. And its also a pain to make seperate instances as "npc" and "guard" whenever i need to talk or fight. Would be cool if both could be done with the same character. Awesome post btw ^_^.
My number one request by far would be layers. It would make it so, so much easier for me to keep the map editor sane-looking if I could group up different objects into layers and hide or edit only certain layers at a time. For instance, anyone who's done an outdoor map by now knows that you probably have to save foliage for the very end because once you start adding it, your map becomes a complete mess and and there are objects everywhere. I would love to be able to simply make a "foliage" layer that I can toggle visibility in the editor with. Same thing with large bodies of water that when placed in the layout editor cover up huge areas of the terrain beneath. There are no shortage of situations where being able to hide things in the editor would be handy.
Some other random smaller features, apologies if they've been mentioned:
-More conditions allowed to initiate a teleport or map change (after dialogue, upon reaching a marker, etc.)
-I would really love if it there was a way to set NPCs with the "dead body" behavior to die in a particular position every time. Right now it seems the game "kills" the NPC the second the map spawns and they randomly use two or three different dying animations, and as a result their body position is random. I have a dead NPC shot with arrows in one of my maps and only in 2/3 loads or so does he actually fall in a position where the arrows are intersecting his body.
-A way to set objects to appear or disappear after a certain amount of time has passed from another condition would be great as well (i.e. have an FX object disappear after a number of seconds from appearing)
-Moving a large batch of objects in the Y axis simultaneously would be useful. You can cursor-box select a bunch of objects and drag them around on X and Z currently, but it looks like you would need to manually adjust the Y coordinate on every object.
Just started using the Foundry yesterday, but I have been reading up on it for a while. One suggestion I would have is for treasure parcels. I understand that is currently not allowed to avoid easy loot, but it should be a system where the length or content of the map determines how many treasures you can find. Similar to the 4e system of handing out loot.
baburmisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I believe you should add exp and loot rewards (other than whites) to foundry missions )
arcrisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
It kind of sucks how restrictive some aspects are in order to prevent exploits. It is understandable, but I feel it will hold foundry back in the long wrong.
It would be awesome if there was some kind of give and take between the map editors and the foundry dev team. For example all authors choose to allow balancing on their maps or not by the dev team. Really popular maps go to the dev team, if allowed by author, and they do a pass on it. If acceptable they release some restrictions/add nodes or loot tiers and maybe a unique item! Of course still crediting the author, and putting it in a separate category.
It has. On server side. If you dont save on computer, next time you enter edit screen you will be asked if load auto-save from server side. Not sure how often it's saving.
thesabotenderMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Sorry for the double post, but I just encountered something I would like to have:
Enemies dont willingly walk on traps.. I have seen this used in XP grind levels, to trap enemies in a tight environment. Changing this so that they DO walk on traps could be advantagous to help remove some XP grind maps.
Also, it would please me with my problem:
On a map im working on, i wanted the player to be able to place traps in the path of a patrol (if the player has Thievery skill) Placing the traps worked fine... except the patrol just stopped... they didnt want to walk on the traps...
So I suggest that monsters should walk on traps too! Or that the Author can choose "enemy" or "friendly" on traps, or something
- Enemy NPCs. I've tried to make an encounter after a conversation, but I haven't been able to make the NPC fight.
- Friendly/Enemy change. It should be an option to turn someone friendly to Enemy if you do something, like "stole" him something. Even with encounters.
- Two ways missions. Depending of your answer on a dialog, you should be able to change the end of the quest.
Also add the ability for multiple authors to work on the same quest within the foundry. One can be dropping down objects in 2d while the other tweaks them in 3d.
If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
yaaruMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited May 2013
Haha, I really should have read this before making my own topic
I want to see more hats! Not just armor or pirate hats but leather hats (not the stuff like the rogue tricksters hats with masks), hats and only hats in general.
I would like to see more campfires though & one at the start. Sometimes I forget to heal before I go in & sometimes there are fights right at the start, but nowhere to heal up after.
I'd like to see a vendor option so we can sell off our greys/whites that we've picked up along the way, maybe halfway through a longer foundry.
I'd like to see profession skill nodes also, & perhaps the vendor can sell potions & kits like the one in Cloak Tower.
Is there a way to "port out" and then return without losing progress? Sometimes life happens & it would be great if that were possible.
Is there a way to keep track of the ones that you've already completed? Or to mark them somehow for your own personal reference as Favorites? (like right now, it's easy for me to remember which is which because I've not done many & I can't wait to run through "A Hidden Blade" with my husband, but after I've done a bunch....)
Try making something, it can be as fun as playing quests
It's developers restriction to prevent some kinds of exploits. Only one respawn point per map, only one reward chest per quest et cetera..
GREAT idea! I haven't seen anybody mention that! I will add this after I'm done with previous massive posts
About nodes, there were discussions about it, but it's hard to let every player make a map with nodes and don't let anybody exploit this. Same goes for random chests. Vendor with potions would be vendor you mentioned earlier
Unfortunately, I don't know. I tried to do this on one map, but failed. Maybe there is way, but I don't know.
Anyway, you can logout and log in while inside Foundry created content.
There is nothing like that, but I saw once that "Accept" button changed to "Accept (again)". Favorites are nice idea, but "subscribe" does part of the job.
NW-DGYDZ7EAL - Khelgar's Treasure Cave
NW-DTULANXJC - Khelgar's Hideout
Thread with suggestions for Foundry
You need the ability to either create large boss mobs, or turn any normal mob into a boss mob, From there we need the ability to dictate 3 or 4 abilities it does, when it tries to do them and how often it will do them, Ie, every 25,50,75%hp releases a huge explosion.
Also need to save these bosses for future use for just a quick drag and drop on to other maps, even teh ability to scale them down
You also need to uniform the loot, i should be able to lable my map a dungeon tier 1, teir 2, level 60 only and it should drop the same loot as the official dungoens, provided they meet a certain criteria decided by cryptic.
Foundry in its current state is a waste of time.
Add the ability to make PVP maps. Unless you think king of the hill is the only game mode we should all force ourselves to enjoy.
It would also be neat if we could set options based on the class or classes of the people playing. IE: A Cleric and GWF are running the map, so encounter B spawns after event D. Whereas when a CW and a GF run it, Enc. D spawns after event A. Etc, etc.
Oh, and scaling encounters +1-4 depending on the number of players.
Thanks for the heads up, i wasn't sure if it saved locally as an emergency crash-dump only or on the server.
I've had the servers go down on me between saves a few times, and that makes me nervous
It recovered fine with no corruptions or too much lost work though, i'd guess it's a 15 minute interval between server-saves or so.
I thought of a few more annoyances:
* Dialog popups as an end-quest step.
After killing the orcs a dialog pops up with some text, like descriptions of the battlefield and such.
* Morphing of items/npc's into different npc's/items.
Currently we have to "cheat" with screen blackouts and such while we swap models.
Making a statue come alive and follow you would be one application.
(ever seen dr who?)
The ability to design dedicated Dungeon quests, that require a group of 5 to enter.
The ability to design dedicated Raid quests, that require a group of 10 to enter.
(The purpose for the above two is to literally provide an UNLIMITED amount of Dungeon and end-game Raid content. One of the biggest problems new MMO's run into is the lack of content in the end-game. I'm positive that something like player made Dungeons and Raids, if executed properly with the right evaluation system and loot drops from each boss as well as the end-of-quest chest being level-appropriate and challenge appropriate, ex. more bosses = slightly better end-of-quest chest loot, of course having a cap on the amount of bosses you can have)
STRICT rules on the minimum number of "Trash Pull" encounters that you must place for each boss.
The ability to customize a boss's mechanics, possibly not fine-tuning but selecting a base ability set and being able to re-color the abilities. (Monster Summoning, Various AOE effects, CC effects).
A sort of Green Light system to allow dungeons/raids to get voted in: Allow players to run the quest in God Mode, with no XP/Loot rewards, and if it gets enough positive reviews it gets greenlighted. To give incentive for players to do this but not make it MANDATORY for players to do so, grant players small amounts of AD for successfully completing and reviewing a dungeon or raid trying to make it through the Green Light system (250 AD for a dungeon, 500 for a raid, 1x/day, with a bonus amount awarded if your decision matches the decision made on whether or not to pass or fail the quest). Quests would be up for green light review for maybe 1 week, and if they do not receive enough "pass" marks, or too many "fail" marks, it does not make it through the system. After the 1 week, those that get enough "pass" marks would be reviewed by Cryptic before the final decision to add them to the game - this way, you can weed out ones that people gave passing marks simply for the purpose of easy loot.
Adding to this list:
The ability to use custom ambient Music for the entirety of a map. (Difficult to pull off, but this could add so much depth) Obviously, you'd need to add a disclaimer stating that the user must own content they are uploading, and any content found to be protected by copyrights will be taken down.
The ability to change up encounters! Put a budget on the amounts/types of mobs you can place in a given difficulty of encounter and let us do the rest! The foundry could greatly use a new tool for making custom Encounters entirely.
The ability to make quest items drop off of mobs.
The ability to link the death of a creature to another event WITHOUT using Quest Objectives. I.E. door unlocks when X mob/encounter dies, cannot interact with this item/NPC until X mob/encounter dies, for the purpose of adding "hidden" or optional objectives to quests.
Let us pick a sound that plays when an objective is completed.
- Pre-configured Boss encounters
- Allowance for a couple of random resource nodes.
% chance of type and whether or not they appear at all defined by developers
- Allowance for a single minor treasure chest.
% chance of type and whether or not they appear at all defined by developers
- More build features, such as false walls, operatable switches and bridges that can be extended or raised/lowered.
- A Monster Creation Tool so that we can create our own monster encounters with customised powers and appearance.
For the monster creation tool, I was thinking that it would be similar to the costume creator, but you select the type of encounter you want to make (boss, hard melee, minion, etc) which would then give you an exact amount of points to spend on powers and buffs for that type of encounter... so you could give a boss only ice related skills, should there be too few ice skills for the points, you could then spend the points on stat buffs, so every encounter would be balanced at least.
- A 'wait' system for quest dialog
It's possible for party members to skip over reading quest dialog, forcing the quest onto the next step for all party members. I propose a "wait" mechanism, so that all party members must have completed the dialog steps before activating the next step of the quest. I totally missed what was going on in one quest because someone skipped through it all before I had time to read.
- More flexibility for patrol waypoints.
Such as performing/completing an animation before moving on to the next waypoint or waiting at a waypoint for a definable amount of time before moving to the next waypoint.
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
I also put list into colors, it's temporarily. When I will have some more free time I will remake entire list into few smaller with categories.
Not only you
NW-DGYDZ7EAL - Khelgar's Treasure Cave
NW-DTULANXJC - Khelgar's Hideout
Thread with suggestions for Foundry
And more traps. That would be cool too.
When selecting a "special effect" object, such as the cloth door or a lava-fall, replace it with something, anything, instead of making it invisible. A featureless grey box roughly the same dimensions would be fine.
And I just want to second or third or millionth flying in 3D-edit mode. All you gotta do is disable player collision, like in The Elder Scrolls games. You don't even need space bar be "go higher". Just look up and hit forward to go up, and down to go down. Add it as an option in the "God Mode, Untargettable, Normal" for example: no avatar collision.
This one may already be in, but I didn't see it: allow us to make custom layouts/clusters. And allow layout editing in 3D-mode, if possible. If I make a shack, painstakingly put together fence by barrier by barrel by rock it'd be nice if I could save it for re-use in another map, or if I could move the entire thing to reposition it instead of having to move every individual piece again.
Multiple levels on the 2D editor. You start off the same, but you can add a layer, where you input the z-axis height. It's not an invisible ceiling or anything in-game, it just makes it so any new details or clusters you drop onto this new layer get that z-axis figure instead of 0. Right now if you want more than one floor, you drop everything 'downstairs' and have to drag it up in 3D-mode, position it on the x-y plane and roughly on the z-axis, go back to 2D and manually equalize all their z-axis values. (And, currently, build a temporary platform to work from while avoiding looking at said platform lest collision get turned off and you fall down again. So really guys, please, flying.)
Not spawning beneath the map when I exit 3D-mode or even spawn into the map the first time would also be nice, but with flying that can be circumvented.
And a Foundry Workshop where people can upload their maps or home-made buildings, NPCs, etc to be used by other people. Could be nice further down the road. I mean, I love building worlds, but I'm no good at dialogue or making up a story.
Post link
This would be "easy" for Cryptic, jeg just need to add a skeletal rig (for animations) to some statues. You could then use them as monsters or NPCs
And on that note, I would like to add:
- More monsters, even ones that are not used in the official game, like: Cows, Pigs, Deer, Stag, Giant Rat, Vampires, Gelatenous Cubes (they are in the game, why cant we use them?), Liches, Displacer Beasts, Umberhulks.
Also while i'm complaining about classical D&D things that are not in the game, why no Dragonborn? they were a core race in 4th Edition.
my Quests and Campaigns!
Please review my latest Quest:
Name Save the Princess
Author Sabotender
This is for Foundry testing only! On the Respec menu, let us have a "Give item"
This will show a popup that lets the select an item to recieve, as in: Armor, Weapons, Potions, Kits, Mounts, etc.
I could really use a mount on my map, as it is the largest outdoor area, with lots of back and forth :P
my Quests and Campaigns!
Please review my latest Quest:
Name Save the Princess
Author Sabotender
Some other random smaller features, apologies if they've been mentioned:
-More conditions allowed to initiate a teleport or map change (after dialogue, upon reaching a marker, etc.)
-I would really love if it there was a way to set NPCs with the "dead body" behavior to die in a particular position every time. Right now it seems the game "kills" the NPC the second the map spawns and they randomly use two or three different dying animations, and as a result their body position is random. I have a dead NPC shot with arrows in one of my maps and only in 2/3 loads or so does he actually fall in a position where the arrows are intersecting his body.
-A way to set objects to appear or disappear after a certain amount of time has passed from another condition would be great as well (i.e. have an FX object disappear after a number of seconds from appearing)
-Moving a large batch of objects in the Y axis simultaneously would be useful. You can cursor-box select a bunch of objects and drag them around on X and Z currently, but it looks like you would need to manually adjust the Y coordinate on every object.
I believe you didn't played foundry at all. There is experience for each defeated encounter and I got many greens.
NW-DGYDZ7EAL - Khelgar's Treasure Cave
NW-DTULANXJC - Khelgar's Hideout
Thread with suggestions for Foundry
No ability to edit positions of encounters/NPCs in 3D editing mode.
Lack of encounter editing features. Such as encounter difficulty (normal, brute, elite, boss)
Lack of single-tiles for dungeon building. Pre-made tiles become a little boring after being re-used and prohibit more creative dungeon
Horde: Rise of the Fallen
Cloak Tower Redux
It would be awesome if there was some kind of give and take between the map editors and the foundry dev team. For example all authors choose to allow balancing on their maps or not by the dev team. Really popular maps go to the dev team, if allowed by author, and they do a pass on it. If acceptable they release some restrictions/add nodes or loot tiers and maybe a unique item! Of course still crediting the author, and putting it in a separate category.
There is an autosave feature, as mentioned earlier in this post.
my Quests and Campaigns!
Please review my latest Quest:
Name Save the Princess
Author Sabotender
Enemies dont willingly walk on traps.. I have seen this used in XP grind levels, to trap enemies in a tight environment. Changing this so that they DO walk on traps could be advantagous to help remove some XP grind maps.
Also, it would please me with my problem:
On a map im working on, i wanted the player to be able to place traps in the path of a patrol (if the player has Thievery skill) Placing the traps worked fine... except the patrol just stopped... they didnt want to walk on the traps...
So I suggest that monsters should walk on traps too! Or that the Author can choose "enemy" or "friendly" on traps, or something
my Quests and Campaigns!
Please review my latest Quest:
Name Save the Princess
Author Sabotender
- Friendly/Enemy change. It should be an option to turn someone friendly to Enemy if you do something, like "stole" him something. Even with encounters.
- Two ways missions. Depending of your answer on a dialog, you should be able to change the end of the quest.
Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
I want to see more hats! Not just armor or pirate hats but leather hats (not the stuff like the rogue tricksters hats with masks), hats and only hats