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Party Etiquette (A serious Issue)

copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
First of all, I would like to point out that this post is written with the BEST intentions. I see good potential for this game, or complete disaster. I just want to make an attempt at preventing the later.

I have been playing MMOs, since....oh DIKU Muds. Yea, we're talking 25+ years. I am completely baffled and amazed at the lack of social grace in this game. It feels like the player base is completely foreign to MMOs. I know that is not true, but that is what it feels like. Whether it is a dungeon, skirmish, or PvP, there have been countless runs where no one says a single word. Not a HELLO, not a BYE, not even a "gg"! The main reason to play an MMO is to be social in a "virtual sense", even if some of us are anti-social in real life. It's ok, we all have our personal issues, but this is a place where everyone is anonymous. There are no judgments, no embarrassments, or biased first impressions based on what you look like, sound like, race, religion, etc....

So, the following may sound obvious, but I would not waste my time and post my very first thread on this forum about this issue if I wasn't having such an awful social experience.

1) When joining a party for whatever reason (dungeon, skirmish, PvP), loose your coolness factor and greet everyone. A simple Hello, wont diminish your reputation.
2) Be considerate during the encounter, to everyone. Remember that the majority of players are new, learning everything from scratch, a bit lost with every aspect of the game. Give them a break.
3) Don't stand on top of chests or cut in front of someone. It is really annoying when someone needs to move 3-4 times because every time they try to click on the chest someone stands in front of them. There is no better loot for those that open the chest first.
4) You are NOT a one man army. Wait for everyone. No one is going to get their name carved in stone because they are rushing ahead of everyone. I am not talking about "let the tank go in first" or "dont start without your healer". I mean just because you got your loot, or whatnot, dont just run and make everyone else behind scramble and/or panic about being left out.
5) Take it easy. Sure if you are running with a bunch of friends the same dungeon over and over, there is no need to take the scenic route. But if you are PUGging, which is probably 80% of all encounters, consider there might be people running this for the first time and just want to appreciate the content, not just SHIFT/DODGE/SPRINT there way through it from one fight to the next.
6) If there are certain objectives that need to be accomplished, please make sure to just spend 5 seconds and type it out in chat. "We need to collect 4 crystals while we are here" wont kill anyone to type it.
7) When all is done, for the love of all that is good in this world, say "Thank you" or "Laters" or "GG (good game)" or just anything to acknowledge that you enjoy being with others.
8) Most importantly have fun and "ALLOW" others to have fun as well, by being courteous and respectful. In the end, if you drive away players from this game because of your rudeness or lack of social skills, it is going to affect the game to the worst.
9) (UPDATED) When to NEED/GREED/PASS. First of all this is not a rule. it's simple courtesy. You NEED when the item is for your CLASS and are looking to upgrade. How do you know if it is an upgrade? Well you dont, thanks to the silly system of unidentified items. Just be considerate. NEEDing on something that is RED is the issue, unless everyone in the party has agreed to do so from the start. Instead GREED or PASS on them. (It's funny that on the rare occasions that someone actually said anything in party chat, it was to argue about loot)

Sorry to have wasted space on this forum with something so elementary. Enjoy the game everyone.
Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
Post edited by copticone on


  • supp1shsupp1sh Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    bump. very true. i'd also add please don't roll need on every single item, especially when your class doesn't need it. very annoying to get no loot just because i rolled greed on everything and then have to compete with the entire party for a rare piece of gear that only i can use because everyone is rolling need.
  • dreadlordmikeydreadlordmikey Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you for posting this. :)

    Would read again.
    "Over the course of my many years I have learned one thing: I don't know anything, I only think I do. And I'm not even sure about that." -- Rasgard the Wise
  • clannamuirclannamuir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 217 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Agreed, but I think this is an argument for joining a guild and running dungeons with your guildies. Then the only issue is to find a guild you get along with.
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clannamuir wrote: »
    Agreed, but I think this is an argument for joining a guild and running dungeons with your guildies. Then the only issue is to find a guild you get along with.

    I agree that joining a guild solves some of the social issues. But why should I just join a random guild either? I would like to meet players, first see if I enjoy playing with them, then see about joining their guild. I have had bad experiences with joining random guilds just for sake of it, only to end up leaving it for another random guild that ends up being worse.
    I am not asking to make friends every time you run a dungeon, but just simple social etiquette like HI and BYE shouldn't only be within a guild.
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
  • keterysketerys Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to admit, people have been eerily quiet. I don't know if that's a f2p thing or what, but I've largely stopped chatting because no one else does and people just sprint to the next objective.
  • buckfuddyukbuckfuddyuk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    +1 Nothing wrong with good manners, im quite a sociable person so i always try and chat to the people who im partied with, you should also add the need/greed into this for drops. So sick of working my behind off for someone to grab the drop i been needing when they cannot even wear it.
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    +1 Nothing wrong with good manners, im quite a sociable person so i always try and chat to the people who im partied with, you should also add the need/greed into this for drops. So sick of working my behind off for someone to grab the drop i been needing when they cannot even wear it.

    I updated the list. Although I think there are at least a couple of threads on that subject alone. But true, it is definitely part of the party etiquette.
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
  • infinity81infinity81 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thumbs up on this one. Joined the queue with a RL buddy of mine, and ran through cloak tower super quick. He and I greeted everyone(and received dead air), and nobody else said anything else the whole run. Things were not as much fun. :(
  • redhotrainbowredhotrainbow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure If someone wants to talk I my self will freely give my thoughts or quarky remarks but if in pug groups most people just want to do the run and as long as they are doing what they need to no problems its a lot harder to type and fight then it is to be on vent/rc/skype/ts with some buddy's
  • yamikoyamiko Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    copticone wrote: »
    How do you know if it is an upgrade? Well you dont, thanks to the silly system of unidentified items.

    Fortunately you can see the unidentified item's level. I learned to compare it with what I currently wear (messy thing, need to open my character page and seek the correct slot). When there's a difference of 4 or more levels, there's a very high chance that you're rolling for a neat upgrade.
    When I find a same/similar level gear and the one I own already has appropriate stats for my class, I usually greed.

    Surely, getting a compare window straight away when you mouse over a piece of gear would help greatly.
    Ah, would really help also displaying the trickster's offhand weapon as well, since they're completely swappable (as far as I could see).
  • streamofsolacestreamofsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. It isn't a "coolness" factor, it's a "we have less than a 1 in 1,000 chance of meeting again" factor. This is a combined with a "we don't necessarily even have intersecting language sets" factor, remember that the game is not separated by country, region, or language.
    2. Perfectly reasonable and not talking at all during the entire time does include not insulting them, so the problem is already solved!
    3. If you can click the chest to "jump in line", then they were not clicking it fast enough and waiting for them just wastes time.
    4. How about you stop wasting 4 other people's time by lagging behind doing whatever it is you do that prevents you from keeping up? The last guy to open a chest will be behind the group; he gets no less loot and gets through the dungeon faster than if everyone had waited for him. This is a no-lose scenario, unless the guy left behind REALLY likes clearing trash (in which case that guy can open the box faster).
    5. That's a totally legitimate complaint. I would suggest that those people find 4 friends and explore every nook and cranny together. Go all out and do it while role playing!
    6. Fair enough, the guy with quest objectives should definitely clarify what non-standard things he needs accomplished, when they deviate from a normal path.
    7. As a cleric, I thank and friend people that tank well, do good damage, or peel adds off of me. I don't do that with people that play poorly because I'm just hoping that I don't get queued with them again.
    8. I feel like playing badly and wasting time are disrespectful of the rest of the group's time.
  • shazersssshazersss Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am the typical internet ******bag, I seriously don't want to know you when I pug, I just want you to not suck!
    If you do suck, I am more then likely to tell you why and how to do better (most of the time in a civilized way)
    If you do not listen, I will tell you again what to do (most likely with an insult added)

    I Will run ahead of you and start killing the next pack if i happened to loot the chest first or the group is just slow, unless it tags you in combat and you can't open the chest yourself I see no harm to it... It is not my problem if it make you uncomfortable that i'm already killing stuff. I just want the dungeon to go faster and I could solo most of it, would just take forever and 10 stack of potions

    Someone fun end where the fun of someone else start, and i'm not gonna change the way I enjoy the game for someone else.

    Selfish? I sure am
  • mrduvallmrduvall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well this might have been said before. The chat system is FUBAR. I basically only "Greet" "Compliment" and "Bye/Thx" due to the poor chat system. But then again I come from EvE online which have the best chat system I have seen in an MMO.

    What the game need is to encurage chatting by making it simple. I'm gonna use EvE as an example. If I Join a Corp (Guild) I get a "Corp" tab in my chat window where all "guild" chat is shown excluding all other chats. If I join a Fleet "group" I get a Fleet folder. Again Excluding everything else.

    No GM messages or silly loot or other alerts. It's a chat and all alerts I get is in Local chat. If new content is added to a chat folder it starts to blink to alert me to it. I can make my own public chats or private chats. Basically almost everyone chats with someone at any given time. That is MMO in my opinion. Being social. Joining a Corp (guild) almost always require you to have TS/Vent/Scype so that you can talk to each other.

    So I plead to Cryptic to make this game about the player interaction. If it's easy people are gonna use it.
  • mrduvallmrduvall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Edit: Double posted.
  • everythingsdeadeverythingsdead Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    None of all that bothers me except the last. Need before Greed is a foreign concept to a lot of people.

    I had a guy in a group where I ended up being party leader, and he kept rolling NEED on things he couldn't equip, stating and I quote "I can always sell it"

    If your character you are playing CAN'T use it right then and there, you should either pass, or roll greed because I'm almost positive that OTHER guy who rolled need, could have used that item.

    Needless to say that young upstart was quickly removed from the group.
  • redhotrainbowredhotrainbow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LUL I fell out of my chair reading this could be many things that lead up to me doing so but still I could never understand why someone would go above and beyond to be a ***** bag my only thoughts on it is said person is that way in life would hate to meet such people lol just my 2 useless pennys
  • streamofsolacestreamofsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrduvall wrote: »
    Well this might have been said before. The chat system is FUBAR. I basically only "Greet" "Compliment" and "Bye/Thx" due to the poor chat system. But then again I come from EvE online which have the best chat system I have seen in an MMO.

    What the game need is to encurage chatting by making it simple. I'm gonna use EvE as an example. If I Join a Corp (Guild) I get a "Corp" tab in my chat window where all "guild" chat is shown excluding all other chats. If I join a Fleet "group" I get a Fleet folder. Again Excluding everything else.

    No GM messages or silly loot or other alerts. It's a chat and all alerts I get is in Local chat. If new content is added to a chat folder it starts to blink to alert me to it. I can make my own public chats or private chats. Basically almost everyone chats with someone at any given time. That is MMO in my opinion. Being social. Joining a Corp (guild) almost always require you to have TS/Vent/Scype so that you can talk to each other.

    So I plead to Cryptic to make this game about the player interaction. If it's easy people are gonna use it.

    I don't know about the defaults (admittedly, what most people use), but you can set up chat tabs to behave that way. I have the "spam" tab that includes everything, the "important" tab, that includes chat channels I actually care about and loot rolls, and the "social" tab that only includes chat channels I care about.
  • spikespirespikespire Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Should be Sticky.
    ZRcH2.gif .gif .gif
    "You know you wanna fondle my dragons."
  • copticonecopticone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shazersss wrote: »
    I am the typical internet ******bag, I seriously don't want to know you when I pug, I just want you to not suck!
    If you do suck, I am more then likely to tell you why and how to do better (most of the time in a civilized way)
    If you do not listen, I will tell you again what to do (most likely with an insult added)

    I Will run ahead of you and start killing the next pack if i happened to loot the chest first or the group is just slow, unless it tags you in combat and you can't open the chest yourself I see no harm to it... It is not my problem if it make you uncomfortable that i'm already killing stuff. I just want the dungeon to go faster and I could solo most of it, would just take forever and 10 stack of potions

    Someone fun end where the fun of someone else start, and i'm not gonna change the way I enjoy the game for someone else.

    Selfish? I sure am

    We are well aware of your likes in the MMO world, and we just have to put up with it from time to time. My post is intended for those who are not aware of the consequences of their actions (or lack thereof), which is the majority. Obviously it is not intended for ******bags, or ******bag wannabes. :)
    Check out my personal Nerf Proof T2 Thaumaturge Build.
  • redhotrainbowredhotrainbow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    copticone wrote: »
    We are well aware of your likes in the MMO world, and we just have to put up with it from time to time. My post is intended for those who are not aware of the consequences of their actions (or lack thereof), which is the majority. Obviously it is not intended for ******bags, or ******bag wannabes. :)

    +5 to wisdom
  • shazersssshazersss Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    copticone wrote: »
    We are well aware of your likes in the MMO world, and we just have to put up with it from time to time. My post is intended for those who are not aware of the consequences of their actions (or lack thereof), which is the majority. Obviously it is not intended for ******bags, or ******bag wannabes. :)

    Let's be honest here, if the majority act like this maybe you should be the one changing how you think and not vice versa
  • pinkysansbrainpinkysansbrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. How about you stop wasting 4 other people's time by lagging behind doing whatever it is you do that prevents you from keeping up? The last guy to open a chest will be behind the group; he gets no less loot and gets through the dungeon faster than if everyone had waited for him. This is a no-lose scenario, unless the guy left behind REALLY likes clearing trash (in which case that guy can open the box faster).

    Not allowing people time to catch up with you increases the chance of a wipe, and makes what is intended to be a fun and challenging group diversion into a frightfully dull chore that very few people want to be a part of, save dungeon rushers. Lootmongers who like to speed through dungeons with no regard for their teammates are 99% of the reason my parties have wiped, and they're 100% of the reason PuGs are not enjoyable for the most part.

    I'd like to add: if someone says they have an IRL emergency to take care of that demands they go AFK (even in the middle of a dungeon), PLEASE do not accuse them of lying or "wasting time". There are far more important things in peoples' lives than video games, and while it might be frustrating to wait ten minutes for someone to bandage their hand because they cut it on a broken glass, it isn't the end of the world. A little consideration for what goes on behind the keyboard goes a long way.
  • torpor12345torpor12345 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Funny you all say this, since no one is responding to what I say/ Almost no one, in party chat. I mush almost spam the chat for people to look at what I say.
  • streamofsolacestreamofsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not allowing people time to catch up with you increases the chance of a wipe, and makes what is intended to be a fun and challenging group diversion into a frightfully dull chore that very few people want to be a part of, save dungeon rushers. Lootmongers who like to speed through dungeons with no regard for their teammates are 99% of the reason my parties have wiped, and they're 100% of the reason PuGs are not enjoyable for the most part.

    I've never wiped due to not waiting for someone, though you're right that it does increase the chance. And it gets to be extra challenging because we're doing it with 4 people, or even 3.

    If a person can't keep up to a group that is clearing trash one man down, they clearly aren't making much of an effort. I seriously don't understand how it happens, and normally just remove the person if they can't catch up in 5-10 minutes and I'm fortunate enough to have randomly gotten the leader role. Otherwise I just leave, because carrying some jerk through things isn't very fun.
  • blackash2011blackash2011 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    The mechanics of this game produce a speed run, most damage/heals dealt concept.

    "4) You are NOT a one man army. Wait for everyone. No one is going to get their name carved in stone because they are rushing ahead of everyone."

    Unfortunately this is untrue as the end results display the "top" of each bracket and reward you accordingly. So rushing ahead and trying to get the most damage out, or spamming heals does indeed carve your name in stone.

    "5) Take it easy. Sure if you are running with a bunch of friends the same dungeon over and over, there is no need to take the scenic route."

    Exploration, and quickly might I add as the general mechanic of the game is to keep pace with those in the group..is of course a good idea as there are many "secrets" the game has in place that only those willing to find them will be successful at. (example resource pack nodes or treasure chests are often OFF the beaten trail.)

    "9) (UPDATED) When to NEED/GREED/PASS. First of all this is not a rule. it's simple courtesy. You NEED when the item is for your CLASS and are looking to upgrade. How do you know if it is an upgrade? Well you don't, thanks to the silly system of unidentified items. Just be considerate. Needling on something that is RED is the issue, unless everyone in the party has agreed to do so from the start. Instead GREED or PASS on them. (It's funny that on the rare occasions that someone actually said anything in party chat, it was to argue about loot)"

    Im almost scared to replie to this one as it makes me look like a not so nice guy... But the reality is that you ALWAYS need EVERYTHING as they directly translate into gold at the vendor which in turn enables you to better equip yourself down the road. The old NBG system is the "nice way to play", but as we all know...nice guys finish last. So its something to consider here also. Although I generally attempt to use a similar system when looting, its important that we take a close look at WHY people are just spamming need.
    I believe this happens for 2 reasons, because of the pace of the game you rarely have time to examine items to know if its something you actually want, and the identify system for items means that that single green with the question mark on it could very well be much better than what you are using. The result? Everyone needs every single item simply to get the chance to identify the possibility of a upgrade. So my apologies to the reply on this but the NBG system only applies when everyone can SEE the stat gains of an item PRIOR to actually rolling.

    1) When joining a party for whatever reason (dungeon, skirmish, PvP), loose your coolness factor and greet everyone. A simple Hello, wont diminish your reputation.
    Lets face it-most people view every other being they see running around on their game window as "backdrop" and don't really impact their game play, MMO does indeed mean massive multilayer but in today's gaming community the social aspect is what people use guilds for, as its a much more isolated and distinct group of players than the general mass. The end result is that people could care less if bobby joe said hi to them while bashing down a boss, and while being social has benefits it can also have drawbacks especially in a game that regularly posts your entire user account information in everything from trade transactions to mailing to friends lists. You are wondering why this would even register as a concern for most users? Well its pretty darn easy to see if someone is off or online if you are friends with thier master account. (a system i completely disagree with mind you). as it exposes users to tracking and or possible exploitation. So to sum up this "quick reply", I agree that being social is a good practice, but you have to consider the source, the pace of the game, and its player base (as language can interfere with it too) I mean who wants to chat and attempt to be social when you get railed by the zone/party when you typo a word.

    Just things to consider.
  • irithaeirithae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been pugging 5man content and raids in another MMO for 7 years, and I'll agree that the silence in NW pugs is *eerie*, as someone else so aptly put it. Now, I can chalk some of it up to "everyone's learning the new keybinds & combat system, and for many of us, juggling chat along with the rest of it isn't intuitive yet" but I still find it... strange. No, we don't have to become BFF just because we got thrown together for a 5man, but yeah... a simple "hello" and "thanks for the run" goes a long way to building a community of gamers. No, I'm not going to stress out if someone doesn't want to have a chat, but... yeah. Just an acknowledgement here & there that you're a person behind the avatar is... community-building, and it happens *all the time* in the other game I play. Not just guild runs; complete random pugs as well.

    On another topic, I personally see the Needing of Green items as disrespectful. Especially since the system of "Unidentified Items" prevents you from seeing what stats are even on the items. I might have an outdated chestpiece, but if I roll Need on that Green and identify it and it ends up being all Defense rating, I'll be an unhappy Recuperation/Crit Cleric and the rest of the party has lost out on loot to vendor or AH or send to an alt. Moreover, even if it *was* an upgrade to what I'm wearing, when we're talking about group play while leveling, that's quite possibly an item you're going to *replace* 5 min from now with your next quest reward or something. Blues/Purples are for Needing; Greens are for Greeding, in my eyes.

    However, if the consensus in the NW community ends up going for "Greens you *might* be able to use are for Needing" then I'm not going to rage or anything; I'll adjust. I'll be perplexed, but I'll adjust ;)

    On the issue of players who rush instead of wait for the group - /shrug. If they can keep themselves alive, I'm not going to stop them. If their rushing ahead causes the group to be having difficulties, it's a different story. If the opposite is happening - if one player is constantly lagging behind? I'll assume they're new. So long as they manage to catch up and participate, I have no issue with helping new players learn the ropes. If they're just afk then that's a different story...
  • gullvengullven Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great post OP. its gotten to the point that I don't do dungeons with out a group of people I know any more.
  • clarkeuxclarkeux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with this post 100%. You have no need to say sorry for posting it either.
    I don't understand why people are so reluctant to talk these days. More than likely it's due to WoW (sorry for bringing this up) and it's super easy dungeons. People don't want to talk there they just want to farm their loot and whatever else and move on. I see a little more chatter up at 60 but not as much as I would like to see.

    "All shall burn before the hellfire I rain unto my Foes"
  • dazlindazlin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I haven't been doing many dungeons yet but I have done a few and all have been great experiences. You are right for the most part there is a weird silence I've not experienced in any other MMO though. But I always say something like "hi guys" when we get in the dungeon and every time have been greeted by everyone else.. Likewise I always say "thanks for the run guys" and the majority have responded with their own thanks.

    My first run I was blown away. I was wearing all gear 5 lvls below my level, a blue chest I could use dropped. I rolled greed, the cleric rolled need. 10 seconds later he says "Dazlin would you like this chest?", to which I responded "it would be an upgrade".. He then traded it to me right away. Awesome. Now that I've seen how everyone rolls, I roll Need if I really think its an upgrade (or for upgrade gems because everyone 'needs' on those). I roll greed on a green I don't think is an upgrade, and I pass on every single red. I honestly don't care much about the loot so it's not really an issue to me what happens with it.

    I had one experience with a skirmish where everyone in the party died 3 times each, not a single word spoken.. I was shocked by the lack of rage, or anything else over it.
  • raccoonboyraccoonboy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I just did Lair of the Mad Dragon, 2 GWF and 2 (3) CW and me a TR...Yet not one person said a single word, they all just /shift/ to the next monster, chests was spammed constantly, and yet when the only rogue blue bracers drop? Four of them roll need...seriously some people need to learn what the need greed system actually means :/
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