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I would probably spend a lot of money on this game if the prices were halved.



  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some of the prices are reasonable. $2.50 for a character slot, when a character can provide infinite farming (if nothing else), is nice.

    $30 for a wedding outfit is silly, but it's frivolous, so fine.

    Mounts and companions... I'm not sure. It depends on how 'necessary' mounts feel like late -- so far a regular horse is just fine in early zones. And I'm not sure how easy it'll be to upgrade companions (given companion upgrades aren't even in yet).

    One hard to measure element to pricing is morale. I wanted a nonstandard mount for my half Orc wizard (haha!), but... $30 for a freakin worg? Um, no, never. A STO ship costs less, and actually is a critical part of gameplay rather than speed boost.
    That disappoints me and while it won't make me quit, it adds to disappointment which can ball up to a problem.

    Of course, the issue Cryptic faces is teasing apart the usual background radiation of geek complaining from an aberrant commonality of an significant and actionable problem.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • morlizermorlizer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I never mentioned bags, so I will not comment on that part, but I understand what you are trying to say with the account matter. I guess it comes down to the individual if managing 2 accounts is worth the hassle or not in contrast to just unlocking character slots. I'd be more inclined to unlock more slots if I had an item such as the bag, now that you mention it, unlock on multiple characters.

    Unfortunately that's not the cass. To me it is just not worth it. This is not me being stingy, or just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> poor, but to me it is just a matter of principle. I could afford it yes, but knowing that less expensive sales practices within the f2p market work and general empathy I have with less fortunate people, I will not spend Zen unless the price is lowered to a standard where it is fair, not only to me, but for the majority.

    As much as I would love to have a cool companion, mount, and that lovely wedding dress for my halfling lass, I will stand for what I believe in and vote with my wallet.

    It is the people who spend the money on it anyway, despite it being freaking overpriced, why companies continue to push boundaries.

    This is why EA is still doing their shady stuff.

    This is why Blizzard pulls off <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like Diablo 3.

    Because in the end, despite all the warnings, the whining, and whatever, you guys STILL BUY IT.

    2 Character slots cost like what 6$? Is that really worth crating a new mail account? Yes the prices are to high for pets and mounts, that's why i said that i only buy what matters to me. I'm not a big fan of buying anything, it removes the joy from it, i'd like the best mounts to be worked hard for and same goes for gear. But spending 6$ for 2 extra slots saves me the hassle and that is not much that the company got from me. So in total i got to play a game for 6$ and i don't think that will keep the company fed for much, it's rather the people who buy the founders pack for 199$. In the end it evens out, most people pay nothing and some pay more. I don't think this is a mind blowing formula for huge success. It's a must if you want to survive in the MMO world where everything is free to play.
  • ratrailratrail Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    semune wrote: »
    It's SAD that you can even spend that much. I've spent 1740$ since the beta of WoW... Still play it. Neverwinter, while fun, definitely doesn't have the end game to last longer than 6 months. Anyone who throws over 300$ at a game that lasts 6 months is managing their money incorrectly.

    I'm not going to claim to know what the future brings for Neverwinter, but this statement is a bit ridiculous. WoW originally launched with 1-2 months of end game content max (coming from someone who has played WoW since Vanilla's launch). You may or may not recall that the pinnacle of PVE content at launch was "raiding" UBRS, and that a full raid (MC) wasn't added until a later content patch. Point being: No MMO (even WoW) launches with a fully-fleshed out end game because they rightly focus on things such as server stability/bug fixes and the experience for those that are leveling. The content will come later, assuming the game does well.
  • rsheartsrshearts Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    i just wish the costumes were a BIT cheaper and account wide like Cryptic's other games. in Champions if a costume came out as a rule I would generally just pick it up and figure one of my chars would use it eventually. here i have 3k zen but dont wanna spend it unless its something i KNOW i will use, cause i can get so much less with my money.

    I really want to buy cosmetic outfits, especially because all the armor looks the same. But it's just so expensive, and character bound! If it was account unlock, I might buy it at this crazy high price. If it was cheaper, I might buy it if it were character bound. But instead, I do neither.


    I am an impulse-buyer. I do spend far too much money in games mainly because I like bag space and cosmetic fluff. Been known to buy a mount (or two) in other games if it was cool.

    But I've totally resisted that urge here. I just cannot justify dropping $20+ on single, character-locked items.

    Even though I did front the $$$ for a Founder package, now that it's live, I should probably thank PWE for letting me enjoy a game without forking over money in the cash shop.

    To put it another way, if you - PWE - aren't enticing someone like me to buy from the shop, then you are missing a LOT of purchases from people with even more restraint than I have.
  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rshearts wrote: »

    I am an impulse-buyer. I do spend far too much money in games mainly because I like bag space and cosmetic fluff. Been known to buy a mount (or two) in other games if it was cool.

    But I've totally resisted that urge here. I just cannot justify dropping $20+ on single, character-locked items.

    Even though I did front the $$$ for a Founder package, now that it's live, I should probably thank PWE for letting me enjoy a game without forking over money in the cash shop.

    To put it another way, if you - PWE - aren't enticing someone like me to buy from the shop, then you are missing a LOT of purchases from people with even more restraint than I have.

    But they make more money from those who do shell out.

    Can you guarantee they'd make more money overall if they dropped their prices somewhat significantly?

    (That was a rhetorical question, by the way.)
  • rinlahnrinlahn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All I can say is wait til the uproar when they put out the first class or race and its $30. Or how about new paragon paths only $20. I'd love to spend money on this game. But at the current pricing I'm sorry but I just can't.

    What's even worse is that with the foundry we are building their game and market. So screw us on the prices but keep making those quests to make our game seem huge content wise.
  • wolfosworcawolfosworca Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rinlahn wrote: »
    All I can say is wait til the uproar when they put out the first class or race and its $30. Or how about new paragon paths only $20. I'd love to spend money on this game. But at the current pricing I'm sorry but I just can't.

    What's even worse is that with the foundry we are building their game and market. So screw us on the prices but keep making those quests to make our game seem huge content wise.

    If that happens, i walk. Im all for paying for updates, i paid for powers and looks in CoX and DDO, but that price is just not on. Smaller prices for that tend to feel better.
  • ezbeeezbee Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    But they make more money from those who do shell out.

    Can you guarantee they'd make more money overall if they dropped their prices somewhat significantly?

    (That was a rhetorical question, by the way.)

    I dont care if its rhetorical, im going to answer. By looking at other online 'shops' you can see that it does, steam being the best example.

    They may make more per unit by charging more but in theory they should be making more overall if they charge reasonable/bargain prices.

    You cant guarantee it ofc in the same way you cant guarantee that charging those prices will cause the company to go bankrupt from lack of sales.
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    semune wrote: »
    I just want to say, to the people saying stop making these threads... We need more of these threads, flood the forums with them.

    Look at EVERY other PWE game, tell me if there's more than a handful playing that aren't the "big spenders".

    They make a killing off of fools that spend upwards of 10-20,000$ on games like BoI, WoI, and jade dynasty.

    It's SAD that you can even spend that much. I've spent 1740$ since the beta of WoW... Still play it. Neverwinter, while fun, definitely doesn't have the end game to last longer than 6 months. Anyone who throws over 300$ at a game that lasts 6 months is managing their money incorrectly. You may say they have a lot of extra spending money, I say they can help the poor and give a bum 20$ on the street, but do they do that? No. Do they bother setting aside 150k for their child's college fund? Most likely not. Therefore, I say, what spending money do they really have? It's only in their selfish minds.

    So now you're the authority to tell people how to spend THEIR money? Eff you dude, that's pretty effing rude and ballsy. Do you give your money to that bum on the street who will promptly drop that 20 on a bottle of Jack? Doesn't sound like it. I think it's SAD that blizzard got you for $2k and has given you absolutely nothing new except a watered down game that's a total shell of itself from 2004 / 5...do you like easy mode? sounds like it. I mean, that's money that would've been better given to a bum on the street right?

    WOW had 0 end game content when it came out...christ, brd got boring after month 4. Yet people stuck with it, and almost 10 years, and 4/5 expansions later...things take time to flesh out. You're precious WoW took 10 years to get to where it's at. Unfortunately people like you are the reason other games, games like NW fail, since you're too invested and afraid to just stop WoW and see what else is out there and to give things the proper chance they deserve.

    I have a couple of friends who play wow, i've tried to get them to come to other titles, but they tell me "too much time and money invested into wow to just stop", i'll be that 1740 you spent on wow, just gets high and higher.
  • nos77nos77 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    while i get the the free to play pay to play options we get nowadays.

    id still like to see a monthly pay option its one thing id like to see in gw2 and after a quick play in here today id like to see it here too.
  • apokolipsapokolips Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Do I really need to spend $200.00 for a drow?
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    apokolips wrote: »
    Do I really need to spend $200.00 for a drow?

    Only if you want one in the first 60 days
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    The first game to have bags you had to purchase it cost $25 down to $6 now seems pretty good to me. Of course if gamers would realize that F2P is the way to go because $15/mo subs do not pay for server maintenance and it needs to be higher we wouldn't have to hear all these people scream about F2P pricing only about to high a sub cost.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rinlahn wrote: »
    All I can say is wait til the uproar when they put out the first class or race and its $30.

    Well considering how they told everyone they'd never charge for a class... Hopefully you'll be waiting a long time.
  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ezbee wrote: »
    I dont care if its rhetorical, im going to answer. By looking at other online 'shops' you can see that it does, steam being the best example.

    I don't understand what you're saying. What exactly can you see by looking at other cash shops? Certainly you can't know that a given cash shop makes the owning company more money overall than Neverwinter's, just by looking at its pricing model
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    But they make more money from those who do shell out.

    Can you guarantee they'd make more money overall if they dropped their prices somewhat significantly?

    (That was a rhetorical question, by the way.)

    Do they? Do they really make more money from these prices?

    Well first of all you'll have to show me that these things are actually bringing in money. You're really assuming a lot, by declaring them a success with no proof, before weighing alternatives.

    Have you seen a whole lot of people in these costumes? Or any at all? I've yet to see a single person wearing them, let alone the 30 dollar costume.
    I can guarantee you more people will buy them if the price drops. I mean that's kind of a no brainer.

    You're weighing less sales at larger prices, vs. more sales at lower prices. More sales always wins. Low prices mean more people buying. Lower prices means less commitment to make all at once. Many people don't mind spending $100 for a game, over the course of a month or two. But may avoid dropping it all at once.

    If you have one person spending $100
    and ten people spending $10.
    The later is better. Why?
    Because if that one person quits, you have zero people left to buy things.

    Especially for something that costs very little to produce and nothing to distribute, like a costume.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • ftgeftge Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They should lower the prices, but that would be a slap in the face to That Guy who spent $50 on bags; which is quite alright, he deserves it.
  • zuluzulutozuluzuluto Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2013
    I agreed with the OP right up until Saturday when I bought both the Hero & Guardian founders packs.

    I don't know what it was, but I downloaded the game Saturday / friday night, and was playing as much as I could Saturday, so much so, my coccyx got sore from my chair (crappy folding chair that's due for an update). I was really into it.

    You....yes you sir....are EXACTLY the customer PWE is looking for.
    You're playing computer games while sitting in a folding chair instead of a comfortable chair...and yet you plopped down 260.00 dollars for a game instead of just 200 for the founders and a decent office chair.

    Yes indeed...you are definately the kind of customer that PWE wants to keep around.
    If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zuluzuluto wrote: »
    You....yes you sir....are EXACTLY the customer PWE is looking for.
    You're playing computer games while sitting in a folding chair instead of a comfortable chair...and yet you plopped down 260.00 dollars for a game instead of just 200 for the founders and a decent office chair.

    Yes indeed...you are definately the kind of customer that PWE wants to keep around.

    Exactly the kind of person PWE preys on. It's depressing.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    zuluzuluto wrote: »
    You....yes you sir....are EXACTLY the customer PWE is looking for.
    You're playing computer games while sitting in a folding chair instead of a comfortable chair...and yet you plopped down 260.00 dollars for a game instead of just 200 for the founders and a decent office chair.

    Yes indeed...you are definately the kind of customer that PWE wants to keep around.

    nothing wrong with the folding chair, didn't expect to be that into the game where i was in it for a much longer time than normal...but hey, I have a job, meet my other financial responsibilities and can go buy a chair next week if I chose to. The founders were a total impulse buy.

    what's your point anyway? that because I didn't make a chair my priority, I'm a terrible person?

    if you're just upset because I was able to drop that money on the game on a whim, without a huge negative financial impact, just be honest, don't hate the player, hate the game. for all you know, this will most likely be the only money i invest in the title, if I play for a year, I got my monies worth, and right now, I feel I'll be playing for a while.
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agree with the OP.

    These are DIGITAL products. To liken them to any form of real world product is folly. The pricing is based on a model that PWE thought up in order to recoup development costs, maintenance and begin turning a profit in 'X' time frame. 'X' time frame typically being within 1-2 quarters post release. They look at demographics and tune their prices and what exactly it is they're selling to match those demographics.

    The PROBLEM here is this game has been advertised not only to the MMO community at large but also towards table top gamers. And table top gamers aren't accustomed to paying $30-$40 for a mount or companion for ONE character. They're used to dropping $40-$50 for a book. A book they keep forever. Aside from war gamers, table top gamers are a frugal bunch.

    If you want into their pockets you better start lowering prices. The moment you impress on these people that this will be an expensive pass time is the exact moment you lose them as potential repeat customers.
  • zuluzulutozuluzuluto Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2013
    Go back and read the thread.
    Basically, they want people like you that will , as you readily admit, impulse buy and for go getting needful things. I did the same thing when I was a kid, and my parents sighed as well and let me make my mistakes.
    So Enjoy. Again, you're exactly what they want in a customer, instead of someone who plans and is a discerning customer with higher expectations.

    Congrats on that spiffy mount.
    If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »
    Agree with the OP.

    These are DIGITAL products. To liken them to any form of real world product is folly. The pricing is based on a model that PWE thought up in order to recoup development costs, maintenance and begin turning a profit in 'X' time frame. 'X' time frame typically being within 1-2 quarters post release. They look at demographics and tune their prices and what exactly it is they're selling to match those demographics.

    The PROBLEM here is this game has been largely advertised not only to the MMO community at large but also towards table top gamers. And table top gamers aren't accustomed to paying $30-$40 for a mount or companion for ONE character. They're used to dropping $40-$50 for a book. A book they keep forever. Aside from war gamers, table top gamers are a frugal bunch.

    If you want into they're pockets you better start lowering prices. The moment you impress on these people that this will be an expensive pass time is the exact moment you lose them as potential repeat customers.

    no, tt games are accustomed to spending 25 - 60 PER BOOK, as you said, a book that they will keep forever assuming, binding doesn't break, fire, dog eating it, drinks spilling on it, kids ripping out pages, all the things that can happen to the book.

    the digital medium is there forever. PC craps out, they can still download the game for free and not lose anything.

    then again, for an investment of 0, a TT DM can make modules for his group for free!
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    zuluzuluto wrote: »
    Go back and read the thread.
    Basically, they want people like you that will , as you readily admit, impulse buy and for go getting needful things. I did the same thing when I was a kid, and my parents sighed as well and let me make my mistakes.
    So Enjoy. Again, you're exactly what they want in a customer, instead of someone who plans and is a discerning customer with higher expectations.

    Congrats on that spiffy mount.

    keep on keepin your expectations really high...you're in for nothing but disappointment most of the time.
  • riven84riven84 Member, Banned Users Posts: 574 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    direcrow wrote: »
    Do they? Do they really make more money from these prices?

    Well first of all you'll have to show me that these things are actually bringing in money. You're really assuming a lot, by declaring them a success with no proof, before weighing alternatives.

    Have you seen a whole lot of people in these costumes? Or any at all? I've yet to see a single person wearing them, let alone the 30 dollar costume.
    I can guarantee you more people will buy them if the price drops. I mean that's kind of a no brainer.

    You're weighing less sales at larger prices, vs. more sales at lower prices. More sales always wins. Low prices mean more people buying. Lower prices means less commitment to make all at once. Many people don't mind spending $100 for a game, over the course of a month or two. But may avoid dropping it all at once.

    If you have one person spending $100
    and ten people spending $10.
    The later is better. Why?
    Because if that one person quits, you have zero people left to buy things.

    Especially for something that costs very little to produce and nothing to distribute, like a costume.

    Congrats, you didn't understand what I said at all. Comprehensive reading, a lost art.

    If you'd actually read my post with any sort of comprehension, you'd have understood that I was making the argument that we cannot know whether or not this model is making PWE decent money, or whether or not a model with more generous pricing would end up making them more money.
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ...the digital medium is there forever.

    Tell that to SWG or any other MMO that went under.

    Secondly, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing? I can't tell. You say I'm wrong and then go on to support my point.
  • holt3holt3 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would probably spend alot of money on other things too if the prices were halved...
  • holt3holt3 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zuluzuluto wrote: »
    Go back and read the thread.
    Basically, they want people like you that will , as you readily admit, impulse buy and for go getting needful things. I did the same thing when I was a kid, and my parents sighed as well and let me make my mistakes.
    So Enjoy. Again, you're exactly what they want in a customer, instead of someone who plans and is a discerning customer with higher expectations.

    Congrats on that spiffy mount.

    You act like you live in a world where people aren't idiots.
  • scruffycavetrollscruffycavetroll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »
    Tell that to SWG or any other MMO that went under. Secondly, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing? I can't tell. You say I'm wrong and then go on to support my point.

    well, what I really meant was that the product exists on a harddrive or CD, a company removing / closing up game servers is a circumstance beyond the end users control. let's say that all else being equal, the digital product is there. all things come to an end, I understand, but I was really referring to things that the end user has control of. like if his PC catches fire, a person could still download the client (all else being equal)

    As holt3 says, if they lower the price, there are a lot of things people would buy, imagine if Ferarri lowered prices, they'd sell more too! But they don't, why?

    We are the end users. the companies making the titles determine the prices, and we are not privvy to how much they make, unless they're public companies, we'll never ever know, nor are they obligated to tell us.

    People either agree with the price and are willing to pay it, or not. The developer is banking on the fact there will be people who will pay it. I'm sure they will also have sales at some point.

    I may not have answered you, i understand what you're saying, but I don't subscribe to it completely, that's all.
  • zuluzulutozuluzuluto Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2013
    holt3 wrote: »
    You act like you live in a world where people aren't idiots.

    Oh, I know they are....it's just I have this fallacy of believing you can convince them that they are and to change their ways.
    Unfortunately, for most of them, they never learn or they learn through the school of hard knocks.
    If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
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