Why does this game have barebones customization, not only in variation of actual armor and/or weapons (from 1 to 22 i've had the same looking armor.) but also in the variation of class customization, Most cleric will run the same skills because of how few heals there are.
Paragon paths why does the game deceive you into thinking there are multiple Paragon Paths when in fact there is only one and each class will only ever be able to pick one, why did the game no release with at least 2 paths I know the customization was complained about in the first 2 beta weekends and was changed for release.
I am not convinced this is just a "beta" thing. I have to agree with the OP. I was really hoping that when I reached 30 and was able to pick my paragon path as a rogue, I would not just be able to choose infiltrator. To me, this is just fail. MMORPG's should always be about choice and customization. The fact that Cryptic/PWE did not include at least one other path is really lazy in my opinion. This facet alone, may very well deter players from wanting to play this game, among other things and honestly, if you want a game to succeed, why would you exclude this, open beta or not, just seems silly, illogical and very lazy to me.
I am not convinced this is just a "beta" thing. I have to agree with the OP. I was really hoping that when I reached 30 and was able to pick my paragon path as a rogue, I would not just be able to choose infiltrator. To me, this is just fail. MMORPG's should always be about choice and customization. The fact that Cryptic/PWE did not include at least one other path is really lazy in my opinion. This facet alone, may very well determine players from wanting to play this game, among other things and honestly, if you want a game to succeed, why would you exclude this, open beta or not, just seems silly, illogical and very lazy to me.
They are going to release them later and charge you to re-spec into them, it's pretty obvious. The same reason there is only 5 classes on release with the shady "Coming Soon" option. And they are fully right to do so. Compare it with League of Legends.
They release a new champ, you can spend 6300 IP to buy him (in our case, X # of AD)
Or you can buy him with RP (our case, Zen)
It's going to be the same for new classes, and more then likely, paragon paths.
They are going to release them later and charge you to re-spec into them, it's pretty obvious. The same reason there is only 5 classes on release with the shady "Coming Soon" option. And they are fully right to do so. Compare it with League of Legends.
They release a new champ, you can spend 6300 IP to buy him (in our case, X # of AD)
Or you can buy him with RP (our case, Zen)
It's going to be the same for new classes, and more then likely, paragon paths.
Well yea, I figured they would release future paths and we would be required to pay for them, but I would have just thought, like the op, that we would be given 2 choices to choose from. I mean I understand they have to make money, I get that, but this is starting to feel more like a "milk you for every penny" kind of game. They will have dedicated high spenders, but I fear this game will not last if they only attract that kind of audience. Eventually those spending tons of $$ in the cash shop will grow tired as well. I am going to go ahead and call it. I give this game 6 months (if they keep practicing business this way) before D and D Neverwinter becomes a distant memory for most.
withholding game content is nothing new with game devs, it just seems to be worse with free to play games as opposed to say a xbox game.
"You have a wife and kids? If so, what would happen, if we called you in at 1am, everytime something went wrong!
Be respectful, remember, you PLAY the game at your convenience, they WORK at no ones."
Well yea, I figured they would release future paths and we would be required to pay for them, but I would have just thought, like the op, that we would be given 2 choices to choose from. I mean I understand they have to make money, I get that, but this is starting to feel more like a "milk you for every penny" kind of game. They will have dedicated high spenders, but I fear this game will not last if they only attract that kind of audience. Eventually those spending tons of $$ in the cash shop will grow tired as well. I am going to go ahead and call it. I give this game 6 months (if they keep practicing business this way) before D and D Neverwinter becomes a distant memory for most.
To each his own. I haven't payed a penny yet. I will when I want to roll another char, 2 isn't enough...
It is a Beta, it is their game and they can call it what they want. It is clearly an unfinished product with the missing paragons and classes. People would soon complain (even more so) if they released unfinished content.
the "sad" thing with Open beta, its that we want to play the game. So we play it, then we find that the content/customization/etc is not really there and we just end up leaving the game and never coming back. I think for PWE, the Launch of Neverwinter Open beta was more like "The game is Raedy to be played, not complete a all, but whatever we need/want to make some cash"
I love it when you get free ice cream and complain because you didn't get to choose from more flavors.
Give it a rest already ... these threads are tired and old and just ridiculous. The game is free, it doesn't cost you a penny. The game just came out.
There's nothing 'lazy' about a company spending millions to provide you with entertainment that requires nothing from you.
If you are unhappy with the ice cream, find another ice cream shop ... hundreds of thousands of others are quite happy with the flavor and can patiently wait for more flavors while we enjoy this one.
Why does this game have barebones customization, not only in variation of actual armor and/or weapons (from 1 to 22 i've had the same looking armor.) but also in the variation of class customization, Most cleric will run the same skills because of how few heals there are.
Paragon paths why does the game deceive you into thinking there are multiple Paragon Paths when in fact there is only one and each class will only ever be able to pick one, why did the game no release with at least 2 paths I know the customization was complained about in the first 2 beta weekends and was changed for release.
I have a lvl 30 cleric myself at the moment. While there are no large differences I can remember between lvl 1-20 there is most definitely more then 1 skin for the armors. Take a look at shoulder plates, elbow protectors, ribbons, etc
Then again most MMO's I played have quite simple and similar looking sets in the beginning of the levels. I think this is quite normal.
Keep on going, once you get to 30 and up you'll start seeing more differences (can be seen better with certain types of armor then others in my opinion!)
Secondly, as I understand it, more paragon paths will be released in the (near) future. The system today is built for more than one path. That is probably why it comes off as deceiving. Just one today but I think thre will be many more options soon-ish.
They arn't going to charge for new classes or paragon paths. They've already said so numerous times. They might not give you a free respec so you can try the new Paragon Path out, which is dumb but we'll see.
I new before I started playing Open Beta that all the classes and paths where not available because I read the email telling me Open Beta started. Interesting concept there!
Also, they need to make money and not everyone is going to agree on how they make money, but as long as they don't go P2W we all alright, the servers don't run for free no matter how much some of the players want to believe that.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I am not convinced this is just a "beta" thing. I have to agree with the OP. I was really hoping that when I reached 30 and was able to pick my paragon path as a rogue, I would not just be able to choose infiltrator. To me, this is just fail. MMORPG's should always be about choice and customization. The fact that Cryptic/PWE did not include at least one other path is really lazy in my opinion. This facet alone, may very well deter players from wanting to play this game, among other things and honestly, if you want a game to succeed, why would you exclude this, open beta or not, just seems silly, illogical and very lazy to me.
Despite the people who bury their head in the sand and claim that this isn't a beta it is.
Reports are that in alpha more paragon pathways where available to choose from. At a guess they focused on balancing and releasing 1 pathway per profession in preparation for the open beta. Then over the next few months we will see additional paragon pathways released.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
It's not beta. NW has launched, despite what they say.
Cryptic has also come out and said that all classes will be free to play. And I think they've said the same about races as well.
You can bury your head in the sand and claim this but it still is beta.
We have only 1 paragon pathway per class right now. As noted reports are that there were more during alpha. Most logical and least paranoid guess is that they focused on balancing 1 pathway per class and released that one with the closed and open beta. With plans to release the additional pathways over time. Kind of like filling in stuff during a beta.
Most equipment lacks distinctive models and unique markings. Again something not needed in a beta when plans would be to add the missing over time.
I could go on but system after system lacks depth that is needed for a fully released game but not for a functional open beta.
You can bury your head in the sand and claim this but it still is beta.
We have only 1 paragon pathway per class right now. As noted reports are that there were more during alpha. Most logical and least paranoid guess is that they focused on balancing 1 pathway per class and released that one with the closed and open beta. With plans to release the additional pathways over time. Kind of like filling in stuff during a beta.
Most equipment lacks distinctive models and unique markings. Again something not needed in a beta when plans would be to add the missing over time.
I could go on but system after system lacks depth that is needed for a fully released game but not for a functional open beta.
I see a lot of people don't know what a Closed or Open Beta actually is. People on these boards just use the buzz word beta but don't actually know what an Open Beta is.
Having one paragon path at open beta is quite disappointing, and if they had more available in alpha but decided to pull them from the game to cash grab or release at a later date then why not at least give some information as to why or when they will be ready.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I see a lot of people don't know what a Closed or Open Beta actually is. People on these boards just use the buzz word beta but don't actually know what an Open Beta is.
Having one paragon path at open beta is quite disappointing, and if they had more available in alpha but decided to pull them from the game to cash grab or release at a later date then why not at least give some information as to why or when they will be ready.
You sound like the person who doesn't know what open beta is. I know exactly what it is.
I think you buy into the open beta equals marketing launch for game.
stonedbillMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm confused. On my rogue I could have sworn I had three different paths to choose from?
no matter how many times you say the game has launched, its still in beta.
beta implies that there are bugs that still need to be fixed/found and that content is potentially incomplete (as is the case here).
how anyone can look at this game and say that its a launch is beyond me, its clearly still in beta.
Given that their cash shop is up and running, do you really think this is just an open beta? Sure, they call it that, but in reality, they are totally in launch mode. Calling it open beta or beta at this point is just to have an excuse for things not being totally complete or bug free. That said, name one MMO that has launched bug/glitch free... yeah, this is launch.
Open beta. The game is subject to random and major changes. Lots of systems are not finished, or only partially finished. During the open beta the systems should be filled in and finished. Often that doesn't happen because of a rush to 'release' the game. This game is in that stage between being stable and being ready for launch. Lots and lots of systems need work but the core game is functional and stable. That is a beta.
Given that their cash shop is up and running, do you really think this is just an open beta? Sure, they call it that, but in reality, they are totally in launch mode. Calling it open beta or beta at this point is just to have an excuse for things not being totally complete or bug free. That said, name one MMO that has launched bug/glitch free... yeah, this is launch.
Just because the CS is up doesn't mean the game is fully released yet, it's most probably a soft launch, the only difference to an open beta and a soft launch is that there's not gonna be a any wipe, hence they can have the CS open for business.
It still means there's unfinished stuff in the game, some bugs not quite corrected, overall not really ready for a full release.
I've seen this on numerous other games aswell.
Open beta. The game is subject to random and major changes. Lots of systems are not finished, or only partially finished. During the open beta the systems should be filled in and finished. Often that doesn't happen because of a rush to 'release' the game. This game is in that stage between being stable and being ready for launch. Lots and lots of systems need work but the core game is functional and stable. That is a beta.
Funny, that definition you gave would also cover "updates" in a launched game.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
Funny, that definition you gave would also cover "updates" in a launched game.
And your point? I've seen the claim made that every single MMO is actually in beta and from some angles that is true.
But NWNO is particularly short on finished and polished systems. The core game is there but far to many systems are just skeletons. To be truly ready for launch the game needs more paragon paths, more races and classes, and more weapon and armor models. Also key systems like companion training are still missing.
And your point? I've seen the claim made that every single MMO is actually in beta and from some angles that is true.
But NWNO is particularly short on finished and polished systems. The core game is there but far to many systems are just skeletons. To be truly ready for launch the game needs more paragon paths, more races and classes, and more weapon and armor models. Also key systems like companion training are still missing.
Doesn't companion training work?
Should I stop sending my companion of to training?
Doesn't companion training work?
Should I stop sending my companion of to training?
There are place holders in the companion merchant for training manuals that allow you to increase the rank of your white pets. Thats what I'm referring to.
infinityzerodunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
The fact some of you haven't gave this game sometime to be out is astounding, it's still soft release no matter which way you look at it, it's obviously a unfinished product and more will come out when it actually comes to release I think you guys look too much into it and call out problems like "It's not OPEN BETA! It's just an excuse" you just look for a reason to name call the game and bring out flaws
They are going to release them later and charge you to re-spec into them, it's pretty obvious. The same reason there is only 5 classes on release with the shady "Coming Soon" option. And they are fully right to do so. Compare it with League of Legends.
They release a new champ, you can spend 6300 IP to buy him (in our case, X # of AD)
Or you can buy him with RP (our case, Zen)
It's going to be the same for new classes, and more then likely, paragon paths.
It's not beta. NW has launched, despite what they say.
Cryptic has also come out and said that all classes will be free to play. And I think they've said the same about races as well.
Well yea, I figured they would release future paths and we would be required to pay for them, but I would have just thought, like the op, that we would be given 2 choices to choose from. I mean I understand they have to make money, I get that, but this is starting to feel more like a "milk you for every penny" kind of game. They will have dedicated high spenders, but I fear this game will not last if they only attract that kind of audience. Eventually those spending tons of $$ in the cash shop will grow tired as well. I am going to go ahead and call it. I give this game 6 months (if they keep practicing business this way) before D and D Neverwinter becomes a distant memory for most.
Be respectful, remember, you PLAY the game at your convenience, they WORK at no ones."
To each his own. I haven't payed a penny yet. I will when I want to roll another char, 2 isn't enough...
beta implies that there are bugs that still need to be fixed/found and that content is potentially incomplete (as is the case here).
how anyone can look at this game and say that its a launch is beyond me, its clearly still in beta.
How anyone can look at this game and say that its beta is beyond me, once they accept your money it is launched.
Give it a rest already ... these threads are tired and old and just ridiculous. The game is free, it doesn't cost you a penny. The game just came out.
There's nothing 'lazy' about a company spending millions to provide you with entertainment that requires nothing from you.
If you are unhappy with the ice cream, find another ice cream shop ... hundreds of thousands of others are quite happy with the flavor and can patiently wait for more flavors while we enjoy this one.
Casually Accomplished since 2009 ** WEBSITE ** COMMUNITY CHARTER
I have a lvl 30 cleric myself at the moment. While there are no large differences I can remember between lvl 1-20 there is most definitely more then 1 skin for the armors. Take a look at shoulder plates, elbow protectors, ribbons, etc
Then again most MMO's I played have quite simple and similar looking sets in the beginning of the levels. I think this is quite normal.
Keep on going, once you get to 30 and up you'll start seeing more differences
Secondly, as I understand it, more paragon paths will be released in the (near) future. The system today is built for more than one path. That is probably why it comes off as deceiving. Just one today but I think thre will be many more options soon-ish.
Also, they need to make money and not everyone is going to agree on how they make money, but as long as they don't go P2W we all alright, the servers don't run for free no matter how much some of the players want to believe that.
Despite the people who bury their head in the sand and claim that this isn't a beta it is.
Reports are that in alpha more paragon pathways where available to choose from. At a guess they focused on balancing and releasing 1 pathway per profession in preparation for the open beta. Then over the next few months we will see additional paragon pathways released.
You can bury your head in the sand and claim this but it still is beta.
We have only 1 paragon pathway per class right now. As noted reports are that there were more during alpha. Most logical and least paranoid guess is that they focused on balancing 1 pathway per class and released that one with the closed and open beta. With plans to release the additional pathways over time. Kind of like filling in stuff during a beta.
Most equipment lacks distinctive models and unique markings. Again something not needed in a beta when plans would be to add the missing over time.
I could go on but system after system lacks depth that is needed for a fully released game but not for a functional open beta.
I see a lot of people don't know what a Closed or Open Beta actually is. People on these boards just use the buzz word beta but don't actually know what an Open Beta is.
Having one paragon path at open beta is quite disappointing, and if they had more available in alpha but decided to pull them from the game to cash grab or release at a later date then why not at least give some information as to why or when they will be ready.
You sound like the person who doesn't know what open beta is. I know exactly what it is.
I think you buy into the open beta equals marketing launch for game.
Smoke@stonedbill - Mindflayer - 60 Rogue
Given that their cash shop is up and running, do you really think this is just an open beta? Sure, they call it that, but in reality, they are totally in launch mode. Calling it open beta or beta at this point is just to have an excuse for things not being totally complete or bug free. That said, name one MMO that has launched bug/glitch free... yeah, this is launch.
Outline what you think an open beta is then.
Open beta. The game is subject to random and major changes. Lots of systems are not finished, or only partially finished. During the open beta the systems should be filled in and finished. Often that doesn't happen because of a rush to 'release' the game. This game is in that stage between being stable and being ready for launch. Lots and lots of systems need work but the core game is functional and stable. That is a beta.
Just because the CS is up doesn't mean the game is fully released yet, it's most probably a soft launch, the only difference to an open beta and a soft launch is that there's not gonna be a any wipe, hence they can have the CS open for business.
It still means there's unfinished stuff in the game, some bugs not quite corrected, overall not really ready for a full release.
I've seen this on numerous other games aswell.
Funny, that definition you gave would also cover "updates" in a launched game.
And your point? I've seen the claim made that every single MMO is actually in beta and from some angles that is true.
But NWNO is particularly short on finished and polished systems. The core game is there but far to many systems are just skeletons. To be truly ready for launch the game needs more paragon paths, more races and classes, and more weapon and armor models. Also key systems like companion training are still missing.
Doesn't companion training work?
Should I stop sending my companion of to training?
/closes bug ticket
There are place holders in the companion merchant for training manuals that allow you to increase the rank of your white pets. Thats what I'm referring to.