Ooh, I didn't know there was activity in this thread. So glad to see that people like my quests.
I'm reading as much feedback as I can (which can be hard at times, considering A Hidden Blade now has more than 1500 pages of reviews if I'm not mistaken) and changing things where necessary. People might feel that rogues have an easy time in the quests as they are currently presented, but keep in mind that not all the doors where lockpicking seems to be available can actually be picked. Also, these two quests take place in areas with lots of doors, so Thievery naturally is more useful. Other quests in this campaign won't necessarily be like that.
I'm currently working on chapter 3 of the campaign. I'm planning on 7 chapters, but this might change depending on a multitude of factors, among them the fact that I'm basing some of my plans on features that haven't been implemented in the Foundry yet. All the positive feedback is putting a lot of pressure on me though, and I'm pressuring myself too. The two released chapters should be considered a prologue to the main plot. Chapter 3 could be called the "A New Hope" of this story, while chapter 4 will be the "Empire Strikes Back" (those are not the chapter names, just a comparison of theme). Read into that what you will. Oh, and I promise there will be no Ewoks.
I did this one yesterday. Enjoyed it thoroughly. I will be doing act 2 today. Looking forward to the continuation!!!!
delonteflmMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Add me to the list of fans of Part 1 (done on a Cleric as well no problem, just took a bit of leg work.) Looking forward to part 2 as my next daily foundry quest.
This was my first foray into the Foundry as well, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The writing is really superior compared to player-created content I've experienced in other games and I like that it played a major role in the adventure. The plot left me wanting more, which is exactly what you want in a first installment. I played a rogue and it was challenging in places which was also a big plus. I'm very much looking forward to playing the second chapter (now that I know there is one!). Very well done, ser!
gullvenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
First time into the foundry as many before me, man was this awesome max tip max stars from me. it reminded me of playing neverwinter nights. Good story great quest dialog, and best of all great badys to smash up
i ment do this solo and no need to be a jerk but when you go to the tavern you need a rogue there is no other way around it unless you gain nature skills at some other level
and i tried all option i used all the hints given and nothing worked on my CW
Thieves have thievery skills not nature skills, so I'm not quite certain what your issue is/was but seriously, if you talk to the bartender he TELLS you to talk to EVERYONE in the bar. Talk to EVERYONE & you'll get two options to find the NPC. On your Rogue, you can probably do the "steal me some whiskey" option if you choose. I completed this on my CW without any problems at all.
Part 1 was good, Part 2 was great! Awesome story, good balance of combat and RP. My only suggestion is to sell your items beforehand. There's no store and you pick up a lot of items.
This is good advice or maybe Tilt can add a vendor at one of the campfires?
I can't wait for part 3 one of the best foundry missions I have seen yet
I kid you not, EVERY day when I log in I go straight for the foundry missions board to see if part 3 is up. I'm not awash in AD yet for tipping, but rest assured that when I am I will be tipping the max. All I could think while playing through parts 1 & 2 were, "**** if he's a DM his group is SOOOOOOOO lucky!" Excellent storytelling & just the right amount of battle!
This is good advice or maybe Tilt can add a vendor at one of the campfires?
The Foundry doesn't currently allow us to place vendors. As soon as we are able to, I will add one to each quest.
I kid you not, EVERY day when I log in I go straight for the foundry missions board to see if part 3 is up. I'm not awash in AD yet for tipping, but rest assured that when I am I will be tipping the max. All I could think while playing through parts 1 & 2 were, "**** if he's a DM his group is SOOOOOOOO lucky!" Excellent storytelling & just the right amount of battle!
Heh, I've been a long-time game master for various RPGs, for more than 15 years now. I don't know if my groups consider themselves lucky. When they describe my GM style, they usually use the word "ruthless".
I've got a few extra days off alongside this weekend. It's my plan to sit down and do some serious work on Act 3 in that time. I hope to get something out soon.
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I did part 1 and it has been the best quest I've played in the Foundry so far, kudos for the developer.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Obviously a Garth Ennis fan too. No wonder he's been called "ruthless"!
A Preacher fan at least. That graphic novel has had a great influence on my writing. You can see traces of it in the way the Shady Patron speaks at the Lucky Arrow inn, for example.
daffyd1038Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Thank you Tilt! Been a bit reluctant to try these type of forays, but you've made me a fan. Hope this doesn't spoil any other Foundry adventures for me - ! Look forward to more of the same. Thanks again!!
bioshokqueMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
Did the first two parts of the story as well and i liked it very much. Bit much text to plow through every now and then, but i guess that can't be helped when facing a proper story. Only issue i have with part two (apart from the spawning point of the orcs which is already known and getting fixed?) is the maze you turned the mansion into. I spent more than half the time i spent on the quest looking for the **** library key, which became somewhat frustrating after a while. But apart from that, i definitely give it two thumbs up.
A Preacher fan at least. That graphic novel has had a great influence on my writing. You can see traces of it in the way the Shady Patron speaks at the Lucky Arrow inn, for example.
I'd recommend "Crossed" too as well. Probably one of the most accurate depictions of true-blue chaotic evil I have ever read.
codonatarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Upfront I am not a native english speaker, so maybe i missunderstood something:
I did both parts. In the second one it states i could read the books later. Now i am done with the quest and was searching my inventory for the books to read them, but there is nothing.
I did the quest quickly, skipping the reading, to finish it within the Foundry daily time limit. You can always do the quest again and read the books then.
Upfront I am not a native english speaker, so maybe i missunderstood something:
I did both parts. In the second one it states i could read the books later. Now i am done with the quest and was searching my inventory for the books to read them, but there is nothing.
Where can i read the books afterwords?
Thanks for the help.
P.S.: Awsome quest! Really enjoyed it
The notice you get states that you can read the books later in the campaign. I had originally planned to allow you to return to Havin Kirias at the end of Act 2 and get a summary there, but during development I realized that it would completely break the pacing I was going for. Instead, this will happen at the beginning of Act 3. If you haven't read the books, you'll be allowed to read them or get a summary at that point. Will serve as a nice way to catch up on the plot too.
loved this foundry quest one of my favorites out of the ones i do it is a fun pace and a decent change of pace from your usual hack and slash and the drunk bar patron dialog made me LOL
rosicrucianistMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Great Story and Adventure. Ran both of them over the last couple of days. Hopefully part 3 will release soon!
Ya i love this foundry quest, I do it everyday but just yesterday. After completion, u dont get a daily foundry quest count for it? any reason? It did before.
Just wanted to reiterate my review here; this is a great questline, The Lanaar Legacy in particular. I'd love to see more of these freeform, explorable dungeons that feel like actual places, with sensible internal layouts, a branching structure, hidden nooks and crannies, several ways to navigate the place depending on your class skills, etc.
But it's the storyline that made me subscribe; it really reminds me of the kind of revelation I had when I realized Neverwinter Nights is a game-making tool and not just a decent, if mediocre single-player RPG. I remember playing every Chris Huntoon (I think) module and marvelling at how much better they are at mystery and atmosphere than the main module - same thing here. Looking forward to more quests.
naresseMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
Ya i love this foundry quest, I do it everyday but just yesterday. After completion, u dont get a daily foundry quest count for it? any reason? It did before.
Some time ago, in STO, Cryptic/PWE decided that the practice of creating a Foundry quest that was basically "Walk up to this console in Earth StarBase and press a button, and boom, you've done your Foundry quest for the day, here's your 800 dilithium, merry xmas" was essentially an exploit. They put a minimum time limit on Foundry quests to qualify for the Daily. That time limit is 15 minutes.
When A Hidden Blade was first released (in OBT, anyway, donno if it existed in closed beta) it was taking an average of 16 minutes to complete. You need to understand, the VAST majority of people could not give a HAMSTER about story. They want their 1000 AD from the Daily and they want it with the absolute minimum amount of effort possible. Because of this, A Hidden Blade was a very popular choice for the Daily. As people repeated it every day, and more people skipped over all the dialog every day, taking considerably less than 15 minutes to finish, eventually the average time to complete it fell below 15 minutes, and it is now no longer eligible for the Daily. Which is a shame... because it's a good and interesting quest (line) that now almost no one will bother paying the slightest bit of attention to. You can thank Cryptic/PWE for that.
I'm reading as much feedback as I can (which can be hard at times, considering A Hidden Blade now has more than 1500 pages of reviews if I'm not mistaken) and changing things where necessary. People might feel that rogues have an easy time in the quests as they are currently presented, but keep in mind that not all the doors where lockpicking seems to be available can actually be picked. Also, these two quests take place in areas with lots of doors, so Thievery naturally is more useful. Other quests in this campaign won't necessarily be like that.
I'm currently working on chapter 3 of the campaign. I'm planning on 7 chapters, but this might change depending on a multitude of factors, among them the fact that I'm basing some of my plans on features that haven't been implemented in the Foundry yet. All the positive feedback is putting a lot of pressure on me though, and I'm pressuring myself too. The two released chapters should be considered a prologue to the main plot. Chapter 3 could be called the "A New Hope" of this story, while chapter 4 will be the "Empire Strikes Back" (those are not the chapter names, just a comparison of theme). Read into that what you will.
Thieves have thievery skills not nature skills, so I'm not quite certain what your issue is/was but seriously, if you talk to the bartender he TELLS you to talk to EVERYONE in the bar. Talk to EVERYONE & you'll get two options to find the NPC. On your Rogue, you can probably do the "steal me some whiskey" option if you choose. I completed this on my CW without any problems at all.
This is good advice or maybe Tilt can add a vendor at one of the campfires?
I kid you not, EVERY day when I log in I go straight for the foundry missions board to see if part 3 is up. I'm not awash in AD yet for tipping, but rest assured that when I am I will be tipping the max. All I could think while playing through parts 1 & 2 were, "**** if he's a DM his group is SOOOOOOOO lucky!" Excellent storytelling & just the right amount of battle!
The Foundry doesn't currently allow us to place vendors. As soon as we are able to, I will add one to each quest.
Heh, I've been a long-time game master for various RPGs, for more than 15 years now. I don't know if my groups consider themselves lucky. When they describe my GM style, they usually use the word "ruthless".
I've got a few extra days off alongside this weekend. It's my plan to sit down and do some serious work on Act 3 in that time. I hope to get something out soon.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
It's this kind of quests that make me check the Foundry.
A Preacher fan at least.
I'd recommend "Crossed" too as well. Probably one of the most accurate depictions of true-blue chaotic evil I have ever read.
I did both parts. In the second one it states i could read the books later. Now i am done with the quest and was searching my inventory for the books to read them, but there is nothing.
Where can i read the books afterwords?
Thanks for the help.
P.S.: Awsome quest! Really enjoyed it
The notice you get states that you can read the books later in the campaign. I had originally planned to allow you to return to Havin Kirias at the end of Act 2 and get a summary there, but during development I realized that it would completely break the pacing I was going for. Instead, this will happen at the beginning of Act 3. If you haven't read the books, you'll be allowed to read them or get a summary at that point. Will serve as a nice way to catch up on the plot too.
But it's the storyline that made me subscribe; it really reminds me of the kind of revelation I had when I realized Neverwinter Nights is a game-making tool and not just a decent, if mediocre single-player RPG. I remember playing every Chris Huntoon (I think) module and marvelling at how much better they are at mystery and atmosphere than the main module - same thing here. Looking forward to more quests.
When A Hidden Blade was first released (in OBT, anyway, donno if it existed in closed beta) it was taking an average of 16 minutes to complete. You need to understand, the VAST majority of people could not give a HAMSTER about story. They want their 1000 AD from the Daily and they want it with the absolute minimum amount of effort possible. Because of this, A Hidden Blade was a very popular choice for the Daily. As people repeated it every day, and more people skipped over all the dialog every day, taking considerably less than 15 minutes to finish, eventually the average time to complete it fell below 15 minutes, and it is now no longer eligible for the Daily. Which is a shame... because it's a good and interesting quest (line) that now almost no one will bother paying the slightest bit of attention to. You can thank Cryptic/PWE for that.