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Dyes need to be reusable....or hardly anyone will buy them.

gyloirgyloir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Am I the only one really disappointed in this?

I got dyes with the guardian founders pack, but they are single-use only. This means once used that's it. Not only are they "single" use, but you can't even dye an ENTIRE piece of clothing, as it only works 1 time, so you need at least THREE bottle sto dye a single piece of clothing.

So instead of using them to dye my clothes I toss them in the bank to use late game instead.

Guild Wars 2 dye system was the best imo, there were a TON of dyes, many colours/shades, with blacks and deep-reds, etc being more "rare" and thus worth more).

You could find dyes as loot, or buy them on the cash shop. Many people did both, dyes were tradeable, etc.

However because dyes, once you acquired one, were limitless (IEyou didn't use it to dye a single piece of clothing) this meant people weren't "afraid" to use them, in fact m any people spent a lot of time using dyes, changing the colours of their clothing, switching them up often. Dyes were something to collect and many people purchased them via the shop.

However in game, I haive yet to see a single person that's used dyes outside of one guy who was complaining that he used dyes on hsi lower lv clothing and was upset to find out that once used he lost them and he bascially "wasted" them on items he would be getting rid of fairly soon.

I know PW wants/has to make money on the game, but some things need to be scaled back. I'd buy dyes on the shop if it meant I coudl actually use them FREELy once bought and didn't have to "reserve" them for later use (IE not to waste money on dying clothing I'd get rid of), even if it's per-character and not account bound that'd be 100x better then the current dye system.

It's just too much for too little imo.
Post edited by gyloir on


  • ravinravin Member Posts: 587 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GW2 is the rarity in this case. GW1 dyes were single use, as are most mmo's. If they last forever, eventually no one will buy them, except new players.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
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  • ayamataayamata Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 290 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yeah the GW2 dye system was pretty awesome. There were almost a endless amount of shades; and the fact that I could switch up the colors of my gear without overwriting a color was astounding.

    The only problem I must admit that I face with the dyes in NW are the fact that Black is the most expensive color. :l
    I know it's popular, but it's bs, lol.
  • gyloirgyloir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ravin wrote: »
    GW2 is the rarity in this case. GW1 dyes were single use, as are most mmo's. If they last forever, eventually no one will buy them, except new players.

    it's also locked to a character. So alts will need to find/buy them as well. It doens't stop people from buying them.

    Hell I'd buy them if it was locked to levels even (Ie lasts "10 levels" unlimited use dye. Just something that let you use them without having to see it as a waste of money sinec you'll keep getting new items until you hit the very end game.
  • zhaocore86zhaocore86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ravin wrote: »
    GW2 is the rarity in this case. GW1 dyes were single use, as are most mmo's. If they last forever, eventually no one will buy them, except new players.

    But that is good for the player......=/
    M I N D F L A Y E R | D C | G W F
  • ayabsayabs Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • sparhawksparhawk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gyloir wrote: »
    Am I the only one really disappointed in this?

    I got dyes with the guardian founders pack, but they are single-use only. This means once used that's it. Not only are they "single" use, but you can't even dye an ENTIRE piece of clothing, as it only works 1 time, so you need at least THREE bottle sto dye a single piece of clothing.

    So instead of using them to dye my clothes I toss them in the bank to use late game instead.

    Guild Wars 2 dye system was the best imo, there were a TON of dyes, many colours/shades, with blacks and deep-reds, etc being more "rare" and thus worth more).

    You could find dyes as loot, or buy them on the cash shop. Many people did both, dyes were tradeable, etc.

    However because dyes, once you acquired one, were limitless (IEyou didn't use it to dye a single piece of clothing) this meant people weren't "afraid" to use them, in fact m any people spent a lot of time using dyes, changing the colours of their clothing, switching them up often. Dyes were something to collect and many people purchased them via the shop.

    However in game, I haive yet to see a single person that's used dyes outside of one guy who was complaining that he used dyes on hsi lower lv clothing and was upset to find out that once used he lost them and he bascially "wasted" them on items he would be getting rid of fairly soon.

    I know PW wants/has to make money on the game, but some things need to be scaled back. I'd buy dyes on the shop if it meant I coudl actually use them FREELy once bought and didn't have to "reserve" them for later use (IE not to waste money on dying clothing I'd get rid of), even if it's per-character and not account bound that'd be 100x better then the current dye system.

    It's just too much for too little imo.

    I agree for whatever it is worth.
  • astaziaastazia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    I have not seen a single player in-game with dyed armor since I started on the 27th, and I've played a lot.

    If they made dyes unlimited I would actually care about them, might even spend a few dollars for the ability to dye all my armors a specific color scheme. One use dyes that cost real money or are really hard to get though, I wouldn't even use on end-game armor, because "end-game" is only end-game until the next content update in a few weeks or months, then there's new armors to get again.
  • geoffreysgeoffreys Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree as well. This was brought up in early beta too. I was expecting PW/Cryptic to atleast change the pricing if nothing else
  • clurdgeclurdge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    These jerks once again are trying to create a continous revenue stream rather than 6 months of revenue for years of costs. The nerve of them.

    Ok sarcasm off. If single use dyes are your biggest complaint in a f2p game then they are doing ok I guess.
  • geoffreysgeoffreys Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clurdge wrote: »
    These jerks once again are trying to create a continous revenue stream rather than 6 months of revenue for years of costs. The nerve of them.

    Ok sarcasm off. If single use dyes are your biggest complaint in a f2p game then they are doing ok I guess.

    Your point is valid. However, I think overpricing on cosmetics does infact, adversely effect their revenue stream. I think more attractive pricing would lend itself to more consumption.

    Granted, I think the F2P bussiness model is challenging, period. They no doubt are testing the market to see what it will bear. But.. emotional attachment to a character is driven by player individual expression. I know I've gone back to play games long after the content was stale, simply because I liked my characters so much.

    Don't get me wrong. I really, really like this game and intend to keep playing it. I just think that Cryptic tends to fall prey to that classic DM (and game developer) mistake of being world-centric, as opposed to player-centric.

    DMs and Developers alike sometimes forget that the player-character is a form of almost artistic expression for many. Thats not to say that there aren't plenty of players who just want to play a mechanically sound game inwhich a cookie-cutter trinity is fine. But, I just think that they are plenty of folks who aren't satisfied with that.

    A case in point would be a perceived lack of class offerings, but a significant investment in story creation in the Foundry. The Foundry is a phenominal idea and tool, just as all of the user created content in the original NWN was.The Foundry alone will keep this game rolling well beyond the average game life-cycle. But, its specifically catering to people who like to make 'worlds', not people who like to make 'characters'

    But your point still stands. I'm going to keep playing the game, dyes or not. But.. a lot of players will start to feel stiffled with a genreic look and feel, and might move on to something that maybe isn't as sound a game, but affords more creative expression.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    astazia wrote: »
    I have not seen a single player in-game with dyed armor since I started on the 27th, and I've played a lot.

    Then you haven't seen me. ;)
    I've dyed my gear at cap, and i have the jesters outfit all dyed too.

    I liked how in GW2 once you unlocked a dye you could use it anytime, but man did i hate the gamble of buying dyes without knowing what i'd get, and the fact that there were an almost infinite amount of shades for each color. I know you could always hope there was what you wanted on the AH, but then you have the trouble of them being overpriced. I accept one use dyes since i know what color i'm getting, and don't have to hope that someday i'll a shade that looks decent. I got so many shades of brown in GW2, or other dumpy colors. :P Don't forget too that people there were saying the dyes should be account wide, not per character.
  • robman1978robman1978 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    astazia wrote: »
    I have not seen a single player in-game with dyed armor since I started on the 27th, and I've played a lot.

    If they made dyes unlimited I would actually care about them, might even spend a few dollars for the ability to dye all my armors a specific color scheme. One use dyes that cost real money or are really hard to get though, I wouldn't even use on end-game armor, because "end-game" is only end-game until the next content update in a few weeks or months, then there's new armors to get again.

    Good point. I am not spending money on 1 time use coloring items. That is just silly.
  • v1ctor2kv1ctor2k Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed. Make them reusable or drop the price please.
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just don't buy dyes until you hit max level and you don't replace gear as often.

    It's nickel and dimey but this game doesn't make money off box sales so they have to nickel and dime to an extent. lol

    Sucks, but i can deal with it.
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • astaziaastazia Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    tfangel wrote: »
    Then you haven't seen me. ;)
    I've dyed my gear at cap, and i have the jesters outfit all dyed too.

    I saw your screens, and I actually added that "in-game" after thinking of your awesome looking jester. :p
  • pikavoirpikavoir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oreoz2573 wrote: »
    Just don't buy dyes until you hit max level and you don't replace gear as often.

    It's nickel and dimey but this game doesn't make money off box sales so they have to nickel and dime to an extent. lol

    Sucks, but i can deal with it.

    That is true, but they should have given their business model more thought. Leave it free to play, but allow people to buy certain "packs" that would simulate the sale of boxes. For example: $60 for 6 character slots and misc. perks like re-usable dyes, being able to respec for gold instead of zen, permanent discounts for certain zen items, that sort of thing. I think the way they chose to do it is very sloppy.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The entire fashion system is kinda lame really.
    1 the fact that the shoes/pants and shirt/gloves are merged reduces mix/match
    2 each item is character only soo many character bound items makes mutible accts more likly
    3 each fashion item is a lost spot in my bag/bank vault so i dont want to buy many
    4 you cant mix actual armour bits into your fashion outfits so everyone looks alike
    5 I wouldnt want to dye any real armour cause ill just outlevel it
    6 you cant buy all colours convieniently gold,silver and white seem only available in dye packs
    7 some colours dont even exiist assuming gold=yellow we have no orange, brown, Cyan,,
    no dark vertions of normal colours..

    Id prefer off duty outfits had more of a costume slot system like CO/STO preferably charging AD
    for a per change tally or have a zen token that covers all the changes in one visit.
    you can always keep dyes for armor changes.

    Id like to see a choice of per char (cheap) costume sets and an account(more expencive)costume sets
    If it must remain physical items we should be able to get a special "garment bag" like we have for
    pets and crafting.

    id like to see an account bank where we can share nonbound items without alts without mailing
    this also will decrease people having multible accounts.
  • c10udc10ud Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    On the one hand, I agree multiple use dyes would be much better. They should stay limited to a certain number of uses; although, I don't see anything wrong with having it single use as long as it dyes the entire piece of equipment (IE: armor is changed to red and silver or whatever.) On the other hand, go to Wally world, grab a white t-shirt and bottle(s) of dye and see how many uses you get out of it.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    astazia wrote: »
    I have not seen a single player in-game with dyed armor since I started on the 27th, and I've played a lot.

    Probably because the majority of folks are too busy running around trying to get to 'end game' to even stop and try it.

    Here's my main, L39 Rogue (played since the 25th). Judicious use of mixed colored dyes for two layers.

  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've used some of the starter-pack dyes (the free ones we got in the mail) on my ~20 rogue. Of course, it's also an armor model that I'm considering saving in the bank for appearance changing later. (depends on what new armors I find :) )

    Couple thoughts on dye:

    1. Multi-use dyes that you "collect" would
    a. increase the need to buy bank expansions (good for the game's revenue)
    b. increase the amount of moaning about the expense of bank expansions :p
    2. Another idea would be to reduce the cost of dyes (100 zen for the basics?) so that people would be more willing to use & discard them constantly as they upgrade armor. On the other hand, maybe there's not actually that many people who want to dye. We want to, obviously, because we care to post about it. But what % of the others....
  • littlered2792littlered2792 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Where do you even buy more dye? I can't find the red bottles that I originally got in the mail and I would like more.
  • srikandi715srikandi715 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You buy it at the zen shop :p

    I would absolutely dye my armor, if it weren't just throwing away money right now :p The urge to dye it is all the stronger since drops all come in the same default shade (blue for my mage). At least, if dye isn't affordable, randomize the color of drops; that way I'd have a hope of getting a look I like through farming :p

    In Lotro, btw, dye is a craftable. That is a great solution.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oreoz2573 wrote: »
    Just don't buy dyes until you hit max level and you don't replace gear as often.

    It's nickel and dimey but this game doesn't make money off box sales so they have to nickel and dime to an extent. lol

    Sucks, but i can deal with it.

    It is Not nickel and dime it is very very pricey to dye your helmet 3 times , you armor 3 times and your boots three times in order to have the color scheme you want. If I could pay once to dye all my armor all at once I would and that would be fine because then I could see the finished product before I purchased it. I don't mind paying once per color but it should effect the character and ALL his gear now and future all at once. I even have the free dyes from the founders pack I don't use them probably never will because I don't have enough dyes to dye all my armor. And I'm not a fan of the stale Red, purple and Blue you get form those freebe packs.
  • lexthegreatlexthegreat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    geoffreys wrote: »
    I agree as well. This was brought up in early beta too. I was expecting PW/Cryptic to atleast change the pricing if nothing else

    Aye. Dyes really need to be made permanent and a palette needs to be added. Once you buy or find a certain dye color, it gets permanently added to your pallete. You can then dye your items any color your pallete allows.
  • mrlee9569mrlee9569 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 78
    edited May 2013
    GW2 Dye system was awesome. Hell even SWTOR's change armor color is better, and they have a huge dye system coming up in the next update.

    Neverwinter system just plain sucks. Prices are WAY to high. I've bought 2 Nightmare packs but that's all I will spend. I was so disappointed with them. In GW2 I have spend money because it was at a reasonable price. I would do the same here if they didn't price gouge us.

    Oh and... :P

  • tyestortyestor Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ravin wrote: »
    GW2 is the rarity in this case. GW1 dyes were single use, as are most mmo's. If they last forever, eventually no one will buy them, except new players.

    the difference between gw1 and gw2 dye system is that all/most dyes were freely available on a vendor for gold.
    Tyestor - Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
  • gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gyloir wrote: »
    it's also locked to a character. So alts will need to find/buy them as well. It doens't stop people from buying them.

    Hell I'd buy them if it was locked to levels even (Ie lasts "10 levels" unlimited use dye. Just something that let you use them without having to see it as a waste of money sinec you'll keep getting new items until you hit the very end game.

    In a perfect world, everyone who will ever play NW has one of each dye on all their characters... it will not sell anymore. If it is one time use it will be on higher demand because players will need to dye gears every now and then. When new gears come out they will need more dyes and so forth. Dyes that last 10 levels may sound good, but if you buy dyes at level 60 that means it last forever and it will discourage anyone under level 51 to buy them. If they do release permanent dyes, however, I am not complaining, but the price should probably be at least 10 times greater if not more.
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrlee9569 wrote: »
    Oh and... :P


    I like how you got your outfit to work with the undergarment. Kudos!
  • direbornedireborne Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mrlee9569 wrote: »
    GW2 Dye system was awesome. Hell even SWTOR's change armor color is better, and they have a huge dye system coming up in the next update.

    Neverwinter system just plain sucks. Prices are WAY to high. I've bought 2 Nightmare packs but that's all I will spend. I was so disappointed with them. In GW2 I have spend money because it was at a reasonable price. I would do the same here if they didn't price gouge us.

    Oh and... :P


    And now post a picture from behind so everyone can see that outfit for the hideous joke it really is. I nearly died laughing once I'd put it on the first time.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    direborne wrote: »
    And now post a picture from behind so everyone can see that outfit for the hideous joke it really is. I nearly died laughing once I'd put it on the first time.

    Yeah, I was kind of disappointed about that. I'd looked at it in the "change appearance" menu for a sorta-preview, and had thought it would look better. :D


    I've used a few more of my "starter" dyes on some of my characters, again on teens-20's armor that I thought I'd likely save for future copying. It's nice to not look quite the same as everyone.... some cheaper way to get dye would certainly be nice, and it might alleviate some of the "everyone looks the same" complaints.

    (Thinking about TERA's dye system - permanent dye is only from the cash shop. You can buy or craft dye - with semi-rare ingredients - that lasts either 1 day or 7 days. So, it's reasonably available, but it's not even permanent on the item you dye. Not a problem if you're upgrading at a good speed. And if Cryptic wanted to monetize it, make one of the components for crafting dye something that you buy from the cash shop - say, a stack of 5-10 "dye bottles" for 100-200zen. Make the result color random, so that people have to use more and to get a thriving dye trade on the AH. Or something like that. /shrug)
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