See exactly that is my point. You are judging based on a certain level. You might be right about the Rouge, but for example when I first started a GF in the second CBW and then did PvP with him I thought he is trash, getting **** on by everyone. But now I realised the tactical superiority of a GF once he gets nice and tanky. He can defend a point easily by him self until reinforcements arrive. Same with the Cleric. In early lvl PvP clerics dont really hurt you, nor do they heal for a lot. After lvl 40 they hit me for 5k crits and are untouchable because of their self heals. It changes on the way.
You are allowed and encouraged to have an opinion based on what ever you experience I am just saying don't judge before you see the whole picture! There is imbalance atm and as far as I have seen it will be attended rather fast. Cryptic staff so far has been awsome!
While I do understand and appreciate what you are saying, my point is still the same. I don't care if at level 60 the sun comes outfrom behind the clouds and all is right in the world and everyone is exactly the same with exactly the same abilities and same hitpoints and everything is as finely balanced as grandpa's checkbook, the fact still remains that if the road going to level 60 is paved with rogues being God's then alot of people will not make it to the fairy tale ending because as discerning gamers the days of being stuck with only 1-3 choices of games to play are gone.
My whole point is, Please fix the rogues so people don't quit like they do every other imbalanced game out there.
bobopongoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I played again today in the 20-29 bracket. Here rogues definitely have a boost. The normal rogues hit me for at least 2k-3k with their classical nuke combo, while I found an absurd rogue called something like "omexome" who did a single hit of 3,5k+2k. I died in 3 hits.
Now MAYBE that's too much, since I'm hitting for a top of 1,6k aoe with my daily power while they do that damage with normal abilities.
While I do understand and appreciate what you are saying, my point is still the same. I don't care if at level 60 the sun comes outfrom behind the clouds and all is right in the world and everyone is exactly the same with exactly the same abilities and same hitpoints and everything is as finely balanced as grandpa's checkbook, the fact still remains that if the road going to level 60 is paved with rogues being God's then alot of people will not make it to the fairy tale ending because as discerning gamers the days of being stuck with only 1-3 choices of games to play are gone.
My whole point is, Please fix the rogues so people don't quit like they do every other imbalanced game out there.
Yes you have a valid point there, and tbh I totally agree with you! I am just trying to encourage you to wait it out! :P Of course what you are saying is making sense and it should be looked into asap!
@saraibaxeada Sadly I don't have video material of it yet, I was playing lvl 40-49 PvP (as I am lvl 45 currently with me CW). There was a halfling DC who I tried to battle but my auto attacks didn't even hurt him, he was hella tanky + he used some kind of daily on me I guess which critted for 5k! Only because you/your build doesnt do that it is possible for others to have an other build (most possibly a crit build I would guess) I don't know what DC-s abilities do yet, have to make one and read the skills first but like I said the DC seemed very weak compared to others in early level PvP and hella strong at later levels of PvP.
nischanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I dont think thief is OP at last not in PvE, i play CW and i must say every lvl i get i feel more powerfull in the last run i did 900k dmg (lvl 37) and the best thief from 3 after me did ~400k so for me it seems like CW is a bit OP.
As i recall, a lot of what the TC's complaint is actual legit in D&D for the 4.0 rogue. I will admit though their health is to high, and i don't understand how they can dodge out of control effects entirely, greater damage with some minor control effects is what i expected from the rogue because generally that's what he should do according to source material... but to me the main problem is that they didn't stick to the source material and started making up their own stuff.
I dont think thief is OP at last not in PvE, i play CW and i must say every lvl i get i feel more powerfull in the last run i did 900k dmg (lvl 37) and the best thief from 3 after me did ~400k so for me it seems like CW is a bit OP.
Well mate, the CW is an AOE based controller/dps with crit build. Of course it has more dmg in dungeons than anyone else, that's his current role, or at least what he does at the moment. A TR is a single target high burst character, so on trashes if a TR is better than you on a CW you are playing your class wrong. On a bossfight a TR should always outdmg a CW! If not the TR is playnig his character poorly! On overall dmg the CW might win, but get your facts right mate!
Im only lvl 27, and tried some pvp today, let me sum it up.
1) I run out to fight
2) Rogue comes out of stealth, hits 1 button, I get taken from 100-0 while I can't use any skills or dodge.
3) Rinse Repeat
This is not an exageration, literally 100-0 while completely locked down, and this was happening constantly, not like on some long 10min+ cooldown for them.
Conclusion: I will not step foot in pvp in this game again.
All I see is "QQ I lost to a class and I can't win, please nerf so I can win"
Rogues have no CC in comparison to CW, CW can chain their CC, they have high burst at the later levels
when stacking chill/arcane and they have access to a triple blink!! TRIPLE BLINK. They have a daily that pulls
everything around it to the center and makes escaping it nearly impossible.
And at higher levels they can even target more than 1 person at the same time which is pretty HAMSTER imo.
I honestly hate QQ threads, all people do is complain complain complain and never even try to play the class
themselves, the grass is always greener on the other side......
The fact that rogues are outrageously overpowered cannot be denied. The easy fact that more than half the player base and 80% of the pvp base are rogues is ample evidence that this fact is common knowledge. People will always flock to the most OP class to exploit the current FOTM.
Dead wrong on this fact, there are more Wizards playing then rogue's
In pvp rogues are gods. 80% of active pvpers are playing the rogue class. Rogues currently have better control than control wizards. This is indisputable.
Your really funny, go play a bit more then come back again roll a rogue, we only have 1 yes 1 stun that stuns you for 1 sec and 2 dazes that only make you not cast or dodge for 2 secs !!!
Rogues have stealth, which they can use to get out of fire and easily maneuver behind you.
Rogues have a long stun, which consequently is longer than the stun CW can get through chill.
Rogues have a silence which completely locks down any casting class for 3+ seconds.
Rogues have a blink, which they can use to instantly be behind a target.
Rogues can dodge right out of any CC you use on them.
When CC is used on them the longest it lasts is 1 second, which is nearly useless.
Rogues can melt mace faster than any other class, which means they only need a few seconds to completely wreck you.
Rogues have a slow which prevents you from running away from them.
Rogues have as much survivability as any class except the guardian.
On all facts on this 99% are false stuff you dont even know what your talking about, you should start a rogue and try it out for yourself then come back and complain
Please Cryptic, the rogues in this game are gamebreakinginly overpowered and it needs to be fixed. If they are to be a cannon then nerf their survivability and CC. If they are to have so much CC and survivability then nerf their damage. They cannnot and should not have it all.
I know all the hordes of rogues in this game are going to flock here and attack me for not knowing anything. They just want to enjoy their OPness a little longer. Ignore them.
Your so funny it shows you have no idea what your talking about !!!
Lost my Proud in Owning - The Hero of the North Pack & The Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
Your funny your talking about rogue being able to silence you can be stunlocked by Wizards with there CC and frost beam
You mean the cc from frost beam that takes how long to channel on a target until it is applied all while doing HAMSTER dmg and the HAMSTER dmg that follows while the target is ccd? As opposed to a class that can stealth up to you silence you for 3sec+, kill you before the silence wears off all with just normal encounter abilities?
All I see is "QQ I lost to a class and I can't win, please nerf so I can win"
Rogues have no CC in comparison to CW, CW can chain their CC, they have high burst at the later levels
when stacking chill/arcane and they have access to a triple blink!! TRIPLE BLINK. They have a daily that pulls
everything around it to the center and makes escaping it nearly impossible.
And at higher levels they can even target more than 1 person at the same time which is pretty HAMSTER imo.
I honestly hate QQ threads, all people do is complain complain complain and never even try to play the class
themselves, the grass is always greener on the other side......
You Sir, have little idea what you are talking about You can dodge every cc of ours, every single one. Arcane Singularity (or the skill known as sucking you in) is perfectly dodgeable with 2 dodges, it has a certain area from which it sucks people in. Triple blink aint worth anything if a TR can just 2 dodge after us + gapclose! Rouges have no CC? haha. Atm rouges have the only propper CC in PvP a 3+ sec daze/silence what ever, which makes you unable to do anything but run slowly. And even if I blink away with my OP OP 3 blinks you can just stand still and throw some knives...not for 50 dmg but easy 1k dmg
Your funny your talking about rogue being able to silence you can be stunlocked by Wizards with there CC and frost beam
Another person who spent 250 dollars and has no idea how the play his character Wizards can not stunlock a rouge. Maybe a GWF but he can use determination. The CW is by far not as strong as every one thinks. Ofc it has CC-s and not just one, it's his role after all, but there is almost no impact on them. Let's look at a basic scenario where I try to own a newbie rouge. I see him coming my way so I immediately use my FORCE CHOKE which has a 1,5 sec cast time. While the rouge is up in the air I have maybe enough time to shoot ONE basic attack after that I have to use my Chill Strike to make him freez when he gets on the ground (STUNLOCK OPOP) which he can dodge ofc but he won't coz he sucks. So he is chilled for 0,5 seconds. After that he runs towards me, maybe dodges reaches me, starts to hit on me. I immediately use my REPEL skill to push him away, maybe I also dodge once or twice in the process (still no auto attacks used, which are one of my main dmg tools). The rouge then uses his GAP CLOSER and jumps me. I am smart and expect the daze to come in so I immediately dodge away and use my Ice Knife ability, the rouge gets a 100% skill boost and hears my runes clacking and dodges immediately...profit, he dodged my Daily and theres no dmg take, dodge to me and nuke me easy. GG! A good rouge owns a wizzard anytime! This ofc happens given that I am not a very good CW yet, it might change in the future. But this is just a random szenario! Think about it!
Lmao, and CW have chain CC that can 100-0 you without having to do anything but press a few buttons..
How does a CW chain cc something that can dodge and break cc, where you can't dodge or break the 3sec+ silence by a rogue that is on a short cooldown and they can kill you during?
and imo CW wizards are not meant to be the main DPS, their role is to hold targets in place while the TR can jump in and DPS.
Every class has a role (except maybe GWF, they don't really fit anywhere). But CW has a lot of tools to get away and at later levels/end game they have even more stuff at their disposal, Mealstrom of chaos --> AOE nuke much?
Icy terrain --> AOE slow and stun which can't be dodged forever, you have to be right at the edge to get out of that
and if the CW is smart enough to combo with his AW then anyone standing in there is fckd.
Again, don't expect CW to win 1v1 against a Rogue, they are not meant to.
They do fine against clerics, Guardians and GWF. I see no issue with the class in comparison to other classes.
What you guys are asking for is to give the CW everything and nerf rogues to the point of uselessness.
About PvP from playing a rogue myself, I get destroyed if a control wizard and any other class team up on me, it's tough even taking down one wizard because of their push/force hold abilities. And if I'm op in PvE, then what do you call my attempt on lair of the mad dragon, which is insanely difficult but still really fun...
And also if you stack arcane mastery on a target and then use entangling force you increase the duration of the stun, which is waaaay more than a 2 second daze.. At least when some1 dazes you, you will be able to walk/move.. Entangling force stops you from doing anything, you can't break the stun. It's basically insta cast since you can't tell when some1 will use it so it's a guaranteed CC. And if im not mistaken, at max stacks lasts 6 seconds. 3x the amount a daze can do.
A rouge does a lot of DPS but of all the classes has the least amount of survivability, unless they've specced their equipment for life-steal but any class that does that will pretty much be "OP".
The term "OP" in itself, is so vaguely used I don't know if half of you people are actually using it correctly. There's different cirumstances for team builds in PvP. Unless you're running in solo, than in that case, you're doing PvP wrong. As long as you have a Control Wizard on your team, any advantages a Rogue might give to their team is thoroughly nulled (if a wizard sees a rogue coming, then the wizard should probably focus on that rogue. easy kill for the wizarad). A Great Weapons Fighter and a Control Wizard can take out a Rogue faster than you can say Lemon covered Ice Ray. With a crowd control class and a DPS class, mixed in with the Rogue's squishiness, you'll outmatch the Rogue every single time.
If you know Rogue's are a high damage class and thus- the most threatning on the field, it just takes simple communication to shift the fire onto them. Again, they're squishy, so the time to take them down is rather short. Of course the challenge is fending off the other members of his team who'll probably take the time to lean in some heavy damage. But those are the challenges of PvP.
Every class has its advantages and weaknesses, PvP is exploiting those weaknesses. If you try to take a rogue in a up-close DPS slug out, of course you're going to lose. On the other hand, a Rogue trying to take a Control Wizard out from afar is going to get slaughtered easily. PvP is about picking fights you know you can win- as a Rogue I wouldn't try to take on a tank, because the amount of time needed to kill him usually leads to his team-mates murdering me with the combat advantage.
The reason Rogues appear "OP" is because they have a large amount of versatillity. They have a ranged attack, amazing up close DPS and they're competent dodgers. But if a Rogue tries to range out a Control Wizard, the Rogue will lose. Anytime the Rogue goes in for a kill on a tank, he MIGHT get the kill but if the tank's team is competent, they'll take out that little squishy Rogue. A Cleric probably should focus on support and a Great Weapons fighter can do a sizable amount of damage to multiple people at once, so he's probably the most useful in a PvP when played right.
Focus on working with your team and I gurantee any edge inherint in unbalanced classes dissapear.
On a more technical scale, Blink is useful, I'll admit but the nature of the encounter usually leaves the Rogue's back open for massive damage; unless you charge in all at once, in which case you're doing PvP wrong. If you're a squish like a Cleric or a Wizard and the Rogue is close enough to silence or daze you, then you're too close to the fighting. If a Control Wizard blinks away twice (in the right direction) they're far away enough that a rogue can't hit them with Cloud of Steel, with one extra blink ready. And even if you blinked three times and you're not far away enough to avoid the knives, a Control Wizard can still attack and slaughter the Rogue with crowd control attacks.
If you do play a class like Great Weapon Fighter, you should be focusing on supporting your team mates with Aoe damage. If you find yourself in a 1v1 slugging match with any of the other melee classes you're doing something wrong.
Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I like to turn out the lights, take off my clothes then sit on the floor and pretend to be a potato.
Im only lvl 27, and tried some pvp today, let me sum it up.
1) I run out to fight
2) Rogue comes out of stealth, hits 1 button, I get taken from 100-0 while I can't use any skills or dodge.
3) Rinse Repeat
This is not an exageration, literally 100-0 while completely locked down, and this was happening constantly, not like on some long 10min+ cooldown for them.
Conclusion: I will not step foot in pvp in this game again.
I thought it was bad at the 19 bracket but OMFG the 20-29 bracket is even worse
At least in the 19 bracket I could sometimes live through their lockdown, but now ? I have about as much chance of that as winning the super lottery 24 weeks in a row.
A rouge does a lot of DPS but of all the classes has the least amount of survivability, unless they've specced their equipment for life-steal but any class that does that will pretty much be "OP".
The term "OP" in itself, is so vaguely used I don't know if half of you people are actually using it correctly. There's different cirumstances for team builds in PvP. Unless you're running in solo, than in that case, you're doing PvP wrong. As long as you have a Control Wizard on your team, any advantages a Rogue might give to their team is thoroughly nulled (if a wizard sees a rogue coming, then the wizard should probably focus on that rogue. easy kill for the wizarad). A Great Weapons Fighter and a Control Wizard can take out a Rogue faster than you can say Lemon covered Ice Ray. With a crowd control class and a DPS class, mixed in with the Rogue's squishiness, you'll outmatch the Rogue every single time.
If you know Rogue's are a high damage class and thus- the most threatning on the field, it just takes simple communication to shift the fire onto them. Again, they're squishy, so the time to take them down is rather short. Of course the challenge is fending off the other members of his team who'll probably take the time to lean in some heavy damage. But those are the challenges of PvP.
Every class has its advantages and weaknesses, PvP is exploiting those weaknesses. If you try to take a rogue in a up-close DPS slug out, of course you're going to lose. On the other hand, a Rogue trying to take a Control Wizard out from afar is going to get slaughtered easily. PvP is about picking fights you know you can win- as a Rogue I wouldn't try to take on a tank, because the amount of time needed to kill him usually leads to his team-mates murdering me with the combat advantage.
The reason Rogues appear "OP" is because they have a large amount of versatillity. They have a ranged attack, amazing up close DPS and they're competent dodgers. But if a Rogue tries to range out a Control Wizard, the Rogue will lose. Anytime the Rogue goes in for a kill on a tank, he MIGHT get the kill but if the tank's team is competent, they'll take out that little squishy Rogue. A Cleric probably should focus on support and a Great Weapons fighter can do a sizable amount of damage to multiple people at once, so he's probably the most useful in a PvP when played right.
Focus on working with your team and I gurantee any edge inherint in unbalanced classes dissapear.
On a more technical scale, Blink is useful, I'll admit but the nature of the encounter usually leaves the Rogue's back open for massive damage; unless you charge in all at once, in which case you're doing PvP wrong. If you're a squish like a Cleric or a Wizard and the Rogue is close enough to silence or daze you, then you're too close to the fighting. If a Control Wizard blinks away twice (in the right direction) they're far away enough that a rogue can't hit them with Cloud of Steel, with one extra blink ready. And even if you blinked three times and you're not far away enough to avoid the knives, a Control Wizard can still attack and slaughter the Rogue with crowd control attacks.
If you do play a class like Great Weapon Fighter, you should be focusing on supporting your team mates with Aoe damage. If you find yourself in a 1v1 slugging match with any of the other melee classes you're doing something wrong.
Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I like to turn out the lights, take off my clothes then sit on the floor and pretend to be a potato.
Alot of text to simply say, "I am a Rogue. I love being over powered, please don't nerf me"
A rouge does a lot of DPS but of all the classes has the least amount of survivability, unless they've specced their equipment for life-steal but any class that does that will pretty much be "OP".
The term "OP" in itself, is so vaguely used I don't know if half of you people are actually using it correctly. There's different cirumstances for team builds in PvP. Unless you're running in solo, than in that case, you're doing PvP wrong. As long as you have a Control Wizard on your team, any advantages a Rogue might give to their team is thoroughly nulled (if a wizard sees a rogue coming, then the wizard should probably focus on that rogue. easy kill for the wizarad). A Great Weapons Fighter and a Control Wizard can take out a Rogue faster than you can say Lemon covered Ice Ray. With a crowd control class and a DPS class, mixed in with the Rogue's squishiness, you'll outmatch the Rogue every single time.
If you know Rogue's are a high damage class and thus- the most threatning on the field, it just takes simple communication to shift the fire onto them. Again, they're squishy, so the time to take them down is rather short. Of course the challenge is fending off the other members of his team who'll probably take the time to lean in some heavy damage. But those are the challenges of PvP.
Every class has its advantages and weaknesses, PvP is exploiting those weaknesses. If you try to take a rogue in a up-close DPS slug out, of course you're going to lose. On the other hand, a Rogue trying to take a Control Wizard out from afar is going to get slaughtered easily. PvP is about picking fights you know you can win- as a Rogue I wouldn't try to take on a tank, because the amount of time needed to kill him usually leads to his team-mates murdering me with the combat advantage.
The reason Rogues appear "OP" is because they have a large amount of versatillity. They have a ranged attack, amazing up close DPS and they're competent dodgers. But if a Rogue tries to range out a Control Wizard, the Rogue will lose. Anytime the Rogue goes in for a kill on a tank, he MIGHT get the kill but if the tank's team is competent, they'll take out that little squishy Rogue. A Cleric probably should focus on support and a Great Weapons fighter can do a sizable amount of damage to multiple people at once, so he's probably the most useful in a PvP when played right.
Focus on working with your team and I gurantee any edge inherint in unbalanced classes dissapear.
On a more technical scale, Blink is useful, I'll admit but the nature of the encounter usually leaves the Rogue's back open for massive damage; unless you charge in all at once, in which case you're doing PvP wrong. If you're a squish like a Cleric or a Wizard and the Rogue is close enough to silence or daze you, then you're too close to the fighting. If a Control Wizard blinks away twice (in the right direction) they're far away enough that a rogue can't hit them with Cloud of Steel, with one extra blink ready. And even if you blinked three times and you're not far away enough to avoid the knives, a Control Wizard can still attack and slaughter the Rogue with crowd control attacks.
If you do play a class like Great Weapon Fighter, you should be focusing on supporting your team mates with Aoe damage. If you find yourself in a 1v1 slugging match with any of the other melee classes you're doing something wrong.
Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I like to turn out the lights, take off my clothes then sit on the floor and pretend to be a potato.
That, that right there explains most of what it's like to play a Rogue and be part of a TEAM in pvp.
I thought it was bad at the 19 bracket but OMFG the 20-29 bracket is even worse
At least in the 19 bracket I could sometimes live through their lockdown, but now ? I have about as much chance of that as winning the super lottery 24 weeks in a row.
Are you even trying to be remotely serious? or are you just that bad at PvP that you do not understand the basics?
No rogue will be able to 1 hit you no matter what, and our CD are just as long as your CC's which you have waaaay more options for.
we have 1 "CC" which can be easily avoided. But you rather complain on the forums about it instead of practicing your class.
Alot of text to simply say, "I am a Rogue. I love being over powered, please don't nerf me"
QQ "I'm not a rogue please nerf them so I will be able to play and win at PvP... I don't want to practice and no matter how much money I dump in the game Rogues still kill me" QQ
Lame thread, rogues are fine. I play a guardian myself and sure, I can't kill a rogue, I can't really kill anyone that tries to get away from me. 1 charge and no slow means that rogues easily run away if I get them low.
Don't get me wrong, rogues are extremely powerful if it's in the hands of a good player, but that is not the case 90% of the time. Random buttonmashing and tossing skills whenever they are ready makes them easy to counter (and block for my class). Please don't nerf them, people just really need to get used to the game and understand how the rogue works before they can counter them. We are not at that stage yet.
If rogues are sooo OP and gamebreaking, why not just play a rogue. Most of you here sound like you are pros at what you do, so playing an OP class should make you even better right? And don't give me the "I won't play that class because I think it's cheap excuse" because that is total BS. If you want to win and you know a surefire way to do so, you will do it... You are human after all, so why don't most of you just re-roll to rogues? It's probably because you already did and failed at it.
If rogues are sooo OP and gamebreaking, why not just play a rogue. Most of you here sound like you are pros at what you do, so playing an OP class should make you even better right? And don't give me the "I won't play that class because I think it's cheap excuse" because that is total BS. If you want to win and you know a surefire way to do so, you will do it... You are human after all, so why don't most of you just re-roll to rogues? It's probably because you already did and failed at it.
Nice way of thinking there mate -.-' Ever thought about maybe some people actually wants to play the class they think is fun to play? Some people might enjoy playing as a supporting class, some others maybe a ranged dps dealer while other likes to go into close combat with dps or just be tanky and hard to kill. Its not all about picking the most op class, but also pick what you enjoy playing... And that is also why an mmorpg game has more than just 1 class... -.-
If rogues are sooo OP and gamebreaking, why not just play a rogue.
Given that so many people have decided to play Rogue so this is exactly what happened, isn't this comment self-defeating? Are you actually trying to ruin your own argument?
While I do understand and appreciate what you are saying, my point is still the same. I don't care if at level 60 the sun comes outfrom behind the clouds and all is right in the world and everyone is exactly the same with exactly the same abilities and same hitpoints and everything is as finely balanced as grandpa's checkbook, the fact still remains that if the road going to level 60 is paved with rogues being God's then alot of people will not make it to the fairy tale ending because as discerning gamers the days of being stuck with only 1-3 choices of games to play are gone.
My whole point is, Please fix the rogues so people don't quit like they do every other imbalanced game out there.
Now MAYBE that's too much, since I'm hitting for a top of 1,6k aoe with my daily power while they do that damage with normal abilities.
Yes you have a valid point there, and tbh I totally agree with you! I am just trying to encourage you to wait it out! :P Of course what you are saying is making sense and it should be looked into asap!
@saraibaxeada Sadly I don't have video material of it yet, I was playing lvl 40-49 PvP (as I am lvl 45 currently with me CW). There was a halfling DC who I tried to battle but my auto attacks didn't even hurt him, he was hella tanky + he used some kind of daily on me I guess which critted for 5k!
Well mate, the CW is an AOE based controller/dps with crit build. Of course it has more dmg in dungeons than anyone else, that's his current role, or at least what he does at the moment. A TR is a single target high burst character, so on trashes if a TR is better than you on a CW you are playing your class wrong. On a bossfight a TR should always outdmg a CW! If not the TR is playnig his character poorly! On overall dmg the CW might win, but get your facts right mate!
1) I run out to fight
2) Rogue comes out of stealth, hits 1 button, I get taken from 100-0 while I can't use any skills or dodge.
3) Rinse Repeat
This is not an exageration, literally 100-0 while completely locked down, and this was happening constantly, not like on some long 10min+ cooldown for them.
Conclusion: I will not step foot in pvp in this game again.
Rogues have no CC in comparison to CW, CW can chain their CC, they have high burst at the later levels
when stacking chill/arcane and they have access to a triple blink!! TRIPLE BLINK. They have a daily that pulls
everything around it to the center and makes escaping it nearly impossible.
And at higher levels they can even target more than 1 person at the same time which is pretty HAMSTER imo.
I honestly hate QQ threads, all people do is complain complain complain and never even try to play the class
themselves, the grass is always greener on the other side......
Your really funny, go play a bit more then come back again roll a rogue, we only have 1 yes 1 stun that stuns you for 1 sec and 2 dazes that only make you not cast or dodge for 2 secs !!!
On all facts on this 99% are false stuff you dont even know what your talking about, you should start a rogue and try it out for yourself then come back and complain
Your so funny it shows you have no idea what your talking about !!!
Your funny your talking about rogue being able to silence you can be stunlocked by Wizards with there CC and frost beam
You mean the cc from frost beam that takes how long to channel on a target until it is applied all while doing HAMSTER dmg and the HAMSTER dmg that follows while the target is ccd? As opposed to a class that can stealth up to you silence you for 3sec+, kill you before the silence wears off all with just normal encounter abilities?
You Sir, have little idea what you are talking about
Another person who spent 250 dollars and has no idea how the play his character
How does a CW chain cc something that can dodge and break cc, where you can't dodge or break the 3sec+ silence by a rogue that is on a short cooldown and they can kill you during?
Every class has a role (except maybe GWF, they don't really fit anywhere). But CW has a lot of tools to get away and at later levels/end game they have even more stuff at their disposal, Mealstrom of chaos --> AOE nuke much?
Icy terrain --> AOE slow and stun which can't be dodged forever, you have to be right at the edge to get out of that
and if the CW is smart enough to combo with his AW then anyone standing in there is fckd.
Again, don't expect CW to win 1v1 against a Rogue, they are not meant to.
They do fine against clerics, Guardians and GWF. I see no issue with the class in comparison to other classes.
What you guys are asking for is to give the CW everything and nerf rogues to the point of uselessness.
A rouge does a lot of DPS but of all the classes has the least amount of survivability, unless they've specced their equipment for life-steal but any class that does that will pretty much be "OP".
The term "OP" in itself, is so vaguely used I don't know if half of you people are actually using it correctly. There's different cirumstances for team builds in PvP. Unless you're running in solo, than in that case, you're doing PvP wrong. As long as you have a Control Wizard on your team, any advantages a Rogue might give to their team is thoroughly nulled (if a wizard sees a rogue coming, then the wizard should probably focus on that rogue. easy kill for the wizarad). A Great Weapons Fighter and a Control Wizard can take out a Rogue faster than you can say Lemon covered Ice Ray. With a crowd control class and a DPS class, mixed in with the Rogue's squishiness, you'll outmatch the Rogue every single time.
If you know Rogue's are a high damage class and thus- the most threatning on the field, it just takes simple communication to shift the fire onto them. Again, they're squishy, so the time to take them down is rather short. Of course the challenge is fending off the other members of his team who'll probably take the time to lean in some heavy damage. But those are the challenges of PvP.
Every class has its advantages and weaknesses, PvP is exploiting those weaknesses. If you try to take a rogue in a up-close DPS slug out, of course you're going to lose. On the other hand, a Rogue trying to take a Control Wizard out from afar is going to get slaughtered easily. PvP is about picking fights you know you can win- as a Rogue I wouldn't try to take on a tank, because the amount of time needed to kill him usually leads to his team-mates murdering me with the combat advantage.
The reason Rogues appear "OP" is because they have a large amount of versatillity. They have a ranged attack, amazing up close DPS and they're competent dodgers. But if a Rogue tries to range out a Control Wizard, the Rogue will lose. Anytime the Rogue goes in for a kill on a tank, he MIGHT get the kill but if the tank's team is competent, they'll take out that little squishy Rogue. A Cleric probably should focus on support and a Great Weapons fighter can do a sizable amount of damage to multiple people at once, so he's probably the most useful in a PvP when played right.
Focus on working with your team and I gurantee any edge inherint in unbalanced classes dissapear.
On a more technical scale, Blink is useful, I'll admit but the nature of the encounter usually leaves the Rogue's back open for massive damage; unless you charge in all at once, in which case you're doing PvP wrong. If you're a squish like a Cleric or a Wizard and the Rogue is close enough to silence or daze you, then you're too close to the fighting. If a Control Wizard blinks away twice (in the right direction) they're far away enough that a rogue can't hit them with Cloud of Steel, with one extra blink ready. And even if you blinked three times and you're not far away enough to avoid the knives, a Control Wizard can still attack and slaughter the Rogue with crowd control attacks.
If you do play a class like Great Weapon Fighter, you should be focusing on supporting your team mates with Aoe damage. If you find yourself in a 1v1 slugging match with any of the other melee classes you're doing something wrong.
Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I like to turn out the lights, take off my clothes then sit on the floor and pretend to be a potato.
I thought it was bad at the 19 bracket but OMFG the 20-29 bracket is even worse
At least in the 19 bracket I could sometimes live through their lockdown, but now ? I have about as much chance of that as winning the super lottery 24 weeks in a row.
Alot of text to simply say, "I am a Rogue. I love being over powered, please don't nerf me"
That, that right there explains most of what it's like to play a Rogue and be part of a TEAM in pvp.
Are you even trying to be remotely serious? or are you just that bad at PvP that you do not understand the basics?
No rogue will be able to 1 hit you no matter what, and our CD are just as long as your CC's which you have waaaay more options for.
we have 1 "CC" which can be easily avoided. But you rather complain on the forums about it instead of practicing your class.
QQ "I'm not a rogue please nerf them so I will be able to play and win at PvP... I don't want to practice and no matter how much money I dump in the game Rogues still kill me" QQ
Don't get me wrong, rogues are extremely powerful if it's in the hands of a good player, but that is not the case 90% of the time. Random buttonmashing and tossing skills whenever they are ready makes them easy to counter (and block for my class). Please don't nerf them, people just really need to get used to the game and understand how the rogue works before they can counter them. We are not at that stage yet.
Nice way of thinking there mate -.-' Ever thought about maybe some people actually wants to play the class they think is fun to play? Some people might enjoy playing as a supporting class, some others maybe a ranged dps dealer while other likes to go into close combat with dps or just be tanky and hard to kill. Its not all about picking the most op class, but also pick what you enjoy playing... And that is also why an mmorpg game has more than just 1 class... -.-
Given that so many people have decided to play Rogue so this is exactly what happened, isn't this comment self-defeating? Are you actually trying to ruin your own argument?