Hi, sorry to post in general but i have a support ticket and a thread in bug reports that is getting no acknowledgement from customer service. I was hoping for some enlightenment from fellow players.
Yesterday at 1:30pm pacific i purchased $100 of zen. transaction went through google and through the normal "pending" process.
The problem...google confirmed the transaction, perfect world sent me a thank you for my purchase and removed the funds from my AMEX, but the transaction still "says" pending. The transaction has been approved and they have my money BUT because it says "pending" I can't transfer Zen to my neverwinter account and use it.
I opened a ticket yesterday. no response, not even now. tried calling customer service, closed until monday. posted in bug report forums, no official answer.
TLDR: they have my money for an approved transaction but i can't access it and i can't get anyone official to help me.
I hate to go the route of having AMEX fight my battles for me. i love this game and had a lot of faith in it but am feeling very disheartened.
Does anyone have any ideas/secrets to share? Any admins out there who can help?
Okay, this is what you need to do, and in your defense, Perfect World does not make this clear at all;
1.) Go to your account
2.) Click Go To My Wallet
3.) Under Transfer Zen, find the Select Game drop down box, select Neverwinter
4.) Select Neverwinter for server
5.) Select Amount for the amount of Zen you want to transfer to that game.
It may not be instant, but you'll see your Zen on your Neverwinter characters at that point, when you log into one of them.
You have your Zen, it's just that you need to tell Perfect World that you want it on your Neverwinter account. Zen is not universal, like it is in every other MMO service such as with Sony Online Entertainment. Perfect World is just incompetent and/or greedy and they want you to buy Zen for individual games so you spend more money that way.
Customer Service is out of the office until Monday morning PST, unfortunately, you'll have to wait until then. It may be because it's such a large sum of money, it's triggered the fraud prevention systems.
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
edited May 2013
@ fizzilwizzil: Thanks Unfortunately, it still shows pending so i can't transfer anything.
@ashleyaddiction: I agree on the potential for fraud prevention however the problem is that they have already charged my AMEX card and removed the funds from the card. so they took my money but won't let me use it? not cool.
(they even sent me a thank you email and told me to enjoy spending it. lol)
Thanks for the replies guys! at least i don't feel so alone in my concern/frustration. nice to hear from you both and may you have a wonderful weekend!
If its paid with paypal or a company equal to that procedure it can take quite some hours. Sometimes its instant, sometimes it requires patient waiting.
Today ive made 1 purchase of 10 dollar and 1 of 50 .. the 50 one was instant succes.. the 10 dollar one took me 6 hours of waiting eventually :P
but ofcourse it says paypal has the rights to even take up to 7 days to process it.. glad they are not so ******baggy to pull that on me
Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
edited May 2013
i did go through google, but i got a confirmation from them that everything was set to go. the hold up seems to be through cryptic/perfect world. maybe it is some sort of bug with their approval process?
thanks so much to all of you for the replies. i was getting really bummed out. you guys/gals are great!!
edited for clarification
ferrymancharonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
i did go through google, but i got a confirmation from them that everything was set to go. the hold up seems to be through cryptic/perfect world. maybe it is some sort of bug with their approval process?
thanks so much to all of you for the replies. i was getting really bummed out. you guys/gals are great!!
edited for clarification
I am having the same exact problem. Paypal confirmed the purchase and deducted funds. From what I can tell on my side, the hold up is with PW/Cryptic.
UPDATE: I have my browser set to "Block 3rd Party Cookies", which is a smart thing 99.5% of the time. For this to work, it has to be turned off. Done. Purchase has gone through, Zen shows in account at the web-site. NEXT THING: You have to transfer from Wallet to the game of choice.
I tried to buy zen yesterday, but the website would timeout and it never happened. Tried twice, then backed away, since I didn't want to be one of those... all of a sudden all 5 or 10 tries triggered and I have more Zen then I would know what to do with. Decided if PW can't have that working well after all these years, I'll just buy a pre-paid card if I need something. Probably more secure anyway.
alch3mist1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey under the server tab in the transfer Zen part of my account, the only server is 'Neverwinter'. I don't paly on Neverwinter though...
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
Hey under the server tab in the transfer Zen part of my account, the only server is 'Neverwinter'. I don't paly on Neverwinter though...
I noticed this as well. I think it is prepped for the server merge.
For what it is worth, I did manage to successfully transfer my last zen purchase to the dragon shard using neverwinter as the destination. I think it will reach whatever shard you are currently on. *fingers crossed* of course.
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
I tried to buy zen yesterday, but the website would timeout and it never happened. Tried twice, then backed away, since I didn't want to be one of those... all of a sudden all 5 or 10 tries triggered and I have more Zen then I would know what to do with. Decided if PW can't have that working well after all these years, I'll just buy a pre-paid card if I need something. Probably more secure anyway.
wow, scary. beginning to think you are right with this. too bad though. good luck getting it all straightened out!
good luck to all of us, I guess:cool:
tsumoroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 151Bounty Hunter
i did go through google, but i got a confirmation from them that everything was set to go. the hold up seems to be through cryptic/perfect world. maybe it is some sort of bug with their approval process?
thanks so much to all of you for the replies. i was getting really bummed out. you guys/gals are great!!
edited for clarification
Okay firstly, keep calm. Everything will be okay. I paid via VISA and what happens is the money gets approved by your bank and thus you are subsequently debited (or held in pending with your bank). The money company which handles the payment for perfect world then claims upon that authorization.
For me, via VISA this took up to an hour and ideally things like this shouldn't take that long especially considering the payment is direct via card but the third party might be having issues either receiving or sending the information across.
I did a follow up payment about an hour or so ago and received within 30 mins. I guess it just varies. When you do receive it (you'll get no notification of this mind you) you will see your 'pending' transaction turn to 'authorized'.
Hope that helps.
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
Okay firstly, keep calm. Everything will be okay. I paid via VISA and what happens is the money gets approved by your bank and thus you are subsequently debited (or held in pending with your bank). The money company which handles the payment for perfect world then claims upon that authorization.
For me, via VISA this took up to an hour and ideally things like this shouldn't take that long especially considering the payment is direct via card but the third party might be having issues either receiving or sending the information across.
I did a follow up payment about an hour or so ago and received within 30 mins. I guess it just varies. When you do receive it (you'll get no notification of this mind you) you will see your 'pending' transaction turn to 'authorized'.
Hope that helps.
thanks for the insight. just concerned because it has been 24 hours at this point and that seems excessively long. especially after confirming google and bank have no issues. (the 7 emails from cryptic confirming my purchase also make me a bit concerned)
I will definitely take your advice to heart and keep an open mind. maybe just time for me to play a different game for a bit to get my mind off neverwinter.
thanks again, tsumoro. happy gaming!
ferrymancharonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
No I think you are putting to much faith in the system. I purchased $50 Zen right along with my Founder pack within 10mins of each other. It has been several hours and Zen is no where to be found in account management, meanwhile the founder pack applied to my account within 2mins. Clearly they are using 2 different systems to deal with founder packs and zen and there is a problem with their zen system at the moment.
Go to Perfect Worlds website, log in on your account, go to "My Wallet", transfer your Zen to your Neverwinter account.
doesn't work, as I mentioned, they list it as "pending" so nothing is transferable. unfortunately.
as a trial I made another $100 purchase and it by miracle went through (within 10minutes) and I was able to transfer and use it for my neverwinter account.
my first purchase from OVER 24 hours ago is still "pending" even though they took my money out of my AMEX account and I can't access the funds to transfer them to neverwinter.
there is definitely a bug but I cannot get ANYONE from cryptic/perfect world/customer service to even respond to my concern. in forums or in ticketing system.
it appears I am not the only one with this concern.
please someone from cryptic/perfect world, respond and fix this problem.
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
No I think you are putting to much faith in the system. I purchased $50 Zen right along with my Founder pack within 10mins of each other. It has been several hours and Zen is no where to be found in account management, meanwhile the founder pack applied to my account within 2mins. Clearly they are using 2 different systems to deal with founder packs and zen and there is a problem with their zen system at the moment.
this is what I have been fearing and the lack of official response to any of our concerns is disheartening to say the least.
doesn't work, as I mentioned, they list it as "pending" so nothing is transferable. unfortunately.
Then what you do is contact customer service. This is not something you can get any help with on the forums as it clearly requires someone in customer support to fix. That is because it is an account/billing issue.
Why do people go and post about problems like this as if other players can some how magically help. The answer to fixing problems like this is always go talk to customer service.
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
Then what you do is contact customer service. This is not something you can get any help with on the forums as it clearly requires someone in customer support to fix. That is because it is an account/billing issue.
Why do people go and post about problems like this as if other players can some how magically help. The answer to fixing problems like this is always go talk to customer service.
I wanted to see if anyone else is having this problem. or to see if anyone had similar stories to share or advice on how best to proceed from here. sorry to step on your toes.
that is why I posted on the forums. if you had read my post, I HAVE called customer service, I HAVE opened a ticket, I HAVE posted in the bug report forums. NO ONE is helping. but thanks for belittling me.
and I confirmed with American express that it is perfect world holding up the transaction.
I am a very shy and insecure person who is always concerned about trying to do the right thing and not step on any toes. thanks for making me feel like the mud under your boots.
Edit: I do not expect other forum users to help. I was asking for feedback and hoping to garner the attention of the devs.
once again thanks for making me feel like HAMSTER for reaching out to others for support and ideas in case I was doing something wrong. it may not matter to you that I am sensitive and shy but you really hurt my feelings for no other reason than to call me stupid for looking for help. I hope you feel better now that you have made me feel bad.
Edited to note perfect world, not cryptic is the one responsible for holding the transaction up
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
and I confirmed with American express that it is cryptic holding up the transaction.
Actually, it would be Perfect World holding up the transaction. Cryptic has almost nothing to do with Zen, when you buy Zen that's PW and when you transfer it to a game, that's also PW. So Perfect World support is who you need to be talking to.
FWIW, I've had not entirely unreasonable response times to PW billing tickets on the weekends. But I do recall that PW has some wonky fraud prevention that can keep transactions stuck in pending for a while.
Only suggestion I can make - check your email, especially your junk/spam folder, for emails from PW.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
Actually, it would be Perfect World holding up the transaction. Cryptic has almost nothing to do with Zen, when you buy Zen that's PW and when you transfer it to a game, that's also PW. So Perfect World support is who you need to be talking to.
FWIW, I've had not entirely unreasonable response times to PW billing tickets on the weekends. But I do recall that PW has some wonky fraud prevention that can keep transactions stuck in pending for a while.
Only suggestion I can make - check your email, especially your junk/spam folder, for emails from PW.
when I fill out the support ticket, does that go to perfect world then? I misspoke when I said cryptic and meant the game in general which would mean perfect world (sorry for the confusion) but I should be sure my ticket is going to the right place.
I am logged into the perfect world site and using the support forum from that site. is that the correct one?
also, did check the spam etc and nothing there. I really think it is just a bug. or at least I am holding out hope that is the case.
anyway, sincere thank you for all who responded helpfully. I really appreciate the feedback and time you spent to help me. $100 is a lot of money and it makes me nervous when mistakes happen and I can't find anyone official willing to help.
thanks to all the kind souls who took/are taking the time to share their experiences.
when I fill out the support ticket, does that go to perfect world then? I misspoke when I said cryptic and meant the game in general which would mean perfect world (sorry for the confusion) but I should be sure my ticket is going to the right place.
I am logged into the perfect world site and using the support forum from that site. is that the correct one?
also, did check the spam etc and nothing there. I really think it is just a bug. or at least I am holding out hope that is the case.
anyway, sincere thank you for all who responded helpfully. I really appreciate the feedback and time you spent to help me. $100 is a lot of money and it makes me nervous when mistakes happen and I can't find anyone official willing to help.
thanks to all the kind souls who took/are taking the time to share their experiences.
Yep, if you're logged in to Perfect World, that's the right place for the ticket.
I know it's nerve-wracking, but try not to worry too much about it. While it's annoying that your transaction is jammed up, you shouldn't worry about losing your money. Either today or Monday, PW should get your situation sorted out, and in the worst case, AmEx should be able to reverse the transaction.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
ladonna2013Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 52
Yep, if you're logged in to Perfect World, that's the right place for the ticket.
I know it's nerve-wracking, but try not to worry too much about it. While it's annoying that your transaction is jammed up, you shouldn't worry about losing your money. Either today or Monday, PW should get your situation sorted out, and in the worst case, AmEx should be able to reverse the transaction.
thanks elessym! both for the helpful information and for being so kind. I really appreciate it
Go to Perfect Worlds website, log in on your account, go to "My Wallet", transfer your Zen to your Neverwinter account.
ladonna and I have both mentioned that our status in account management is "pending". You sure like to post **** without even reading our comments don't you?
ladonna, I too purchased some ZEN today via google wallet and have yet to receive it. Fortunately I only purchased $10 worth. I hope you get yours very, very soon!
1.) Go to your account
2.) Click Go To My Wallet
3.) Under Transfer Zen, find the Select Game drop down box, select Neverwinter
4.) Select Neverwinter for server
5.) Select Amount for the amount of Zen you want to transfer to that game.
It may not be instant, but you'll see your Zen on your Neverwinter characters at that point, when you log into one of them.
You have your Zen, it's just that you need to tell Perfect World that you want it on your Neverwinter account. Zen is not universal, like it is in every other MMO service such as with Sony Online Entertainment. Perfect World is just incompetent and/or greedy and they want you to buy Zen for individual games so you spend more money that way.
@ashleyaddiction: I agree on the potential for fraud prevention however the problem is that they have already charged my AMEX card and removed the funds from the card. so they took my money but won't let me use it? not cool.
(they even sent me a thank you email and told me to enjoy spending it. lol)
Thanks for the replies guys!
Glad to know i am not alone. thanks again! :-D have a good weekend and lucky gaming!
Today ive made 1 purchase of 10 dollar and 1 of 50 .. the 50 one was instant succes.. the 10 dollar one took me 6 hours of waiting eventually :P
but ofcourse it says paypal has the rights to even take up to 7 days to process it.. glad they are not so ******baggy to pull that on me
Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
thanks so much to all of you for the replies. i was getting really bummed out. you guys/gals are great!!
edited for clarification
I am having the same exact problem. Paypal confirmed the purchase and deducted funds. From what I can tell on my side, the hold up is with PW/Cryptic.
I tried to buy zen yesterday, but the website would timeout and it never happened. Tried twice, then backed away, since I didn't want to be one of those... all of a sudden all 5 or 10 tries triggered and I have more Zen then I would know what to do with. Decided if PW can't have that working well after all these years, I'll just buy a pre-paid card if I need something. Probably more secure anyway.
I noticed this as well. I think it is prepped for the server merge.
For what it is worth, I did manage to successfully transfer my last zen purchase to the dragon shard using neverwinter as the destination. I think it will reach whatever shard you are currently on. *fingers crossed* of course.
wow, scary. beginning to think you are right with this. too bad though. good luck getting it all straightened out!
good luck to all of us, I guess:cool:
Okay firstly, keep calm. Everything will be okay. I paid via VISA and what happens is the money gets approved by your bank and thus you are subsequently debited (or held in pending with your bank). The money company which handles the payment for perfect world then claims upon that authorization.
For me, via VISA this took up to an hour and ideally things like this shouldn't take that long especially considering the payment is direct via card but the third party might be having issues either receiving or sending the information across.
I did a follow up payment about an hour or so ago and received within 30 mins. I guess it just varies. When you do receive it (you'll get no notification of this mind you) you will see your 'pending' transaction turn to 'authorized'.
Hope that helps.
thanks for the insight. just concerned because it has been 24 hours at this point and that seems excessively long. especially after confirming google and bank have no issues. (the 7 emails from cryptic confirming my purchase also make me a bit concerned)
I will definitely take your advice to heart and keep an open mind. maybe just time for me to play a different game for a bit to get my mind off neverwinter.
thanks again, tsumoro.
doesn't work, as I mentioned, they list it as "pending" so nothing is transferable. unfortunately.
as a trial I made another $100 purchase and it by miracle went through (within 10minutes) and I was able to transfer and use it for my neverwinter account.
my first purchase from OVER 24 hours ago is still "pending" even though they took my money out of my AMEX account and I can't access the funds to transfer them to neverwinter.
there is definitely a bug but I cannot get ANYONE from cryptic/perfect world/customer service to even respond to my concern. in forums or in ticketing system.
it appears I am not the only one with this concern.
please someone from cryptic/perfect world, respond and fix this problem.
this is what I have been fearing and the lack of official response to any of our concerns is disheartening to say the least.
Then what you do is contact customer service. This is not something you can get any help with on the forums as it clearly requires someone in customer support to fix. That is because it is an account/billing issue.
Why do people go and post about problems like this as if other players can some how magically help. The answer to fixing problems like this is always go talk to customer service.
I wanted to see if anyone else is having this problem. or to see if anyone had similar stories to share or advice on how best to proceed from here. sorry to step on your toes.
that is why I posted on the forums. if you had read my post, I HAVE called customer service, I HAVE opened a ticket, I HAVE posted in the bug report forums. NO ONE is helping. but thanks for belittling me.
and I confirmed with American express that it is perfect world holding up the transaction.
I am a very shy and insecure person who is always concerned about trying to do the right thing and not step on any toes. thanks for making me feel like the mud under your boots.
Edit: I do not expect other forum users to help. I was asking for feedback and hoping to garner the attention of the devs.
once again thanks for making me feel like HAMSTER for reaching out to others for support and ideas in case I was doing something wrong. it may not matter to you that I am sensitive and shy but you really hurt my feelings for no other reason than to call me stupid for looking for help. I hope you feel better now that you have made me feel bad.
Edited to note perfect world, not cryptic is the one responsible for holding the transaction up
thanks for the help. I will do that. tickets do not seem to be working. to the phone it is.
and thanks for being kind to me. I really appreciate the consideration.
Actually, it would be Perfect World holding up the transaction. Cryptic has almost nothing to do with Zen, when you buy Zen that's PW and when you transfer it to a game, that's also PW. So Perfect World support is who you need to be talking to.
FWIW, I've had not entirely unreasonable response times to PW billing tickets on the weekends. But I do recall that PW has some wonky fraud prevention that can keep transactions stuck in pending for a while.
Only suggestion I can make - check your email, especially your junk/spam folder, for emails from PW.
when I fill out the support ticket, does that go to perfect world then? I misspoke when I said cryptic and meant the game in general which would mean perfect world (sorry for the confusion) but I should be sure my ticket is going to the right place.
I am logged into the perfect world site and using the support forum from that site. is that the correct one?
also, did check the spam etc and nothing there. I really think it is just a bug. or at least I am holding out hope that is the case.
anyway, sincere thank you for all who responded helpfully. I really appreciate the feedback and time you spent to help me. $100 is a lot of money and it makes me nervous when mistakes happen and I can't find anyone official willing to help.
thanks to all the kind souls who took/are taking the time to share their experiences.
Yep, if you're logged in to Perfect World, that's the right place for the ticket.
I know it's nerve-wracking, but try not to worry too much about it. While it's annoying that your transaction is jammed up, you shouldn't worry about losing your money. Either today or Monday, PW should get your situation sorted out, and in the worst case, AmEx should be able to reverse the transaction.
thanks elessym! both for the helpful information and for being so kind.
I was considering buying zen to get more character slots, but I I'll hold off on that.
ladonna and I have both mentioned that our status in account management is "pending". You sure like to post **** without even reading our comments don't you?