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TR PvE Leveling Guide ?

drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
Is there any good decent builds for PvE (Including Feats aswell) ?
Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
Post edited by drakeos99 on


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    drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Come on people help each other out dont be selfish :(
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
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    kenjukunkenjukun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would really like to know this as well. I always play Thief or Rogue classes in my games and I really don't want to mess this one up
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    willstrwillstr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 79
    edited May 2013
    I am deciding over Dex+Charisma build or Str+Char (1st attribute major)
    Former giver more defense and allows for a little rough play or for beginners i guess, since we can take a few hits.
    Whereas latter i think is more of a DD style, completely focused on attacking and dodging, take one hit and u die. This one seems to be for more pro players with TR class.
    Yet to try these, I would appreciate opinions about it
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I honestly think it's a bit early for people to have min maxed everything, and things will probably change before too long. So just try out things, if you enjoy it, do it. leveling is easy, probably more so for a TR. Sit back, relax and have fun for now. :)
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    drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes but what feats should i choose for soloing/dungeoning (PvE)
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
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    drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *Bump* help ?
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're probably going to have to experiment like the rest of us I imagine. There doesn't seem to be a wealth of online theorycrafting/discussion sites on this game and the wikis are pretty lacking. Maybe if you found a blog from an early streamer or something.
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    drakeos99 wrote: »
    Come on people help each other out dont be selfish :(

    Patience Grasshopper. :)
    Unfortunately they took down the earlier class forums, so I copied this over from a cached copy. Unfortunately, I didn't grab the name of the original poster so I apologize for posting this without attribution. All credit goes to the original author.

    Edit: The original author is tgnaflen, linked here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?133921-50-Trickster-Rogue-Infiltrator-Skill-Guide-and-mini-review

    50 Trickster Rogue / Infiltrator Skill Guide and mini review

    Hey everyone, after playing through BW4 and trying every skill build imaginable (i respec a lot) i figured i could give out some info on the skills/builds and my personal take on them.

    Current state of the Rogue has us as top damage on single target situations and worst damage in AoE situations (yes even guardian fighters can out dps us on AoE) Overall damage contribution in groups has us on top at the same level as Control Wizards: They pull ahead if there is a ton of AoE or we do if it's a lot of single target.

    ther classes are further behind and do not compare in damage.

    Overall the class works but our skill tree is one of the worst around because of the many useless/redundant skills and pitfalls in it. This is probably what prompted me to write this guide.

    Everything listed here is from a Trickster Rogue - Infiltrator Paragon perspective.

    The Infiltrator is centered around Stealth and remaining in stealth as much as possible, most of the abilities given help you regain and under the right circumstances you can remain in Stealth indefinitely.

    Races and Stats
    when selecting a race your stat priority should be an even 50/50 split between Dexterity and Charisma and getting them as high as possible. When selecting your race just remember that 1 point in a stat is really not a big difference so if you want to play a Dwarf thief for the Lulz then go for it.

    Dexterity is a no brainer for rogues.
    Charisma over Strength is because it is point for point more effective as long as you always have combat advantage; something the Infiltrator excels at. If you are not in stealth, flanking or hitting knocked down, Dazed etc targets then Strength is a better sub stat. When other paragon paths come out i expect to see Dex/Str based Rogues.

    In gear you will look for pure Power > Power + Critical > Power + HP

    Why pure Power? Because no other stat scales as well on a Rogue.

    Power over Crit really? Yes, power over crit because critical hits cannot reach a high enough percentile to beat plain base damage. The crit build can work if you get a lucky string but will not be as consistent whereas damage is never wasted.

    I tried other stats builds like Defense, Deflection, Recovery, life steal and regen but none of those work: We are not defensive enough to make good use of Defense, Deflection or Regen. Life steal will not help you stay alive better then just killing the stuff and Regen doesn't affect cool down enough without being a high base Wisdom race/character.

    How to play this?

    Most of what i will write here is my personal opinion and my own playstyle, i will also give a little insight of what's it like for a Rogue at lvl 50.

    The first thing to understand is how Stealth works:
    Your stealth bar slowly regens on its own but dealing damage replenishes it faster. Taking any kind of damage lowers your stealth bar unless its full; when full your stealth bar stays full until activation.

    You can activate Stealth at any time and the bar will slowly drain until you are out and reappear. Taking damage while in stealth does not break stealth but will cause your stealth meter to lose a portion proportional to the damage taken (this can break stealth if it is enough to empty your bar). Dealing damage while in stealth mode also replenishes the bar letting you stay in stealth longer (it takes a lot of damage to even counter the natural drain so you may not notice it early on).

    Solo Difficulty Scaling

    As you progress through the came you will notice that the content gets harder and harder. Bosses sub lvl 30 can be killed in seconds and most enemies deal very little damage or have long animations leading to their big skills. In the later levels, bosses will have substantial hit points and will not be easy to burst down (some are) forcing you on surviving the actual encounter for a few minutes instead of just bursting everything down instantly.

    Enemies also hit a lot harder; for example i had 17 000 HP at lvl 50 and the average damage from enemies was around 1k on normal attacks with the skills (red patterns on the ground) doing upward of 4k to 10k. The only way to survive mob packs by that point is to abuse Stealth and the Infiltrator is the perfect role for that.

    Another thing to note is that companions do not scale like the players do: Your companion will lose effectiveness as you tackle higher and higher content. Mine could barely stay alive 10 secs vs the lvl 50 content (max rank 20 companion). This means that by that point you need to have figured out a way to keep yourself alive without relying on outside help if you are solo.

    The infinite Stealth method

    This is what i use to basically stick to stealth 90% of the time.

    At Wills:
    Sly Flourish - trusty reliable damage you use 90% of the time
    Duelist's Flurry - Used from stealth with lurkers assault to make bosses dead
    (Sometimes Cloud of Steel instead of Duelist's Flurry if there is too many casters that love to stand in their AoE forever)

    Wicked Reminder : I would normally use smoke bomb but lvl 50 cap meant it was that or invisible infiltrator and having an armor debuff helps vs thougher enemies
    Bait and Switch: decoy that gives AP and refills stealth plays right into that build's strength
    Shadow Strike: full stealth refill when i need it, lets me use wicked reminder then back to stealth

    Whirlwind of Blades - our best aoe damage skill, if there is a lot of minions and basic enemies this clears them nicelly
    Lurker's Assault - when only the boss remains use this along with Duelist's Flurry to make it dead

    Class Features:
    Tactics - We have painfully slow AP generation this helps
    Invisible Infiltrator - free full stealth bar after daily means more stealth goodness

    It goes a little bit like this, run up to an enemy, stealth, beat on it, when stealth is low use Bait and Switch, re position away from the decoy (to not get hit) keep hitting your target, when stealth is low again use Wicked reminder, exit stealth, use Shadow strike to refill bar, wicked reminder if you have time otherwise stealth again, when stealth is low use Daily power for a refill, when low again wicked reminder etc

    Basically you only exit stealth when Shadow strike is up to use the 3 charge Wicked Reminder. If you screw up, kite a little and repeat.

    Rogue and Infiltrator skills

    I also separate grades with PvE and PvP in mind

    0 - Garbage, no use whatsoever
    1 - Situational, might work but there are better options available
    2 - Good, nothing wrong here and if you like the skill then by all means use it.
    3 - Amazing, skill that i cannot find anything wrong with fall into that category

    Good - some of the good things you can expect out of the skill/feature
    Bad - some of the things that prevent this skill from shining or things to watch out for.

    At Wills

    Sly Flourish - PvE 3 PvP 3
    Your bread and butter attack, you will use this skill more than anything else.
    Good - You start with it and throughout the game this will remain your best overall at will.
    Bad - Nothing really, damage is average but its an at will with 0 drawback.

    Cloud of Steel - PvE 1 PvP 3
    This will probably be everyone's secondary at will at least until duelist flurry and even then its sometimes better to just keep this skill in case you need some range.
    Good - Ranged attack and quick execution, good vs enemies that like sitting in their AoE damage fields.
    Bad - low damage and limited charges (12), adding points does not increase charges only a bit of damage.

    Duelist's Flurry - PvE 3, PvP 0
    This skill cannot work as your main at Will due to the long animation but it makes good for secondary skill especially vs high HP targets.
    Good - Highest DPS at will we have; amazing damage when the bleed is at 10/10 stacks.
    Bad - Takes 2 sec to wind up and another 2 to execute, so you need a stationary target and usually a distraction like a tank etc. Bleeds have no synergy with anything Rogues get

    Gloaming Cut - PvE 0, PvP 0
    Slow attack with a little bit of forward momentum that deals average damage and gives a little stealth IF you get the killing blow with it.
    Good - I can't say anything good about this skill, it fails to work in every possible way.
    Bad - Long windup, bad damage, low stealth bar refill on killing blow makes this a pass for anyone.

    Encounter Powers

    Dazing Strike - PvE 2, PvP 3
    Decent damage and daze is an amazing status effect, i would mark it as a 3 points for PvE but we eventually get better skills and have limited slots.
    Good - Daze is always good, has a tiny AoE if you land it right
    Bad - 1 sec animation to execute

    Deft Strike - PvE 0, PvP 3
    This really had no use in PvE with a limited encounter bar but for PvP this lets you catch anyone and provides excellent mobility.
    Good - Instant teleport to your targets back, the range while stealth-ed is HUGE. Great top catch runners.
    Bad - Low damage, relatively long cool down, short duration slow.

    Lashing Blade - PvE 2, PvP 2
    A good low level skill that sadly got nerfed hard due to its burst potential (used to do 50% extra dmg from stealth). This skill gets replaced by Wicked Reminder later on since its damage just isn't worth the cool down.
    Good - Instant burst damage, only source of instant direct damage for a long while.
    Bad - Long Cooldown, the new guaranteed crit from stealth is totally not worth breaking stealth for.

    Bait and Switch - PvE 3, PvP 1 (for the stealth refill only)
    Anytime you are soloing this skill is great providing you with a decoy that takes hits for you and giving you a full stealth bar refill if used in stealth. This skill is almost mandatory for solo play.
    Good - Free dodge, a full stealth refill from stealth and bonus AP when tank gets hit.
    Bad - long cooldown and at high level the decoy has very little HP.

    Blitz - PvE 2, PvP 1
    It's an AoE, something we lack badly. On any other class i would overlook this skill completely but since we have so very little AoE potential this one is a good buy and will serve its purpose.
    Good - It has AoE something we totally lack, the jump back can also serve as a ghetto dodge.
    Bad - Average damage, average cool down, if it wasn't for our lack of AoE's this would never be used.

    Impossible to Catch - PvE 2, PvP 3
    Mandatory PvP skill but for PvE it competes with the 3 spots in our encounters bar; if you know in advance that there will be a ton of AoE to dodge then go for it otherwise slot in something else.
    Good - Only way to break CC and used from stealth it becomes amazing.
    Bad - Long cool down limits its PvE usage but would otherwise make it OP for PvP.

    Path of the Blade - PvE 1, PvP 0
    If you really need more AoE encounter powers this might be an option to use along with Blitz but dont expect to be using this skill often.
    Good - Its an AoE of sorts
    Bad - low damage, long cooldown.

    Impact Shot - PvE 0, PvP 1
    Another range skill with charges; this one doesn't make the list because none of the things it does cannot be done by another skill in an improved way. Plus the knockback is annoying at best.
    Good - The stun from stealth is nice
    Bad - average damage, limited charges not increased by adding mastery points and Deft Strike is better at catching runners anyway.

    Shadow Strike - PvE 3, PvP 3
    The redeeming skill for the infiltrator Paragon Path; this is what makes everything work and should be included in almost every build.
    Good - Full stealth refill every ~12 secs from range if needed.
    Bad - meaningless damage and adding mastery points is a waste for 10% dmg.

    Wicked Reminder - PvE 3, PvP 0
    This is what you replace Lashing blade with; it deals a little less damage but debuff's armor and is on a sub 4 sec cool down. I kinda wish that this was an at will with lower damage but at least its a good skill. The damage bonus from the armor debuff felt like ~5% per stack
    Good - Short cool down, decent damage, armor debuff and stealth effect is useful
    bad - Will have to compete for one of your 3 encounter slots.

    Smoke Bomb - PvE 3, PvP 3
    I kinda wish i could have tried the 3 point version of this amazing skill but even at 1 points this was awesome, AoE Daze rocks.
    Good - Daze is an excellent effect, it's an AoE and Slow effect from stealth on top of that is awesome for PvP
    Bad - Long cool down, rather small effect.

    Daily Powers

    Bloodbath - PvE 0, PvP 3
    This skill is the first daily power you will have access to, it looks cool, sounds cool and falls short in potential for PvE. In PvP this lets you deal some damage while being completely immune to damage.
    Good - Looks cool and you are invulnerable during this power, single target damage is good.
    Bad - AoE damage is low as you have no way of controlling what it will hit and this may also move you to places you don't want to go to.

    Lurker's Assault - PvE 3, PvP 3
    This lets you keep stealth for a loooong time and gives you 60% damage bonus to boot, need i say more?
    Good - Great damage boost, good utility
    Bad - World turns black and white making red aoe areas very hard to see use with caution.

    Whirlwind of Blades - PvE 2, PvP 1
    This skill is a little bland at first because we have bad AP generation early on and it doesn't do that much damage but in the later levels it will clear an entire room of minions for you.
    Good - Large Aoe centered on you with excellent damage potential
    Bad - you will need to be in the center of everything if you want a good hit out of this

    Courage Breaker - PvE 1, PvP 0
    While a 90% damage reduction sounds appealing we cannot maintain something like that to really make a difference.
    Good - Gains a ton of potential from putting points into it.
    Bad - Doesn't last long enough to make use of a Daily Power.

    Shocking Execution - PvE 1, PvP 1
    I may reserve judgement of this skill for later since i could only try the lvl 1 version, maybe 200% extra damage will make it shine but at lvl 1 it was not good enough to be a daily power.
    Good - Long range burst potential
    Bad - Damage was low at lvl 1

    Class Features

    Sneak Attack PvE 0, PvP 2
    Dunno what they were thinking when they made this but even the name doesn't seem to work...
    Good - Will make you walk at half mount speed when in stealth great to catch someone
    Bad - Name doesn't feel right and wtf just give us back the old version

    First Strike - PvE 0, PvP 1
    15% damage for only the first hit in a fight doesn't make for a useful feature.
    Good - Nothing!
    Bad - 15% for 3 points once per fight does not work no matter how you look at it.

    Tenacious Concealment - PvE 3, PvP 3
    This is something that you should pick up along the way, it helps when dealing with situations with a ton of AoE damage flying around.
    Good - 90% reduction almost removes the penalty we get from taking damage.
    Bad - Unless you are taking damage this does nothing for you

    Tactics - PvE 3, PvP 0
    We have painfully slow AP generation, 15% from this helps a little and makes for a useful class feature.
    Good - Helps AP, we really need more AP
    Bad - 15% is a little low

    Infiltrator's Action - PvE 0, PvP 0
    This might be useful if we had a hard time gaining combat advantage but we do not so this goes to the useless pile.
    Good - at least adding points into it actually does something useful.
    Bad - everything this does is done better by invisible Infiltrator.

    Skillful Infiltrator - PvE 3, PvP 3
    Passive 15% speed 3% crit and 3% deflect, this is always good, all the time, also makes Sneak Attack look bad.
    Good - Always useful no matter what you do
    Bad - its kinda of an uninspired passive stat boost, still good though

    Invisible Infiltrator - PvE 2, PvP 2
    This has amazing synergies with the infiltrator paragon; giving you a 3rd way to refill a full stealth bar (4th if you count Gloaming Cut) as well as some extra damage
    Good - Another way to regain stealth, the bonus damage is great too
    Bad - Situational due to Daily power requirement


    I will go over them later, basically anything that improves AP generation > Stealth duration > damage (rest is not worth it)
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    zalathorm7zalathorm7 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed on all the information above....

    Except one thing,

    Is CHA still better point for point than STR? I dont know if it has changed (someone once compared the two)...\

    How does 1% damage per point from STR compare to 1% combat advantage damage from CHA?

    It seems like everyone is building STR with either CHA or DEX as secondary.
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zalathorm7 wrote: »
    Agreed on all the information above....

    Except one thing,

    Is CHA still better point for point than STR? I dont know if it has changed (someone once compared the two)...\

    How does 1% damage per point from STR compare to 1% combat advantage damage from CHA?

    It seems like everyone is building STR with either CHA or DEX as secondary.

    They're both solid choices and come down to playstyle. If you're always in a group and can get CA, then CHA may be your go to. If you spend a significant amount of time soloing, then STR works since it adds to all damage.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still doesnt explain's FEAT's like what to pick (beside Paragon's Feat ALSO) not the Powers >.<
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
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    musaxxxmusaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well powers are pretty clear, he went pretty into detail with each power...
    he just didnt tell you where to put every single point, but with his list you dont even have to think for yourself :)

    but i agree on the feats part :)
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    dunnoo207dunnoo207 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Best thing to do is to do what most others are doing. Learn your class, build it to your preference, and help theory craft builds.
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    beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Awesome post rabbinicus. I love my TR but after your read I'm rethinking a thing or two. I just hate buying a respect though.
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    beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm even going to print it :p
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    xaazxxaazx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Good god man. Go figure something out on your own. Perfect example of the kind of person that plays TR. SPEC SPEC SPEC NAO NAO NAO. I need to pwn. News flash - learn the class, you'll learn what to spec. Take a spec of the internet and suck at the class forever.
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    bhuddzecksbhuddzecks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »

    Races and Stats
    when selecting a race your stat priority should be an even 50/50 split between Dexterity and Charisma and getting them as high as possible. When selecting your race just remember that 1 point in a stat is really not a big difference so if you want to play a Dwarf thief for the Lulz then go for it.

    Dexterity is a no brainer for rogues.
    Charisma over Strength is because it is point for point more effective as long as you always have combat advantage; something the Infiltrator excels at. If you are not in stealth, flanking or hitting knocked down, Dazed etc targets then Strength is a better sub stat. When other paragon paths come out i expect to see Dex/Str based Rogues.

    In gear you will look for pure Power > Power + Critical > Power + HP

    Why pure Power? Because no other stat scales as well on a Rogue.

    Power over Crit really? Yes, power over crit because critical hits cannot reach a high enough percentile to beat plain base damage. The crit build can work if you get a lucky string but will not be as consistent whereas damage is never wasted.


    so what you are saying is ... power is the strongest stat for tr hands down no matter what but dont pick the ability score that improves overall dmg by a % ? i sort of dont think this is corrects ince str + cha go hand in hand and dex is pretty much the worst since well ... dex improves crit chance / aoe resist / deflection chance.

    no matter what grp play or soloing str/cha(both equally good) >>>>>>>>> dex

    if you think otherwise then pls explain me why crit what you gain via dex as you outlined is worse than flat +dmg that you gain via str is better since im kinda lost ^^
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    drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gotta love the immature people who doesnt want to help out with feats seriously grow up and help your fellow TR dont be selfish please in my post i hate selfish and arrogant people who wont help
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beaghan1 wrote: »
    Awesome post rabbinicus. I love my TR but after your read I'm rethinking a thing or two. I just hate buying a respect though.

    Thanks! But I take no credit beyond reposting it for the original author, and to embarrassment I do not recall whom that was. It was helpful to me in building my TR.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bhuddzecks wrote: »
    so what you are saying is ... power is the strongest stat for tr hands down no matter what but dont pick the ability score that improves overall dmg by a % ? i sort of dont think this is corrects ince str + cha go hand in hand and dex is pretty much the worst since well ... dex improves crit chance / aoe resist / deflection chance.

    no matter what grp play or soloing str/cha(both equally good) >>>>>>>>> dex

    if you think otherwise then pls explain me why crit what you gain via dex as you outlined is worse than flat +dmg that you gain via str is better since im kinda lost ^^

    You'll have to ask the original author. :)
    So far I have found that power is in fact the most useful thing to build. That being said, STR is quite useful when soloing if you don't always have stealth and CA.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    bhuddzecksbhuddzecks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    You'll have to ask the original author. :)
    So far I have found that power is in fact the most useful thing to build. That being said, STR is quite useful when soloing if you don't always have stealth and CA.

    ah ok i thought you had a convincing theory as to why dex is stronger then str ...

    well ill be sticking with str/cha favoring str a little more then cha since in my eyes the measly few crit you get from dex is just not worth it seeing you get plenty crit rating from gear.

    drakeos99 wrote: »
    Gotta love the immature people who doesnt want to help out with feats seriously grow up and help your fellow TR dont be selfish please in my post i hate selfish and arrogant people who wont help

    and i hate lazy bums that are too lazy to read through what feats do and use their brain on what to pick its like the guy asking "why should i move from the area where i get dmg"
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    beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bleh not worth it, rather just use the ignore option for some people
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    musaxxxmusaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I ahvent done any number crunching, but shouldnt a little dex be useful more than additional Str when you already have very high Str?

    They both multiply with each other, so maxing one and leaving the other should reward less, than raising both.
    To find out where the best split lies, we need to do number crunching but i dont have the formulas/knowledge with D&D
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bhuddzecks wrote: »
    ah ok i thought you had a convincing theory as to why dex is stronger then str ...

    well ill be sticking with str/cha favoring str a little more then cha since in my eyes the measly few crit you get from dex is just not worth it seeing you get plenty crit rating from gear.

    I apologize, I misunderstood/misread your question.
    Dex is the prime score for TR's, but I agree that Str/Cha are the scores to add to when you have the points.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    uberguberuberguber Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Thanks! But I take no credit beyond reposting it for the original author, and to embarrassment I do not recall whom that was. It was helpful to me in building my TR.

    It was originally posted by tgnaflen. I have it bookmarked.

    Noli sinere te ab improbis opprimi
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    darknessmutadarknessmuta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uberguber wrote: »

    Hopefully rabbinicus will update the original post giving tgnaflen his credit as it seems he did a lot of work to gather that info. I had his original bookmarked as well and glad someone posted his name so he gets his credit.
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    iamphausiamphaus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    willstr wrote: »
    I am deciding over Dex+Charisma build or Str+Char (1st attribute major)

    Please don't got str and cha, i can see why some people would go dex/cha or str/dex but not dex at all puzzles me.
    Common sense is hard to come by around here it seems..
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    realsk2011realsk2011 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    drakeos99 wrote: »
    Is there any good decent builds for PvE (Including Feats aswell) ?

    Use the following stat ratios: 3:2:2 Crit:Power:AP and 3:2 Lifesteal:Recovery
    Get the freebie Dog Companion

    lawl as you explode elites faster than a gwf can take down normals.

    There you go, condensed leveling guide for PvE TR.
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    crutaceacrutacea Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Patience Grasshopper. :)
    Unfortunately they took down the earlier class forums, so I copied this over from a cached copy. Unfortunately, I didn't grab the name of the original poster so I apologize for posting this without attribution. All credit goes to the original author.

    50 Trickster Rogue / Infiltrator Skill Guide and mini review

    Hey everyone, after playing through BW4 and trying every skill build imaginable (i respec a lot) i figured i could give out some info on the skills/builds and my personal take on them.

    Current state of the Rogue has us as top damage on single target situations and worst damage in AoE situations (yes even guardian fighters can out dps us on AoE) Overall damage contribution in groups has us on top at the same level as Control Wizards: They pull ahead if there is a ton of AoE or we do if it's a lot of single target.

    ther classes are further behind and do not compare in damage.

    Overall the class works but our skill tree is one of the worst around because of the many useless/redundant skills and pitfalls in it. This is probably what prompted me to write this guide.

    Everything listed here is from a Trickster Rogue - Infiltrator Paragon perspective.

    The Infiltrator is centered around Stealth and remaining in stealth as much as possible, most of the abilities given help you regain and under the right circumstances you can remain in Stealth indefinitely.

    Races and Stats
    when selecting a race your stat priority should be an even 50/50 split between Dexterity and Charisma and getting them as high as possible. When selecting your race just remember that 1 point in a stat is really not a big difference so if you want to play a Dwarf thief for the Lulz then go for it.

    Dexterity is a no brainer for rogues.
    Charisma over Strength is because it is point for point more effective as long as you always have combat advantage; something the Infiltrator excels at. If you are not in stealth, flanking or hitting knocked down, Dazed etc targets then Strength is a better sub stat. When other paragon paths come out i expect to see Dex/Str based Rogues.

    In gear you will look for pure Power > Power + Critical > Power + HP

    Why pure Power? Because no other stat scales as well on a Rogue.

    Power over Crit really? Yes, power over crit because critical hits cannot reach a high enough percentile to beat plain base damage. The crit build can work if you get a lucky string but will not be as consistent whereas damage is never wasted.

    I tried other stats builds like Defense, Deflection, Recovery, life steal and regen but none of those work: We are not defensive enough to make good use of Defense, Deflection or Regen. Life steal will not help you stay alive better then just killing the stuff and Regen doesn't affect cool down enough without being a high base Wisdom race/character.

    How to play this?

    Most of what i will write here is my personal opinion and my own playstyle, i will also give a little insight of what's it like for a Rogue at lvl 50.

    The first thing to understand is how Stealth works:
    Your stealth bar slowly regens on its own but dealing damage replenishes it faster. Taking any kind of damage lowers your stealth bar unless its full; when full your stealth bar stays full until activation.

    You can activate Stealth at any time and the bar will slowly drain until you are out and reappear. Taking damage while in stealth does not break stealth but will cause your stealth meter to lose a portion proportional to the damage taken (this can break stealth if it is enough to empty your bar). Dealing damage while in stealth mode also replenishes the bar letting you stay in stealth longer (it takes a lot of damage to even counter the natural drain so you may not notice it early on).

    Solo Difficulty Scaling

    As you progress through the came you will notice that the content gets harder and harder. Bosses sub lvl 30 can be killed in seconds and most enemies deal very little damage or have long animations leading to their big skills. In the later levels, bosses will have substantial hit points and will not be easy to burst down (some are) forcing you on surviving the actual encounter for a few minutes instead of just bursting everything down instantly.

    Enemies also hit a lot harder; for example i had 17 000 HP at lvl 50 and the average damage from enemies was around 1k on normal attacks with the skills (red patterns on the ground) doing upward of 4k to 10k. The only way to survive mob packs by that point is to abuse Stealth and the Infiltrator is the perfect role for that.

    Another thing to note is that companions do not scale like the players do: Your companion will lose effectiveness as you tackle higher and higher content. Mine could barely stay alive 10 secs vs the lvl 50 content (max rank 20 companion). This means that by that point you need to have figured out a way to keep yourself alive without relying on outside help if you are solo.

    The infinite Stealth method

    This is what i use to basically stick to stealth 90% of the time.

    At Wills:
    Sly Flourish - trusty reliable damage you use 90% of the time
    Duelist's Flurry - Used from stealth with lurkers assault to make bosses dead
    (Sometimes Cloud of Steel instead of Duelist's Flurry if there is too many casters that love to stand in their AoE forever)

    Wicked Reminder : I would normally use smoke bomb but lvl 50 cap meant it was that or invisible infiltrator and having an armor debuff helps vs thougher enemies
    Bait and Switch: decoy that gives AP and refills stealth plays right into that build's strength
    Shadow Strike: full stealth refill when i need it, lets me use wicked reminder then back to stealth

    Whirlwind of Blades - our best aoe damage skill, if there is a lot of minions and basic enemies this clears them nicelly
    Lurker's Assault - when only the boss remains use this along with Duelist's Flurry to make it dead

    Class Features:
    Tactics - We have painfully slow AP generation this helps
    Invisible Infiltrator - free full stealth bar after daily means more stealth goodness

    It goes a little bit like this, run up to an enemy, stealth, beat on it, when stealth is low use Bait and Switch, re position away from the decoy (to not get hit) keep hitting your target, when stealth is low again use Wicked reminder, exit stealth, use Shadow strike to refill bar, wicked reminder if you have time otherwise stealth again, when stealth is low use Daily power for a refill, when low again wicked reminder etc

    Basically you only exit stealth when Shadow strike is up to use the 3 charge Wicked Reminder. If you screw up, kite a little and repeat.

    Rogue and Infiltrator skills

    I also separate grades with PvE and PvP in mind

    0 - Garbage, no use whatsoever
    1 - Situational, might work but there are better options available
    2 - Good, nothing wrong here and if you like the skill then by all means use it.
    3 - Amazing, skill that i cannot find anything wrong with fall into that category

    Good - some of the good things you can expect out of the skill/feature
    Bad - some of the things that prevent this skill from shining or things to watch out for.

    At Wills

    Sly Flourish - PvE 3 PvP 3
    Your bread and butter attack, you will use this skill more than anything else.
    Good - You start with it and throughout the game this will remain your best overall at will.
    Bad - Nothing really, damage is average but its an at will with 0 drawback.

    Cloud of Steel - PvE 1 PvP 3
    This will probably be everyone's secondary at will at least until duelist flurry and even then its sometimes better to just keep this skill in case you need some range.
    Good - Ranged attack and quick execution, good vs enemies that like sitting in their AoE damage fields.
    Bad - low damage and limited charges (12), adding points does not increase charges only a bit of damage.

    Duelist's Flurry - PvE 3, PvP 0
    This skill cannot work as your main at Will due to the long animation but it makes good for secondary skill especially vs high HP targets.
    Good - Highest DPS at will we have; amazing damage when the bleed is at 10/10 stacks.
    Bad - Takes 2 sec to wind up and another 2 to execute, so you need a stationary target and usually a distraction like a tank etc. Bleeds have no synergy with anything Rogues get

    Gloaming Cut - PvE 0, PvP 0
    Slow attack with a little bit of forward momentum that deals average damage and gives a little stealth IF you get the killing blow with it.
    Good - I can't say anything good about this skill, it fails to work in every possible way.
    Bad - Long windup, bad damage, low stealth bar refill on killing blow makes this a pass for anyone.

    Encounter Powers

    Dazing Strike - PvE 2, PvP 3
    Decent damage and daze is an amazing status effect, i would mark it as a 3 points for PvE but we eventually get better skills and have limited slots.
    Good - Daze is always good, has a tiny AoE if you land it right
    Bad - 1 sec animation to execute

    Deft Strike - PvE 0, PvP 3
    This really had no use in PvE with a limited encounter bar but for PvP this lets you catch anyone and provides excellent mobility.
    Good - Instant teleport to your targets back, the range while stealth-ed is HUGE. Great top catch runners.
    Bad - Low damage, relatively long cool down, short duration slow.

    Lashing Blade - PvE 2, PvP 2
    A good low level skill that sadly got nerfed hard due to its burst potential (used to do 50% extra dmg from stealth). This skill gets replaced by Wicked Reminder later on since its damage just isn't worth the cool down.
    Good - Instant burst damage, only source of instant direct damage for a long while.
    Bad - Long Cooldown, the new guaranteed crit from stealth is totally not worth breaking stealth for.

    Bait and Switch - PvE 3, PvP 1 (for the stealth refill only)
    Anytime you are soloing this skill is great providing you with a decoy that takes hits for you and giving you a full stealth bar refill if used in stealth. This skill is almost mandatory for solo play.
    Good - Free dodge, a full stealth refill from stealth and bonus AP when tank gets hit.
    Bad - long cooldown and at high level the decoy has very little HP.

    Blitz - PvE 2, PvP 1
    It's an AoE, something we lack badly. On any other class i would overlook this skill completely but since we have so very little AoE potential this one is a good buy and will serve its purpose.
    Good - It has AoE something we totally lack, the jump back can also serve as a ghetto dodge.
    Bad - Average damage, average cool down, if it wasn't for our lack of AoE's this would never be used.

    Impossible to Catch - PvE 2, PvP 3
    Mandatory PvP skill but for PvE it competes with the 3 spots in our encounters bar; if you know in advance that there will be a ton of AoE to dodge then go for it otherwise slot in something else.
    Good - Only way to break CC and used from stealth it becomes amazing.
    Bad - Long cool down limits its PvE usage but would otherwise make it OP for PvP.

    Path of the Blade - PvE 1, PvP 0
    If you really need more AoE encounter powers this might be an option to use along with Blitz but dont expect to be using this skill often.
    Good - Its an AoE of sorts
    Bad - low damage, long cooldown.

    Impact Shot - PvE 0, PvP 1
    Another range skill with charges; this one doesn't make the list because none of the things it does cannot be done by another skill in an improved way. Plus the knockback is annoying at best.
    Good - The stun from stealth is nice
    Bad - average damage, limited charges not increased by adding mastery points and Deft Strike is better at catching runners anyway.

    Shadow Strike - PvE 3, PvP 3
    The redeeming skill for the infiltrator Paragon Path; this is what makes everything work and should be included in almost every build.
    Good - Full stealth refill every ~12 secs from range if needed.
    Bad - meaningless damage and adding mastery points is a waste for 10% dmg.

    Wicked Reminder - PvE 3, PvP 0
    This is what you replace Lashing blade with; it deals a little less damage but debuff's armor and is on a sub 4 sec cool down. I kinda wish that this was an at will with lower damage but at least its a good skill. The damage bonus from the armor debuff felt like ~5% per stack
    Good - Short cool down, decent damage, armor debuff and stealth effect is useful
    bad - Will have to compete for one of your 3 encounter slots.

    Smoke Bomb - PvE 3, PvP 3
    I kinda wish i could have tried the 3 point version of this amazing skill but even at 1 points this was awesome, AoE Daze rocks.
    Good - Daze is an excellent effect, it's an AoE and Slow effect from stealth on top of that is awesome for PvP
    Bad - Long cool down, rather small effect.

    Daily Powers

    Bloodbath - PvE 0, PvP 3
    This skill is the first daily power you will have access to, it looks cool, sounds cool and falls short in potential for PvE. In PvP this lets you deal some damage while being completely immune to damage.
    Good - Looks cool and you are invulnerable during this power, single target damage is good.
    Bad - AoE damage is low as you have no way of controlling what it will hit and this may also move you to places you don't want to go to.

    Lurker's Assault - PvE 3, PvP 3
    This lets you keep stealth for a loooong time and gives you 60% damage bonus to boot, need i say more?
    Good - Great damage boost, good utility
    Bad - World turns black and white making red aoe areas very hard to see use with caution.

    Whirlwind of Blades - PvE 2, PvP 1
    This skill is a little bland at first because we have bad AP generation early on and it doesn't do that much damage but in the later levels it will clear an entire room of minions for you.
    Good - Large Aoe centered on you with excellent damage potential
    Bad - you will need to be in the center of everything if you want a good hit out of this

    Courage Breaker - PvE 1, PvP 0
    While a 90% damage reduction sounds appealing we cannot maintain something like that to really make a difference.
    Good - Gains a ton of potential from putting points into it.
    Bad - Doesn't last long enough to make use of a Daily Power.

    Shocking Execution - PvE 1, PvP 1
    I may reserve judgement of this skill for later since i could only try the lvl 1 version, maybe 200% extra damage will make it shine but at lvl 1 it was not good enough to be a daily power.
    Good - Long range burst potential
    Bad - Damage was low at lvl 1

    Class Features

    Sneak Attack PvE 0, PvP 2
    Dunno what they were thinking when they made this but even the name doesn't seem to work...
    Good - Will make you walk at half mount speed when in stealth great to catch someone
    Bad - Name doesn't feel right and wtf just give us back the old version

    First Strike - PvE 0, PvP 1
    15% damage for only the first hit in a fight doesn't make for a useful feature.
    Good - Nothing!
    Bad - 15% for 3 points once per fight does not work no matter how you look at it.

    Tenacious Concealment - PvE 3, PvP 3
    This is something that you should pick up along the way, it helps when dealing with situations with a ton of AoE damage flying around.
    Good - 90% reduction almost removes the penalty we get from taking damage.
    Bad - Unless you are taking damage this does nothing for you

    Tactics - PvE 3, PvP 0
    We have painfully slow AP generation, 15% from this helps a little and makes for a useful class feature.
    Good - Helps AP, we really need more AP
    Bad - 15% is a little low

    Infiltrator's Action - PvE 0, PvP 0
    This might be useful if we had a hard time gaining combat advantage but we do not so this goes to the useless pile.
    Good - at least adding points into it actually does something useful.
    Bad - everything this does is done better by invisible Infiltrator.

    Skillful Infiltrator - PvE 3, PvP 3
    Passive 15% speed 3% crit and 3% deflect, this is always good, all the time, also makes Sneak Attack look bad.
    Good - Always useful no matter what you do
    Bad - its kinda of an uninspired passive stat boost, still good though

    Invisible Infiltrator - PvE 2, PvP 2
    This has amazing synergies with the infiltrator paragon; giving you a 3rd way to refill a full stealth bar (4th if you count Gloaming Cut) as well as some extra damage
    Good - Another way to regain stealth, the bonus damage is great too
    Bad - Situational due to Daily power requirement


    I will go over them later, basically anything that improves AP generation > Stealth duration > damage (rest is not worth it)

    steal someone guide is bad okay, put copyright when u post that guide
    copyright by tgnalfen
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    iamphausiamphaus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    crutacea wrote: »
    steal someone guide is bad okay, put copyright when u post that guide
    copyright by tgnalfen

    lol read the first paragraph, he didn't steal anything
    Common sense is hard to come by around here it seems..
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