Server was up (Dragon) at 8:05pm pst.
I chatted 'We're Baaaaa-aaack!'
looked at my powers charts comparing it to what I was reading on forums, changed a couple things...
saw a couple people in chat, 'It's alive!!' 'Whoo-hoo!'
and than blammo, disconnected from server 8:10pm pst.
I was thinking of buyin a founders pack today, but after this and the communication being offered, I believe I'll hang onto those funds for something more dependable.
Your rationalization for not buying is flawed. ALL MMO launches have been messy to differing degrees (IMHO, worst = Conan, best = GW2, but even it had problems), give it a week or so and then decide. BTW, that isn't a call to buy anything, I'm waiting myself to see.
Yes the entire morning, certain zones were rubberbanding around terrain if you wandered to close to obstacles.
Im inclined to agree...
10 char
Tyria@nestea2015 -> Devoted Cleric (Level is changing because he's being leveled :P )
Razco@nestea2015 -> Control Wizard (Possible Deletion Immiment)
Your rationalization for not buying is flawed. ALL MMO launches have been messy to differing degrees (IMHO, worst = Conan, best = GW2, but even it had problems), give it a week or so and then decide. BTW, that isn't a call to buy anything, I'm waiting myself to see.
i mean launcher says its up
/agreed lold my balls off
We got a low bar for thread creation around here huh?