pattepogMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
Hello there did the quest solo earlier today, started as lvl 13 and ended at lvl 17 Guardian fighter. Just have to say, great job! Its a really fun experience allthough it took me prolly about 2-3 hours and 50ish pots to complete.
Encountered 2 bugs running it though. First one was a teleporter bug where I ended up inside the wall. Did manage to get out by teleporting back though. Second was in the Broodmothers lair at the top during the firecore event. 1 skeleton got stuck outside the fire and I couldnt damage it and was unable complete the event. Had to port out and re enter to reset the event. 2nd try it worked though.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Hello there did the quest solo earlier today, started as lvl 13 and ended at lvl 17 Guardian fighter. Just have to say, great job! Its a really fun experience allthough it took me prolly about 2-3 hours and 50ish pots to complete.
Encountered 2 bugs running it though. First one was a teleporter bug where I ended up inside the wall. Did manage to get out by teleporting back though. Second was in the Broodmothers lair at the top during the firecore event. 1 skeleton got stuck outside the fire and I couldnt damage it and was unable complete the event. Had to port out and re enter to reset the event. 2nd try it worked though.
Hello Pattepog,
Gratz on getting through it solo yeah it takes a long time solo, you must have uber skills with the GF there also my preferred class. Running it with a group cuts down on completion time drastically I think with a group of 5 we did it in under 40 min getting our daily loots and AD.
Just a question though, on the portal you mentioned, do you recall which portal got you stuck? I defiantly want to address that right away, and I will look into the spawn location of that skeleton pack seems some of the encounter packs are acting funny after publishing.
Thank you very much for the bug report and giving the ol' dungeon a spin!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Got through it today, amazing Apocrs. This is the best I've played so far. Well its almost as good as mine :P Seriously this should be a spot light quest. It is amazing. 19rogue and 19gwf Died during the spider area. We had a lot of close calls. Amazing Amazing Quest. I can't explain how good this is. If we ever get boss encountes this will be better then some of the end game dungeons. Speechless on this. Can't wait till next one Apocrs and if I am able you know I will gladly help test!
While this is on my brain.
Portal did not work to exit quest(but just hit the exit on Mini HUG)
Black the foul was still up on the pillar talking after we split his skull.
I found a hidden cave where I fell to my death. I kind of like the hidden cave so I not telling you where I found it.
Thanks for the amazing adventure!
p.s. i will put this page on the UGC list and get rid of the old link.
ptg389Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited April 2013
Heya! I really like what you've got going on here, it was great for a friend and I (who had been getting bored with the easier PVE) to jump into this. We even died a few times!
Couple of things:
The teleporter back into the Hero fight room is hard to hit, I was getting "Out of Line of Sight" when I tried to interact (Dwarf GF, maybe I'm too short :< ), had to jump and spam F to hit it out of luck.
We killed everything in the crypt after dying and teleporting back in; luckily that split the group up a bit and had no issues, but we didn't get credit for all 8 and are stuck. Really stinks since it took like two hours, but this Dungeon was so much fun otherwise!
Thanks; if you need more info, please inbox or post.
EDIT: We gave up and left using the minimap icon, then realized it said we'd travel back to the Ancient Burial Chamber. So we gave it a shot, and voila, Winin the mage was up (Took some running), but we didn't get to kill her as my friend decided to explore and fell off the map. Did the same leave/re-enter trick and everything respawned. Then, cleared it again to have the 8th kill not count again. :<
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Thanks much guys seems like each bug I squash 2 more pop up in it's place!
I'll get to work on fixing these issues tonight, it's going to take hours with how slow the editor is running... ahh Foundry Beta
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I ran it solo today and loved it trickster went 14-16 ... But having the same problem in room of 8 Heroes ... Got crushed very quickly found teleporter to get back in and groups were spread out so I could kill them off one by one ... However I am stuck at 7 of 8 and can't find anyone else in the room or teleport out ... May try to log out and in and see if it respawns the room? Great work ... most fun I've had ingame yet!
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Thank you very much Palamn I'm glad you had a good time!
I'm consistently amazed by how many people were able to take this beast on solo!
Huge gratz! If I could award a title and epic loots I would do so instantly.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I'm consistently amazed by how many people were able to take this beast on solo!
It's not an easy feat lol. I love the challenge though, I hope you can inspire more authors to create content such as this, you have really set the standard for challenging content WITH a solid story behind it. I refer this dungeon to everyone I run into. Every time someone complains about how easy this game is in zone chat, I refer them to your dungeon.
Yesterday me and a friend :Level 19-20 GF & Cleric did this dungeon and we were absolutely blown away.
I still can't believe we only died once (at spiders). It was fun, challenging and definately the best experience in neverwinter so far!
Thank you very much for this!
I want a demo video of this! I'll you tube it as you will be the only person to do so other than Robobo and I think even he cheated and used his dev god powers to get though some of it
I just solo'd it. Although I had to use the terrain in some parts :P
I solo'd it as a control wizard starting at level 20 and gained 2 levels by the end of it - coming out at level 22.
Also, in the room right before the one with
8 bosses in it
there is a way to get up over the walls and into the area that is not intended to be traversible by players. Note that I was also able to get back out from the floor (in the water) back to an earlier point in the dungeon from there without loading or teleporting, and get back to the afore-mentioned room.
I guess this forum does not support spoiler tags too bad.
To be fair, it was pretty challenging soloing it. Also (not sure if this is a bug) but it didn't give me the option to rate the quest and review it after I finished it
Also, at one point, 1 of the bosses bugged out and disappeared for a while so I was stuck at 7/8 bosses killed. I had to leave the room and run back through the dungeon for a while then come back after about half an hour to find he had re-appeared.
This quest was awesome. I soloed it on my 16 TR. I died several times, tore thru pots like crazy and gained like 2 levels. I wish I could of finished but I died in the last room and was locked out. I am going to get a 3 man group together and hit it again. Great job even with the not finishing issue.
Noli sinere te ab improbis opprimi
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Hello Ubergurber,
Awesome job getting through the dungeon solo! Which room did you get locked out of? I'll jump in and see if I can fix this.
@ fryestorme1 would you mind leaving a detail description best of your knowledge of how to do the exploit?
Defiantly want to make sure everything is air tight.
Lastly, thank you everyone for the awesome feed back and comments I'm glad to see that everyone is enjoying the content the whole purpose was to make a challenge that friends can play and have fun, looks like for the most part this was accomplished.
When we are able to put in vendor's and Bosses the dungeon will go through some renovations, however I'm told that it will no longer be solo-able with bosses in it.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Bump for OB flood gates, please read if you intend to do this Dungeon it will help TYVM!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
akwartz01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
I did your dungeon with my two brothers (as a Guardian myself and them both Rogues) and must say that I was quite astonished by the level of work you put into it.
It is by no mean short (took us a good two hours and a half I think) but it is beautifully made, full of challenging and interesting fights and really clever in its layout, a remarkable achievement if I've ever seen one. I was sad that I could not tip you at the end (I had already spent my three daily tips) because it was well worth it. I'm hoping to run it again this week-end with great anticipation.
Almost soloed as a lvl 26 rogue... had to kite to traps in the second "defeat x waves" battle. I only had to stop because I had promised to be somewhere and didn't realize it was a group dungeon, but had spent an hour and 15 minutes in it already without dying once
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Almost soloed as a lvl 26 rogue... had to kite to traps in the second "defeat x waves" battle. I only had to stop because I had promised to be somewhere and didn't realize it was a group dungeon, but had spent an hour and 15 minutes in it already without dying once
That is crazy amazing reillan! especially when the monsters around that level start to get a bit OP, a huge hats off to you!
as a side note, if you do need to take a break or sell stuff you can use the back button on the mini-map and you will not loose your progress in the dungeon hope that helps too!
@akwarts01 That's Awesome to hear! I love running content with friends and family! So who got to finish off Blackmore? and how did they choose to do it?
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I would like to know if it would be possible to add a script to stop people skipping the text? My group skipped a tonne and I really wanted to read it through.
I tipped, hope to play through more of your work.
Incidentally was the DM tool hard to get used to at first? I am thinking of making my own stories.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
@foxwater, no there isn't any way to stop people from skipping ahead I'll write up a post about the story a bit later on as a spoiler so those who missed what actually happened can read up on it.
I can only comment on my experience, the Foundry tool is awesome! It's very powerful and also intuitive so it took me only really a week to learn the basics on my own, and then I learned a TON when I was actually building this dungeon so it took about a month to get proficient and discover what you can and can not do.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
This was an incredibly fun and challenging dungeon, I ran through it for the first time when I hit level 10 (DC). I solo'ed the entire thing with just one death-- I must have gained at least 5 levels there, though it took me nearly 2 hours! I tried it again at level 17 and promptly died 6 or 7 times, taking almost 3 hours to do, haha. Though I hit level 20 as a result! Maximum tip for you two times over, sir, and well done!
The level difference + the Greycloak weapon was a major factor in being able to solo it much more easily at lower levels. Regardless, I adore these long dungeon treks and I hope that there will be more of them in the future
If I might offer some feedback: I was stuck for ~20 minutes after I died before the Alyssya encounter. I thought I had bugged the progression because I couldn't open the keep doors to continue the battle-- and didn't know there was a courageous portal just to the side up the stairs that would portal me in. It's a minor inconvenience once you understand the mechanics of the dungeon, but if you haven't died up until that point you may not know to look for it there.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Thanks Cakuu!
Yes i got a lot of negative feedback from the portal being not readily visible I since moved it next to the boss encounter doors leading into the burial chamber, so anyone who does fall in battle can get back in quickly, Those elite 8 are a pain in the tookus! I did all of my testing at level 60 with epic gear and you CAN NOT do it solo you need 5 people for sure those mobs get down right nasty!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I'm going to roll up a guardian fighter just so I can solo this. I want to be able to take my time and ogle all the amazing scenery.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Winin can you do me a HUGE favor?
Can you read through the story and find any spelling errors, I have put the darn text through MS word twice and can't find any, yet people are still saying there are a lot of errors any feed back would be so much appreciated.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Just update the portal locations for both the Crypts and the Broodmother's lair, I believe no one should get stuck or clip in to a wall now. It worked perfectly for map preview mode but, as always... some times in game things work differently.
At any rate let me know!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Bump for the glitch pic please post for me thank you so much!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Bump for the glitch pic please post for me thank you so much!
Here is the picture of the glitch
Thanks and congrats for your quest
beeblebrox69Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey, just wanted to say freaking AWESOME quest! I soloed as a level 7 cleric and ended at level 11. I've been working on my own Foundry mission and wanted to check yours out after reading all the (well-deserved) praise. Couldn't get a group together so I figured I'd send a lowbie toon in and see what she could do. I spent most of the time grinning like an idiot, so thanks!
Ridiculously fun. Duoed it with my guildmate last night. I did not know what we were getting ourselves into...And we were both level 14. Kind of crazy but again, lots of fun. Only minor problem was that one of the mobs got stuck outside of the fire much like the above screenshot. Hardest part was fighting all bosses from the adventuring group at once, mainly because my guildie died instantly and I got to take all of them on by myself. I did it, and survived but that was a sweaty palms experience if there ever was one. Overall, great! I want to take a proper party in there eventually xD
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
That's awesome to hear beeblebrox69 and thank you very kindly for the wonderful feedback! I can only hope I was able to demonstraite what the Foundry cna really do, it's an sweet tool! I'm hoping that I have been able to inspire other authors with their ideas for future quests!
I'm also very excited to see what you and the other Authors are currently coming up with, some of the Foundry stuff I have enjoyed as much if not more than the official content send me a message when your close to finishing your project would love to take a peek at it!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
@ragnolier lol I love stories like that those Epic Eight have people going OH CRUD!! Even when I know it's coming I still am on the edge of my seat doing my best not to get taken down. as Bobcat1313 would say FEAR HOOPTY REDHAMMER! They are as deadly in PvP as thier zombie versions are in the dungeon! ^.^
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Encountered 2 bugs running it though. First one was a teleporter bug where I ended up inside the wall. Did manage to get out by teleporting back though. Second was in the Broodmothers lair at the top during the firecore event. 1 skeleton got stuck outside the fire and I couldnt damage it and was unable complete the event. Had to port out and re enter to reset the event. 2nd try it worked though.
Hello Pattepog,
Gratz on getting through it solo yeah it takes a long time solo, you must have uber skills with the GF
Just a question though, on the portal you mentioned, do you recall which portal got you stuck? I defiantly want to address that right away, and I will look into the spawn location of that skeleton pack seems some of the encounter packs are acting funny after publishing.
Thank you very much for the bug report and giving the ol' dungeon a spin!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
While this is on my brain.
Portal did not work to exit quest(but just hit the exit on Mini HUG)
Black the foul was still up on the pillar talking after we split his skull.
I found a hidden cave where I fell to my death. I kind of like the hidden cave so I not telling you where I found it.
Thanks for the amazing adventure!
p.s. i will put this page on the UGC list and get rid of the old link.
Couple of things:
The teleporter back into the Hero fight room is hard to hit, I was getting "Out of Line of Sight" when I tried to interact (Dwarf GF, maybe I'm too short :< ), had to jump and spam F to hit it out of luck.
We killed everything in the crypt after dying and teleporting back in; luckily that split the group up a bit and had no issues, but we didn't get credit for all 8 and are stuck. Really stinks since it took like two hours, but this Dungeon was so much fun otherwise!
Thanks; if you need more info, please inbox or post.
EDIT: We gave up and left using the minimap icon, then realized it said we'd travel back to the Ancient Burial Chamber. So we gave it a shot, and voila, Winin the mage was up (Took some running), but we didn't get to kill her as my friend decided to explore and fell off the map. Did the same leave/re-enter trick and everything respawned. Then, cleared it again to have the 8th kill not count again. :<
I'll get to work on fixing these issues tonight, it's going to take hours with how slow the editor is running... ahh Foundry Beta
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I'm consistently amazed by how many people were able to take this beast on solo!
Huge gratz! If I could award a title and epic loots I would do so instantly.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
It's not an easy feat lol. I love the challenge though, I hope you can inspire more authors to create content such as this, you have really set the standard for challenging content WITH a solid story behind it. I refer this dungeon to everyone I run into. Every time someone complains about how easy this game is in zone chat, I refer them to your dungeon.
I still can't believe we only died once (at spiders). It was fun, challenging and definately the best experience in neverwinter so far!
Thank you very much for this![/url]
I just solo'd it. Although I had to use the terrain in some parts :P
I solo'd it as a control wizard starting at level 20 and gained 2 levels by the end of it - coming out at level 22.
Also, in the room right before the one with
I guess this forum does not support spoiler tags
To be fair, it was pretty challenging soloing it. Also (not sure if this is a bug) but it didn't give me the option to rate the quest and review it after I finished it
Also, at one point, 1 of the bosses bugged out and disappeared for a while so I was stuck at 7/8 bosses killed. I had to leave the room and run back through the dungeon for a while then come back after about half an hour to find he had re-appeared.
Awesome job getting through the dungeon solo! Which room did you get locked out of? I'll jump in and see if I can fix this.
@ fryestorme1 would you mind leaving a detail description best of your knowledge of how to do the exploit?
Defiantly want to make sure everything is air tight.
Lastly, thank you everyone for the awesome feed back and comments I'm glad to see that everyone is enjoying the content the whole purpose was to make a challenge that friends can play and have fun, looks like for the most part this was accomplished.
When we are able to put in vendor's and Bosses the dungeon will go through some renovations, however I'm told that it will no longer be solo-able with bosses in it.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
It is by no mean short (took us a good two hours and a half I think) but it is beautifully made, full of challenging and interesting fights and really clever in its layout, a remarkable achievement if I've ever seen one. I was sad that I could not tip you at the end (I had already spent my three daily tips) because it was well worth it. I'm hoping to run it again this week-end with great anticipation.
My favourite Foundry project so far.
That is crazy amazing reillan! especially when the monsters around that level start to get a bit OP, a huge hats off to you!
as a side note, if you do need to take a break or sell stuff you can use the back button on the mini-map and you will not loose your progress in the dungeon
@akwarts01 That's Awesome to hear! I love running content with friends and family! So who got to finish off Blackmore? and how did they choose to do it?
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I would like to know if it would be possible to add a script to stop people skipping the text? My group skipped a tonne and I really wanted to read it through.
I tipped, hope to play through more of your work.
Incidentally was the DM tool hard to get used to at first? I am thinking of making my own stories.
Head of PR
I can only comment on my experience, the Foundry tool is awesome! It's very powerful and also intuitive so it took me only really a week to learn the basics on my own, and then I learned a TON when I was actually building this dungeon so it took about a month to get proficient and discover what you can and can not do.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
The level difference + the Greycloak weapon was a major factor in being able to solo it much more easily at lower levels. Regardless, I adore these long dungeon treks and I hope that there will be more of them in the future
If I might offer some feedback: I was stuck for ~20 minutes after I died before the Alyssya encounter. I thought I had bugged the progression because I couldn't open the keep doors to continue the battle-- and didn't know there was a courageous portal just to the side up the stairs that would portal me in. It's a minor inconvenience once you understand the mechanics of the dungeon, but if you haven't died up until that point you may not know to look for it there.
Yes i got a lot of negative feedback from the portal being not readily visible I since moved it next to the boss encounter doors leading into the burial chamber, so anyone who does fall in battle can get back in quickly, Those elite 8 are a pain in the tookus! I did all of my testing at level 60 with epic gear and you CAN NOT do it solo you need 5 people for sure those mobs get down right nasty!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Can you read through the story and find any spelling errors, I have put the darn text through MS word twice and can't find any, yet people are still saying there are a lot of errors any feed back would be so much appreciated.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
At any rate let me know!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Here is the picture of the glitch
Thanks and congrats for your quest
Excellent work! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm also very excited to see what you and the other Authors are currently coming up with, some of the Foundry stuff I have enjoyed as much if not more than the official content send me a message when your close to finishing your project would love to take a peek at it!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here