I'm listening to a constant loop of Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 9, Vanguard, and all the WoW soundtracks. Total time: 17.6 hours.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
kimonagiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Favorites are Jesus and mary chain, Joy Division and Bauhaus.
Trying to open my mind a little more right now so i'm listening to some french hip-hop, totally a different genre from what i am used to but change is good and refreshing.
liger000xMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited April 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHUJ2WSiXiU Metallica - No leaf clover...back when I played wow every boss I tanked I had this playing my guild gave me the rank freight train..this is my song i listen to it on a regular enough basis too almost qualify as obsession.
kimonagiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
and of course,any Maddy fan knows this one by heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvnvoe-jVQ4& and can sing along at karoake to it.(starts at 1:20 for those that want to simply sing along without the violin intro). I LOVE pulling this one up when someone challenges me at karaoke! This is what they have to sing along to.
Tupac - Changes
Kid Cudi:
Soundtrack to my life
And some totally different but still beautifull:)
Volbeat - Cape of Our Hero
Trying to open my mind a little more right now so i'm listening to some french hip-hop, totally a different genre from what i am used to but change is good and refreshing.
Like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC6Zw_w_1TE
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Not bad, kinda like it.
Farcry 3 DLC: Blood Dragon OST
Cant listen to anything else right now...
So listening to this now.
Some more Steeleye for you
Black Jack Davey, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX5USg8_1gA at around 2.45, Maddy shows some serious passion.
The really early days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz93oGirS4k 1971. (I was at this concert, yes I am old)
and of course,any Maddy fan knows this one by heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvnvoe-jVQ4& and can sing along at karoake to it.(starts at 1:20 for those that want to simply sing along without the violin intro). I LOVE pulling this one up when someone challenges me at karaoke! This is what they have to sing along to.
For the less folk music inclined, the ultimate song you can't play in any guitar shop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvnvoe-jVQ4& (yes, I was at this one too)
others to bring the younger generation up to date with what us older folks enjoyed/saw/etc
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uG2gYE5KOs (Janice Joplin)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_raXzIRgsA (ob-woodstock)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJnoMP1Uyc (ob - woodstock 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX5USg8_1gA (ob - Clapton)
and finally,the obligatory Ted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh0iDVsmLqw
hehe, whats going on? The comment left by Chuck Norris was kinda funny
Its a good angry song, Usually crank up black metal when i'm angry...until the roommate comes in with the calm down look.
Collective Soul
Third Eye Blind
and Puella in Somnio
Player of Wilcomb Goodale
Hands down.. trumps ALL current RP music and helps me get into Neverwinter !