I have quite a lot of questions about some 'exact stats', would be nice if people shared their experience from beta weekend 2 to get a better overview. 'Ability scores' are pretty clear, wiki got lot's of info, but some other stuff is 'not discussed that much'.
First of all, there are all the 'crit/regen/power' etc stats, but how much do you need to raise them to get specific results? My impression was that for stats like crit or lifesteal, having '100' score added 1%. So with 300 crit and 100 lifesteal I had about 3% crit chance and around 1% lifesteal. Is it true, or I miscalculated something? Does this work later, or it becomes 'less linear'? What was you 'stat' and what was the actual bonus you had?
One stat that I really maxed up, was power. As a lvl 30 CW, I had about 1300 power, which resulted in '+50 dmg and +15 healing'. The proportions are like '+1 dmg per 25 power'. Again, did anyone get other values, and remembers the actual bonus?
Next big question is about things like 'crits', 'crit severity' and 'combat advantage'. What are the numbers for this stuff? How much is the average crit in comparisson to normal damage? And how much 'crit severity' improves it? For example, if a normal crit does 200% dmg, and I somehow get crit severity '+30%', does it mean I will deal '230%' damage on crits?
Similar questions about combat advantage damage - is it set or differ depending on 'how much advantage you have'? How much damage does it deal in comparisson to normal damage? And how does it stack with 'ability bonuses'? For example, if combat advantage dmg is an aditional 50% dmg, so I deal 150% on my attacks under this bonus. If I have a '+10% combat advantage bonus', will it apply only to the small portion, or to the total? (so would I deal 165%, or 155% total?)
Anyway, if this stuff is 'unknown', I think we should pay more attention to this in next weekend, because all those numbers will be critical for build decisions(and if there is no wipe after open beta starts, it's better to go for 'worthy' build right away)
PS As a thread starter it would be natural for me to gather the info from whole thread and repost it here. Most likely I'll do that after the end, so far there is not much info(and the thread is not that big), and on the weekend I'll probably be too busy with actual game
I think it was a little over 100 (maybe 110) per percentage point for most things. All additive with feats.
Could be 150% base for critical damage, seemed about that anyways.
Combat advantage is extra flanking damage. Obviously requires another person and proper positioning
Damage itself seems to scale bad since it is not a % (although Clerics for example get +%damage and heals from Wisdom) Strength seems to add flat numbers which is rarely good imho
There is no sinlge number related to skills on wiki at the moment, not even the 1-100 ratio that you mentioned (even though it was one of the most obvious ones). Thank you for the crits info, still would like to know how is crit severity calculated and how much 'advantage damage' deals in comparisson to normal(if crits are 150%, is it like 125% then?).
1237 power = +51 Damage and Healing Bonus (Looks like power sucks)
278 Critical Strike = 2% Crit Chance (Seems really good)
417 Recovery = 3% Recharge Speed & 3% Action Points Gain (Pretty Good as well)
231 Defense = 7% Damage Resistance (Who needs defense!)
from a control wizard. I might be able to find some info for lifesteal. The other ones are gonna have to wait till BW3.
Either recovery is not '100 for 1%', of rates begin to change as they grow.
Also, power does not really suck, it's just that flat damage bonus is a completely different thing. On my CW I had the orb that had about 200 max damage on lvl 30, and with 1300 power I had '+50-something' damage. Converted, it's about 25% increase, so it's actually not that bad. Power will of course become less viable on higher levels, but maybe the dependance stops being linear as well...
Recovery, as mentioned above, is how I noticed that it takes around 110 per percentage point. So 440ish would hit 4%
Keeping that in mind, sometimes a ring or piece of gear will not put you up a point. (like the 50 odd points of crit above) So its something to keep an eye on when changing gear.
..as for severity. Short of the racial trait, I haven't seen anything that modifies it. (perhaps a rogue feat or another strike class) Pretty sure there is no stat for it. It never felt like 2x damage for me. Like I said, it felt more like 1.5x. There is a massive combat log I have, but its mostly gibberish and not sure where to start for parsing.
744 Power (+31 dmg/healing bonus)
908 Crit Strike (+8% crit chance)
880 Recovery (+8% AP gain and recharge speed)
448 Defense (12% dmg resist)
102 Life Steal (1% hp gained)
50 Movement (0% movement speed)
That's all I got for you, I agree that the number crunch could be a bit confusing at times. Especially some of the last teir heroic wizard feats, specifically the one that increased something for your party.
What kind of scale do you expect it to be by the way - an 'increasing' or 'decreasing' one? Meaning, if on level 30 the crit rates go 1% for 100 stats, how will it be on 60: 1% for 80 or 1% for 120? (numbers are quite random, I mean the idea - is there a bigger or smaller effect from stat increase?).
Also, where did you look into (just curious
Anyway, beta starts in less than 24 hours, so we'll be able to get lot's of numbers.
A small tip for measurement: try to get hold of different items that have 'small' stat bonuses in addition to 'high ones'. Like if you have a '+10 crit ring', you will be able to pinpoint the value at which the stat increses by putting it on/off (like having 578 crit with and 568 without the ring, if the 'percentage' changes between these two numbers, getting exact 'scales' becomes alot easier).
Ideally, having different items that give '+10, +20, +30, +40, +100, + 200, +300, +400, +1000' etc stats can let you have any skill value(rounded to 10) from 10 to 2000 if you equip these items in different combos
That way, creating neat and precise tables and graphs would be very easy (and helpful for understanding).
Seemed to be 110 points per % point. Was for me whenever I looked, but ya ... a L50 character could prove that theory right or wrong pretty quickly (or a L5 if you could get a few samples of 90-110 rating pts)
Why twinks worked so well lol. Most people who raided and theorycrafted only cared about the top level rating:% ratio though.
It honestly makes a lot of sense. That blue piece of gear at L20 with 5 extra rating points is nothing in this system, but was actually something worth holding onto in a scaling system.
2049 power = +83
547 critical strike = 4% Crit
271 Regeneration = 2% (This stat is actually not bad for leveling)
579 defense = 13% damage reduction
174 life steal = 1%
349 movement = 3% movement speed
Ill try to get the 1% equals x later on today. Hard to find items with small increments. So gonna be tough. Also these values will change during launch (60 cap) or however Cryptic changes them.
Wondering if you have any feat info. 20 unlocks paragon, then any other feat 'point' can be used in the Paragon trees?
How many do you have at 50
So. 25 power seems to still = one plus damage
Crit is over 136:1 >< Same with Recovery
102-182 recovery = 1% Recovery
117 Critical = 1% Crit
20 heroic 21 Paragon on my Tiefling @ lvl 50.
If you want to discuss this more you can pm me. As its a bit too early/late for my mathematical function in my brain. Plus quicker response.
Edt: After looking into it further. It seems each percentage point cost more then last. It may or not may not be level dependant. I cant level up anymore to tell. Although we know that higher the level the more stats you can have.
Thanks for the # feats. Trying to get my build ready
with 20 con & 1330 defense i had 21% damage resist iirc
discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
If I were to guess, I would think that:
Rating required = 100 + (10*next % level)
Another idea to think of - are those scales 'class dependant'? In would be logical to expect that for a rogue armor penetration is more vital that for a cleric, so maybe rogues have different scales for that skill (so they get bigger effect with same skill value)
I'm going to spend some time on trying a crit build for CW for this beta, most likely gonna buy all the crit stuff available from the autcion house or seals vendors (AD should be restored after beta's end I hope
Would be quite usefull if different people picked different stats for this beta as well (obviously, it's really hard to pick test many stats for 1 person). Like recovery rate for priests or CW's, deflection or defence for guardian, lifesteal or armor penetration for GWF, etc.
Crit and Armor Pen will be my secondaries
Current character is all crit and power I think.
lol just noticed I am on my alt account, oh well
Btw, I didnt even realize Recovery was for recharge & action pnts - thought it was something to do with tanking, silly me:p
If you guys have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. I have a feeling there is gonna be huge gap between the next beta/release. So gotta get in alot of play time.
I believe all stat weights are the same for non ability scores. It seems the stats are balanced per class by what items they can equip.
As far as Crit goes, I have 21 Charisma on my Tiefling. So that's 11% crit right there. I also have the 3% crit chance.
I think I'm gonna stack Recovery and Crit chance personally. Mostly Recovery as lower cooldown's is a God sent for CW. I would think a Cleric would love that stat aswell. Without spoiling much, Shard of the Endless Avalanche is the coolest skills I've played with. Shield is useful but not for being a shield. It cost 98,907 AD to respec your feats. Something I want to do but idk where I would get that much AD. Sudden Storm and Storm Pillar don't really like those skills.
I hope there are only a few weeks again, or I may go certifiable
Don't get me wrong, the info you provided is great and I'm really gratefull, most of the stuff I was saying about trying different gear was meant for people who gonna play during these weekends (so like don't sell/trow old stuff away, it may help for trying different numbers)
DR% Armor Rating
1 --> 30
1 --> 33
1 --> 41
1 --> 58
2 --> 62
2 --> 70
2 --> 74
3 --> 91
3 --> 103
4 --> 120
4 --> 132
4 --> 136
5 --> 149
5 --> 154
5 --> 162
5 --> 171
6 --> 183
6 --> 190
6 --> 200
7 --> 211
7 --> 217
8 --> 256
8 --> 285
9 --> 303
10 --> 332
10 --> 365
11 --> 398
12 --> 439
12 --> 457
13 --> 486
14 --> 519
14 --> 560
15 --> 593
15 --> 610
16 --> 639
16 --> 680
17 --> 713
17 --> 746
18 --> 781
18 --> 804
19 --> 837
19 --> 878
20 --> 906
20 --> 947
21 --> 980
21 --> 1014
22 --> 1055
22 --> 1088
22 --> 1125
23 --> 1158
23 --> 1192
23 --> 1225
24 --> 1266
24 --> 1282
24 --> 1232
24 --> 1356
25 --> 1390
25 --> 1431
26 --> 1464
26 --> 1487
26 --> 1528
This information clearly shows the effects of diminishing returns on the defense stat as you stack more and more of it. The following table displays how many points are required on top of what you already have to raise your damage reduction to the next %
(numbers will not be 100% accurate, this information has been derived from averaging several sets of stats, and rounded to the rearest whole number)
% DR Points needed to get to next %
1 --> 33
2 --> 33
3 --> 33
4 --> 33
5 --> 33
6 --> 33
7 --> 33
9 --> 34
8 --> 34
10 --> 35
11 --> 36
12 --> 37
13 --> 38
14 --> 39
15 --> 40
16 --> 41
17 --> 43
18 --> 44
19 --> 45
20 --> 46
21 --> 47
22 --> 50
23 --> 52
24 --> 54
25 --> 56
26 --> 57
Edit: I fail at forum table formatting..
Hopefully, by the end of the weekend this thread will be 'full' with observations. Unless devs suddenly 'rebalance everything', this should be a good source of info for wiki.
Armor Penetration - Increases the percentage of damage resistance that is ignored when attacking an enemy.