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Control Wizard : Name the top 5 things you would like to see changed

presilkpresilk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103 Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013 in PvE Discussion
1. Actual Control spells, expecially an aoe sleep/mez
2. Some type of micro movements while casting the At-Will spell range
3. Longer durations on....pretty much everything
4. Some type of protection option other than desperatly attempting to spam health potions. Something like a stone skin that last for x amount of time. can only use once every x or so. options in the fret line to play around with this.
5. Something other than the 'oh me tu fu' stance and Teleporting makes my bowels do funny things stance

tis late here, probably could have come up with some better ones, but hopefully others will come up with them. these seem to be the ones bugging me mostly now that the beta bash has come to an end for now...
Post edited by presilk on


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    borak2borak2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lets see. I would

    1: Rework all spells and make him more along the lines of an illusionist. Mind control, hypnotism, sleep, charm etc... If you're going to be a CONTROL wizard then give them control powers
    2: That about sums it up.
    3: If they aren't going to redo the spells then they need to make all control powers that they have last 3-4 seconds longer then they currently do.
    4: Different paragon path. If you're going to have a "frost" mage your whole life, why throw in lightning powers in the paragon levels. Continue with the frost and make them a lot more powerful.
    5: See number 1
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    viaxusviaxus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 66
    edited March 2013
    Rework the spells...felt it was much harder being a CW than a TR. Give us some viable and longer lasting AoE spells, and perhaps a bigger variety...but that goes for all classes. And the stance! For the love of god let the poor man lower his arm!
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    elveelve Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 336
    edited March 2013
    1. Increase the time of all the negative effects the wizard can inflict.
    2. Decrease the stacks needed for "frozen" state.
    3. Add some kind of hard CC that would disable the target completely for longer time but would break if the target takes damage.
    4. Soft CC should work on the bosses as well.
    5. Make options to trade Crowd Control for damage(for example if you break frozen target with specific skill he takes additional additional damage but is not frozen anymore).
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    lissaannelissaanne Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. The control spells need to be effective on BOSSES. A standard squad will bring along a control wizard for the purpose of controling difficult monsters, if we can't use our skills on the most difficult monsters then what good are we?
    2. see above
    3. Controls need to last longer, at the very least weaker monsters should suffer the effects longer.
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    torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Extend control durations.
    2. More control spells and control in all aspects of the spells.
    3. More fluid kiting (this is true of all classes for me).
    4. Alternative affects for boss monsters immune to basic control effects. So instead of a control affect the boss would be affected by debuffs or the party would receive bufss or the boss would be stripped of buffs - that sort of thing.
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    allaerraallaerra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 838 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    1. More spell choices. Ice, ice and more ice, really?
    2. More crowd control spells, eg. Meteor Swarm, Stinking Cloud, Ice Storm, Earthquake, etc.
    3. Better variety of gear
    4. Variety of gear look. It makes no sense AT ALL that all robes look the same, (like Circus costumes). I can see wanting to "sell" customizable options but even in drops, what you find should vary. Otherwise it screws up the suspension of disbelief in addition to being annoying
    5. Animations, the two fingered salute in rest pose was ridiculous
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    sand1972sand1972 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 69
    edited March 2013
    borak2 wrote: »
    Lets see. I would

    1: Rework all spells and make him more along the lines of an illusionist. Mind control, hypnotism, sleep, charm etc... If you're going to be a CONTROL wizard then give them control powers
    2: That about sums it up.
    3: If they aren't going to redo the spells then they need to make all control powers that they have last 3-4 seconds longer then they currently do.
    4: Different paragon path. If you're going to have a "frost" mage your whole life, why throw in lightning powers in the paragon levels. Continue with the frost and make them a lot more powerful.
    5: See number 1

    ^ This. And remove the need to do "combo" moves by using stacks. This is D&D it isnt Mortal Combat. I shouldnt need to worry about stacking a darn thing or doing combos.
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    kohlfrogkohlfrog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is only one thing I would like to see changed.
    As it stands right now, I love the control wizard. You have to THINK, to be good at it. That makes it fun. Please don't dumb it down so we can stand there and throw out random AoE's. How the general skills work now is PERFECT.

    However this thread is about what I would change.
    I would change effects on bosses. There are a few select mobs, and major bosses, that are Resistant to our effects. I understand the point of resistance, HOWEVER, because we only have a couple effects, when you make mobs resistant it leaves us with no options. If we could convert to an alternate strategy for the encounter, I wouldn't have this listed as a problem. But with what we've got right now, resistance in mobs is a major issue.

    Also I have a question about skill mastery....It says (repel skill) that Skill Mastery it now works on multiple mobs. What am I missing, because I'm a couple skill upgrades in and it still only works on one. Maybe some skill clarification on tooltips would be handy.

    Having the exact same tooltip for every level of the skill is very confusing. I want to know what my level 1 magic missile did in damage, and how much my level 8 does. Instead, all magic missile tooltips give the same one. This also means I don't know which mastery's etc are active.
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    donitiardonitiar Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Mastery is on the spell that is in your tab slot, and that spell only. It was on the left side of your tool tray, and well, hitting tab activates it.
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    buhnerbuhner Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    #1 - the kung fu stance is annoying and makes no sense out of combat.
    #2 - give some other implement options. I hate the orb and would much prefer a staff or even wand
    #3 - give some fire attacks
    #4 - more defensive spells
    #5 - maybe throw in some illusion magic
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    bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    1. Make the class an actual Control Wizard. Not this Bi-polar Control Wizard/War Wizard hybrid. That has no idea what it wants to be.

    2. Lose the Ice. Take a look at the Wizard powers in DnD Essentials. Specifically the Enchantment/Illusion abilities. The Ice mechanic needs to either be dropped or moved to the War Wizard if you MUST use it. Because right now. It sucks. And you've made it clear that the class power is Arcane Mastery/Spell Mastery

    3. Where's the AOE! Nearly every Spell in the PhB has an area effect on top of a CONTROL element.

    4. Arcane Mastery/Spell Mastery needs to be re-worked. Right now it's not clear how many stacks we have of it. It could stand to be reworked. While I really like the extra Encounter Power. I thought that was the only effect of our tab power for the longest time.

    What you need to do with it is rework it to work more like the other characters powers. Have the spells fill the meter, and when full you hit tab, and can use the spell Mastery version of any of your slotted Encounter Powers.

    5. Longer Duration on all of the Spell Effects, sure Feats help with that to a degree but freaking Chains of Faith is a better Control Ability then most of the CONTROL Wizards abilities. On top of that you can not make the mobs immune to a core classes fundamental abilities. That just reeks of bad design.
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    presilkpresilk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    presilk wrote: »
    1. Actual Control spells, expecially an aoe sleep/mez
    2. Some type of micro movements while casting the At-Will spell range
    3. Longer durations on....pretty much everything
    4. Some type of protection option other than desperatly attempting to spam health potions. Something like a stone skin that last for x amount of time. can only use once every x or so. options in the fret line to play around with this.
    5. Something other than the 'oh me tu fu' stance and Teleporting makes my bowels do funny things stance

    tis late here, probably could have come up with some better ones, but hopefully others will come up with them. these seem to be the ones bugging me mostly now that the beta bash has come to an end for now...

    mmmm, I sure missed the video on how they had the CW before they planted him down. That's the gameplay I was asking for as in micro movements. Before this video I only heard people talking about it so assumed it was fast movement while casting but... the amount of movement offered while casting the at-wills, that looked perfect.
    Bring it back please. as I was saying thou, allow this ability to move slightly with the at wills, clamp me down with the rest of the spells all you want.
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    bismar7bismar7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    1. Increase in control duration, We need chill stacks to stack faster and freeze to last longer. Also what is the point of being focused on control when something (like a boss) is totally immune... I get partially, but not totally immune.

    2. Increase the scaling of arcane powers, If arcane is meant to be a striker then they need to be able to kill things much faster. My suggestion is to change/increase the feat list, have it scale higher and higher the more points are put it, this way at high level a arcane wizard will be on par with other striker classes (looking at you rogue)

    3. Give us a passive slot ability (like the 10% increased duration) that slows all enemy movement within 20 yards by 70%; this is will allow us to kite. Being able to kite is a huge thing for any caster in any mmo I've ever played, right now mob speed is so fast that even with 90 movement on boots I was still being caught and hit. (inherent with the rooted combat, please don't change this its amazing)

    4. I would like mastery to change to a buff, basically something with a 10 second c. So When hit tab the next spell I cast has mastery on it... this way I can use three spells with mastery instead of just one. It would also put our encounter powers at 3 instead of 4.

    5. Its a small thing, but many times when I teleport I would still take damage, or I would see resisted... I am teleporting, there is no way anything should hit me since I'm disappearing from the location. This is something that happens in any PnP version AND its how it works in lore (Drizzt series).

    My suggestions on the CW, hope the feedback helps :)
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    txhawktxhawk Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Remove ice. The frost mechanic is utterly underwhelming. Give us the iconic D&D spells like sleep. Without them it just doesn't feel like D&D.
    2. Change spell mastery to be a buff that affects all spells
    3. AOE. For the love of $deity, a control wizard is meant to have AOE - it's a vital part of how they can control a battlefield. And I do not mean just on dailies; give us a true AOE at-will (That spell that does AOE every third hit just doesn't cut it.)
    4. Give CWs the ability to actually lock mobs down, the way a cleric or a rogue can.
    5. Make the mechanics clearer. I didn't know the tab key was spell mastery until I visited these forums. Such a core mechanic should have been spelt out in game, preferably with some sort of tutorial.
    Waiting for paladins...
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    vampiregoatvampiregoat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    what confused me is the word "CONTROL" as you control nothing only cast mainly ice spells from what I saw.
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    torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can't believe I forgot this, Get rid of the two sausage fingers. It looks silly.
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    crazydavey804crazydavey804 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. More implements. I didn't like the fact that staves and wands were absent from game play.
    2. Ice spells for 30 levels and then they drop lightning spells on you. Made no sense whatsoever.
    3. Where are all the fire spells? Fireball is iconic to any D&D setting and needs to be added into the game.
    4. Longer duration on CC effects. And better AoE CC effects. Maybe instead of repel requiring spell mastery to be an AoE effect it should be defaulted as an AoE effect.
    5. Less number of chill stacks to make a target freeze. Maybe this can be a heroic talent.
    6. All the robes looking the same seems weird. Hopefully you'll be able to customize your armor.
    7. Get rid of the two fingers. This is very cheesy and needs to be removed.

    Other than that I have to say it was pretty fun class to play during this second beta weekend. Hope my suggestions help. :cool:
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    grimjoe32grimjoe32 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 93
    edited March 2013
    Rename this class to Frost Sorc? with stong kung fu panda origins.
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    hshiihshii Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find the Controllers make excellent
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    hshiihshii Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find the Controllers make excellent Elemental Control Wizards or Conjuration Wizards.
    The name controller leads ADnD Patrons to think of the mentalist build: Enchantment, Charm, Mind Control, Sleep, and effects that modified opponents ability other than health or hit-points.
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    xaleendarxaleendar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find the control wizard quite close to the 4th edition one, so I won't moan about longer control and other stuff of players that didn't understand how to play the wizard. I was perfectly fine at controlling many strong ennemies at a time, I just needed to be quick to think and to react (push, entangle, freeze, stun, teleport, and once more time). With the good feat selection you can spam them pretty much There still is some things I found not so good :

    1 - Combat animation : seriously the wizard seems like he / she sh**** in his / her pants. Ridiculous...
    2 - Mouvement while casting, at least while using at will powers, maybe slower. In the PnP game a wizard can move and cast spells in the same round.
    3 - No more immunity to the control powers for bosses and big mobs, or some other effect so the control spells still have some effect against bosses (juste spamming magic missiles and chill strike is quite boring).
    4 - More varied equipment look for robes and orbs (orbs always look the same), perhaps some flashy effect for orbs.
    5 - Shield should come way before the 45th level (there is a defensive spell, and it is quite good). The lack of a defensive solution in the earlier level (except for the teleport dodge) is disturbing.
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    christovaochristovao Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1 Powers like in D&D Essentials, Heroes of the Fallen Lands book.
    2 Mobility when casting at will powers.
    3 Sleep, Hypnosis, Beguiling Strands, Mass Charm, Hold Monster, Meteor Swarm and Illusory Obstacles Powers.
    4 Extend the time of control Powers.
    5 Focus in Enchantment and Illusion Powers for Control Wizzard, forget Ice Powers and put them in a future War Wizard Class.
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    bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    christovao wrote: »
    1 Powers like in D&D Essentials, Heroes of the Fallen Lands book.
    2 Mobility when casting at will powers.
    3 Sleep, Hypnosis, Beguiling Strands, Mass Charm, Hold Monster, Meteor Swarm and Illusory Obstacles Powers.
    4 Extend the time of control Powers.
    5 Focus in Enchantment and Illusion Powers for Control Wizard, forget Ice Powers and put them in a future War Wizard Class.

    Also can we get some of the Prismatic spells here?
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    christovaochristovao Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Also can we get some of the Prismatic spells here?

    yep! why not? ;)
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    bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Yeah it might just me but I'm thinking they need to scrap the Elemental elements of the Control Wizard or move them to the War Wizard if they absolutely have to have them. Switch out Freezing Ray for Cloud of Daggers. Have Enfeebling ray replace glacial strike, have sleep be the second encounter power, and go from there. And can you say Titan's grasp at later levels.
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    christovaochristovao Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We have the same thoughts... I don't know why they made the same frost-arcane mage as a Control Wizard. Just read the D&D books and you easily find alot of Controls Spells.
    And think about, without focus on that, we will never get a REAL CONTROL CLASS for the game. :(
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    japo1japo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited March 2013
    1- New Combat, Stance and idle animations
    2- Deva
    3- More control duration
    4- More at-will spells and encounter spells based on real MASS control
    5- Mobility when casting at-will powers
    6- Aglarond Symbarch in Paragon Path
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    streethawkestreethawke Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Control also means buff/debuff on a large scale. Slows that actually slow, and haste, confusion... what I would like to see is transmute rock to mud... that would be cool.
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    streethawkestreethawke Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Oh and stop making him into an "ice mage"... gah I hate that.
    When you want to break the mold

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    warbaby3warbaby3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) New Spells in addition to what we've got (see below)
    2) New/fixed animations, especially for idle stance and casting
    3) Casting At-Will spells on the move
    4) More implements (wands, staffs)
    5) More/better robes...

    New/much needed spells:
    At-Will: Cloud of Daggers, Thunder Wave
    Encounter: Color Spray, Mesmeric Hold, Prismatic Burst
    Daily: Sleep, Stinking Cloud, Web
    Utility/Defensive: Blur, Mirror Image, Wall of Fog/ice
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