I plan to spend 0 but as often is the case, what I plan and what I do are completely different.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
braxzanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 215Arc User
edited February 2013
Having already bought the Founders Pack (Hero of the North version) I don't PLAN on paying for ANYTHING for a good long while if I can help it.
That said, if there is no in-game way to acquire more character slots, then as they introduce new character classes (or races) I may find myself buying those (unless they're unreasonably expensive). I doubt the cash shop will have anything I'd want to buy on a 'regular' basis ---- I don't buy consumables at ALL, for example, so packs of healing potions or whatever don't interest me.
having paid 50 pounds for the founder pack (guardian) i will try and limit my spending to 10 pounds a month (try and treat it like a subscription game) will probably spend more some months and less others i guess though
Foundry quest NW-DKCR8S6GH
Trouble at "The Rock" please play and review if you have the time, thanks
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
It usually depends on game enjoyment and desire for uniqueness. I think I have spent around $100 total for LotrO and thats with a Life Time Subscription (not counting purchasing every expansion that has come out). Around $30-40 a month for 3 months straight in STO. I think I have even spent around $20 in WarZ and my enjoyment level on that game isn't very high.
For me to make purchases it needs to be for cosmetic items as that is my personal biggest draw.
muzrub333Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
I will spend about what I would normally spend on a sub based game. $15-$20/Month. I have had that budgeted for years now, and since I only play one game at any given time, it keeps things easy to track. Although, I do plan on trying to play the game without buying a bunch of "stuff" that has no effect on my character, so possibly much less.
No idea. Depends on what is available to be bought. If there are things I want, more, if not, none at all. Once there is some more info on what exactly there is to buy I will let you know
castagyreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited February 2013
I set myself a fixed gaming budget per month. So no more than that, but probably less than $30 even if I love the game.
Remembering Hanlon's Razor can save one a lot on aspirines.
If I like it.... Inventory space to a manageable level, things to unlock trade/auction house if any. Classes, slots as I go along, depends how much I like it. Then whatever else they offer that feels right to me. Probably not a lot, I almost never buy vanity, never buy boosts, never buy keys to unlock. Nothing can be grossly over-prices that I buy it has to be square. I'm thrifty, don't need fluffy things, just the basic tools.
Upfront I won't sped over $50, that would be considered the cost of a std retail game and from there no more than $15 a month... Unless the game is super extra cool and there is just awesome gotta-haves. I don't think I've played that game yet.
From the beta weekend I have seen that I will at least get the money I spent on my founders pack out of this game. I hope the game will be fun/entertaining enough to last me over a month. I don't intend on spending anything else on the game cash wise, till I make it at least that far...and then I will regulate myself to about $20 a month for as long as it keeps entertaining me.
Alot depends on how long it takes to max a character, and how fast they will have new character classes out as well. I think the game is well worth the investment I have made, but I currently don't see it as a long term MMO since I don't see how each character is going to be enjoyable for more then 100 hours each right now.
I hope there is a long term aspect to the game though as I would love to keep playing and investing in it over the long term.
bruddajokkaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 447Bounty Hunter
edited February 2013
Well I bought the founders pack, and I'll most likely get the Guardians pack as well. The extra 150,000 diamonds, character slot, and respec token make it really tempting. That, and horse is pretty damn nice looking as well. I'll probably try to limit it to fifteen to twenty dollars a month.
If you don't want to pay anything please give some concrete suggestion/recommendations on how they could fund the game.
They already have a business model in place for players who don't plan pay anything.and pwe has been pretty successful so far with it.so no reason to give suggestions,really.a cash shop and other type of zen promo deals that has really nice items players are willing pay a good price for covers the non-paying players.
<TLDR> Great game, good to see people willing to spend money </TLDR>
Nice to see people are willing to spend some $$ on the game. So far the crowd seems more... mature(?) then the STO bunch. Don't get me wrong, there a ton of great STO people (I'm a lifer there)... it just seems that when it went f2p everyone expected to pay $0.00 from then on.
I expect cryptic to have some of the same that has worked for them:
Lock boxes (Please make a config option, by player to turn them off). I actually have no issue with these. I do buy keys becuase @ 51 and professionally employeed, I can afford to. I understand many people can't or just don't like to. I think the main issue with STO lock boxes is that people where forced to see them. They'd save ALOT of negative PR if they didn't force this on people. SUGGESTION : Instead of traditional lock boxes, sprinkle treasure chests around that require a purchased key to open. If a player doesn't want them, they can walk right buy them without stopping.
I expect and want to be able to buy more inventory slots, character slots, companions, etc. Yes, you need to be able to earn them, but for those whom can, is a good revenue generator. Key here is that nobody should be able to buy anything that cannot be earned. Now, I know people will take issue with the amount of grinding for something but think about it. If I pay $5.00 for my "trick pony" but could have earned it with an few hour work, why would I buy it?
Bottom line is that they have to make $$$ and I mean TENS of MILLIONS a year. Heck 20 employees @ and average of 100K yr is 2 million plus infrastructure cost, etc. figure if their expenses are 5 million a year they have to have 28,000 people giving them $15.00 month every month to break even.
All I'm saying is that I know that this game will hold my interest for a good long time and I have experianced enough of it in....errr... testing to have already made my decision.
I've ridden through the deserts of Athas on a Horse made of Flame....
I plan on spending 40 to 60 each for me, wife and son the first month. Then anywhere from 10 to 15 the rest of the months prolly more for my boy... cuz I love me weeeee lad.
Its definitely not the game I was hoping it would be. Probably only going to spend maybe 20 bucks on some nice cosmetic items. If the companions were actually fully flushed out with personality and backstory, and if we could have had more than 1 at a time, I would have bought companions left right and centre. Other than that though there's really nothing I want in the store.
mo0shak3Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited February 2013
Depending on how many character slots we will get at launch and how expensive buying extras will be determines how much money I'll be spending. I definitely don't mind buying some cool cosmetic stuff but I've got a pretty good list of characters I want to play straight from the get go.
Well I plan to buy a Founder's pack if I don't end up winning one. So that will be a $200 drop in the bucket. Friends have asked why id pay that much. I reply with that I have played WoW and paid for years of subscriptions that have costed me more then that over time. Hell a year sub is almost that, so if I am playing a F2P and pay that it's not that big of a hole in my pocket, especially if the game is good.
I'll spend enough to get some extra inventory space and a reasonable-sized bank in the beginning, then probably not a whole lot from there. Depends on what they offer.
Bottom line is that they have to make $$$ and I mean TENS of MILLIONS a year. Heck 20 employees @ and average of 100K yr is 2 million plus infrastructure cost, etc.
That is just what they pay the 20 employees, It would be closer to 3 or 3.5 million with taxes, benefits and misc expenses before you even get into infrastructure cost, for just those employees. The cost of employees in a large business is usually about 1.5 to 2x the salary just to keep them on as employees.
wallace90Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited February 2013
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
So I was wondering, assuming you find this game playable, how much do you think you will spend monthly on it?
From nothing to some. Some months I won't need anything (or will buy it using Astral Diamonds as source) while there will be others when I buy something specific that gets my attention (some vanity stuff, maybe the rare respec token...).
I really never think about how much at any one given time, they way I roll is simple, if I need something I check the coffers and if there is sufficient expendable gold, I will make a purchase, if not, then I suppose I will have to wait till there is. I will, and clearly have, supported the development of Neverwinter, I will continue to do so as long as it holds my interest.
IGN: DrDoom CLS: Heretic SVR: Atlantis IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
drwarpeffectMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 71Arc User
edited February 2013
Same as I do with WoT. The more pressure I feel to pay to play at the level i want to, the less I will spend. The more paying simply enhancing my enjoyment of the game, the more I will. I expect value for my money and enjoyment for my time.
It really depends on how much I enjoy the game and what exactly is on offer in the real money store. I am in the same boat as a lot of people who have already posted; if I enjoy the game, I will probably drop around
When I find a F2P game I like, I allot myself the monthly amount of what a sub would normally be (about $15 a month). That's whay I'm going to do here. Some months I may not see anything I want to buy, so the money just rolls over and accumilates.
L'sya Raiya
essaidisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited February 2013
Will probably be spending around 20-30$ a month... unless you can get everything for free.. like costumes and HAMSTER... cause if people can just get that for free (In my opinion stupid) then I don't think I'll be spending anything else then the Guardian pack.
Same as I do with WoT. The more pressure I feel to pay to play at the level i want to, the less I will spend. The more paying simply enhancing my enjoyment of the game, the more I will. I expect value for my money and enjoyment for my time.
I feel the same way completly. If the game is fun and devs are doing a good job releasing content in olderly fashion, I will open my wallet and support the game as it deserves. If I feel the slightest that Im getting nickle and dimed, then I wont buy anything and probably stop playing the game alltogether.
When I find a F2P game I like, I allot myself the monthly amount of what a sub would normally be (about $15 a month). That's whay I'm going to do here. Some months I may not see anything I want to buy, so the money just rolls over and accumilates.
I do the same thing and to be honest, it just makes sense to me Kudos on your post/explanation, I do the same exact thing ^_^
I plan to spend 0 but as often is the case, what I plan and what I do are completely different.
That said, if there is no in-game way to acquire more character slots, then as they introduce new character classes (or races) I may find myself buying those (unless they're unreasonably expensive). I doubt the cash shop will have anything I'd want to buy on a 'regular' basis ---- I don't buy consumables at ALL, for example, so packs of healing potions or whatever don't interest me.
Trouble at "The Rock" please play and review if you have the time, thanks
For me to make purchases it needs to be for cosmetic items as that is my personal biggest draw.
Upfront I won't sped over $50, that would be considered the cost of a std retail game and from there no more than $15 a month... Unless the game is super extra cool and there is just awesome gotta-haves. I don't think I've played that game yet.
Alot depends on how long it takes to max a character, and how fast they will have new character classes out as well. I think the game is well worth the investment I have made, but I currently don't see it as a long term MMO since I don't see how each character is going to be enjoyable for more then 100 hours each right now.
I hope there is a long term aspect to the game though as I would love to keep playing and investing in it over the long term.
They already have a business model in place for players who don't plan pay anything.and pwe has been pretty successful so far with it.so no reason to give suggestions,really.a cash shop and other type of zen promo deals that has really nice items players are willing pay a good price for covers the non-paying players.
Nice to see people are willing to spend some $$ on the game. So far the crowd seems more... mature(?) then the STO bunch. Don't get me wrong, there a ton of great STO people (I'm a lifer there)... it just seems that when it went f2p everyone expected to pay $0.00 from then on.
I expect cryptic to have some of the same that has worked for them:
Lock boxes (Please make a config option, by player to turn them off). I actually have no issue with these. I do buy keys becuase @ 51 and professionally employeed, I can afford to. I understand many people can't or just don't like to. I think the main issue with STO lock boxes is that people where forced to see them. They'd save ALOT of negative PR if they didn't force this on people. SUGGESTION : Instead of traditional lock boxes, sprinkle treasure chests around that require a purchased key to open. If a player doesn't want them, they can walk right buy them without stopping.
I expect and want to be able to buy more inventory slots, character slots, companions, etc. Yes, you need to be able to earn them, but for those whom can, is a good revenue generator. Key here is that nobody should be able to buy anything that cannot be earned. Now, I know people will take issue with the amount of grinding for something but think about it. If I pay $5.00 for my "trick pony" but could have earned it with an few hour work, why would I buy it?
Bottom line is that they have to make $$$ and I mean TENS of MILLIONS a year. Heck 20 employees @ and average of 100K yr is 2 million plus infrastructure cost, etc. figure if their expenses are 5 million a year they have to have 28,000 people giving them $15.00 month every month to break even.
All I'm saying is that I know that this game will hold my interest for a good long time and I have experianced enough of it in....errr... testing to have already made my decision.
I've ridden through the deserts of Athas on a Horse made of Flame....
120-180 first month
30-45 ever month after
That is just what they pay the 20 employees, It would be closer to 3 or 3.5 million with taxes, benefits and misc expenses before you even get into infrastructure cost, for just those employees. The cost of employees in a large business is usually about 1.5 to 2x the salary just to keep them on as employees.
IGN: DrDoom
CLS: Heretic
SVR: Atlantis
IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
I feel the same way completly. If the game is fun and devs are doing a good job releasing content in olderly fashion, I will open my wallet and support the game as it deserves. If I feel the slightest that Im getting nickle and dimed, then I wont buy anything and probably stop playing the game alltogether.
I do the same thing and to be honest, it just makes sense to me