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  • firesnakeariesfiresnakearies Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Without a doubt resurrections is an amazing FTP offering. Max your character, pay us $15 or whatever it is, start over with a better character. Perfect for those always worrying about end game. End game is build a better, faster, stronger you.

    Yeah, that's not a bad idea actually. I could see this working for Neverwinter.
  • wulfster42wulfster42 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 183 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Without a doubt resurrections is an amazing FTP offering. Max your character, pay us $15 or whatever it is, start over with a better character. Perfect for those always worrying about end game. End game is build a better, faster, stronger you.

    Hehe, already suggested it for NWO....as another form of end game. Need to both make stats matter more though, and allow us to have more control over them in creation to really make it work. Later could also have certain classes that can only be chosen if you re-incarnate etc.

    NWO isn't like DDO though...in that there are not endless ways (at least yet) to build your characters. I can play 1 race/class combination 10 times in a row in DDO and have a difference character each time (easily). Without the ability to feel like your doing something new each time....reincarnation won't work that well in NWO.

    With small re-incarnation boosts you could give incentive to people to re-incarnate into a difference class though (say from cleric to rogue..with the rogue getting +2 build points due to being reincarnated). Still, I don't see that being something added to NWO for along time if ever.

    For now, I'd just like more control options in character creation, and perhaps more effect from stats at lower levels as well (especailly non-primary stats).
  • horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    wulfster42 wrote: »
    Hehe, already suggested it for NWO....as another form of end game. Need to both make stats matter more though, and allow us to have more control over them in creation to really make it work. Later could also have certain classes that can only be chosen if you re-incarnate etc.

    NWO isn't like DDO though...in that there are not endless ways (at least yet) to build your characters. I can play 1 race/class combination 10 times in a row in DDO and have a difference character each time (easily). Without the ability to feel like your doing something new each time....reincarnation won't work that well in NWO.

    With small re-incarnation boosts you could give incentive to people to re-incarnate into a difference class though (say from cleric to rogue..with the rogue getting +2 build points due to being reincarnated). Still, I don't see that being something added to NWO for along time if ever.

    For now, I'd just like more control options in character creation, and perhaps more effect from stats at lower levels as well (especailly non-primary stats).

    Yep to all of that. It makes a lot of sense in general, people are stuck with this whole "end game" issue as-is. But we also like bigger, stronger, faster. Since you are FTP and you need income, you then offer the player the option to Resurrect back to level 1 with better base stats, allow class change, whatever... make a better you.

    But as you say those stats have to matter at high level. AND the high level quests have to be challenging enough that being bigger, stronger, faster even matters.

    So in my perfect mmo, I have to make sure high level content is challenging, but that gets tricky for general players. Which, then I fall back that all quests being able to scale to infinity. Meaning you beat the dungeon etc at level one, you can now move to level two if you choose and it is calculated to be harder, this goes on, forever. It's like Foundry meets Fractals if you get the reference. Then there is a global contest amongst players of what guild/group can get the farthest on all quests. Then BOOM! that is where Resurrection fits in, you start with a better you, before you made it to Level 30 on "Super Awesome Dungeon", now with a resurrected better you, you can now make it to 34! And with a 3rd generation you can make it to 36... This builds in an ever ending challenge to players that go for that thing and there are plenty. To me it's all peas and carrots. I should possibly patent it! :)
  • o7deadlysinso7deadlysins Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 38
    edited February 2013
    Depends on how it is done. I know from talking with my boyfriend that star trek does very well with their F2P and sub based mmo and that you can do just fine if you don't find yourself with the cash to hand over every month. Which ideally is how id like MMOs to be. I would hate to see it go the path of how SWTOR set up their sub/F2P... because in the end you might as well pay for a sub because F2P is so limiting it takes out any enjoyable experience from the game. So yes, if done right I wouldn't mind seeing it and knowing that if I cant make my monthly sub I can still enjoy playing the game even at end level.
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    After trying many F2P models in the last few years, I would happily pay 15 bucks a month for a game I really enjoy. Honestly, I am starting to miss and appreciate the subscription models. I am reserving judgement for this particular f2p model though. GW2 does a pretty good job making plenty of profits from cosmetics and short-term buffs in the cash shop, and it seems to me that the boys at Cryptic are firmly dead set against this game getting labeled P2W, so hopefully that means the cash shop will be similar to GW2.

    It isn't Cryptic that concerns me though. It's PWE. How much influence PWE will have on the cash shop despite Cryptic's intentions remain to be seen.

    If a subscription meant bypassing all of the money-grubbing foolishness that comes with the vast majority of f2p models, then I would happily pay the sub.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited February 2013
    Yeah, umm, no. I think the days of subscriptions are long gone. Cash shops work even if many people in the "west and eu" have not fully adopted the idea. too many whiners about pay for power, but if your willing to fork out 15 bucks a month, just buy some nifty things from the cash shop every month.. you will show your support of the game, and have lots of power you paid for hahahahaha. no really, subscriptions are a thing of the past, as even the most casual of players can from time to time make cash shop purchases, and for those who just play free to play because there is no cost, then complain that those who do help support the game with their cash shop purchases, even if it gives them an unfair advantage, consider if a subscription plan was added, those who subscribe will have an unfair advantage over non subbed accounts as well. So.... no need for subscriptions any more.

    Please note. I have subbed to many mmo in the past, some for many years at a time. And while I think that opening the game up and making EVERYTHING available to subbed accounts is a good thing, meaning no cash shop at all. It's just never gonna happen again.. the cash shop is here to stay forever, and after giving a good hard look at the f2p model we have adopted, it's really not so bad, its not like in Asia where you can buy epic gear pwn anyone who looks at you, but you can get some awesome XP boosts. HEHE.

    I say.. lets roll with it peeps. Be happy, PEACE!

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • malibearmalibear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wulfster42 wrote: »
    I know it has been stated that there will be no subscription plan for NWO, but I'm curious how many players would like that option?

    I must admit I'm pretty new to FTP....and i'm still not totally on board with the concept. I've paid for a monthly MMO since Everquest first came out, and often more then one at a time over the years (sometimes even 3). To me, if i'm playing a game more then 15 hours a month, it's worth $15 to me (well as long as i'm enjoying myself while playing it hehe).

    Dungeons and Dragons online was my first experience at FTP, and I have maintained a VIP account there still (Even though I've now purchased most of the content as well. I must admit i'm a bit scared by the whole FTP..since I don't really know how much it's going to cost to play the game. Obviously games are making a profit since it's becoming more and more common to see games go FTP, but are players still getting as much value?

    Would you want a $15 monthly plan for NWO that gives you access to everything. Enough character slots for every class available (1 slot for each class), every class as it's released and say 30k astral diamonds a month?

    Well I know there isn't going to be a monthly plan available (at least as far as they have said) but would you maybe be interested in like a monthly Zen type of deal? Like you pay 15$ a month and get something like 20$ worth of Zen? I don't know if this is exists, but it makes sense to me. That way you can take your zen and buy stuff in the store..and since a number of players (myself included) often spend about 15$ a month if they enjoy a F2P game it would be convenient as well..just an idea *shrug* Seems similar to what you are asking but would simply be discounted zen
  • zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    bluesteel8 wrote: »
    I have played both sub and Free to play. I cant tell you right now I spend truck loads more on free to play. I just cant help myself. I even buy cosmetic sunglasses ffs.

    Self-control man!
    Character is what a man is in the dark
  • wulfster42wulfster42 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 183 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    malibear wrote: »
    Well I know there isn't going to be a monthly plan available (at least as far as they have said) but would you maybe be interested in like a monthly Zen type of deal? Like you pay 15$ a month and get something like 20$ worth of Zen? I don't know if this is exists, but it makes sense to me. That way you can take your zen and buy stuff in the store..and since a number of players (myself included) often spend about 15$ a month if they enjoy a F2P game it would be convenient as well..just an idea *shrug* Seems similar to what you are asking but would simply be discounted zen

    Yep, I suggested that a bit further in the thread in fact. Alot of us are planning on paying money per month towards the game (since were used to subscription plans) and sticking to that amount. A "plan" that lets you buy zen per month with a small boost in the amount would be nice.
  • wulfster42wulfster42 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 183 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    itsneo wrote: »
    Yeah, umm, no. I think the days of subscriptions are long gone. Cash shops work even if many people in the "west and eu" have not fully adopted the idea. too many whiners about pay for power, but if your willing to fork out 15 bucks a month, just buy some nifty things from the cash shop every month.. you will show your support of the game, and have lots of power you paid for hahahahaha. no really, subscriptions are a thing of the past, as even the most casual of players can from time to time make cash shop purchases, and for those who just play free to play because there is no cost, then complain that those who do help support the game with their cash shop purchases, even if it gives them an unfair advantage, consider if a subscription plan was added, those who subscribe will have an unfair advantage over non subbed accounts as well. So.... no need for subscriptions any more.

    Please note. I have subbed to many mmo in the past, some for many years at a time. And while I think that opening the game up and making EVERYTHING available to subbed accounts is a good thing, meaning no cash shop at all. It's just never gonna happen again.. the cash shop is here to stay forever, and after giving a good hard look at the f2p model we have adopted, it's really not so bad, its not like in Asia where you can buy epic gear pwn anyone who looks at you, but you can get some awesome XP boosts. HEHE.

    I say.. lets roll with it peeps. Be happy, PEACE!

    I have no problem at all with pay to win, as long as everything you can pay for is obtainable in game as well. Diablo 2 for instance had pay to win, but was still a blast for a very long time. Yes, people bought equipment, or paid to have characters leveled up etc, but I enjoyed playing the game myself, earning my own equipment and was usually much better then the people who paid for their equipment anyway.

    I have a problem with pay to play...where the cost to play is much higher because it's FTP. If you look at Dungeons and Dragons online again, but take out the subscription plan they have....it would cost over $100 just to get started in that game if you had to buy just the adventure packs in the store.

    As long as you can actually play the game fully, and with effort be on the same level as players who spend money for eq etc, for $20 or less a month, I'll be happy.

    If that is not possible, then they should not call it FTP, but PTW and just leave it at that (pay to win).

    I don't see that happening with NWO though. It looks like you'll pay for additional content (character slots, maybe classes etc), but not for the base content. I'm happy with that myself.
  • malibearmalibear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wulfster42 wrote: »
    Yep, I suggested that a bit further in the thread in fact. Alot of us are planning on paying money per month towards the game (since were used to subscription plans) and sticking to that amount. A "plan" that lets you buy zen per month with a small boost in the amount would be nice.

    Ah sorry man I didn't see it :-\ I didn't mean to post the same thing again >.<
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