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If you had the $200, would you?

ashrox10ashrox10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey guys,

I'm just wondering how many of you guys would be willing to put a $200 investment into Neverwinter, if you've never played it. I for one haven't been able to play the game yet and don't feel like putting my money into it, however this may change over the course of the next weekends (if I get in).

Furthermore, never have I spent so much on a game, nor have I spent so much on a game before even playing it, but with Neverwinter I feel that I might actually spend that much? I don't know why I just think it's going to be a good game.

What are your opinions, both people who have played and those who haven't, if you had the $200, would you get the founders pack?

Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
PvE Enthusiast.
Post edited by ashrox10 on


  • azorylazoryl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 42
    edited February 2013
    Yes, just waiting for my taxes to come back.. and then I will be getting Hero of the North.
  • deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    With $200 I would start to buy myself a moderate gaming pc
    I am usually Deaths Crowbar.

    Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
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  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited February 2013
    I most certainly would..

    < == WAIT.. lol I DID!

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
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  • krubarkrubar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 841 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I got the guardian so that I can get access to beta and the items and its a lot cheaper. Once I try out the game in beta will determine whether I buy the hero pack or not. I wanna check out the character customization also.
  • bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Had the money, and did. I'll probably pick up the Guardian package as well. Though I did play it at Gencon, and the game is excellent.
  • maverickwerewolfmaverickwerewolf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
    edited February 2013
    If I had the money? Yes. I'd do it in a heartbeat.

    Unfortunately, I'm very hard pressed for any kind of spending cash these days, much less anything over $100. I hope to try and round up $60 for the Guardian pack, though, before the next beta weekend.
    Dedicated NWN roleplayer for 7+ years, the Village of Creation (VoC) server
  • spicymchaggis86spicymchaggis86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 34
    edited February 2013
    I bought the Guardian package because I had the same thoughts as you. I pay 60$ for every other game I've tried/played, so I am willing to let that go. The 200$ package may come along if the game is as good as it looks.
  • silvergryphsilvergryph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If I hadn't just gotten married last week I would have, but the Guardian will do. If I had the cash available to spend on myself though I would gladly buy the HotN as well!
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ashrox10 wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    I'm just wondering how many of you guys would be willing to put a $200 investment into Neverwinter, if you've never played it. I for one haven't been able to play the game yet and don't feel like putting my money into it, however this may change over the course of the next weekends (if I get in).

    Furthermore, never have I spent so much on a game, nor have I spent so much on a game before even playing it, but with Neverwinter I feel that I might actually spend that much? I don't know why I just think it's going to be a good game.

    What are your opinions, both people who have played and those who haven't, if you had the $200, would you get the founders pack?

    1. If those $200 are needed to pay bills, food or something similarly important, then don't spend them in a video game (or alcohol, or...).
    2. If those $200 could be given to charity or gambled, you may use them on a Founder pack.

    Considering that the game is totally free and that you can, eventually, get everything in the game just by playing (farming ADs and such), not buying a founder pack you would only miss the custom title and maybe the racial background. Similar pet and mount will probably appear in the store; you will farm ADs depending on how much time you spend playing;... Or you can buy it anyway for the convenience of its content.

    Buying it may be a great inversion for you or not. You won't know until it's too late to change your mind so I'll point to the list that I used to start my post.
  • chili1179chili1179 Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To spare? Yes.

    Those two words however are not part of my vocabulary currently.
    There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
  • braxzanabraxzana Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In a way, this decision was easier for me than other large investments. I plunked down several hundred for a lifetime subscription to DCUO when it first game out and played it for a month and have not played it since (nor likely WILL I ever). So that, yeh, a waste of money. I paid for a lifetime subscription to Champions Online after beta and I've been playing it for something like three years now and doubt I'll ever STOP playing it entirely so that WAS a good investment.

    Thing is, those games both (at the time) had subscription costs so the "investment" could be seen as an up-front payment of future months' play. As long as you played the game for 14 months or so, you would "break even" with what you would have had to pay EACH month to play. In one case, I could only tolerate the game for a month. In the other case, I've been at it over three years.

    With those experiences under my belt, I agonized over which outcome I would face with later games like The Secret World. I bought a lifetime subscription to that game and while I DO still play it... it's gone free to play so my 'investment' no longer has an equivalent monthly charge that I would otherwise have had to pay. There are other benefits to the lifetime "subscription", true, but even so it felt like I had "lost" some of the value of the purchase.

    With Neverwinter, though, it's free to play from the get-go. There IS no subscription. So the various Founder Packs are ~only~ in-game items. Since I knew that the Founders Pack was ONLY for in-game items, it was, in a way, easier to make the decision. I simply had to decide whether the in-game items were "worth" what they were asking. To be brutally honest, I don't think they are, regardless of the 'value' of the Astral Diamonds. Bottom line is that the items in the Founders pack are not THAT special (they shouldn't be, otherwise you edge into pay to win)... and for similar items you can simply play the game and get them that way.

    Since I don't believe buying the Founders Pack ~just~ for beta access makes any sense at all, that means my entire decision basically boiled down to whether or not I wanted to SUPPORT Neverwinter. Granted, some people may look at the unique items like the armored spider and think that, "I must have that and this is the only way to get it!" and so the investment is worth it for that. For me, though, those in-game things alone were not enough reason. I trust Cryptic (not necessarily Perfect World or Atari or other big-wigs outside the actual developer circle) and I want to SHOW that support.

    It's almost like a kickstarter kind of thing, showing my support for their game. If you go into the decision SOLELY thinking about the 'value' of the in-game items then I can see where it might be a more difficult decision ---- moreso if you suspect that the in-game items' value may be mis-represented or may change (like, becoming available to ANYONE via in-game earned currency later on).

    Of course there's also the more pragmatic rationalization (if that makes any sense): what ELSE would I spend the money on? :)
  • wesgarwesgar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ashrox10 wrote: »

    What are your opinions, both people who have played and those who haven't, if you had the $200, would you get the founders pack?


    Speaking as one who spent the $200, and one that, if he could do it all again, WOULD do it again - my advice to anyone making the decision would be to consider the following:

    a) is the $200 Discretionary - meaning, first make sure that the two hundred dollars really is 'extra' money - and that you don't have much / anything that you would rather spend it on. (putting off paying rent to buy this package, is not really a good idea.)

    b) Know that in most cases, if you give money BEFORE a game is released, it really should be considered more of a 'vote of confidence' in the developers - and thought of as more of a 'donation' towards an upcoming game.

    c) is there some thing that you really want in the Founders Package that you won't be able to get in game for 'close' to the same price as you could get it now?

    with point c - just keep in mind how many companies (cryptic included,) that use 'exclusive' meaning, "exclusive at the time of purchase." which means that they feel free to release, the same, or similar 'exclusive' content later on down the road.

    This can be confusing as most people that purchase 'exclusive' content, do so with the assumption that anyone that didn't buy the content, in the same way as they did, will not have the ability to buy the content a different way, later on.

    Most likely the 'founder' title will be one of the only things not offered later -but, don't even count that as a 'guarantee' as time after time, you can find exceptions to the 'exclusive' rule - new owners, new policies, new monitization plans, all of these things happen and make previously 'exclusive' content - not so exclusive.. that said, there is usually at least 'some' time that you can enjoy your shiny 'look at how cool I am' and you can't have it na na na nah naaah nah. ' items and titles. (I certainly plan to ride the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of my Spider for while. :-P)

    But yes, promises can be made, but unless that person actually has 100% ownership of the game and ALL of it's assets, just remember that the person making the promise, has a boss - and that boss, CAN (and often times does,) make changes that completely makes the person that promised such a thing a liar.

    To those that make such promises - the gaming community has a pretty long memory as to what promises were made, and what were broken, and if you think the gaming communities memory is long - you don't even wana think about how long the internet remembers for - THE INTERNET NEVER FORGETS.

    d) Reflect on what it is that makes you want to put money down on a game that is going to be 'free to play', in a few short months - where you can actually 'see what you are getting'.

    If after all of that consideration - you STILL wana lay down your hard gotten cash, (or saved up allowance / birthday gift money,) go ahead n do it.

    I did it, I played the beta, and I would do it again.

    I am REALLY looking forward to this game -it's gonna ROCK!

    you certainly don't 'neeeeeed' to put money down in advance though - make sure you can aford to do, it, realized it's more of a 'faith based' donation than a purchase, then take the plunge if your still enthusiastic.

    if every one did this, there would be FAR less 'whining and complaining' from people that feel 'dis-enfranchised' when they don't feel like they got their 'value' out of the advanced purchase that they made.

    and that's my 2 Cents.

    zWolf / Wesgar

  • draxonflydraxonfly Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If I had the $200 I totally would.

    At the time CO and STO launched I was making good money and I did Pre-order Life Sub to both of them, and I am so so glad I did, and I love them 2 games and in turn love Cryptic, so judging solely on the past, I would have no worries spending the $200 to show my support to the game and Cryptic... but alas I am out of work atm and very poor... /sad :(
  • jademistxjademistx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    yes i would and planning on buying it next moth:)
  • talonvectortalonvector Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Nope. Not even if I were a millionaire would I spend 200$ on something I have not played, for the simple fact that I dont see it as a smart move. Now with that said if I had alot of faith in PWE, which of coarse at this point I dont(no offense guys u just havnt made a game I really like yet.) (who knows maybe this 1?) But if I already liked C and PWE then maybe that would b enough to make an intelligent decision. But.... the mmo that I played the most was WOW, and that was after it had 2 xpacs(I started when WOTLK was out, With a play time of about 1 year and 2 months. So.... The way u seem to level fast in this game, and the fact it is the 1st installment with no xpacs I dont see this game lasting longer then 1 year if that. But who knows maybe it will, but I cant make an intelligent decision on no data. But I can say this WHY IN THE <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> WOULD I WANT TO SPEND ANYTHING ON SOMETHING FREE. For instance u all that say u want to support the game cause u like the company, thats cool and if that is what u want to do then, go 4 it. But the next time u see some food at a grocery store that is buy 1 get 1 free at least have enough sense to think.... that since u love that particular food u r buying so much why not pay for the free 1 that u r getting cause u want to support the company that makes those burritos u love so much.....=)

    Yes I did the math of the play time and yes if u were to buy the hero of the north and the gaurdians pack together it would roughly b the same price as WOW with the x pacs. But still u have to buy WOW, and the xpacs,and the play time to b able to play it. In Neverwinter u dont.....
  • lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have the $200, and plenty more besides, but won't put that on the perceived value of the items contained in the pack. I don't look down on those that did, it's a free country (or at least free enough in some cases). Just a personal thing; I don't want to pay more than $100 for something I can't actually touch or hold or keep in a bank account (i.e. digital goods).
  • belzubbelzub Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited February 2013
    I have bought several CE:s previously. I have np dishing out money to support developers. However I will only support the devs if I trust them. Cryptic really has to prove themselves to earn my trust, considering their previous history. I don't blindly trust people because they made a promise. If another company I trust would have made this game I would by the founder pack in a heartbeat, even before I have tried the game.

    After I have given the game a fair chance and I feel that they are heading in a good direction then I would throw money at them, because I believe in supporting companies if I like the product. However if I feel nickle and dimed about a game I will delete it instantly.
  • vamperovampero Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I took a chance and did it and glad I did.I only played the game at Pax East 2012 before I took the dive. I'm so glad the game play is great and the game is not a cash shop <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>...:cool:
  • jalex4jalex4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'd be happy to spend the money if I knew the game was good enough. But to find out if the game is good enough I need to spend the money...
  • castagyrecastagyre Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    No, but only because most of the $200 perks didn't appeal to me. ;)
    Remembering Hanlon's Razor can save one a lot on aspirines.
  • therealtaltherealtal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thanks to having spend similar cash on the other cryptic games, lifetime subs for both, I have the chance to actually try the game before I have to decide, because I will get access to the next two beta weekends. Who knows, I might just find it's good enough to warrant the purchase of one of the founder's packs.... :D
  • azrokorazrokor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I bought the Guardian package because I had the same thoughts as you. I pay 60$ for every other game I've tried/played, so I am willing to let that go. The 200$ package may come along if the game is as good as it looks.

    I did this, then tried it in the first weekend. LOVED IT! So I gave that account to my son and then bought the Hero account :)
  • zbkoldezbkolde Member Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I actually bought all three packs, so i spent $280 on a game i haven't played yet.

    But... here is why...

    Not because i'm a diehard gamer, not because of the perks or items in the packs, not to be able to be in beta or be the first of my friends to play the game.

    I invested $280 into the prospect of a game that i have been wanting and looking for for years, because i love R.A. Salvatore and Drizzt Do'Urden.

    Of course, as mentioned, this was money to spare, not needed for survival. Would i spend $280, or even $200 on any other game i haven't seen? No. Well, unless R.A. Salvatore and Drizzt were involved in it also. Otherwise, no. As such, and as i've told my friends, i'd never expect them to spend that much on a game either.
  • jaelrinyajaelrinya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've bought the Guardian of the North Pack and therefore was in the first beta weekend. I bought it because I like the armored horse and the dire wolf also seemed nice. I also wanted to support Cryptic because I like their games and I'm a great D&D and Forgotten realms fan.

    I was impressed by the beta so I'm actually going to buy the Hero of the North Pack too next month to further support Cryptic and get some of the additional nice extras like the menzoberranzan renegade.

    So yes, a soon as I have the money available I'm going to spend it for the Hero Pack :).
  • keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Nope. Not even if I were a millionaire would I spend 200$ on something I have not played,

    I find this a funny statement. 20 years ago I would have never bought the HotN pack, but with $200 being such a trivial amount of money now it totally has changed my perspective. Having money changes your perspective and I am not even a millionaire. Hell I spent $2,500 on my 2 cats I would have never done something as crazy as that 20 years ago, I would have just gotten them for free from someone giving away kittens. People say money doesn't change you....they lie :)

    As to would I spend the money, yes I did, have played the game and yes I would again. However if this were 20 years ago and my financial situation was what it was then, even having had played the game I would not have done it. It is a very fun game, but back then I would have saved that $200 in case I needed it for something like a computer part breaking or needing car repairs or something.
  • bobcat1313bobcat1313 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just spent over 300 to upgrade my puter and get a cheap-O Gcard for my son. Mine blew up so had to get the parts and figured I pick him one up since his is little above recommended settings.

    If I had cash to burn I would get the 200 pack, but I don't. I really can't even get the 60dollar one. I'm hoping by launch I will have saved enough so me, wife and son can all spend around 40 to 60each. IF they still have the founders deal at launch. I will probably get us all one. I will prolly get my son one before launch, just so he gets a chuppy(we call dogs that in my family)

    my computer deing on me really hurt because I was going to supprised everyone with a pack, and extra cash for the shop. If you can afford it I say go for it, if your in hurt for money don't.

    I'm glad there are people that can get the pack and even from the day they announced it I was all for it. Because some people 200dollars is like for me buying a normal video game. The game looks amazing and looks like it could become something great! People keep supporting it and it should get better and better. I plan on dishing out cash but only what I can.
  • firesnakeariesfiresnakearies Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think the founder's packs are ridiculously overpriced and the items they contain are most certainly NOT worth what they're asking for them.

    I'm also a guy who doesn't buy collector's editions, doesn't buy lifetime subscriptions, or any other kind of founder's packs in MMOs. $200 is more than I've spent on any other single game, even ones I played for months, with the exception of WoW.

    That being said, I did buy the Hero of the North pack, and after playing in the first beta weekend, I do NOT regret it at all.

    As some others have said, I did it mostly as a way to support the company and the game, because of what it is, how it aligns with my interests, and the promise it holds for me personally. I really wanted to get into the first beta weekend, and I wanted to help show my support and hopefully make the game a financial success so that more development can go into it.

    Despite feeling that the packages were overpriced and not worth it for what they offered, I still knew that I'd at least buy the $60 pack, for the reasons above. But I was pretty torn about paying the $200. That's a significant sum for me to spend in such a frivolous manner. However, seeing the initial videos from the press-only beta made up my mind. The game looked as good as I hoped it would be!

    And it is.

    I played for something absurd like 42 hours out of the 60-hour beta weekend, and loved every minute of it. I am glad that I invested $200 into this game. I will almost certainly spend more at launch to buy some ZEN directly and save my astral diamonds. It's a lot of money to put into a game that is ostensibly free, considering I've never spent so much on most of the other games I've ever played. But it's D&D (to ME it's D&D) and it's really, really fun, and then there is the Foundry. So I think it's worth it.
  • jnaathrajnaathra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have excess cash galore. However, this is an unproven game from the people that brought you STO and CO. Waiting is the wise choice.
    Scout Tragold - "I haven't lived this long by being brave... it's just another word for stupid."
  • bardbarianbardbarian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wouldn't buy the $200 just because I'm not interested in half of the content. The priority login and some of the other stuff is nice, but I'm not into the whole Drizzt thing and too much of it is one per account rather than one per character.
  • wallace90wallace90 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
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