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What do you want to see included in the foundry?

spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
edited February 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
apocrs1980 gave me the idea by asking specific questions of what was possible with the foundry.

So I felt it was only right and well to ask the forums: What would you like to be able to do with the foundry. Never mind if it has been added already or not. And if you are certain that it cannot be added, or easily exploitable, please add a suggestion how to avoide this, following the formula:

Suggestion: blah blah blah

Example: Blah blah blah

Potential exploit and workaround: blah blah blah

For example.

Suggestion: I would like to be able to create pathing for items triggered by some author-determined prerequisit.

Example: The Haunted House requires a cleric or magic-user to combat all the way down the basement. There awaits a shrine to some old evil god. As the Magic-user activates the shrine and enters into meditation, a poltergeist starts to toss around plates (stuff with "physics") in the room. A few ghosts appear, and eventually a great deamon, by which time the magic-user has finnished his/her incantation. Once the deamon is defeated, the house-ah is-ah purified-ah.

Potential exploits and workarounds: There could be a problem with how many critters appear. It should be challenging, but not impossible, should the cleric decide to do the incantation.
Post edited by spellwarden on


  • babylonbabylon Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Suggestion: I would like to make non-combat npcs appear that can move through the room on paths I set, saying things.

    Example: a little kid runs through room laughing and tells you to follow him, then disappears through some door in the next room.

    Potential exploits: none? They aren't combat npcs so won't be exploitable for loot etc.
  • firesnakeariesfiresnakearies Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I want as many options as possible for creating actual choices in an adventure, with branching paths/results based on what the player chooses. Like factions becoming friendly or hostile based on dialogue options, or paths leading to different areas depending on a choice.
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    and BAM you covered my other two "must have-s"

    In addition to Babylon: I would like to add textboxes in any size which does not require activation for viewing... speech-bubbles if you will.
  • apocrs1980apocrs1980 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    good idea Spellwarden

    if there is any one thing that I would love added to the Foundry it would be what I touched on in my previous post the I will go more in depth here.

    Suggestion: added sub menu for boss Characters which allows at % of life boss has added ability and gives a drop down or tool tip of all current abilities related to that class and race.

    Example: 5 man party encounters the last boss of a UGC dungeon each mini boss previous to him had a special ability to get players use to the mechanic (lets say mini boss 1: Arcing Cleave with cone telegraph, mini boss 2: ground slam with AoE telegraph, and mini boss 3 has enrage at 25% life and attacks 50% faster) as you begin to take Grogg down he gains one of the abilities of the previously defeated mini bosses you fought - example Grogg starts out with Oppressive chains and immobilizes a random party member for 10 sec at 75% health Grogg has added ability Arcing Cleave, at 50% he gains Ground Slam, and his last 25% he becomes enraged. This in my mind would make for very memorable boss encounters and cause players to draw upon their coordination and skill set they are using with their class.

    Potential exploit would be that the Author would make the boss incredibly OP which for some gamers they love that challenge, but I think the star rating for the content would help curb that. ;)
    The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA
    Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
  • chili1179chili1179 Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The ability to script a "boss" battle however I want. Give him a certain look, special abilities and triggered mechanics to fire on point. If I want a lich that rains fireballs from the ceiling as it puts down an AOE cold based spell on the ground to slow the player whenever he reaches 66% and 33% health, then I want to do that.
    There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
  • noolidnerdnoolidnerd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Eventually, we will likely be able to chose from a set of "behaviors" for bosses and even have fights have different phases.

    I really hope we'll be able to put certain effects into the story of the dungeon. (Like "This NPC follows the player characters till this room is cleared" followed by "NPC recites set dialogue" then "Spawn boss") We should have that kind of control over the instance at the very least.
  • funkycold1funkycold1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Suggestion: A way to implement very dynamic lighting

    Example: A dungeon that can be pitch black and allow torch bearers with no weapons (i.e. one person cannot fight if everyone wants to see)

    Potential Exploit: Only getting people killed endlessly on traps, but since there seems to be no death penalty, none..? Maybe griefing potential...
  • ashrox10ashrox10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    babylon wrote: »
    Suggestion: I would like to make non-combat npcs appear that can move through the room on paths I set, saying things.

    Example: a little kid runs through room laughing and tells you to follow him, then disappears through some door in the next room.

    Potential exploits: none? They aren't combat npcs so won't be exploitable for loot etc.

    Exactly this. :)
    Vuxadin@Kaelangx on Mindflayer.
    PvE Enthusiast.
  • zaphtasticzaphtastic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Even though it's not very likely (IMO) that suggestions from threads like these make it into the game, here are some general suggestions independent of the actual capabilities of the Foundry's tools. In all cases, the objective is to better let people find the content they like (instead of everyone just playing the stories in the first 5 pages), and I tried to progress from most plausible to pie-in-the-sky. NB: "quest" stands for both actual standalone quests and campaigns.

    Playstyle tags
    Suggestion: Have fixed tags for playstyle that people can apply to quests (or search quests through them), and have them be a quick one-click filter in the quest browser. Some example playstyles are 'farm', 'story', 'friends', 'guild', 'challenge'. These would be in addition to the tags already supported by the Foundry (as well as custom tags).

    Example: Alice likes to test her characters' power by playing challenge-oriented quests: ones that have lots of tough monsters and traps, or are otherwise challenging to defeat. Bob likes playing story-oriented quests: ones with lots of text, lore, details, and probably not optimized for loot/xp. Chris likes playing farm-oriented quests: ones focused on getting as much loot/xp as possible within the limits of the Foundry (without exploiting). They all want to find quests they want, but they end up having to wade through hundreds of other quests in the list that don't apply to their playstyle -- they tend to rate these quests poorly and then move on.

    Enter the tag system. Just by selecting the tag, Alice will only see challenge-focused quests, Bob will only see story quests, Chris will only see farm quests, and they'll all be happy. Similarly, quest makers will make sure to select the appropriate tag for their quest so that they can reach the appropriate audience.

    Potential exploits: None. You could tag your quest with all possible playstyles, but chances are, it won't be good at all things for all people, and thus your rating will suffer for it.

    Favorites lists
    Suggestion: Implement a personalized "favorites list" for each player (no limit to the number of favorites). If a player really likes a particular quest, they can mark it as a favorite; there'd be an interface element to remove quests from the favorites list as well. If someone looks for quests in the Foundry, they get a parallel window next to the "usual" one that shows the quests their friends and guildmates like the most (in order of "# of favorites", and a mouseover shows which friend(s) like a particular quest), with the option to remove friends/guildies from this filter. Maybe make it possible to send favorites lists to people directly (as a mail attachment) with the standard anti-spam protection measures in place. Undecided whether it would be a good idea to allow people to favorite their own creations (probably not a good idea).

    Example: Jane wants to try out a good quest from the Foundry, but she's already played the top 10 ones (which are the only ones everyone on the forums talk about), and there are hundreds of thousands of barely-played quests in the Foundry. Luckily, her friends have a lot of quests they like -- both popular and obscure ones. Jane looks at her friends' favorite lists and plays the quests from them that she hasn't tried yet. While doing so, her "recommendation list" (see next suggestion) gets populated as well.

    Potential exploit: Authors making alt accounts and mass-favoriting their own stories. However, these alt accounts would not get on friends lists, so the effect would be really limited. Spam advertising stories through favorites lists is possible, but would probably backfire... still, it's probably a good idea to keep the scope of this to friends and guildmates.

    Auto-generated quest recommendations
    Suggestion: Implement a "You might like..." / "You might want to try..." function in the Foundry quest browser. This function would contain a separate list of (10/25/50) quests the player has NOT yet played that fulfill either of the following requisites:
    - Highly-rated quest that was liked by players who liked the same quests the player has previously played and liked
    - Unknown quest that shares many keywords and/or tags with quest(s) that were highly rated by the player before, and has at least a 3.0 rating average (if it is rated at all)
    This list would be recalculated every time the player finished a quest for the first time and 'liked' it.
    Exact details (how many people is 'many', whether 'liked' means '4-5 stars', '5 stars', 'favorite', 'donated to author', whether 'unknown' means '0 plays' or '0-5 plays') could be either customizable per-player, or set in stone. Also, the algorithm could probably be improved a lot.

    Example: Bob completes "The Endless Hunger", a story-heavy quest involving vampires. He really likes it and gives it 5 stars. His "recommendation" list changes to include several story-heavy quests involving vampires that don't have many plays, but have a generally good rating, as well as several highly-rated quests that were played and enjoyed by people who also played and enjoyed "The Endless Hunger". In the end, authors whose stories aren't in the limelight get (potential) recognition, and Bob can find quests that he is more likely to enjoy. Win-win.

    Potential exploit: Not really. Maybe someone could go to a lot of trouble to get their quest to show up in the "related" field for popular quests? It'd probably be downvoted in short order and disappear from the lists.

    Improved rating system
    Suggestion: Add functions to the Foundry that protect against people gaming the rating system, or help people find ratings that are more relevant for them. Some possibilities based on real-life systems like Amazon:
    - friendly rating: Give players an option to view ratings by their friends, guildies, and possibly 'people who match their taste' (this is probably not really feasible to implement) and sort Foundry content based on that.
    - rating weighting: All players have a (hidden?) 'reliability' stat that weights all the ratings they make. This stat starts out at 100% and increases or decreases based on how many people agree with the player's rating -- this "meta-rating" would also be weighted, of course.
    - helpfulness: All comments have a "was this helpful? yes/no" button next to them. If a comment is deemed helpful, it increases the rating weight of the comment and the commenter; if it was deemed unhelpful, it decreases it. Apply diminishing returns as needed.
    - mandatory comment: Ratings below 4 are not accepted unless the player leaves a comment (even just a single character). This would show the player's @name to the story author, and possibly to everyone (depending on whether it's possible to set comments as private). If the rating adjustments are used, this would expose the voter to upvotes/downvotes.

    Example: This'd be way too long to describe here... and not very exciting either.

    Potential exploits: It's supposed to protect against them in the first place. Obviously there are some things like an author making hundreds of alts to upvote 5stars and downvote 1stars on his quest; these'd need some system-level protection / anomaly detection techniques to deal with. The actual techniques would need a bit more work to be functional in the Foundry context, though.
  • yellatrukyellatruk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    <- Big Warcraft 3 Player for those who have custom-game experience with that.

    To many people, the whole reason to buy warcraft 3 was the player-made content. The more expansive a "Map Editor" is, the more popularity Neverwinter Online can get from the cheapest and most skilled employees, player-fans!

    I dont really have any specific suggestions but in this case, I believe more is always better
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I could not agree more with people. These are al cosmetic additions that don't lend themselves to exploits, atleast according to my (very) limited imagination. Keep it coming.

    Oh, and cryptic compleatly rewrote the Controll Mage several times based on fan-feedback. Check the podcast advertised in this forum for info. So if we state what we would like to see, odds are they will be considered. So good clear descriptions, and good arguments for what it would allow (example) could sway their minds into prioritizing some idea or another.

    Outlandish wishes, like I want to be able to add my own sound, my own 3d-models, manipulate textures, room-layout, rewright code, or the like is not feasible. But things they can add that has a large enough impact on potential quality of content as opposed to effort/money needed to implement can find it's way into the game for sure.

    So once again, keep it coming. Help us define what we want in an editor :D
  • maestro973maestro973 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some of these may already be in place, but my hope is to be able to utilize many conditional statements to provide the player with more choice in the quest.

    Example: You have to get a doorman to let you in. Upon entry the dialogue will be set to detect player race. If you're X race, he'll be friendlier to you. You can diplomatically get him to open the door for you and avoid a fight by choosing a sequence of conversation options, or if choosing the wrong options, you will trigger an encounter.

    I'd like to have some control over non-combat NPCs as well. It would even be nice for an NPC to be able to attack another NPC.

    Having completed pre-requisites would be a nice touch. That way we could make a series of quests. Even if it's only required for 1 person to have completed it so they can group up with others without repeating the entire chain again.

    Being able to flag any item for interaction. Example: Using a book or crystal ball as a doorway. Or hey, maybe even a big closet. (Narnia :P)

    Environment interaction. Example: Legend of zelda style where the fires flicker on as you walk past. Or ya know, inception where everything is moving around.

    I'm extremely weary about being able to create custom-made and persistent items. I think, even if they go down the route of a "Chinese take-out menu" as it was mentioned in an interview, that there are just way too many ways to potentially exploit that system. It isn't that I'm against the idea in theory, because I think creating a "glass sword" or quest-relevant item brings a lot to the table, but being able to take something like that out of the quest and not designing it appropriately from the get-go will forever diminish the loot system in the game.

    Thats all for now, as I plan out some content in my head I'm sure I'll come up with more.
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    thank you, and being able to orchestrate fights, battles, or interactions of NPC is a powerfull tool for any story-teller, and I second that motion.

    On the subject of exploitability, that is something that Cryptic is thinking hard on, and there will be feed-back, changes and such as the game evolves in beta, and after release. No need to discuss it in general terms. Offer obvious exploitation to your idea/want for the foundry. But general discussion just fills the pages. :D
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    thank you, and being able to orchestrate fights, battles, or interactions of NPC is a powerfull tool for any story-teller, and I second that motion.

    On the subject of exploitability, that is something that Cryptic is thinking hard on, and there will be feed-back, changes and such as the game evolves in beta, and after release. No need to discuss it in general terms. Offer obvious exploitation to your idea/want for the foundry. But general discussion just fills the pages. :D

    Look who is talking, shuttup spellwarden :D
  • keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can you make inventory items with no stats I can't remember reading about it. I want to be able to select a look for an item and give it a unique name and have it bound to the character. Also what to be able to have a check for that item be a trigger for things that happen in the adventure as well as dialog options from an NPC.

    Also to place flags on Players characters that have the same attributes as those items. Like if a player in a previous adventure clicked on something or destroyed something having a flag that you can use in a future adventure that is keyed off that action for both dialog options and triggers.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. PC "cookies" - like browser cookies, information stored on the server containing data that could be queried/used by NPC dialog branches.
    2. "Naming" an item/token/object that can be picked up by the PC that can be accepted/checked-for by NPC dialog branches.
  • keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    eldarth wrote: »
    1. PC "cookies" - like browser cookies, information stored on the server containing data that could be queried/used by NPC dialog branches.
    2. "Naming" an item/token/object that can be picked up by the PC that can be accepted/checked-for by NPC dialog branches.

    Doesn't say used as triggers in adventures, this is all just dialog options. I want to be able to use it as triggers in a dungeon. Like say traps will not go off on someone carrying a specific item or if someone is carrying an item a specific monster will spawn in a module but won't if the item or flag is not there as well as dialog options. But thanks for the info. :)
  • spellwardenspellwarden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 357 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    yes, items that can be given meaning.

    Example: You meet a DUDE, he gives you a quest and a gizmo. you have to choose between 3 different places (perhaps 3 shrines or something). There you activate something (enter an area, activate a shrine, drop a penny in a pool), you recive some other quest-item. Perhaps an equipable sword with <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>-stats, but cool model. You take this item item (sword) use it to attack some NPC. This destroyes the item (sword) but reveals the NPC to be some deamon/evil wizard/marketing exec. Depending on which shrine you whent to in the begining, something tied to that shrine happens (perhaps that diety comes and nullifies an attack, or you are transported to a particular realm for the fight)

    Exploit: Perhaps this should be better titled; Forseable problem: Coding-time. If we cannot decide on the stats, the item just having <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> stats, then there would be no exploit.
  • kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The ability to make Epic custscene with possibly voiced dialogues!! :D
  • tilt42tilt42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'd like to see custom map transitions that aren't part of the quest's story. From what I understand, the system as it is right now only allows you to move between custom maps when the storyline asks you to. We should be able to set up our own such transitions, for example in order to make villages where you can walk in and out of houses.

    The only risk involved here is that some players may end up making confusing quests where it's hard to figure out where to go, but I don't see that as a big problem.
  • kalvorakkalvorak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 45
    edited February 2013
    I'd like to see the ability for multiple people to contribute and edit a single foundry campaign/map/whatever. I'm not sure how you'd go about doing it, but I'd love to create a ridiculously epic campaign with the help of all my friends where everyone can edit maps, dialogue etc. Perhaps with an editor (or dm?) who has to approve everything, or enable/disable the editing of certain features for certain people. Sure, it may have a different feel depending on the area you're in (and whether someone else worked on it), but that's down to us to solve :D
  • arythorarythor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 315 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I believe it has been mentioned, but I would like to see the ability to compose entire campaigns of quests, with each quest leading into another. If The Foundry is limited to standalone quests, without the ability to create chains of them, I will be slightly disappointed.
  • kerlaakerlaa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All of these are pretty great ideas. I know for me I am hoping to try an recreate The Red Hand of Doom Campaign. Not sure on how large we can make a map/ie dungean type but I would hope we can build entire cities if needed.
  • noolidnerdnoolidnerd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    arythor wrote: »
    I believe it has been mentioned, but I would like to see the ability to compose entire campaigns of quests, with each quest leading into another. If The Foundry is limited to standalone quests, without the ability to create chains of them, I will be slightly disappointed.
    You can always title the quest "Quest Title - Chapter 2" and so on, and assign it to be given out by the same NPC. That will make it clear to the adventurers that they are a chain.
  • keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    noolidnerd wrote: »
    You can always title the quest "Quest Title - Chapter 2" and so on, and assign it to be given out by the same NPC. That will make it clear to the adventurers that they are a chain.

    Yeah but you are limited to 3 adventures saved per account.
  • nyghomanyghoma Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Here's some things I need:

    -Campaign style quest chaining

    -Cinematic cut scenes (let us add some simple emotes in during script)

    -Triggers for cut scenes ( I would like to control triggers pre/mid encounter [ie boss mob at 10% hp sez something cliche and vanishes] and when the party hit a specific marks for grand entrances, exits, or ambushes from my npcs/mobs)

    -Master maps (I'd like to be able to create a small city [campaign hub] with multiple indoor quest on same map. I'd like to see the doors unlock after certain quests are progressed. In addition I'd like to see npc on that map have a simple way to update their new dialog thru progression. Also I'd like to be able to edit triggers like ambushes on this master map thru progression.)

    -Control over night/day and weather conditions including fog.

    -Addition of simple sound effect on a map for immersion (eg whispering, church bells, wings flapping, snickering, tavern music, howling, etc..)

    -Addition on clickable objects with flavor text for immersion and gathering clues.

    -Control over npcs on map (if I want my npcs to sweep, drink, dance, patrol, meditate, fight amongst each other, sneak around and follow players, I can)

    -Let player be able to bribe npcs for desired results in dialog/quest updates.

    -Robust library of mobs.

    If Foundry players can't have tools just as good or better than current MMO's to tell their story and immerse players, then I foresee a flop.


    Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
  • belzubbelzub Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited February 2013
    I would like to be able to make non-combat sneak missions. By that I mean to be able to manipulate how the npc's detects you by lowering their aggro range. Also I would like to see some implementation of "staying in the shadows mechanic". By this I mean that Ideally there would be a metere that shows how well hidden you are in the shadows wich lowers the npc's chance to detect you (could be simplfied like in AoC). When moving into a well lit area the npc's will easily spot you.

    I would also like to see a mechanic that when an npc do spot you, instead of going into combat a cutscene plays where showing that you are captured (TSW mission style) and you automatically load back to a spawn point (like where you started or the prison hold).

    I think that both of those built in mechanics would be amazing to make good stealth missions wich would add a whole new dimension to questing.

    Also I would like to see (as mentioned above in another post) the ability to script encounters like big boss fights.

    Another thing on my wishlist is the ability to get a henchman that you get and are tied to a speccific quest making it so you can have dailoges and also recieve and deliver quests, wich would add depth to the story of the quest.

    Another thing I would like to see is interaction with items in the world than needs to be activated in a certain order to trigger the next event in the quest. Probably is allready in the foundry but I still want to mention it as something I hope to see.
  • firesnakeariesfiresnakearies Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zaphtastic wrote: »
    Playstyle tags

    Favorites lists

    Auto-generated quest recommendations

    Improved rating system

    These are amazing ideas, and really well written-up! I hope they implement this stuff. Especially the playstyle tags, that's just brilliant (and seems like it would be easy to do).
  • gwenzelthargwenzelthar Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    keirkin wrote: »
    Yeah but you are limited to 3 adventures saved per account.

    Is that confirmed?
    "I cannot be caged! I cannot be controlled! Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools!"
  • firesnakeariesfiresnakearies Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Is that confirmed?

    I thought I saw that it was 8, not 3. I hope so.
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