Honestly I'm just curious as a fan of dwarves. But is it a 4E thing? Or is it a choice by Cryptic? Last I knew Drow was simply a sub-race of elf, not much different than Wood elf or Moon elf. And we don't have Wood elf or Moon elf as an independant race. So why not have duergar as an idependant race?
Personally I would like to see duergar as an independant race, but what can I say? I'm biased. Still, I think it would add for some immersive gameplay particularly if Cryptic releases an Underdark themed update at some point later on.
Because the Duergar don't have a series of books written about them and wouldn't appeal to the millions who want to run around in an MMO with a character named Drizt, or Drizzt, or Dr1zztt, or Dr122t or xXxDrizztxXx, or Dr!zzt or Dr!zzt or Drizzzzzzt, etc. We're unlikely to get any kind of decent naming rules since it's f2p so we'll have some form of this abomination being probably 30% of the population.
starkaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
With Cryptic's naming system, we can expect thousands of Drizzt and don't have to worry about those annoying ways people use to get their name since everyone is labelled as <Character Name>@<Account Name>.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2013
There will be more classes and races added after launch.
The Duergar have no been forgotten and likely will be given their own race options soon enough. In fact when you make a dwarf character two of the beard options are named as Duergar.
Remember as an MMO this game will never be complete. It will have continued support for years to come. The launch classes, races and general content is not by any means a final product.
Duergar beard options are in, so some hope is there. Drow are just too friggan popular not to have and FR is really the setting to play them in. Im expecting to see Genasi in at some point. But I wonder if you'll be able to choose your element or if it will be 4-5 races. The real question is where are the Eladrin?
Also to note; If you look at the NPCS in the game, Gnolls and Orcs look like they already have cosmetic slider options in game.
Honestly I'm just curious as a fan of dwarves. But is it a 4E thing? Or is it a choice by Cryptic? Last I knew Drow was simply a sub-race of elf, not much different than Wood elf or Moon elf. And we don't have Wood elf or Moon elf as an independant race. So why not have duergar as an idependant race?
Personally I would like to see duergar as an independant race, but what can I say? I'm biased. Still, I think it would add for some immersive gameplay particularly if Cryptic releases an Underdark themed update at some point later on.
Can anyone explain this to me?
Becuase the 'Drow' will bring people to the game... (i.e. cash money)
krisgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
i dont see duergar making an appereance tbh. where as the drow in forgotten realms have so much lore before drizzt's time, duergar are more of a filler race imo. they are just the evil version of dwarves where drow are the traitors of the elven race. all the elven goods besides eilistraee of course turned there backs on the drow race as a whole for the acts the performed in the crown wars. dont get me wrong the grey dwarves are pretty cool. but they wont bring in the money that drow will. i beleive your best bet will prolly just be to make a dwarf and make him look like what u beleive a grey dwarf should.
krisgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Honestly I'm just curious as a fan of dwarves. But is it a 4E thing? Or is it a choice by Cryptic? Last I knew Drow was simply a sub-race of elf, not much different than Wood elf or Moon elf. And we don't have Wood elf or Moon elf as an independant race. So why not have duergar as an idependant race?
Personally I would like to see duergar as an independant race, but what can I say? I'm biased. Still, I think it would add for some immersive gameplay particularly if Cryptic releases an Underdark themed update at some point later on.
Can anyone explain this to me?
and in the forgotten realms setting there is actually a difference between a dark elf and a drow. a dark elf is what they were before they were cursed by correllon
Why is Drow an independant race in the game but Duergar is not?
Because drow are prettier and more popular. Also Drizzt.
PS: I also find the 4e split into separate races rather than treat them as sub-races of the same race silly, even though my main is a dark elf/drow. (I know, I know... they made up a new distinction in 4e where even drow and dark elves are now considered separate races rather than different names for the same thing. But my character is keeping her silver hair like it always was even if I she followed the correct (silver haired!) goddess that would have given her black hair uppon her death (which I still refuse to accept ).
krisgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Because drow are prettier and more popular. Also Drizzt.
PS: I also find the 4e split into separate races rather than treat them as sub-races of the same race silly, even though my main is a dark elf/drow. (I know, I know... they made up a new distinction in 4e where even drow and dark elves are now considered separate races rather than different names for the same thing. But my character is keeping her silver hair like it always was even if I she followed the correct (silver haired!) goddess that would have given her black hair uppon her death (which I still refuse to accept ).
they were always seperate races but during most of the timeline in forgotten realms dark elf race didnt exist. the existed during and before the crown wars. but because of lloth they became tainted with the demon Wendonai blood who was a balor and was cursed by corellen. here is an excerpt from fr wiki:
Dark elves, were elves,[1] known as Ssri-tel-quessir in the elven tongue,[2] and were frequently confused with drow. It didn't help that the two terms were often times used interchangeably, even by elves (Tel-quessir) themselves.
Dark elves had dark brown skin, as opposed to the ebony skin that drow have. They also had black hair instead of white and no darkvision. Dark elves were also not tainted with Wendonai's blood.
and this is how some became reverted back to dark elfs from drow:
Later, Eilistraee managed (through her death) to redeem those drow that were not tainted with Wendonai's blood (the Miyeritari). Those who were tainted with Wendonai's blood (the Ilythiir) but took up Elistraee's dance were redeemed and reverted back to their ancestral physiology. They physically reverted to their brown-skinned dark elf form, and their fate was from that point on their own to make. Drizzt was not among those "redeemed dark elves," and his skin is still ebony and runs with the taint of Wendonai's blood because he didn't receive the miracle that Elistraee bestowed to her followers before her death, the miracle that removed Wendonai's taint from her faithful. This was the telling sign that dark elves are not "the good drow," rather they were whichever good drow happened to follow Eilistraee.
ps this isnt actually for you because it seems you know the lore. its for those who dont
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
Honestly I'm just curious as a fan of dwarves. But is it a 4E thing? Or is it a choice by Cryptic? Last I knew Drow was simply a sub-race of elf, not much different than Wood elf or Moon elf. And we don't have Wood elf or Moon elf as an independant race. So why not have duergar as an idependant race?
Personally I would like to see duergar as an independant race, but what can I say? I'm biased. Still, I think it would add for some immersive gameplay particularly if Cryptic releases an Underdark themed update at some point later on.
Can anyone explain this to me?
There are no Eladrin in the game as playable characters neither. They will added over time if Crypitc wants to add them.
Drow are a marketing stunt, I mean every fan of D&D knows that drow have a lot of fans among emo and goth people who also happen to be gamers in big numbers. I'm not saying this is a set rule that all drow players are emo and goth, cause if I did then I'd be contradicting myself because I also like drow a lot and I'm neither goth or emo, I'm simply saying that the drow race likely to attract bigger numbers.
That being said I'm a bigger fan of dwarves, I plan to play a BFA (big HAMSTER axe) dwarf warrior as a main but I'm likely to make a drow thief (mostly cause I wanna spend 200$ on the founder pack). But I'm not aching for duergars, that is not to say I'm ok with the fact that elves get a variety of picks and dwarfs do not.
I hope they'll decide to add them at some point before the launch, if not, keep asking for them and you'll probably get them implemented in game so you can play a duergar... for a price.
Because the Duergar don't have a series of books written about them and wouldn't appeal to the millions who want to run around in an MMO with a character named Drizt, or Drizzt, or Dr1zztt, or Dr122t or xXxDrizztxXx, or Dr!zzt or Dr!zzt or Drizzzzzzt, etc. We're unlikely to get any kind of decent naming rules since it's f2p so we'll have some form of this abomination being probably 30% of the population.
This and only this, it goes hand in hand with the 200$ pack. Menzoberranzan Renegade and panther lol
This and only this, it goes hand in hand with the 200$ pack. Menzoberranzan Renegade and panther lol
And why should we get Duergar before Eladrin? Or Dragonborn? Or Half-Orc? There are other races/species/mumbo-jumbos that could have taken the place of drow because of being more relevant. And duergar is certainly not one of those. Drow appear in a player's handbook (FR's) while I don't remember Duergar appearing as playable race in one of the player's handbook.
It doesn't deny that obvious marketing ploy of trying to increase sales by using something that they know that sells. But duergar, kobold, gnoll and other similar races don't have a selling icon (ok, kobolds have Deekin).
And why should we get Duergar before Eladrin? Or Dragonborn? Or Half-Orc? There are other races/species/mumbo-jumbos that could have taken the place of drow because of being more relevant. And duergar is certainly not one of those. Drow appear in a player's handbook (FR's) while I don't remember Duergar appearing as playable race in one of the player's handbook.
It doesn't deny that obvious marketing ploy of trying to increase sales by using something that they know that sells. But duergar, kobold, gnoll and other similar races don't have a selling icon (ok, kobolds have Deekin).
Duergar is not a race. It is a sub race. Although it plays major role in this storyline (as they are slaves of mindflayer - Gauntylgyrm angle)
Drow, Eladrina and Elves are three different races. Dark elf is a sub race of Elf, but they are very few (after Eilistraee sacrifice) and may not appear at all (maybe they are stored for D&D Next).
Drow, Eladrina and Elves are three different races. Dark elf is a sub race of Elf, but they are very few (after Eilistraee sacrifice) and may not appear at all (maybe they are stored for D&D Next).
20% of all drow is very few? There are a HUGE amount of dark elves.
And why should we get Duergar before Eladrin? Or Dragonborn? Or Half-Orc? There are other races/species/mumbo-jumbos that could have taken the place of drow because of being more relevant. And duergar is certainly not one of those. Drow appear in a player's handbook (FR's) while I don't remember Duergar appearing as playable race in one of the player's handbook.
It doesn't deny that obvious marketing ploy of trying to increase sales by using something that they know that sells. But duergar, kobold, gnoll and other similar races don't have a selling icon (ok, kobolds have Deekin).
Eh I am not saying any race deserves to be added anymore than any other. I am not sure where you are getting that I am implying this. I only quoted eldrarth because like him I believe the ONLY reason drow WAS included is Drizzt Do'Urden and the 200 pack supports my theory with the inclusion of the renegade background and the panther pet.
Clearly this was designed to make money of the Drizzt fanbase. No where do I say I want duergar to be added before any others, in fact I would like to have deva added next!
Because the Duergar don't have a series of books written about them and wouldn't appeal to the millions who want to run around in an MMO with a character named Drizt, or Drizzt, or Dr1zztt, or Dr122t or xXxDrizztxXx, or Dr!zzt or Dr!zzt or Drizzzzzzt, etc. We're unlikely to get any kind of decent naming rules since it's f2p so we'll have some form of this abomination being probably 30% of the population.
People expected this in DDO too, the odd thing is that people were more interested in powergaming than being Drizzt, Drow Ranger is not a popular mix in DDO. I've seen barely any Drizzts in that game, I saw a Drow Wizard named Drizzt once I guess but maybe that was a typo of Drizzard?
kotliMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 577
Sadly, I agree we will most likely see many Drizzt(sp) wannabes in the game. I bought the Hero pack, but I'm not a Drizzt fan. I love the Drow race though.
it's too bad the AI doesn't make the NPC guards go KOS on anyone with drizzt in their name.
Oh well...wishful thinking. lol.
L'sya Raiya
kotliMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 577
Sadly, I agree we will most likely see many Drizzt(sp) wannabes in the game. I bought the Hero pack, but I'm not a Drizzt fan. I love the Drow race though.
it's too bad the AI doesn't make the NPC guards go KOS on anyone with drizzt in their name.
Oh well...wishful thinking. lol.
Nah they should just have the charater fall over dead and the message Drizzt killed you for using his name.
krisgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
i dont see what the big deal is about eledrin anyways. in the forgotten realms eledrin are SUN ELVES and MOON ELVES etc.... they are so comparable to elves that the are often quite mistaken for them. besides alil lore and fluff and abilities they are essentially the same race. i also beleive that 20% is alittle bit exageratted even tho wiki says it on lloths page. only elistreaee followers reverted to dark elfs. that is why drizzt never changed
Actually, good drow can't become dark elves now. They had to either worship Elistraee at the time of her demise, or not have the blood of Wendonai the Balor in them. Which for the latter was only about 10-15% of the drow race population, so not many were made into dark elves. At the end of the book, it even says that in order to save her people, Elistraee sacrificed the souls of those who didn't worship her to save those who did. In other words, drow who didn't worship her at the time will forever be drow. They can still worship other gods (such as Corellon) and not enter Lolths domain, but they can never become dark elves. Which is probably why we won't be seeing them as their own race until D&D Next at least. I'm curious how they'll play that out though. I'm kind of hoping they lean them more towards wizards/priests, since those were the two classes that helped revive their race. Off-point, just thought I'd clear up the dark elf thing there.
i dont see what the big deal is about eledrin anyways. in the forgotten realms eledrin are SUN ELVES and MOON ELVES etc.... they are so comparable to elves that the are often quite mistaken for them. besides alil lore and fluff and abilities they are essentially the same race. ...
Eladrin are different race.
The sun elf thing is only a reference to integrate the old lore. As the lore changed, in order to have consistency, we were given the guideline of Sun elves in FR.
Eladrin, Elves and Drow make three races which have descended from three different gods (elven gods, not real gods). All three are faerie races. Other Faerie races include Satyr, Hamdryad etc. However those races seldom leave Feyworld(which can be reached by portals in NW woods)
Eladrin have Faerie connection with magic. So they can easily use arcane powers. Elves have lost that connection and have adapted to life of rangers who live in harmony with forest.
Drow have adapted to underdark and have become corrupted. The separations occurred ages ago (i.e. more than 40000 or so years in FR) hence those races have become distinctively different from each other. Eladrin represent Faerie light(radiance magic) while drow represent dark. Elves represent a race more closer to human.
I can answer it but I don't want to take someone's else credit so i will quote
So by that source 10-15% were in the latter category of not having the blood of Wendonai(the percentage of Elistraee worshipers is not stated.) So assuming its <1% for argument's sake, that's still 10-15% of ALL DROW.
Drow in the world are not exceedingly rare, therefore it stands to reason that 10-15% of their number would not be "very few", would they be extremely common? No, probably not, but I disagree with the assessment that this would make them "very few" in number.
So by that source 10-15% were in the latter category of not having the blood of Wendonai(the percentage of Elistraee worshipers is not stated.) So assuming its <1% for argument's sake, that's still 10-15% of ALL DROW.
Drow in the world are not exceedingly rare, therefore it stands to reason that 10-15% of their number would not be "very few", would they be extremely common? No, probably not, but I disagree with the assessment that this would make them "very few" in number.
Which is probably why we won't be seeing them as their own race until D&D Next at least.
There is always a lag when a race is created. It needs to organise itself and get together It des not starts adventuring as soon as it is created. There is no mention of Dark Elves in 4e. Hence if there are dark elves, they will appear long down the line - not yet.
Also 10-15% is upper estimate - it may very well be 2-5% on lower side too.
Asking why Drow but not Duergar seems like asking why scythes but not pitchforks. They're both farming implements, they both serve the same basic principles in real life, but one is shrouded in romanticism and poetic drama so its vastly more popular and requested as a usable item (which is ironic when you consider that when farmers formed lynch mobs they typically left their scythes in the shed and made off with their pitchfork, instead.)
Never underestimate the rule of cool. You need it in spades to sell games.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
The Duergar have no been forgotten and likely will be given their own race options soon enough. In fact when you make a dwarf character two of the beard options are named as Duergar.
Remember as an MMO this game will never be complete. It will have continued support for years to come. The launch classes, races and general content is not by any means a final product.
Also to note; If you look at the NPCS in the game, Gnolls and Orcs look like they already have cosmetic slider options in game.
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Becuase the 'Drow' will bring people to the game... (i.e. cash money)
and in the forgotten realms setting there is actually a difference between a dark elf and a drow. a dark elf is what they were before they were cursed by correllon
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Because drow are prettier and more popular. Also Drizzt.
PS: I also find the 4e split into separate races rather than treat them as sub-races of the same race silly, even though my main is a dark elf/drow. (I know, I know... they made up a new distinction in 4e where even drow and dark elves are now considered separate races rather than different names for the same thing. But my character is keeping her silver hair like it always was even if I she followed the correct (silver haired!) goddess that would have given her black hair uppon her death (which I still refuse to accept
they were always seperate races but during most of the timeline in forgotten realms dark elf race didnt exist. the existed during and before the crown wars. but because of lloth they became tainted with the demon Wendonai blood who was a balor and was cursed by corellen. here is an excerpt from fr wiki:
Dark elves, were elves,[1] known as Ssri-tel-quessir in the elven tongue,[2] and were frequently confused with drow. It didn't help that the two terms were often times used interchangeably, even by elves (Tel-quessir) themselves.
Dark elves had dark brown skin, as opposed to the ebony skin that drow have. They also had black hair instead of white and no darkvision. Dark elves were also not tainted with Wendonai's blood.
and this is how some became reverted back to dark elfs from drow:
Later, Eilistraee managed (through her death) to redeem those drow that were not tainted with Wendonai's blood (the Miyeritari). Those who were tainted with Wendonai's blood (the Ilythiir) but took up Elistraee's dance were redeemed and reverted back to their ancestral physiology. They physically reverted to their brown-skinned dark elf form, and their fate was from that point on their own to make. Drizzt was not among those "redeemed dark elves," and his skin is still ebony and runs with the taint of Wendonai's blood because he didn't receive the miracle that Elistraee bestowed to her followers before her death, the miracle that removed Wendonai's taint from her faithful. This was the telling sign that dark elves are not "the good drow," rather they were whichever good drow happened to follow Eilistraee.
ps this isnt actually for you because it seems you know the lore. its for those who dont
That being said I'm a bigger fan of dwarves, I plan to play a BFA (big HAMSTER axe) dwarf warrior as a main but I'm likely to make a drow thief (mostly cause I wanna spend 200$ on the founder pack). But I'm not aching for duergars, that is not to say I'm ok with the fact that elves get a variety of picks and dwarfs do not.
I hope they'll decide to add them at some point before the launch, if not, keep asking for them and you'll probably get them implemented in game so you can play a duergar... for a price.
This and only this, it goes hand in hand with the 200$ pack. Menzoberranzan Renegade and panther lol
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
It doesn't deny that obvious marketing ploy of trying to increase sales by using something that they know that sells. But duergar, kobold, gnoll and other similar races don't have a selling icon (ok, kobolds have Deekin).
Duergar is not a race. It is a sub race. Although it plays major role in this storyline (as they are slaves of mindflayer - Gauntylgyrm angle)
Drow, Eladrina and Elves are three different races. Dark elf is a sub race of Elf, but they are very few (after Eilistraee sacrifice) and may not appear at all (maybe they are stored for D&D Next).
20% of all drow is very few? There are a HUGE amount of dark elves.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
Eh I am not saying any race deserves to be added anymore than any other. I am not sure where you are getting that I am implying this. I only quoted eldrarth because like him I believe the ONLY reason drow WAS included is Drizzt Do'Urden and the 200 pack supports my theory with the inclusion of the renegade background and the panther pet.
Clearly this was designed to make money of the Drizzt fanbase. No where do I say I want duergar to be added before any others, in fact I would like to have deva added next!
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
People expected this in DDO too, the odd thing is that people were more interested in powergaming than being Drizzt, Drow Ranger is not a popular mix in DDO. I've seen barely any Drizzts in that game, I saw a Drow Wizard named Drizzt once I guess but maybe that was a typo of Drizzard?
Dont forget the SPIDER!
it's too bad the AI doesn't make the NPC guards go KOS on anyone with drizzt in their name.
Oh well...wishful thinking. lol.
Nah they should just have the charater fall over dead and the message Drizzt killed you for using his name.
LOL. That would be fun.
The sun elf thing is only a reference to integrate the old lore. As the lore changed, in order to have consistency, we were given the guideline of Sun elves in FR.
Eladrin, Elves and Drow make three races which have descended from three different gods (elven gods, not real gods). All three are faerie races. Other Faerie races include Satyr, Hamdryad etc. However those races seldom leave Feyworld(which can be reached by portals in NW woods)
Eladrin have Faerie connection with magic. So they can easily use arcane powers. Elves have lost that connection and have adapted to life of rangers who live in harmony with forest.
Drow have adapted to underdark and have become corrupted. The separations occurred ages ago (i.e. more than 40000 or so years in FR) hence those races have become distinctively different from each other. Eladrin represent Faerie light(radiance magic) while drow represent dark. Elves represent a race more closer to human.
So by that source 10-15% were in the latter category of not having the blood of Wendonai(the percentage of Elistraee worshipers is not stated.) So assuming its <1% for argument's sake, that's still 10-15% of ALL DROW.
Drow in the world are not exceedingly rare, therefore it stands to reason that 10-15% of their number would not be "very few", would they be extremely common? No, probably not, but I disagree with the assessment that this would make them "very few" in number.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
There is always a lag when a race is created. It needs to organise itself and get together It des not starts adventuring as soon as it is created. There is no mention of Dark Elves in 4e. Hence if there are dark elves, they will appear long down the line - not yet.
Also 10-15% is upper estimate - it may very well be 2-5% on lower side too.
Never underestimate the rule of cool. You need it in spades to sell games.