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Why is Drow an independant race in the game but Duergar is not?



  • shaudiusshaudius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There is always a lag when a race is created. It needs to organise itself and get together It des not starts adventuring as soon as it is created.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why would it matter if the race is organized for it to have adventures? All it takes is one member of a given race going out and adventuring for that race to have an adventurer, all it takes is two for it to have adventurers. Now whether having two members of race adventuring makes a race warrant inclusion as a player race is a completely different issue, but that doesn't have anything to do with a race having adventurers.

    Furthermore see my point below about a long time having already passed.
    gillrmn wrote: »
    There is no mention of Dark Elves in 4e. Hence if there are dark elves, they will appear long down the line - not yet.

    As a specific player independent race you mean? Ascendancy of the Last which is the book where Eilistraee's sacrifice is detailed is set in 1379 DR. The game we're all on this forum to talk about is set in 1479 DR, 100 years later. 100 years is a lot of time(yes, I realize it seems like less time for Elves but its still a long time), the dark elves are very much in the world, and their omission from 4th edition as a specific playable independent race doesn't change this fact.

    The ultimate problem is that I think you may be caught up with the fact that Dark Elves are not a specifically outlined playable race and simply a sub-race and therefore aren't an organized race or a potentially playable race in this game in the near term.

    But being a sub-racial group doesn't mean they couldn't potentially find their way into the game sooner rather than later, in the same way that Wood Elves or Sun Elves(the latter being a sub-race of Eladrin) do not exist as distinct races, but could very much see inclusion depending on the clip in which new races are released, or especially as some sort of purchasable unique background(much in the same way as the renegade in the $200 founders pack.) So while yes, you're right they won't be a playable race at launch, there's no reason to think they won't be either in the near term as a unique playable race(depending on how fast and furious the races get released) or a unique background. Unless you believe that they won't split off the races into their sub-racial groups(where they exist) at some point in the future, if you believe that to be the case than yes, they probably won't be a unique race in the game, unless they specifically make an exception for them.
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Also 10-15% is upper estimate - it may very well be 2-5% on lower side too.

    That's fair, I don't have my sourcebooks with me to confirm what is actually said on the topic, but from what I can recall 10-20% seems more accurate based on the material than 2-5%.
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  • kotlikotli Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 577
    edited February 2013
    The reason is simple it comes down to this: If you sent out and asked 100 people what Drow and Duergar are, you will get more people saying a drow is a type of Elf than will say Duergar is a type of Dwarf.
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Pretty much what most said. Becuz there isnt a famous Duergar with 20+ books.
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pilf3r wrote: »
    Eh I am not saying any race deserves to be added anymore than any other
    There I must deeply apologize because I really messed up there. That was not actually my intent so I apologize.:o
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Duergar is not a race. It is a sub race. Although it plays major role in this storyline (as they are slaves of mindflayer - Gauntylgyrm angle)

    Drow, Eladrina and Elves are three different races. Dark elf is a sub race of Elf, but they are very few (after Eilistraee sacrifice) and may not appear at all (maybe they are stored for D&D Next).
    Ok, Wizards really messed with FR's lore but pre-4E, duergar were as much a subrace as any other dwarven subraces. Same for elves. Clear point in the NwN 2 character creator (with Tiefling, Aasimar and Genasi being grouped by Plantouched).

    So while I'm not sure of the 4E status of the duergar, I'd have expected them to receive similar treatment to the "elves".

    Anyway, my rusty lore skill seems to say something about Dark Elves being some kind of dark skinned elf tribes living to the south of Faerun and that took refuge inthe Underdark after the Crown Wars/Lolth thing (with some permanent black skin coat). New lore is more like "So they came from the Feywild running from Corellon and hide in the Underdark while Lolth had a duel with the elven god".

    If Dark Elves now are an elf subrace, then they are already in game? Elf + Black hair + Brown Skin = Dark Elf!
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    shiaika wrote: »
    There I must deeply apologize because I really messed up there. That was not actually my intent so I apologize.:o

    Ok, Wizards really messed with FR's lore but pre-4E, duergar were as much a subrace as any other dwarven subraces. Same for elves. Clear point in the NwN 2 character creator (with Tiefling, Aasimar and Genasi being grouped by Plantouched).

    So while I'm not sure of the 4E status of the duergar, I'd have expected them to receive similar treatment to the "elves".

    Dueregar are important in realms but not as Dwarf but as thralls of mind-flayers - i.e. monsters. There are no known good dueregars. If duregar becomes good - that is basically renouncing the ways of duergar and becoming a dwarf once again. Hence it is difficult to regard duergar as even rare of rarest races - it is basically a monster. Surely you will meet it in Gauntylgyrm(probably) but not as PC unless some lore-twisting twist is introduced in the story.

    Drow however is a FR specific race which is common. Good drow are a plenty.

    Dark elves are there but not described in 4e at all. So their status etc is unknown. If they make an appearence in NW - it will be a pretty big event and not a part of usual lore They just have not been sighted.

    That pretty much sums it up.

    Duergar as a race are only described in Monster Manual, while drow are described in Forgotten Realms CG as common race of Realms which can be good or evil.
    I hate drow but you gotta accept the drizzt affect.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    There's some reasons that apply to anything like this, that shouldn't be overlooked:

    1) Adding everything takes infinite time.
    2) Adding everything at once dilutes developer time, decreasing the quality of each.
    3) Adding everything at launch eliminates future opportunities for marketing.

    Adding races gradually over time makes marketing sense even if they're free; people come back for new things, and when they come back, they spend money on other things; especially convenience items that let them catch back up to their friends who stayed.

    As for adding every race at once:

  • darkbladessdarkbladess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 57
    edited February 2013
    Everyone has there own preference of race they like to play in these games.

    One thing i havent heard in any of these posts (sorry if i missed it) is Neverwinter the game is not only based on D&D 4th edition but of the Trilogy by R.A Salvatore Neverwinter.The storyline in this game comes directly from that trilogy and Drizzt Do'Urden is the main person in that series.

    I have read a lot of drizzt haters,i dont really understand why,there has only been a ton of books on his and the (heroes of the north) adventures.I myself love the dark elf series of books, i have read every one of them.

    I miss the 5 heroes of the north the most ,bruenor battlehammer,wulfgar the barbarian,cattie-brie,regis and of course drizzt.Drizzt is the only one left,(unless regis/cattie-bree can be found in whatever realm they were taken to ,during the spellplague).

    People like making fun of all the drizzt wannabee's,i personally will make a drow ranger and a panther like Guen as my pet.This is ofcourse a roleplaying game isnt it,i wont name it Drizzt or my panther Gwen,(there is only One Drizzt and Gwen).I will roleplay it as i am a good drow not evil and enjoy the game as such.

    I am guessing the (Drizzt haters) either have never read the books or are just hating people naming there toons after him.I personally dont care ,i payed my 200 bucks for this freaking game ,as have most of you and i will play it any way i feel like.If they want to name there toon (Ifreakingsuck) thats there choice none of my concern.

    I was introduced to the very first book of the dark elf story (Homeland) many years ago, i am 45 and it started me reading books.I have enjoyed reading every book in this story ever since.

    I am waiting on the third book of the Neverwinter series to go paperback ,so no spoilers for me please :)
  • lsyalsya Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am guessing the (Drizzt haters) either have never read the books or are just hating people naming there toons after him.

    I'm thinking it's a bit of both. I loved the story and the character. I just can't stand seeing so many variations of the name throughout the years in fantasy MMOs.
    L'sya Raiya
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Member Posts: 561 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Drizzt clones have tarnished the drow race for every original drow player capable of making anything that's not a purple eyed, good aligned scimitar dual weilding drow ranger with a panther pet--Forever!

    Now I have to make certain I don't get a cat pet for my main so people don't roll their eyes at meh.

    PS: Jarlaxle is cooler than Drizzt (and so is Entreri, as someone pointed out in a Drizzt vs. Entreri there they started). Just sayin' :p
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    I am waiting on the third book of the Neverwinter series to go paperback ,so no spoilers for me please :)

    Drizzt kills Dumbledore.
  • darkbladessdarkbladess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 57
    edited February 2013
    Drizzt clones have tarnished the drow race for every original drow player capable of making anything that's not a purple eyed, good aligned scimitar dual weilding drow ranger with a panther pet--Forever!

    Now I have to make certain I don't get a cat pet for my main so people don't roll their eyes at meh.

    PS: Jarlaxle is cooler than Drizzt (and so is Entreri, as someone pointed out in a Drizzt vs. Entreri there they started). Just sayin' :p

    I also like the character Jarlaxle and enteri, not better than Drizzt ,but cause they make there own rules,Drizzt feels he has to abide by a more honorable code, which frankly isnt allways needed.
  • darkbladessdarkbladess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 57
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Drizzt kills Dumbledore.

    Dam thanks a lot lol.
  • atalantamatalantam Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Drow are a very popular race in D&D, not to mention R.A Salvatore's books I'm guessing that's why it has its own class :)
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  • darkbladessdarkbladess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 57
    edited February 2013
    Drizzt clones have tarnished the drow race for every original drow player capable of making anything that's not a purple eyed, good aligned scimitar dual weilding drow ranger with a panther pet--Forever!

    Now I have to make certain I don't get a cat pet for my main so people don't roll their eyes at meh.


    I see where you are coming from,(some bad apples can ruin the bunch)i just have been waiting on a game where a Drizzt like character can really be possible with a forgotten realms setting.DDO ruined it by making the setting Ebberon,WTH is Ebberon, i first said when i played it in beta,i hadnt kept up with my newer D&D at the time.

    Unfortunately for you and others,there are gonna be a bunch of panthers running arround with drow renegade masters.It just really dont bother me what someone wants to roleplay their character as.Good for you tho,two weapon ranger wont be at release,you will have to put up with trickster rouges trying to make drizzt clones for a while lol.

    Sorry messed up bringing the quote down from Visionstorm01.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Dueregar are important in realms but not as Dwarf but as thralls of mind-flayers - i.e. monsters. There are no known good dueregars. If duregar becomes good - that is basically renouncing the ways of duergar and becoming a dwarf once again. Hence it is difficult to regard duergar as even rare of rarest races - it is basically a monster. Surely you will meet it in Gauntylgyrm(probably) but not as PC unless some lore-twisting twist is introduced in the story.

    Drow however is a FR specific race which is common. Good drow are a plenty.

    Dark elves are there but not described in 4e at all. So their status etc is unknown. If they make an appearence in NW - it will be a pretty big event and not a part of usual lore They just have not been sighted.

    That pretty much sums it up.

    Duergar as a race are only described in Monster Manual, while drow are described in Forgotten Realms CG as common race of Realms which can be good or evil.
    I hate drow but you gotta accept the drizzt affect.

    Are the Duergar still psionic in 4E? From folklore they had some interesting deception abilities that could make for some entertaining Foundry quests.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Are the Duergar still psionic in 4E? From folklore they had some interesting deception abilities that could make for some entertaining Foundry quests.

    In forgotten Realms, their only appearence which I remember in my campaigns comes as Thralls of mindflayers. They are martials using poison and dark attacks.

    In one setting however, Duergar were able to forge infernal pact with Asmodeus (which almost all the slaves do - slavery usually means the people will turn into Asmadai soon and overtake the government). After that they freed themselves and were infernal mages+martial+poison+darkness type of class.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    In forgotten Realms, their only appearence which I remember in my campaigns comes as Thralls of mindflayers. They are martials using poison and dark attacks.

    In one setting however, Duergar were able to forge infernal pact with Asmodeus (which almost all the slaves do - slavery usually means the people will turn into Asmadai soon and overtake the government). After that they freed themselves and were infernal mages+martial+poison+darkness type of class.

    I see. I asked because it was mentioned here in the last edition that during their enslavement, the duergar developed innate psionic abilities, however I hadn't heard really anything about the duergar in 4E.
  • krisgkrisg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    removed by me mwahaha
  • kfmckfmc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I'm just surprised that we're getting Drow first before Eladrin - formerly Sun and Moon Elves. Sure Drow are becoming more common in the Realms, but Sun and Moon Elves have been around mingling with the other good races even way before that. And wasn't it that in 3.5e that most half-elves are Moon Elf descendants?
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Member Posts: 561 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    kfmc wrote: »
    I'm just surprised that we're getting Drow first before Eladrin - formerly Sun and Moon Elves. Sure Drow are becoming more common in the Realms, but Sun and Moon Elves have been around mingling with the other good races even way before that. And wasn't it that in 3.5e that most half-elves are Moon Elf descendants?

    I find it odd but not entirely suprising. The word "elf" is easily recognized even by non D&D players and has been an iconic fantasy race since before D&D (so they HAVE to be in), and drow have been one of the most popular and marketable D&D races since 2nd ed, while the word "Eladrin" is mostly foreign in the fantasy genre outside of 4e. Old D&D players that never played 4e--particularly those who never played PnP and are familiar with D&D only through video games such as Baldur's Gate or the original NWN--would likely not even recognize them, much less miss them.

    So if only two of those three races can be in by launch, guess which of the three is most likely to go. If anything, I find it surprising that the only word out of those three that actually belongs to real life myth and is the basis for the race is used as a derivative race of Eladrin, while Eladrin is used (as of 4e) as the base race, when they weren't even tied to elves till 4e, and barely even mentioned in supplements before that.
  • dreamo1984dreamo1984 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    You can make the Elves look Dark funny enough.
  • wargasm121wargasm121 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I want planetouched!!
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  • shaudiusshaudius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    amosov78 wrote: »
    I see. I asked because it was mentioned here in the last edition that during their enslavement, the duergar developed innate psionic abilities, however I hadn't heard really anything about the duergar in 4E.

    Just to expand a bit on what gillrimn said, duergar in 4E appear in the second Monster Manual. They don't appear as a base template with abilities, but instead appear as a set of 8 archtype, Duergar Guard, Scout, Theurge, Shock Trooper, Fleshtearer, Hellcaller, Blackguard, and Blasphamer. They are all medium natural humanoid dwarf(devil).

    There is a set of nature checks provided in order to get information on them. The DC 16 version identifies them as former members f a great clan of dwarves who delved into the underdark and were captured by mind flayers. They have since fought their way to freedom, but "Those duergar that escaped gained a perverse education from their captivity, becoming as corrupt as their former masters." The DC 21 check says in part, "Believing that Moradin abandoned them during their enslavement, the duergar turned instead to the worship of devils. Most now take Asmodeus as their patron deity, and devilish power flows in their veins. Within their settlements, blood rites to infernal beings are common."

    As far as actual powers are concerned, some vary from archtype to archtype but all but one(the Blackguard) have an ability called "infernal quills" which is a close ranged poison attack(although the details of the power vary by archtype, sometimes its an minor encounter, sometimes a standard at-will.) The blackguard has an ability known as quill burst, also a poison attack.

    Two have an ability called underdark sneak which allows the duergar to become invisible until the end of its next turn when in dim light or darkness and adjacent to an object or wall. Three have an ability with the psychic descriptor, the theurge, who has an ability called Wave of Despair which is a close blast that deals some damage slows and dazes the targets. The hellcaller has an ability called Asmodeus's Ruby Curse, also a close blast that slides all the targets outside the blast radius and the blasphamer has an ability called Sinner's Slip which is an mmediate interrupt that triggers when an enemy marked by the duergar blasphemer makes an attack roll against it and causes the enemy's attack to instead target the ally of the attacker nearest to it and if no ally is available knocks the enemy prone and deals psychic damage.

    Some also have additional fire and poison attacks.
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  • keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    eldarth wrote: »
    Because the Duergar don't have a series of books written about them and wouldn't appeal to the millions who want to run around in an MMO with a character named Drizt, or Drizzt, or Dr1zztt, or Dr122t or xXxDrizztxXx, or Dr!zzt or Dr!zzt or Drizzzzzzt, etc. We're unlikely to get any kind of decent naming rules since it's f2p so we'll have some form of this abomination being probably 30% of the population.

    Maybe .1% realistically yes but it will seem like 30%
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I thought I read a dev stating that any Drow with a name beginning with "Driz" would automatically and permanently be flagged for FFA PvP with full loot options.
  • trollololloltrollolollol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Duergars are so cool. Wish they add them later.
  • darkbladessdarkbladess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 57
    edited February 2013
    muzrub333 wrote: »
    I thought I read a dev stating that any Drow with a name beginning with "Driz" would automatically and permanently be flagged for FFA PvP with full loot options.

    I vote yes lol

    I will make a drow renegade but his name wont be anything like drizzt.

    Like i said before ( there is only one Drizzt ), the story of this game is centered arround his series of books.
  • krisgkrisg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    its probably because elfs and eladrin are so closely related in looks. if they made an eladrin race there would be so many people complaining say all cryptic did was take the elf skin and put different racials on it. and also in forgotten realms elved and eladrin are interchangable to all of those who dont know any better. when someone sees a eladrin, unless the know better they assume it is a elf. people should ask for things that they will just complain about later. dont get me wrong i prefer eladrin in 4e then the elves because of there teleporting lol. but overall and for the most elves and eladrin physically are almost identical besides there eyes lol. also i beleive the reason there is no sun elf and moon elf race in this game as well is basically that they are identical besides skin and hair. in 4e u can choose which bonus stats u get at character creation. i beleive u can make both sun and moon elves just from the basic elf formula. also drow have techinacally been in the forgotten realms longer the both sun and moon elves. the dark elf(race that drow were before the crow wars) came in the 1st migration to toril with the green elves.

    here is a link that can explain better the i http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_elf
  • kfmckfmc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    ^I would just like to point out that we can't have Myth Drannor as a background option and not have Eladrin available. And since, as you said, Eladrins are just Elves with a different racial, it shouldn't be that hard or time/resource-consuming to add it into the game.
  • ruinedmirageruinedmirage Member Posts: 440 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Duergar was actually my introduction race to my first time playing 4E. I also had a low level Displacer Beast companion named Buffy. My character conflicted so much with the rest of the party that we ended up dying permanently after about 6 sessions. I played a Minotaur after that.

    I'll say one thing, playing all these monster races in a party setting as a player was a new and difficult experience. But if they put Duergar in, I'll be making it my main probably.
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