Those getting their hands on do you feel your expections are met? For anyone who hasn't pitched $60 or $200 to NWO(including myself) we really want the unbiased opinion of someone getting hands on.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited February 2013
I love it! There is quite a bit yet I would like to see changed and added but over-all, I am in love. Many of my expectations have been met - however there are many that have not yet been. Keep in mind, I am a DM of an ongoing Forgotten Realms Campaign since the 90's, that has had (for the most part) the same PCs playing in it since I started DMing it. So.. my expectations on anything Forgotten Realms is extremely high. Extremely.
I'm really not comfortable in saying more yet as I have a lot of "Beta" exploring to do yet.
I love it! There is quite a bit yet I would like to see changed and added but over-all, I am in love. Many of my expectations have been met - however there are many that have not yet been. Keep in mind, I am a DM of an ongoing Forgotten Realms Campaign since the 90's, that has had (for the most part) the same PCs playing in it since I started DMing it. So.. my expectations on anything Forgotten Realms is extremely high. Extremely.
I'm really not comfortable in saying more yet as I have a lot of "Beta" exploring to do yet.
Thats great to hear your so devoted to the FR lore! I've read a lot of books from fantasy, sci-fi to comics and Forgotten Realms is by far the best. I was one of originally thinking that $200 is unrealistic and unobtainabled for most but tbh I love FR so much that the game could potentially undervalue and I would be in love.
Can you "inspect" another player to see their BIO? Like what city/deity they took?
pwfyremaneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited February 2013
I watched ISREND on twitch cast it for 2-3 hrs ... after that I went for the $60 pack to get in sunday.
I felt it looked cool...a mix of WOW+gw2+tera+a few other games...kinda what i wanted.
if this is BETA and they add some stuff and make it better (hopefully my $60 will go for that not just a Executives 7th vacation trip to LAke Tahoe) then ill be ok with it.
It has flaws and needs some tweaks but overall looks GREAT they got a nice DND action and environment feel with a WOW like semi cartonny yet realistic GOLD box feel... im liking it so far cant wait to get into it later 2nite and sunday.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Can you "inspect" another player to see their BIO? Like what city/deity they took?
Indeed, yes you can! You can write very long bios too and it supports the html <br /> command to be able to make paragraphs as well. There is a character limit, but it is a pretty large one as I had one of my character with a bio that was four large paragraphs long.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2013
What Zeb said.
I love the game. I have a few big things I want tweaked, a few things a 'demand' added in but overall the game is a ton of fun, with some excellent gameplay and a great future.
The thing I look forward more than anything else is to play with all my real life friends who are also eagerly awaiting the game's release. To me that's when I will be in paradise...for now I just love playing it on my own.
I love it! There is quite a bit yet I would like to see changed and added but over-all, I am in love. Many of my expectations have been met - however there are many that have not yet been. Keep in mind, I am a DM of an ongoing Forgotten Realms Campaign since the 90's, that has had (for the most part) the same PCs playing in it since I started DMing it. So.. my expectations on anything Forgotten Realms is extremely high. Extremely.
I'm really not comfortable in saying more yet as I have a lot of "Beta" exploring to do yet.
Have to agree here, I am totally satisfied with my purchase the game has totally exceeded my expectations and does certain things (atmosphere, ambient sounds, skill FX) better than any MMO I have played. I want to see a bit more depth in the campaign,some quality of life things, but overall I'm a happy camper.
In my opinion the old Cryptic, the Cryptic that did CoH is back and in many ways even better.
expectations met no..... EXCEEDED!! I am having a blast! It is more than I hoped for in nearly all areas. I agree with everyone's comments above. Would love to see some quality of life items added; quick travel, and a few others but overall I am overjoyed! They hit it outta the park in my book thus far. Love it! Thank you Cryptic!
Indeed, yes you can! You can write very long bios too and it supports the html <br /> command to be able to make paragraphs as well. There is a character limit, but it is a pretty large one as I had one of my character with a bio that was four large paragraphs long.
Awesome i plan to make a Devoted Priest of Amaunator
I have only one question and it seems I can't create a new thread to ask, since I am apparently the lowest on the forum foodchain.
My question is: Will everyone be able to use the foundry to create new quests/missions or will only those who pay 200$ for the Hero of the North Package? I noticed the Dungeon Master unlock the 200$ package contains and it's a bit confusing.
Can any developer comment about how access to the Dungeon Creator will work for Free to Play Players, Paying Payers, and the 200$ pack players?
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited February 2013
The Foundry is restricted access, I believe - and this is subject to change - that you have to be at least level 15 to access the Foundry, and the Hero package removes that restriction.
From what I have seen watching the stream...I can say yes.. FR is my fav setting for DnD and so far the game is living up to that. There are classes that I want to see put in the game and from what I heard the devs are working on new ones. Im gonna be putting down my $60 for the next beta weekend.
skrunchezMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited February 2013
Pros: Combat is dynamic, so it's nice to be able to fight based on skill.
The character customization allows for fairly customizable characters without being too complex,
It's a very pretty world, a little cartoony, but still pretty.
It's very polished, so far not buggy at all with a simple to use interface.
Cons: So far the introductory story line seems fairly weak.
The static camera is kinda lame.(i like being at a non centered shoulder height third person personally)
The quest system is so far kinda meh. (I haven't had a chance to try player made quests)
Not much experience with the level system, but so far doesn't look too impressive.
Having to pay 200$ to play a drow... seems a bit expensive.
It's pretty, kinda like the changing of star wars from a serious adult/teen movie series, into a disney channel kids series.
Neither pro nor con: The "Rolling" for stats was kinda funny almost, seeing as you can only choose between 2 or 3 preset rolls that don't effect stats.
So far I'm actually fairly disappointed that I both waited for this and spent 60$ on it.
I love the game. I have a few big things I want tweaked, a few things a 'demand' added in but overall the game is a ton of fun, with some excellent gameplay and a great future.
The thing I look forward more than anything else is to play with all my real life friends who are also eagerly awaiting the game's release. To me that's when I will be in paradise...for now I just love playing it on my own.
Based on the video's I'd say playing with friends will not have any of the same feel that pnp did. I was eager to finally have a live 3d mmo with which to play D&D with, but as of all the press feedback it is basically GW2 Meets Tera. That is not a bad thing it is nice to have a really well made action mmo. But the pace and DM'ed events and dungeons are non-exsistant with what many of us love about PnP. I am afraid that we might just end up hurting what the idea of PnP is and what it has meant to people.
I understand about not being able to formulate the speed and feeling of the game, but direct DM control in player made dungeons seems something that could be easy to add in. Same with again the classes and races. We have been promised more classes MANY times in MANY other mmo's that launched with less then what there should have been. Some made by these same devs.... And we have never seen those promises fulfilled.
I still play GW2 and Tera and frankly they are better looking then this. Bless is coming out soon and with 12-15 classes I am finding it hard to support Neverwinter with my money.
Pros: Combat is dynamic, so it's nice to be able to fight based on skill.
The character customization allows for fairly customizable characters without being too complex,
It's a very pretty world, a little cartoony, but still pretty.
It's very polished, so far not buggy at all with a simple to use interface.
Cons: So far the introductory story line seems fairly weak.
The static camera is kinda lame.(i like being at a non centered shoulder height third person personally)
The quest system is so far kinda meh. (I haven't had a chance to try player made quests)
Not much experience with the level system, but so far doesn't look too impressive.
Having to pay 200$ to play a drow... seems a bit expensive.
It's pretty, kinda like the changing of star wars from a serious adult/teen movie series, into a disney channel kids series.
Neither pro nor con: The "Rolling" for stats was kinda funny almost, seeing as you can only choose between 2 or 3 preset rolls that don't effect stats.
So far I'm actually fairly disappointed that I both waited for this and spent 60$ on it.
Those are fair comparisons. But could I ask you what you thought of the race and class list? Are they so unique and well made that there is "Strong" reason for why we have less then DnD 1.0 Edition and nothing even close to anything better? I heard one of the devs say in an interview that they only launched with 5 but they are "really really" good classes. But after looking at the few abilities and no real difference I am concerned that that is just a really weak excuse.
I mean we are missing so many core "D&D" things that it is making me cry.
skrunchezMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Those are fair comparisons. But could I ask you what you thought of the race and class list? Are they so unique and well made that there is "Strong" reason for why we have less then DnD 1.0 Edition and nothing even close to anything better? I heard one of the devs say in an interview that they only launched with 5 but they are "really really" good classes. But after looking at the few abilities and no real difference I am concerned that that is just a really weak excuse.
I mean we are missing so many core "D&D" things that it is making me cry.
I was saying it in regards as an MMO. A large portion of the people playing this game won't be D&D fans. Because I think that every true D&D fan or even just an R.A. Salvatore fan, would immediately after playing this game for 5 minutes, call up all their other friends and tell them to save their money for alcohol instead, because they'll need it.
I try not to slander a game, just because it doesn't meet my expectations, i was judging it as unbiased as possible in my current mood.
If I don't get a refund however, I will do my best to spread anti Neverwinter Online propaganda as quickly and far spread as possible. I'm vindictive like that.
johnny305Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
D&D Online has much, much more real D&D things in it. Classes, depth in character customization, spells, etc.
Neverwinter is more of an action RPG where you spam skills and everyone can pretty much solo and its like hack and slash through everything with ease as a group.
I still think it can be very fun, its just not using much real D&D stuff IMO.
skrunchezMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
D&D Online has much, much more real D&D things in it. Classes, depth in character customization, spells, etc.
Neverwinter is more of an action RPG where you spam skills and everyone can pretty much solo and its like hack and slash through everything with ease as a group.
I still think it can be very fun, its just not using much real D&D stuff IMO.
I'm actually going to just go play DDO now. It's sad, I was really looking forward to something.... not at all like what I paid for.
ssantiagoxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
I've been watching hours of live streams to decide what I want to do. At least I know this much, I won't be worrying about buying the founders packs. Saved me some money. But I'll make a firmer decision once the Champions lifetimers get in beta next week.
D&D Online has much, much more real D&D things in it. Classes, depth in character customization, spells, etc.
Neverwinter is more of an action RPG where you spam skills and everyone can pretty much solo and its like hack and slash through everything with ease as a group.
I still think it can be very fun, its just not using much real D&D stuff IMO.
I have to agree. Neverwinter is more modern and is an MMO, DDO I'm finding more D&D feel through it's class multiclassing system and even the quests. DDO's quests are more immersive so far for me. The lack of DM narration is a major turn off so far, Neverwinter just feels like a hack and slash session. Potential is there but they really need a lot more work done on the game's immersion. There is no story feel at all, not real dialogue in the quests. So far pretty disappointed, well it's free so it'll be a nice side MMO.
Only made it to 17 so far but the quest experiance are a bit borish and combat ridiculously easy. Initial impression isn't all the good, but will have to wait and see if things improve and see how things are later on in the game.
kellax3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited February 2013
I think this could be a really great game; however, as it is right now, it isn't.
It just feels so...2D. There's really no depth: factions (not pvp), story, lore, story, open-world experience, and so on. In this closed beta stage, it just feels really flat to me. It doesn't help that everyone is running around as one of three classes... so the lack of variety is also killing it.
Once they add ALL the classes, give it a bit more depth and fix all the bugs, yeah, it'll be a great game.
And as far as my money is concerned, I can't yet make that assessment; I'll have to wait until the final release to see if it was worth it.
pwnocchioMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited February 2013
The world is way to restricted for my taste. Cant stand instances and invisible walls in mmo's.
Maybe one of these days, I'll get it through my thick skull, that I should stop making impulse buys! lol
skrunchezMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Once they add ALL the classes, give it a bit more depth and fix all the bugs, yeah, it'll be a great game.
The classes is going to happen, but they didn't put the depth in to start with and that requires core game mechanic changes, I wouldn't hold your breath for that.
dollahzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Luckly for me I received a key for free from a nice guy on these forums. I tried the game out. It was really good. Although I wouldn't spend $200 on it. I would spend the $60 for the next beta weekend If they add the other classes. My expectations were met.
Have enjoyed the beta weekend and the game has exceeded my expectations. The combat is dynamic and the powers, skills and feats all well developed. The interface is easy to master and works well. The graphics are immersive and I found the scale of the world to be well handled. The city is well crafted and you feel a part of it. Questing ranges from formulaic to some good story telling but its hard in Beta to know what more might be added. For me the game was easy to start with but from level 14 on the difficulty has really started to scale. Then again by then your character is becoming more interesting. Its not hardcore D&D but it has a strong D&D flavour.
Overall it has a polish that impressed me. It ran smoothly and with few bugs so far. A good job. How deep this runs is yet to be seen.
So far, it looks like a pretty even split in whether it was worth it or not. I think a lot of the decision might stem from the individual's background. Are they longtime pnp players? Do/did they play 4E (which could influence whether they liked it or not)? Are they more likely to compare it to MMO's or D&D?
The majority I think I'm seeing here is that it met expectations as an MMO, but not quite as a D&D title. But you have to remember that this was excluding content (foundry, race, and 2 classes). That said, official launch date hasn't even been announced yet. I think NWO could thrive in the long run, if it doesn't turn too many of its players off in the short run. I always say, a first impression is a lasting impression.
Yeah I have to agree completely. I was disappointed that the Cleric gimping on spells and variety will be the foreshadow of the other spell classes, just various power spamming of the same thing. Artillery cannons to be sure. DDO is well thought out, though I despise the graphics and their leveling system (I know its similar to pnp) but I like to feel I am making progress other than a single blue dot.
StarWars for me has had the best interactive NPC quest system yet, I love the voice overs/acting though the characters classes have limitations. But I digress, for me I was hoping for a bit of GW2 mixed with DDO for this. And the multi-classing is a BIG deal for me, I like creating completely unique characters like Champions Online and DDO give. The game play was fun, attractive and I enjoyed the little things in detail visually. Hope there is more to come in the other Betas as well as the final release, though at this point I have my doubts they will make any significant changes to the Spell class. Anyone know if there is going to be a Warlock?
gamewarlordsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited February 2013
It is definitely a game that is still in development. However, it is very promising and very fun to play so far. It is one to keep an eye on for sure. I got a level 18 Guardian Warrior currently in the weekend test + a Cleric Companion. Pretty neat.
D&D Online has much, much more real D&D things in it. Classes, depth in character customization, spells, etc.
Neverwinter is more of an action RPG where you spam skills and everyone can pretty much solo and its like hack and slash through everything with ease as a group.
I still think it can be very fun, its just not using much real D&D stuff IMO.
THIS IS A BETA!!!!! You seen, or maybe played a portion of an unfinished game in it's infancy. "Do you understand the beta that's coming outta my mouth?"
I'm really not comfortable in saying more yet as I have a lot of "Beta" exploring to do yet.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Thats great to hear your so devoted to the FR lore! I've read a lot of books from fantasy, sci-fi to comics and Forgotten Realms is by far the best. I was one of originally thinking that $200 is unrealistic and unobtainabled for most but tbh I love FR so much that the game could potentially undervalue and I would be in love.
Can you "inspect" another player to see their BIO? Like what city/deity they took?
I felt it looked cool...a mix of WOW+gw2+tera+a few other games...kinda what i wanted.
if this is BETA and they add some stuff and make it better (hopefully my $60 will go for that not just a Executives 7th vacation trip to LAke Tahoe) then ill be ok with it.
It has flaws and needs some tweaks but overall looks GREAT they got a nice DND action and environment feel with a WOW like semi cartonny yet realistic GOLD box feel... im liking it so far cant wait to get into it later 2nite and sunday.
Indeed, yes you can!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I love the game. I have a few big things I want tweaked, a few things a 'demand' added in but overall the game is a ton of fun, with some excellent gameplay and a great future.
The thing I look forward more than anything else is to play with all my real life friends who are also eagerly awaiting the game's release. To me that's when I will be in paradise...for now I just love playing it on my own.
Have to agree here, I am totally satisfied with my purchase the game has totally exceeded my expectations and does certain things (atmosphere, ambient sounds, skill FX) better than any MMO I have played. I want to see a bit more depth in the campaign,some quality of life things, but overall I'm a happy camper.
In my opinion the old Cryptic, the Cryptic that did CoH is back and in many ways even better.
Awesome i plan to make a Devoted Priest of Amaunator
My question is: Will everyone be able to use the foundry to create new quests/missions or will only those who pay 200$ for the Hero of the North Package? I noticed the Dungeon Master unlock the 200$ package contains and it's a bit confusing.
Can any developer comment about how access to the Dungeon Creator will work for Free to Play Players, Paying Payers, and the 200$ pack players?
They've been pretty adamant about not restricting player access to the Foundry. You should read this interview for more info.
The character customization allows for fairly customizable characters without being too complex,
It's a very pretty world, a little cartoony, but still pretty.
It's very polished, so far not buggy at all with a simple to use interface.
Cons: So far the introductory story line seems fairly weak.
The static camera is kinda lame.(i like being at a non centered shoulder height third person personally)
The quest system is so far kinda meh. (I haven't had a chance to try player made quests)
Not much experience with the level system, but so far doesn't look too impressive.
Having to pay 200$ to play a drow... seems a bit expensive.
It's pretty, kinda like the changing of star wars from a serious adult/teen movie series, into a disney channel kids series.
Neither pro nor con: The "Rolling" for stats was kinda funny almost, seeing as you can only choose between 2 or 3 preset rolls that don't effect stats.
So far I'm actually fairly disappointed that I both waited for this and spent 60$ on it.
Based on the video's I'd say playing with friends will not have any of the same feel that pnp did. I was eager to finally have a live 3d mmo with which to play D&D with, but as of all the press feedback it is basically GW2 Meets Tera. That is not a bad thing it is nice to have a really well made action mmo. But the pace and DM'ed events and dungeons are non-exsistant with what many of us love about PnP. I am afraid that we might just end up hurting what the idea of PnP is and what it has meant to people.
I understand about not being able to formulate the speed and feeling of the game, but direct DM control in player made dungeons seems something that could be easy to add in. Same with again the classes and races. We have been promised more classes MANY times in MANY other mmo's that launched with less then what there should have been. Some made by these same devs.... And we have never seen those promises fulfilled.
I still play GW2 and Tera and frankly they are better looking then this. Bless is coming out soon and with 12-15 classes I am finding it hard to support Neverwinter with my money.
Those are fair comparisons. But could I ask you what you thought of the race and class list? Are they so unique and well made that there is "Strong" reason for why we have less then DnD 1.0 Edition and nothing even close to anything better? I heard one of the devs say in an interview that they only launched with 5 but they are "really really" good classes. But after looking at the few abilities and no real difference I am concerned that that is just a really weak excuse.
I mean we are missing so many core "D&D" things that it is making me cry.
I try not to slander a game, just because it doesn't meet my expectations, i was judging it as unbiased as possible in my current mood.
If I don't get a refund however, I will do my best to spread anti Neverwinter Online propaganda as quickly and far spread as possible. I'm vindictive like that.
Neverwinter is more of an action RPG where you spam skills and everyone can pretty much solo and its like hack and slash through everything with ease as a group.
I still think it can be very fun, its just not using much real D&D stuff IMO.
I'm actually going to just go play DDO now. It's sad, I was really looking forward to something.... not at all like what I paid for.
I have to agree. Neverwinter is more modern and is an MMO, DDO I'm finding more D&D feel through it's class multiclassing system and even the quests. DDO's quests are more immersive so far for me. The lack of DM narration is a major turn off so far, Neverwinter just feels like a hack and slash session. Potential is there but they really need a lot more work done on the game's immersion. There is no story feel at all, not real dialogue in the quests. So far pretty disappointed, well it's free so it'll be a nice side MMO.
Only made it to 17 so far but the quest experiance are a bit borish and combat ridiculously easy. Initial impression isn't all the good, but will have to wait and see if things improve and see how things are later on in the game.
It just feels so...2D. There's really no depth: factions (not pvp), story, lore, story, open-world experience, and so on. In this closed beta stage, it just feels really flat to me. It doesn't help that everyone is running around as one of three classes... so the lack of variety is also killing it.
Once they add ALL the classes, give it a bit more depth and fix all the bugs, yeah, it'll be a great game.
And as far as my money is concerned, I can't yet make that assessment; I'll have to wait until the final release to see if it was worth it.
The world is way to restricted for my taste. Cant stand instances and invisible walls in mmo's.
Maybe one of these days, I'll get it through my thick skull, that I should stop making impulse buys! lol
Overall it has a polish that impressed me. It ran smoothly and with few bugs so far. A good job. How deep this runs is yet to be seen.
The majority I think I'm seeing here is that it met expectations as an MMO, but not quite as a D&D title. But you have to remember that this was excluding content (foundry, race, and 2 classes). That said, official launch date hasn't even been announced yet. I think NWO could thrive in the long run, if it doesn't turn too many of its players off in the short run. I always say, a first impression is a lasting impression.
StarWars for me has had the best interactive NPC quest system yet, I love the voice overs/acting though the characters classes have limitations. But I digress, for me I was hoping for a bit of GW2 mixed with DDO for this. And the multi-classing is a BIG deal for me, I like creating completely unique characters like Champions Online and DDO give. The game play was fun, attractive and I enjoyed the little things in detail visually. Hope there is more to come in the other Betas as well as the final release, though at this point I have my doubts they will make any significant changes to the Spell class. Anyone know if there is going to be a Warlock?
Now why did you have to go and say a thing like that?
*the mage hurriedly begins casting warding spells to detect and hide against insane dragons, mumbling about a king, a killer, a star or something*
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
THIS IS A BETA!!!!! You seen, or maybe played a portion of an unfinished game in it's infancy. "Do you understand the beta that's coming outta my mouth?"