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How much is everyone willing to pay for a F2P Game?



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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    aevic wrote: »
    I'm not trying to argue with your opinion here, but I would like to simply disagree in part to this one statement here. I disagree in part only due to my experiences in World of Warcraft, where everyone's paying $15 a month and the VAST majority of random players I meet or have the displeasure of conversing with (players that I don't already know or am affiliated with via guilds etc) are complete wastes of immoral life. I have come to believe, over time, that paying for a subscription in no way filters the quality of character in the playerbase. Edit1: I do concede in part that this opinion of mine is biased because of WoW, and also concede that obviously other players will have had differing experiences. I do challenge however anyone with drastically differing results to start up a random conversation in general chat, and compare the ratio of trolling/abusive/sexual/racist responses to anything remotely constructive.

    Maybe it's cynicism, but I'm really starting to think that today's average online gamer is far more likely to fall into this category than not: Google "John Gabriel's Greater Internet Theory" and click on the Penny Arcade link. (expletive purposefully deleted so as not to have this post itself deleted)

    Edit2: Another example I just remembered of people online, not necessarily gamers, who are probably vastly more immoral online than IRL, when the Fine Brothers are questioning the normal group of teens in their Teens React series about Amanda Todd, and the replies from the teens regarding why people online would continue to leave ridiculously hurtful comments on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF6cmddWOgU

    I unfortunately agree.
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    vangaldvangald Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 325 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Average $5 but able to go up to $40 if I find things I REALLY really want and if I have the spare cash for the month.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    voqar wrote: »
    I think the idea of paying 60 or 200 for founder paks that have ridiculously overpowered stuff in them is...ridiculous, both for the price and the stuff - in a F2P.

    Not sure what that has to do with this game, though, since the packs don't contain any ridiculously overpowered stuff. Mostly it just looks like a discount on a combination of cosmetic items (mounts and pets that aren't going to be better than other mounts and pets you can get in game, they just look special), consumables, and a bunch of AD that is most likely going to wind up being between $50 and $79 worth.

    It's not like there's a prize for getting to 750k AD first. Most of the stuff you're going to want to spend that on will be at endgame anyway; you'll wind up blowing a little bit of it on consumables and holding the rest for endgame.
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    sirsitsalotsirsitsalot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I honestly do not know how much Cryptic will make off of me. It depends on how much official quest content they produce and how often they deliver it. I know that they have said that quest content will be free. But if they are smart, they will use the tried and true marketing method of product placement, dressing quest-related NPCs in costumes that we can buy on the C-store. New regions introduced for free could showcase animals and some mobs we can obtain as pets. If official quest content is prioritized as a tool for driving sales, then hopefully there will be plenty of it. And if I see it in an official quest and consider it to be cool, then I will show my support by buying it. Foundry missions will be great. But foundry authors will not be able to add new elements to the game, just recycle existing ones in a virtually infinite number of ways. I would prefer that any time Cryptic adds something new to the game, they provide a quest that introduces it. That way they not only grow their feature list, but they grow the gameplay as well...
    I'm not really a John Galt,
    but I play one on the forums...
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