Anyone who's read the realms books, is Danica not a monk? She's in Forgotten Realms, along WITH a priest (Cadderly). So the argument of monks/religion is LITERALLY shot in it's face right there. :-D
Aye in the cleric quintet she's a lvl 17 monk I believe that follows the training of Grandmaster Penpahg D'Ahn via scrolls from the Edificant/Spirit Soaring library.
Aye in the cleric quintet she's a lvl 17 monk I believe that follows the training of Grandmaster Penpahg D'Ahn via scrolls from the Edificant/Spirit Soaring library.
Indeed you're right's been ages since I read those.
Well, streams and simulcasts have certainly already brought many of the anime fans who shunned fansubs for various reasons a lot more up-to-date with current trends and shows. 50-80% of every new anime season is being streamed officially these days. I'd say that's a big change in awareness. I highly doubt there'll be a backward feedback anytime soon though, because ultimately the Japanese make anime for themselves and earn very little from overseas fans.
As for BG, I never found it in me to complete the first installment, but in BGII the Wild Mage was one overpowered SoB, especially considering ToB "cheese". As chances of harmful "wild effects" approached 0, being able to cast level IX-X spells as often as level I spells seemed very unbalanced.
And yeah, now that you say it, moving them to sorc makes perfect sense. There's little in the Wild Mage description that agrees with the way a wizard would behave or operate.
what ever happen to Wild Mages ? did they blow them self's up? WTB wild-fire
If my memory isn't too cloudy, I believe they've more or less been folded into the Sorcerer class as one of the potential builds/themes/play-styles/gimmicks. I seem to recall them being one of the Dex-based options. (All Sorcerers use Charisma primary, and either Strength or Dex as a secondary)
Really don't feel like busting out my PHB2 to double-check.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use "
-- Galileo Galilei
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If my memory isn't too cloudy, I believe they've more or less been folded into the Sorcerer class as one of the potential builds/themes/play-styles/gimmicks. I seem to recall them being one of the Dex-based options. (All Sorcerers use Charisma primary, and either Strength or Dex as a secondary)
Really don't feel like busting out my PHB2 to double-check.
I think most eastern-themed warriors should be kept for eastern-themed campaigns. Sword Coast is very much traditional Western medival, where religion doesn't go together with crazy hand-to-hand fighting.
I don't really understand... do you mean eastern monks or oriental monks?
Monks in 4e are a different from any real life monks. Unlike western medivial world, in FR there is not a single prominent diety but many of them co-existing on sword coast. And because of monsters, killing a monster is regarded as good.
Much of the theology of monk is usually based on eastern monks - like their becoming more and more like outsiders, living with discipline and most powers only coming at lvl 20. Though many things are added from western and oriental monks too.
However, how one develops or wants to develop their character is best left to player. The game's duty is to provide options and balanced rulesets.
Aye in the cleric quintet she's a lvl 17 monk I believe that follows the training of Grandmaster Penpahg D'Ahn via scrolls from the Edificant/Spirit Soaring library.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
Indeed you're right's been ages since I read those.
See, this is why it pays to read all the forum!
Dammit, I officially have no life
If my memory isn't too cloudy, I believe they've more or less been folded into the Sorcerer class as one of the potential builds/themes/play-styles/gimmicks. I seem to recall them being one of the Dex-based options. (All Sorcerers use Charisma primary, and either Strength or Dex as a secondary)
Really don't feel like busting out my PHB2 to double-check.
-- Galileo Galilei
I Haz Ninja'd reply
I don't really understand... do you mean eastern monks or oriental monks?
Monks in 4e are a different from any real life monks. Unlike western medivial world, in FR there is not a single prominent diety but many of them co-existing on sword coast. And because of monsters, killing a monster is regarded as good.
Much of the theology of monk is usually based on eastern monks - like their becoming more and more like outsiders, living with discipline and most powers only coming at lvl 20. Though many things are added from western and oriental monks too.
However, how one develops or wants to develop their character is best left to player. The game's duty is to provide options and balanced rulesets.