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Barbarians are useless!



  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    finmakin said:

    pherrow said:

    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.

    Well, because of those two idiots who are unable to present an argument and Craptic's Discord sect, the game will remain garbage as it is. In a few years, if they keep it up like this, this game won't even exist. I'm not coming back until Barbie gets buffed. Paragons are HAMSTER. You can't build rage, and the new dungeon sucks for Barbie. I don't want to switch to TR, and I don't want to be outdpsed every time by broken dogcans. F this game and Craptic.

    Start playing PoE, its good for your carrot
    When was the last time you saw a psychiatrist?

    Youre a 60-year-old ape with zero game sense who came to discuss my topic. Nobody asked a dogcan like you for anything. Youre incompentent and irrelevant.
  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User

    finmakin said:

    pherrow said:

    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.

    Well, because of those two idiots who are unable to present an argument and Craptic's Discord sect, the game will remain garbage as it is. In a few years, if they keep it up like this, this game won't even exist. I'm not coming back until Barbie gets buffed. Paragons are HAMSTER. You can't build rage, and the new dungeon sucks for Barbie. I don't want to switch to TR, and I don't want to be outdpsed every time by broken dogcans. F this game and Craptic.

    Start playing PoE, its good for your carrot
    When was the last time you saw a psychiatrist?

    Youre a 60-year-old ape with zero game sense who came to discuss my topic. Nobody asked a dogcan like you for anything. Youre incompentent and irrelevant.
    You sound funnier each time..
    Soy Boy
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    finmakin said:

    finmakin said:

    pherrow said:

    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.

    Well, because of those two idiots who are unable to present an argument and Craptic's Discord sect, the game will remain garbage as it is. In a few years, if they keep it up like this, this game won't even exist. I'm not coming back until Barbie gets buffed. Paragons are HAMSTER. You can't build rage, and the new dungeon sucks for Barbie. I don't want to switch to TR, and I don't want to be outdpsed every time by broken dogcans. F this game and Craptic.

    Start playing PoE, its good for your carrot
    When was the last time you saw a psychiatrist?

    Youre a 60-year-old ape with zero game sense who came to discuss my topic. Nobody asked a dogcan like you for anything. Youre incompentent and irrelevant.
    You sound funnier each time..
    Soy Boy

    And your level of stupid is unpredictable.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    You have the manners of a goat and you smell like a dung-heap. And you've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential. Now, get out!
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    You have the manners of a goat and you smell like a dung-heap. And you've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential. Now, get out!

    You're offtopic again, and you stink, oldman!
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    greywynd said:

    You have the manners of a goat and you smell like a dung-heap. And you've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential. Now, get out!

    You're offtopic again, and you stink, oldman!
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • jana#2651 jana Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    Calling people names because they don't agree with you is neither productive or cool. Aragon is not a pug, he's very helpful in finding out how to make the most of current events etc, in my opinion, if you don't find his info useful don't watch him, he has enough loyal followers. And why would you call fellow players names, Greywind and plasticbat have helped me out immeasurably here, and Greywind is right, the point of the game is to have fun and try to improve your skills. You sound like an hysterical rightwinger with no critical thinking skills.
  • johnalansimmonsjohnalansimmons Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    "You sound like an hysterical rightwinger with no critical thinking skills."

    In all fairness I have met more than a few hysterical leftwingers.
  • jana#2651 jana Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    Maybe it was something worth getting hysterical about, like cancer in children, something you never ever here rightwingers address.
  • lordmaniklordmanik Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited September 2024
    greywynd said:

    "We" don't play this game to compete. We play this game for enjoyment and to escape from daily life for a while. Although the enjoyment is a lot less than it used to be.

    I'm not a dps, but a lot of dps that I've played with have competed for the number 1 spot in the damage board. I've seen a lot of people post screenshots of them topping the damage board. So people do compete to be number one. That is what makes it fun for them.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    jana#2651 said:

    Calling people names because they don't agree with you is neither productive or cool. Aragon is not a pug, he's very helpful in finding out how to make the most of current events etc, in my opinion, if you don't find his info useful don't watch him, he has enough loyal followers. And why would you call fellow players names, Greywind and plasticbat have helped me out immeasurably here, and Greywind is right, the point of the game is to have fun and try to improve your skills. You sound like an hysterical rightwinger with no critical thinking skills.

    He's a HAMSTER, it doesn't matter what the bot thinks. His opinion and IQ is an excellent example of why nuclear weapons exist.
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    > @jana#2651 said:
    “ You sound like an hysterical rightwinger with no critical thinking skills.”

    Interesting as the leftwingers are renowned for being told what to think as they can’t do it for themselves.

    Would also seem that if you possessed critical thinking skills you would be beyond the basic questions you ask here in the forums.

    There’s other things I would say in reference to other comments you made but I would guess you wouldn’t quite get it. The irony of left wing logic is there really isn’t logic involved.

    Sorry for the mild politics folks.
  • jana#2651 jana Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    Your sorry for the mild politics? "Leftwingers or progressives are reknown for being told what to think as they can't do it themselves" By who? People who use platitudes instead of actual facts-like guns don't kill people do-like that is some kind of logical argument. I was right you are a rightwinger-everyone needs to agree with you or you will use insults and probably outright lies if necessary-at least most of the junk rightwingers come up with is made up. No one is going to say I don't think for myself. I am so not a herd animal mooing the same thing, whether it has anything to do with reality or not. My point was that it is just ugly to call people dogs and trashcans because they don't think like you or happen to be very fond of Aragon and I am not going to let any of my friends here be insulted without saying something.
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    By who, you ask? So you don’t know who’s brainwashing you?

    Would love to continue this convo in game and hear your facts…

    I’ll even take you off of ignore so we can chat. Of note, you are not on my ignore because I believe you to be a bad person or anything just your game play…
  • tamara#3189 tamara Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2024
    Trashbarians are a specific kind of useless, and the new dungeons aren't friendly to them. I'm sorry, but every good barbie has left the game. You should play a different class. It will never be competitive against ranged SW, CW, and others, even if they nerf the CW's range. You'll always lose stacks and lack movement speed. Barbarians are always late to artifact calls because they can't fill Escalating Rage quickly enough, even with animation cancel. It's the most useless class in the game right now. Nothing unexpected from Craptic HAMSTER. They take advice from their discord-bot sect. If they keep this up, this game won't exist in a few years. On mobs barb DPS doesn't even exist.

    Barbarian = kick
  • tamara#3189 tamara Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    > @"jana#2651" said:
    > Calling people names because they don't agree with you is neither productive or cool. Aragon is not a pug, he's very helpful in finding out how to make the most of current events etc, in my opinion, if you don't find his info useful don't watch him, he has enough loyal followers. And why would you call fellow players names, Greywind and plasticbat have helped me out immeasurably here, and Greywind is right, the point of the game is to have fun and try to improve your skills. You sound like an hysterical rightwinger with no critical thinking skills.

    He's right. If they have nothing to say and can't make an argument, it's better not to reply. Barbarians are garbage, that's the end of the story.

    Only a sick person can say that Barbies are competent.
  • johnalansimmonsjohnalansimmons Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    As someone who as mained GWF/Barbie since May of 2013 there is no question when it comes to end game dps that barbarians are pretty much useless and generally not wanted in any team for end game content. However, they do make good tanks, but it is safe to say that tanking is not why most people made created barbies as their main in the first place.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    As someone who as mained GWF/Barbie since May of 2013 there is no question when it comes to end game dps that barbarians are pretty much useless and generally not wanted in any team for end game content. However, they do make good tanks, but it is safe to say that tanking is not why most people made created barbies as their main in the first place.

    Same, I've played GWF since day one. It's never been useless like this! Even if they nerf other classes to the ground, it will still be useless because the person who designed the stacking and new dungeons has a brain tumor. The main problem is that you can't use Escalating Rage on mobs, and on a single target, it takes forever to build rage, even with the animation canceling. Additionally, you lose Trample and every other stack when you get pushed, and to make things worse, you don't have enough stamina to get back quickly. Other classes have simplified rotations and are never late to artifact calls. Most of them also don't need to switch feats when dealing with mobs, while we waste another 5 seconds switching from Escalating Rage back to Relentless Battlerage. In that time, others wipe out the entire group of mobs.

    Stupid devs with zero game sense.
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2024

    Calling people a 60 year old ape or incompetent isn't going to help you. There is obviously something you're missing that isn't helping your barbarian class. You're literally getting no where on forum help because you're bickering. If you continue to bicker, I will not help you either. Right now you're acting like a kid with a tantrum. I understand your frustration, yet your approach isn't going to help you.

    If you will just post a screenshot of your build on your character sheet, people might give advice to help you. Calling the barbarian "slow" and stating "Not getting rage fast enough". Well, then I got some news for you. You're doing something wrong, because I do just fine.

    Also don't expect for the barbarian to be top DPS all the time and this goes for all classes!

    Some advice I give to all players, have at least 8 or more dominance mount insignias; good balance. This gave me enough power before raptor companion; I was decent.

    The goal is to be decent and if you expect to be top 1# DPS every single time, then that's very immature of you.

    Again if you're here to bicker, then no one here is going to help you.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    In all honesty, if we ever get an active mod again, he's liable to be banned for the flaming.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    mwk said:


    Calling people a 60 year old ape or incompetent isn't going to help you. There is obviously something you're missing that isn't helping your barbarian class. You're literally getting no where on forum help because you're bickering. If you continue to bicker, I will not help you either. Right now you're acting like a kid with a tantrum. I understand your frustration, yet your approach isn't going to help you.

    If you will just post a screenshot of your build on your character sheet, people might give advice to help you. Calling the barbarian "slow" and stating "Not getting rage fast enough". Well, then I got some news for you. You're doing something wrong, because I do just fine.

    Also don't expect for the barbarian to be top DPS all the time and this goes for all classes!

    Some advice I give to all players, have at least 8 or more dominance mount insignias; good balance. This gave me enough power before raptor companion; I was decent.

    The goal is to be decent and if you expect to be top 1# DPS every single time, then that's very immature of you.

    Again if you're here to bicker, then no one here is going to help you.

    Another, off-topic bot.

    There is no build in the game that will make Barbie a viable DPS. So don't talk about things you have no clue about. Especially don't comment on threads from people who have been playing this game competitively since day one. Thank you.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    You're awfully quick to label people as bots. Does that make you a ranting bot?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2024

    You complain about the barbarian dps and you refuse any help from anyone. I'm just pointing out how you're acting and just bickering isn't going to solve your problems. You really think I'm a bot? This is becoming even worse, because right now you're not helping yourself. Everyone here is going to treat you like a tantrum child with this behavior of yours. Obviously you're doing something wrong with your class. Complaining you don't reach rage fast enough or something like that, well you're missing something. Just complaining isn't going to make you better. Just stop! Let me tell you my barbarian does quite well on dps, so you don't see me complaining. I offered my help, yet I'm not going to help you if you continue this childish behavior; I pointed that out very lucid. LAST CHANCE!

    I played this game long enough. September 11, 2018.

    Keep it up, because no one cares about your rants or learn from people that play the same class as you.

    I think it's fair that I adjusted to Mod 16. What about you? You want help or not?

    If you really expect #1 dps every time then 😆. I'm sorry, it's going to happen at times. It's the truth. Sometimes I get second or third; it happens. Just enjoy the game. If you really are that competitive for #1 dps every time, then that's got to be the most immature thing. The goal is to be decent and that is what everyone cares about.

    What are you even expecting? So far no one is caring for your rants, when they do just fine with their dps barbarian.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    mwk said:


    You complain about the barbarian dps and you refuse any help from anyone. I'm just pointing out how you're acting and just bickering isn't going to solve your problems. You really think I'm a bot? This is becoming even worse, because right now you're not helping yourself. Everyone here is going to treat you like a tantrum child with this behavior of yours. Obviously you're doing something wrong with your class. Complaining you don't reach rage fast enough or something like that, well you're missing something. Just complaining isn't going to make you better. Just stop! Let me tell you my barbarian does quite well on dps, so you don't see me complaining. I offered my help, yet I'm not going to help you if you continue this childish behavior; I pointed that out very lucid.

    I played this game long enough. September 11, 2018.

    Keep it up, because no one cares about your rants or learn from people that play the same class as you.

    I think it's fair that I adjusted to Mod 16. What about you? You want help or not?

    If you really expect #1 dps every time then 😆. I'm sorry, it's going to happen at times. It's the truth. Sometimes I get second or third; it happens. Just enjoy the game. If you really are that competitive for #1 dps every time, then that's got to be the most immature thing. The goal is to be decent and that is what everyone cares about.

    So, you just confirmed my point that you are irrelevant trash. Dummy, do you realize that I'm endgame?

    I don't need to learn anything from the bots. I beat them anyway. The good GWFs left because it's HAMSTER! There are only a few, and they barely play. So I don't need advice from a bot that started playing the game after Thomas Foss ruined it. This is the reason why this game is dead, because braindead developers and Craptics discord sect. This thread is opened for the stacks! If you don't know how the things work, better don't reply to me because you sound more than stupid.
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    @nbeast#6167 Ok ranting hamster have it your way. Keep lamenting. No one cares! You complain about a barbarian dps and you keep ranting about it, rather than learn. BYEEEE.

    Edit: I pray this child gets banned! Unbelievable tantrum! Jeez.

    Also how would you even know if I'm at endgame or not? Assuming just makes you....well you know-a fool. Not going to help you now. Just keep complaining like a child.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    mwk said:

    @nbeast#6167 Ok ranting hamster have it your way. Keep lamenting. No one cares! You complain about a barbarian dps and you keep ranting about it, rather than learn. BYEEEE.

    Edit: I pray this child gets banned! Unbelievable tantrum! Jeez.

    Far from a child, just allergic to stupid people and bots that are a disaster for the game.

  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    @nbeast#6167 No one is going to help you. Just keep complaining or learn. Complaining isn't going solve anything. What's even more stupid is your ranting about a barbarian's dps!
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    mwk said:

    @nbeast#6167 No one is going to help you. Just keep complaining or learn. Complaining isn't going solve anything.

    They can only ask me for the help. Now get lost. 😘
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    Actually your behavior is going to get you lost. Just fair warning. I just reported you. I'm sorry. Just report this player (original poster), because he/she needs to learn to respect the forums. I tried to help you and others might offer too, if you stopped your bickering. Everyone is stating they have no problems with barbarian DPS, yet here you are complaining. Thinking no one is endgame and all that, when you don't know; makes you foolish. Reality no one cares about your dps as long you know the mechanics and are decent. You have no will to learn and improve. People will actually explain why they choose a certain feat, skill, and what not. Forums are made to help each other, not to bicker over and over on a class. Bickering doesn't solve anything and for the meantime you have to adjust what is set out for you. Sorry and enjoy the game. Otherwise just leave, because I will tell you the truth. No one cares about your rants. We observed your concerns and people mentioned they have no problem building rage. So what does that mean for you? You're missing something with your class. Don't be embarrassed, because we actually want to help you, yet your bickering makes people not wanting to help you. You call me stupid/dumb/bot and you call people 60 year old ape. How is that working for you? You call the developers incompetent, which is another mistake all together for them not to even take your suggestions. So your forum thread is absolutely useless. Way to go, my friend. If you want to be top #1 dps all the time, that's being entitled and being really immature. I don't expect to be top DPS all the time. I just enjoy the game and build my character up. If you can get through a dungeon, why does it matter how you play? It's just a game! Lets see how many people concur on this valid post.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    Far from a child, just allergic to stupid people and bots that are a disaster for the game.

    Must be awful to be allergic to yourself.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
This discussion has been closed.