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Barbarians are useless!

nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
edited October 2024 in Player Feedback (PC)
The person in charge of the Barbarians is incompetent and should be fired. Are you aware that Barbarians are probably the worst DPS class in the game? Every "God" barbie player is giving up! I'm not talking about players who don't know the mechanics and how things work. Any skilled barbie either quits or switches to TR or Bard. My pug TR and HR destroy 90-100k barbies.

I've been playing a GWF since the first day of the game's release. I simply cannot understand why the incompetent individuals responsible for combat destruction are forcing me to switch to TR or HR? I am someone who uses a combat tracker consistently while I'm in the game. Simply, what you have envisioned is not good in practice. You can't benchmark things on a training dummy!

Single Target:

Escalating Rage is useless even if you combine it with "Steady Rage," as you can't compete against good players; you have no chance to compete on a single target. You're simply not hitting enough in a short time because other classes have simplified rotations and they will do damage in less time and cause the boss to do stupid mechanics and move or become immune, so you lose all your stacks.

Relentless Slash is too slow. I don't know why that is the main damage ability. That's the main reason why we can't build rage quickly enough.


On multi-target, we can't use "Escalating Rage" because obviously TR, CW, and Bard will wipe everything before we even get to the mobs. We don't have enough speed to get to the mobs before them due to the poor stamina regeneration, and even when we get there, we don't have enough stamina to get to the next group, even if we use movement speed enhancement, mount power, boons, and movement speed collar. If we get to the mobs before they do, we will probably get one-shotted cuz we are paper.

Axestorm is garbage due to its lengthy animation, and during that time TR, Bard, HR, and CW will wipe out all the mobs!

Brash Strike is also garbage; it's slow, and the mobs move around a lot, so you don't get a chance to hit them many times. TR and HR will wipe out everything before you get to another group of mobs. If I were a developer, I would allow movement while using "Brash Strike" or increase the range. Also, the feats on multi-target are not worth mentioning because they are simply useless for competing against TR, Bard, CW, and HR.

Also, the animation system is definitely garbage and should be polished.


Post edited by ambassadorkael#6946 on


  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Nobody forces anyone to do anything or play any specific class.

    Yes, they force us. You can't compete!

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,504 Arc User
    edited May 2024

    Single Target:

    Escalating Rage is useless even if you combine it with "Steady Rage," as you can't compete against good players; you have no chance to compete on a single target. You're simply not hitting enough in a short time because other classes have simplified rotations and they will do damage in less time and cause the boss to do stupid mechanics and move or become immune, so you lose all your stacks.

    Relentless Slash is too slow. I don't know why that is the main damage ability. That's the main reason why we can't build rage quickly enough.

    Well, for building rage, my barbarian has no problem building rage. And, he is not using Relentless Slash to build rage, he is not using it for single target, he is not using it as main damage ability. He only uses it in AOE.
    I used to do those with 'Weapon Master's strike' (previous name of 'Relentless Slash' and 'better') years ago though.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,504 Arc User

    greywynd said:

    Nobody forces anyone to do anything or play any specific class.

    Yes, they force us. You can't compete!

    They do not force you to compete.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2024

    Single Target:

    Escalating Rage is useless even if you combine it with "Steady Rage," as you can't compete against good players; you have no chance to compete on a single target. You're simply not hitting enough in a short time because other classes have simplified rotations and they will do damage in less time and cause the boss to do stupid mechanics and move or become immune, so you lose all your stacks.

    Relentless Slash is too slow. I don't know why that is the main damage ability. That's the main reason why we can't build rage quickly enough.

    Well, for building rage, my barbarian has no problem building rage. And, he is not using Relentless Slash to build rage, he is not using it for single target, he is not using it as main damage ability. He only uses it in AOE.
    I used to do those with 'Weapon Master's strike' (previous name of 'Relentless Slash' and 'better') years ago though.
    I see from your response that you are likely one of the worst Barbarians in the game. If you have time to build rage, that means you play with the dog players. My pug TR and HR would embarrass every 90-100k Barbarian, and you would not stand a chance to build rage on every mob group.

    This post is written for the incompetent individual responsible for ruining the class, not for the bot players who pretend to be smart but genuinely lack an understanding of how to properly play the class and compete.

    No one uses Relentless Slash to build rage! I stated that while you are in a rage, the animation for Relentless Slash is too slow, even if you cancel it. Others will output much more DPS in a single rotation and make the boss disappear, causing you to lose all of your stacks!

    We play this game to compete, and the destruction of the old combat system by Thomas is the main reason why so many have left the game.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    You are assuming there is one "incompetent individual" for each class.

    "We" don't play this game to compete. We play this game for enjoyment and to escape from daily life for a while. Although the enjoyment is a lot less than it used to be.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    You are assuming there is one "incompetent individual" for each class.

    "We" don't play this game to compete. We play this game for enjoyment and to escape from daily life for a while. Although the enjoyment is a lot less than it used to be.

    You are the only weirdo who has publicly stated that he enjoys this garbage combat made by Thomas. Player statistics, dead PvP, and the list of fired developers accurately describe the current state of the game. Friend list, guilds, zones, everything is dead! We didn't care about the cost of the items! We used to pay 20–100 million for mounts and 5 million per enhancement because the combat was fun! So tell me, you enjoyer, where are the players now? =)
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    greywynd said:

    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?

    Lmao, PvP died on the day when Thomas Foss released the suicidal patch. That man shot himself and the entire company in the foot.

    Do you really think we are logging into this game for the dungeons and Craptic's campaigns? We used to log in because it was fun! We practiced one phase, not because we liked the dungeon, Craptic's story, or the campaigns. Also, we played PvP because it was fun and competitive. Now the whole game has turned into farming gear from the masters, and when you're done with that, you log in once a week and sit AFK in PE until the next module comes out, then repeat the cycle in the hope that they will fix the incompetent classes.

    Pvp is simply unplayable with this combat system.

    Yes, we play to dog on each other. =)

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    And there are better games for PvP.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • deanski07deanski07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 102 Arc User
    I have played a GWF or Barbarian since beta and I have to say I am tired of being the worst DPS class out there but I am too stubborn to quit. So yeah I wish the developers would listen to us and make the Barbarian class better to compete with all the other DPS class players. I am tired of seeing players with 25-30K IL less than me doing triple the damage. It is a bit disheartening. I keep hoping I will see an improvement, but the developers just seem to ignore or overlook the Barbarian class.
  • arc769#7103 arc769 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Sorry to say this but playing barbarian DPS is like shooting yourself in the foot every day. You have mentioned the key reasons, but that is also what Unforgiven and many other good players have been saying for years. It is unrealistic that some classes can do three times more damage than you in a single rotation within 20-30 seconds. While you struggle to run up to a group of mobs, hit them, and fill your rage, for that time they will annihilate the entire group of mobs. In boss fights, barbarian DPS doesn't even exist. You guys are definitively the worst DPS class.

    Again, I'm sorry to say this, but no one wants barbarian in master. They just won't listen, and even if they do, they're too lazy to do anything about it. They just go to work to get their paycheck.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User

    Since old days here in Neverwinter online players tend to evalute players viability based on his input in content run.
    And how it's evalauted?? Score boad..

    Would you pick dps guy for latest dungeon run's who's usually endup as fourth by paingiving/killing? Or top one?
    I think you realize the outcome..
    It's same as you would bring in end game content poorly gearead pug player, instead well gearead dps player..
    That guy would act more as a burden then help.

    I suggest you to sit in Protector enclave for few hours, and just observe Zone/lfg chats..
    You will see >> lfg> mDoM, or Imperial citadel run > x dps, heal/tank. + mage/wiz. (it's become status quo to have this class in latest content runs). Why?? again.. why waste time with lesser classes if you can bring OP class and have smoot/easy/quick runs..
    Majority players want easy/quick runs. You should know it.

    And this is how certain classes being ecluded.
    So player either forced adapt and play with new Prefered classes. Or as in past we used call Meta.
    Or you, well. Sure you can still get in content runs, but.. Well how to put it..
    YOu would be a burden.

    And it's not my invention. Players are not fools as how some try portrait for sake to downplay class disbalance. Players quickly notice which classes does most dps even comapred to better geared other classes. And thus players start to pick up only those players with specific class.

    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User

    greywynd said:

    Nobody forces anyone to do anything or play any specific class.

    Yes, they force us. You can't compete!

    Compete in what????
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?

    I think he has a very small epeen, probably a Gen_Z player
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    finmakin said:

    greywynd said:

    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?

    I think he has a very small epeen, probably a Gen_Z player
    Ah, this pug-bot again. Why are you here? 🤡

    This post is open to people who know something about the game. It's not for bots and members of the Craptics' Discord sect. If you don't have anything smart or related to mechanics to say, gt** from the post. People like you are a bigger threat to this game than Foss and all the nukes put together.

  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited May 2024

    finmakin said:

    greywynd said:

    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?

    I think he has a very small epeen, probably a Gen_Z player
    Ah, this pug-bot again. Why are you here? 🤡

    This post is open to people who know something about the game. It's not for bots and members of the Craptics' Discord sect. If you don't have anything smart or related to mechanics to say, gt** from the post. People like you are a bigger threat to this game than Foss and all the nukes put together.

    I think about a week ago I saw you you in PE (noted your Handle down (NBeast#6167) after you accused me of being a Bot)..
    Told you that I am for sure not a Bot (as many other people can vow for that. even here on the forum)..
    You should stop with your endless complaints about everything and play the game..
    Please note that everything in this game is a Group effort and not a compete hype to give you a bigger Carrot..
    There are plenty of games around which suit your self-esteem.. SOY BOY
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    Since old days here in Neverwinter online players tend to evalute players viability based on his input in content run.
    And how it's evalauted?? Score boad..

    Would you pick dps guy for latest dungeon run's who's usually endup as fourth by paingiving/killing? Or top one?
    I think you realize the outcome..
    It's same as you would bring in end game content poorly gearead pug player, instead well gearead dps player..
    That guy would act more as a burden then help.

    I suggest you to sit in Protector enclave for few hours, and just observe Zone/lfg chats..
    You will see >> lfg> mDoM, or Imperial citadel run > x dps, heal/tank. + mage/wiz. (it's become status quo to have this class in latest content runs). Why?? again.. why waste time with lesser classes if you can bring OP class and have smoot/easy/quick runs..
    Majority players want easy/quick runs. You should know it.

    And this is how certain classes being ecluded.
    So player either forced adapt and play with new Prefered classes. Or as in past we used call Meta.
    Or you, well. Sure you can still get in content runs, but.. Well how to put it..
    YOu would be a burden.

    And it's not my invention. Players are not fools as how some try portrait for sake to downplay class disbalance. Players quickly notice which classes does most dps even comapred to better geared other classes. And thus players start to pick up only those players with specific class.

    Brother, we are end-game players. There is no fun for us if we don't compete. There is no more one-phase or PvP enjoyment because Thomas Foss destroyed the best combat in the world. On barbarian, you can have all the best items in the game, but you still won't be able to do... That's the problem. These developers are incompetent when it comes to combat mechanics, they don't understand their own game, and they really don't care. I can move all items to my TR and HR, and I do that when I want to destroy someone's ego and prove to him that he is a trash can, but I want my main class to be as competent as the others.

    Some people literally tell me to die when my pug TR and HR wipe them off the list. New players can't afford to switch to another class when they realize they've made a mistake and then end up leaving the game.

    Every good barbarian I know has either quit the game or logged in just to farm new gear, and when they get it, they log out until the next module. These are people who have all BiS items, people who can switch to any class but simply don't want to.

    In Module 14, there was no good or bad class; there was only a bad player. SoD was broken a few times on TR, but they fixed it. Everything else was skill-based, and if your DC/AC, DC/DO, and OP/Devo knew how to play the game, then no one could beat you no matter which class you played.

    You are telling us that we should all switch to TR or Bard, because those are the two most broken DPS classes in the game. It's not good for the game and that's why the few remaining players leave the game.

  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    finmakin said:

    finmakin said:

    greywynd said:

    PvP has been dead for years. They mostly took it off life support.

    Who are you trying to compete with? The idea for dungeons and trials is to work together. Does your epeen get bigger when you see your name at the top of the tables at the end?

    I think he has a very small epeen, probably a Gen_Z player
    Ah, this pug-bot again. Why are you here? 🤡

    This post is open to people who know something about the game. It's not for bots and members of the Craptics' Discord sect. If you don't have anything smart or related to mechanics to say, gt** from the post. People like you are a bigger threat to this game than Foss and all the nukes put together.

    I think about a week ago I saw you you in PE (noted your Handle down (NBeast#6167) after you accused me of being a Bot)..
    Told you that I am for sure not a Bot (as many other people can vow for that. even here on the forum)..
    You should stop with your endless complaints about everything and play the game..
    Please note that everything in this game is a Group effort and not a compete hype to give you a bigger Carrot..
    There are plenty of games around which suit your self-esteem.. SOY BOY

    Endless complaints? 🤡

    That's my alt. First, you have to prove that you are not a bot. When you see me in the game, DM me, and then I will switch to my HR to dog on you. Also, the person who defends the current state of the game and supports bound items can only be considered a subhuman NPC.

    Post edited by nbeast#6167 on
  • jana#2651 jana Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    I don't know about master games to much because I don't play them much, but I have been amazed more than once how a barbarian can do so well-if I was going to handpick a group I would want one of those 40,000 IL that just do damage. I think the bosses and monsters are enough competition to survive, I don't want to compete with other players-I would like to find some I can get really smooth with like the kind Aragon has. I play a lot of randoms and the difference the right group can make is amazing. I've got one character who is a tank I occasionaly work on trying to learn how to be a good tank-still working on it. A group with two wizards like my main character can make a dungeon so quick and easy.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    jana#2651 said:

    I don't know about master games to much because I don't play them much, but I have been amazed more than once how a barbarian can do so well-if I was going to handpick a group I would want one of those 40,000 IL that just do damage. I think the bosses and monsters are enough competition to survive, I don't want to compete with other players-I would like to find some I can get really smooth with like the kind Aragon has. I play a lot of randoms and the difference the right group can make is amazing. I've got one character who is a tank I occasionaly work on trying to learn how to be a good tank-still working on it. A group with two wizards like my main character can make a dungeon so quick and easy.

    That Aragon guy is a trashcan, and no one respects that pug. He didn't even exist when this game was at its best. He started playing after Thomas Foss destroyed the game. Nobody has respect for that pug. You can't be impressed by anything because there is no DPS on the barbarian. If you have time to hit the mob, then run with the trashcan group. 

    There are only three classes that are now meta:

    1. TR

    2. Bard

    3. HR.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    Don't worry about the meta and play whatever you want.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    greywynd said:

    Don't worry about the meta and play whatever you want.

    Players now:

    2018 mod 14 chart before the sucidal patch

    For the answer you gave, they should shut down the game immediately.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    Don't believe everything Steam tells you, either.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Don't worry about the meta and play whatever you want.

    This is solid advice, clearly nbeast came here to receive sage wisdom from yet another NW Capt Obvious. But being that he has grievances with gwf, and stating the obvious, he probably wants to play gwf. But wants it to be competitive in performance. Not a big ask imho.

    Then more useless comments edging in with cute semantical arguments "nobody is forcing you to play a specific class". Yes I'm sure nbeast ACTUALLY means he's being forced. Tries to log in and finds himself in a Dev headlock, no release until he picks a different class...

    Also gotta love the mentions for teamwork. Annnnd again, I'm sure nbeast is completely unaware that folks have to work together in much of this content...

    He may want to do what he feels is competitive damage on the dps class he prefers WITHOUT letting his team have to carry. If that is the case I would agree as I would take a class I don't prefer yet performs at a higher level rather than letting my team work harder. Clearly some of you here have no exception to being a burden as long as you are doing what you want.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,165 Arc User
    Oh, I'm so sorry that I didn't kiss his behind to make him feel better.

    You've been here long enough to know the ups and downs of the game and classes. Barb is currently on the down. Remember when they were near the top?

    Give up the passive aggression.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.
  • This content has been removed.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    pherrow said:

    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.

    Well, because of those two idiots who are unable to present an argument and Craptic's Discord sect, the game will remain garbage as it is. In a few years, if they keep it up like this, this game won't even exist. I'm not coming back until Barbie gets buffed. Paragons are HAMSTER. You can't build rage, and the new dungeon sucks for Barbie. I don't want to switch to TR, and I don't want to be outdpsed every time by broken dogcans. F this game and Craptic.

  • finmakinfinmakin Member Posts: 456 Arc User

    pherrow said:

    You don't have to kiss his azz. Point is, what you wrote is is useless junk to basically "hear" yourself talk. And what I wrote wasn't passive aggressive, I thought it was pretty direct.

    All the classes have had ups and downs, if we just left it at that, there would be at least 50% less to talk about thru the various forms of socials. I personally like it when the devs get slammed due to a bad take on class balancing. I doubt they notice on the forums these days or even have time to care considering all the bobbling heads fighting for position to kiss their azz's instead.

    Well, because of those two idiots who are unable to present an argument and Craptic's Discord sect, the game will remain garbage as it is. In a few years, if they keep it up like this, this game won't even exist. I'm not coming back until Barbie gets buffed. Paragons are HAMSTER. You can't build rage, and the new dungeon sucks for Barbie. I don't want to switch to TR, and I don't want to be outdpsed every time by broken dogcans. F this game and Craptic.

    Start playing PoE, its good for your carrot
    Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
This discussion has been closed.