Premium pass has an EpicCollar ? Really , can buy for 2-10 k ad in AH . Need to make Legendary n bta is fine but epic collars are worthless
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Have to agree. I've been sticking epic collars on my characters as I can due to being cheap and not really liking moving things from one character to another.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
FYI, the Demonic Sled is a common drop worth 1200AD, which makes it a poor choice for mount reward.
The Royal Sled would be a much better option here. It at least has a useful equip power for support classes.
Also curious if the Mount and Companion choice packs contain account versions of the choices or a single pick? Because that will make a lot of difference in how much I want to buy the premium track.
Wow pay zen for prizes you can buy for less than 1000 Astral diamonds.
Who on the team thought I know let's waste people's time and money and give them an epic collar? Did you not look and see what it sells for as ad value? We players can't give them away even new players refuse trades of epic collars. Then I see a demon sled as well. I would lay off the meds for a while because it obviously has warped whomevers brain. Why would any player want bag fillers like that absolute useless prizes. Think ill keep my cash this time around
To add, the Spike vanity pet is not new - it came from the 7th jubilee
Likewise, Suratuk's Blue Tarantula is not new, it comes from the Carapace Mount Pack in the Soulmonger Lockbox.
All in all, this is a poor choice of rewards, and it could have been avoided with some basic research. If you're intent on dipping into Jubilee 7, you can instead bring back the outfits from then, which people actually want and have been asking for for some time.
NB and if you're going to add the Dark Dealer, why not the Demonic Servant as well? Especially since it is widely known in game that the Dark Dealer is a crappy Xuna clone...
Well I just hope they tweak these rewards a bit b4 launch . Like I mentioned above , that epic collar is pure n utter junk , and to pay for it is even more absurd
I have to agree with what most others here said. An epic collar as a premium reward is a joke and should be replaced with something better, maybe a legendary collar or at least some greater shards of empowerement.
Also what's the deal with only 1 day extra time for buying the premium pass? In the past premium pass owners had 1 extra month to complete the pass and even with the current pass it's at least 1 week extra.
Let me summarize the feedback I've seen in this thread so far:
Epic Mount Collar isn't desirable due to low value on Auction House, and lowers the perception of the value of Premium Pass overall.
A low-value / easily-obtainable mount (Demon Sled) in the mount choice pack can look worse to some players than if it weren't included, regardless of other choices in the pack.
My original research for the news post missed that Spike was in the Year 7 Jubilee. (My bad, I thought I had a pretty good approach to this research, and it looks like there was a hole in my approach.)
Suratuk's Blue Spider is close to Suratuk's Blue Tarantula / Suratuk's Blue Poisonous-Looking Spider, and therefore it appears like there was a mistake in the naming in the news post.
One day extra time after the pass is insufficient.
Does this look correct?
Current response plan:
For the Epic Mount Collar and the Demon Sled: I'll review these suggestions and run some potential changes by folks. Since they're in the second campaign / milestone, we may have time to change it before it goes live, but because players may use this information to make decisions, we probably won't remove anything that some players may have used as a decision point for buying a Premium Pass (even if it's low-value).
As a result, if we change the Epic Mount Collar entry--which might not happen--we will likely either improve the current offered entry in a way that doesn't have drawbacks, or swap it to a choice pack instead. For the mount pack, I feel like there are enough desirable entries in there that the Demon Sled mount doesn't need to be removed, though I recognize that it might cause some buyer's remorse if chosen.
For the third and fourth bullet points: The text on the post has been updated. Thanks for the feedback!
Updated the entry for Spike to: Spike, the Barlgura - Originally earnable from Protector’s Jubilee year 7.
Updated the entry for Suratuk's Blue Spider to: Suratuk’s Blue Spider - Never before seen! Note that this is distinct from Suratuk’s Blue Tarantula, which also appears as “Suratuk’s Blue Poisonous Looking Spider” in some cases.
For the one day of extra time: That was a mistake in my part when writing this up. The actual duration is "until the next Battle Pass begins," which will be one week at minimum but possibly more.
Thanks to those who gave their feedback in a constructive manner!
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
"...we probably won't remove anything that some players may have used as a decision point for buying a Premium Pass (even if it's low-value)." -Terramak
Ahhh, one of the drawbacks to content creators putting out videos right when stuff gets announced.
@terramak hi. It should be changed to a legendary collar pack. No-one will be upset that an epic collar pack (which no-one will want, epic collars are a dime-a-dozen and everywhere already) would be changed to a leg one and that's not sufficient excuse for leaving it as it is (- that people may have already made decisions based on the current info offered). Also, you have epic collar packs dropping like candy from the loot table in lockboxes (believe me I know I open them daily) so it means there is bad overlap in rewards between the two and the battlepass is supposed to be a unique and special prestige event.
People are spending money for this, make it worth that money with something which is a little more desirable and hard to come by and makes players happy. The entire point of a battle pass is that it offers special things which make the players excited to participate in it, not mundane things they have available already for peanuts. You wanted constructive criticism, there it is.
Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
- the journal usually shows the right starting date of each section of the campaign - each campaign progress pop-up does not shows the correct ending date of the sub-campaign (shows the Battle Pass / Paid ending, with no explanation) - the running banner, and it's popup does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the Battle Pass/ Paid ending, with no explanation) - the calendar does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the Battle Pass / paid ending, with no explanation). - the last chance week (for battle pass purchases) is usually correct in the GUI, it's pop up and on the calendar.
TLDR: Free track dates, not premium dates should be shown. (Or both)
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
Incorrect dates continue to plague the advertising of the battle passes.
- the journal usually shows the right starting date of each section of the campaign - each campaign progress pop-up does not shows the correct ending date of the sub-campaign (shows the paid ending, with no explanation) - the running banner, and it's popup does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the paid ending, with no explanation) - the calendar does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the paid ending, with no explanation). - the last chance is usually correct in the GUI, it's pop up and on the calendar.
Intentionaly posting the incorrect (paid) date without a proper (*) and explanation is considered false adverting by most countries, and is obviously intentional to the detriment of your user.
What do you mean by showing the incorrect date? Your post is a bit confusing as you switch between the terms incorrect date and shows paid ending. The dates have always been clear to me. Starts on time, phase 1 ends when phase 2 starts, and so on, with Phase 3 given a bit more time and closing when last chance happens and that the lastest end date is corresponding to the absolute last day.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
For me, it's that the epic collars in the past have been fairly easy to acquire. I don't particularly care about the value of them in the AH. I have 12 different characters. The ones that I use the most have their own collars. The ones that I use less, I have a set I pass around. Until I get another one (or 5) to permanently place on a character.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
"...we probably won't remove anything that some players may have used as a decision point for buying a Premium Pass (even if it's low-value)."
But nobody's bought it yet? If anything, we're deciding not to buy it lol. Regarding the other inclusions in the mount choice pack from the battle pass, Barlgura is worth 222k, Hound of the Forge was annoying to farm but doable (and still available w/o pass), Spider will be another exclusive blue spider mount skin* (and there are plenty of better mount skins that could be re-released, Royal Armored Griffon for example), and the previously attacked Sled.
Regarding the companion choice pack, the selection of comps you've put together makes a lot more sense. All of those comps were at some point in the last 4 years Best-in-Slot (Dark Dealer as a Xuna clone), but have since been seen as fairily mediocre choices. There's some nostalgia there for people who couldn't afford them at the time, or for collections etc., but as far as usability goes they're not great.
I suppose the question is whether Gromph, 10 gambling opportunities, 10 shards of empowerment, and a vanity pet are worth 2500 zen, which is the real decision point for buying this premium pass.
Also, why request feedback if you're unable to action any of it? "Since they're in the second campaign / milestone, we may have time to change it before it goes live"
You could have saved yourself the angst and not asked, if your development process is such that you can't push changes in the pre-launch timeframe. I mean I'm all for giving feedback but it feels a bit pointless to have given any since it can't be actioned.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
Also, why request feedback if you're unable to action any of it? "Since they're in the second campaign / milestone, we may have time to change it before it goes live"
You could have saved yourself the angst and not asked, if your development process is such that you can't push changes in the pre-launch timeframe. I mean I'm all for giving feedback but it feels a bit pointless to have given any since it can't be actioned.
Feedback always means please give me your opinion. In the straight forward situation, It is up to me to decide which one if I want to accept it, do it, enhance it, ignore it, reject it, explain it, delay it, etc. In the not-so straight forward situation, "please test it and find bugs for me and I may or may not fix it".
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
when there are mount or companion choice packs can there be some sort of a trade in option? to get tokens or something other than mount and companion upgrade tokens. its like with this upcomming battle pass with the mount choice i feel im forced to only get the upgrade tokens since i already have all the offered mounts, and this is not the first pack thats been like this. there are 2 identical packs from the new heroes path adventure where i already have all the offered mounts and companions but whith these there is no lesser option of upgrade tokens. whats sad is there was a random mythic mount as a claim free item event and i managed to get one i already have that im now stuck with because it bound to account. could make it nicer if there was a way to trade these things in for things some one like me would like. epic mount collars should never be part of the paid reward track not because of the value on the auction house but because of how common of an item it is from lockboxs, with the 8 keys from the battle pass odds are were going to get an epic collar choice pack just from those 8 lockboxs. for future battle passes there needs to be chase items like specific companions, mounts, appearance items things that are new or that we cant obtained anymore. i would love to see the wings of bahamut be obtainable as a fashion item instead of a cloak that could only be claimed on one character on your account after being purchased from the zen market in a pack.
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
Clearly someone doesn't know Gromph's lore.
That's the "best case" scenario. As an end-game player, it was the only thing of interest in the battle pass. Hard pass on a barbarian named Gromph. I can't imagine what the author that created the name's sake would think of it. I don't expect much collaboration in the future if they hold his creations in such low regard.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
Clearly someone doesn't know Gromph's lore.
That's the "best case" scenario. As an end-game player, it was the only thing of interest in the battle pass. Hard pass on a barbarian named Gromph. I can't imagine what the author that created the name's sake would think of it. I don't expect much collaboration in the future if they hold his creations in such low regard.
Please, stop, think, and research before posting. The character's creator, RA Salvatore himself, wrote Gromph Baerne to have the axe! "After reciting a spell to allow him to become a fighter for a short time (probably a derivation of the spell known as Tenser's transformation), Gromph obtained a soul-stealing battle axe of duergar manufacture."
This isn't new or sudden, this has been a part of his equipment for almost TWO decades, since 2006!
Add a feral raptor - account or something that people might want. Might actually get a surge in zen sale at practically 0 cost to the company .
Unpopular opinion but fashion stuff/cosmetic stuff due to different tastes and some people not caring about it at all might not be that good. These passes by design are an unwinnable situation anyway since if good stuff is included people complain that they have to buy it to remain "BIS" but if they are aimed at new players they also complain that they are "HAMSTER" and an insult to them.
I maybe misunderstood, but it seems to me in no way did Terramak say no changes would be made, he said there is time before the next battle pass to implement some changes, but he didn't want to remove anything players might have started the whole campaign for like the demon sled. He did not say that nothing new would be added, just because of expectations already present things wouldnt be removed. One does not negate the other. I've made a good amt. of ad from selling the epic collar choice pack at the auction house so I don't get miffed when I see it. So many problems we have from not really listening.
The wizard Gromph Baenre carrying a battle axe? Is that a joke? If that ends up being the name of the companion described, you damage your D&D credibility.
Clearly someone doesn't know Gromph's lore.
That's the "best case" scenario. As an end-game player, it was the only thing of interest in the battle pass. Hard pass on a barbarian named Gromph. I can't imagine what the author that created the name's sake would think of it. I don't expect much collaboration in the future if they hold his creations in such low regard.
Please, stop, think, and research before posting. The character's creator, RA Salvatore himself, wrote Gromph Baerne to have the axe! "After reciting a spell to allow him to become a fighter for a short time (probably a derivation of the spell known as Tenser's transformation), Gromph obtained a soul-stealing battle axe of duergar manufacture."
This isn't new or sudden, this has been a part of his equipment for almost TWO decades, since 2006!
No, he didn't write the axe (perhaps take some of your own advice.) He was the editor, not an author on this project (War of the Spider Queen - six book series with a different author for each book.) I do stand corrected though - I had never heard of the series. It would have been nice of Cryptic to let us know they were moving on to other inspiration while staying in his playground - the axe has not appeared there, so "part of his equipment" is a huge stretch, if not flat wrong. They should at least make some reference to Tenser's Transformation in the tool-tip...
Need to change that epic collar price at zen store.. new players dont know that worth max 20k ad atm and then buy it for 800 zen lol
It's a common disjoint between the zen market "value" and the AH current costs. The game got flooded with epic collars driving the secondary market down. The zen market price points rarely (if ever) change.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Also curious if the Mount and Companion choice packs contain account versions of the choices or a single pick?
Because that will make a lot of difference in how much I want to buy the premium track.
Who on the team thought I know let's waste people's time and money and give them an epic collar? Did you not look and see what it sells for as ad value?
We players can't give them away even new players refuse trades of epic collars. Then I see a demon sled as well.
I would lay off the meds for a while because it obviously has warped whomevers brain. Why would any player want bag fillers like that absolute useless prizes.
Think ill keep my cash this time around
Likewise, Suratuk's Blue Tarantula is not new, it comes from the Carapace Mount Pack in the Soulmonger Lockbox.
All in all, this is a poor choice of rewards, and it could have been avoided with some basic research. If you're intent on dipping into Jubilee 7, you can instead bring back the outfits from then, which people actually want and have been asking for for some time.
NB and if you're going to add the Dark Dealer, why not the Demonic Servant as well? Especially since it is widely known in game that the Dark Dealer is a crappy Xuna clone...
Also what's the deal with only 1 day extra time for buying the premium pass? In the past premium pass owners had 1 extra month to complete the pass and even with the current pass it's at least 1 week extra.
Let me summarize the feedback I've seen in this thread so far:
- Epic Mount Collar isn't desirable due to low value on Auction House, and lowers the perception of the value of Premium Pass overall.
- A low-value / easily-obtainable mount (Demon Sled) in the mount choice pack can look worse to some players than if it weren't included, regardless of other choices in the pack.
- My original research for the news post missed that Spike was in the Year 7 Jubilee. (My bad, I thought I had a pretty good approach to this research, and it looks like there was a hole in my approach.)
- Suratuk's Blue Spider is close to Suratuk's Blue Tarantula / Suratuk's Blue Poisonous-Looking Spider, and therefore it appears like there was a mistake in the naming in the news post.
- One day extra time after the pass is insufficient.
Does this look correct?Current response plan:
For the Epic Mount Collar and the Demon Sled:
I'll review these suggestions and run some potential changes by folks. Since they're in the second campaign / milestone, we may have time to change it before it goes live, but because players may use this information to make decisions, we probably won't remove anything that some players may have used as a decision point for buying a Premium Pass (even if it's low-value).
As a result, if we change the Epic Mount Collar entry--which might not happen--we will likely either improve the current offered entry in a way that doesn't have drawbacks, or swap it to a choice pack instead. For the mount pack, I feel like there are enough desirable entries in there that the Demon Sled mount doesn't need to be removed, though I recognize that it might cause some buyer's remorse if chosen.
For the third and fourth bullet points:
The text on the post has been updated. Thanks for the feedback!
- Updated the entry for Spike to: Spike, the Barlgura - Originally earnable from Protector’s Jubilee year 7.
- Updated the entry for Suratuk's Blue Spider to: Suratuk’s Blue Spider - Never before seen! Note that this is distinct from Suratuk’s Blue Tarantula, which also appears as “Suratuk’s Blue Poisonous Looking Spider” in some cases.
For the one day of extra time:That was a mistake in my part when writing this up. The actual duration is "until the next Battle Pass begins," which will be one week at minimum but possibly more.
Thanks to those who gave their feedback in a constructive manner!
Ahhh, one of the drawbacks to content creators putting out videos right when stuff gets announced.
People are spending money for this, make it worth that money with something which is a little more desirable and hard to come by and makes players happy. The entire point of a battle pass is that it offers special things which make the players excited to participate in it, not mundane things they have available already for peanuts. You wanted constructive criticism, there it is.
To clarify: Most places showing the date if you buy the premium track. Where as these
are the correct dates.
- the journal usually shows the right starting date of each section of the campaign
- each campaign progress pop-up does not shows the correct ending date of the sub-campaign (shows the Battle Pass / Paid ending, with no explanation)
- the running banner, and it's popup does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the Battle Pass/ Paid ending, with no explanation)
- the calendar does not shows the correct ending date of the campaign (shows the Battle Pass / paid ending, with no explanation).
- the last chance week (for battle pass purchases) is usually correct in the GUI, it's pop up and on the calendar.
TLDR: Free track dates, not premium dates should be shown. (Or both)
For me, it's that the epic collars in the past have been fairly easy to acquire. I don't particularly care about the value of them in the AH. I have 12 different characters. The ones that I use the most have their own collars. The ones that I use less, I have a set I pass around. Until I get another one (or 5) to permanently place on a character.
Just saying.
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But nobody's bought it yet? If anything, we're deciding not to buy it lol. Regarding the other inclusions in the mount choice pack from the battle pass, Barlgura is worth 222k, Hound of the Forge was annoying to farm but doable (and still available w/o pass), Spider will be another exclusive blue spider mount skin* (and there are plenty of better mount skins that could be re-released, Royal Armored Griffon for example), and the previously attacked Sled.
Regarding the companion choice pack, the selection of comps you've put together makes a lot more sense. All of those comps were at some point in the last 4 years Best-in-Slot (Dark Dealer as a Xuna clone), but have since been seen as fairily mediocre choices. There's some nostalgia there for people who couldn't afford them at the time, or for collections etc., but as far as usability goes they're not great.
I suppose the question is whether Gromph, 10 gambling opportunities, 10 shards of empowerment, and a vanity pet are worth 2500 zen, which is the real decision point for buying this premium pass.
You could have saved yourself the angst and not asked, if your development process is such that you can't push changes in the pre-launch timeframe. I mean I'm all for giving feedback but it feels a bit pointless to have given any since it can't be actioned.
In the straight forward situation, It is up to me to decide which one if I want to accept it, do it, enhance it, ignore it, reject it, explain it, delay it, etc.
In the not-so straight forward situation, "please test it and find bugs for me and I may or may not fix it".
epic mount collars should never be part of the paid reward track not because of the value on the auction house but because of how common of an item it is from lockboxs, with the 8 keys from the battle pass odds are were going to get an epic collar choice pack just from those 8 lockboxs.
for future battle passes there needs to be chase items like specific companions, mounts, appearance items things that are new or that we cant obtained anymore. i would love to see the wings of bahamut be obtainable as a fashion item instead of a cloak that could only be claimed on one character on your account after being purchased from the zen market in a pack.
This isn't new or sudden, this has been a part of his equipment for almost TWO decades, since 2006!
Unpopular opinion but fashion stuff/cosmetic stuff due to different tastes and some people not caring about it at all might not be that good. These passes by design are an unwinnable situation anyway since if good stuff is included people complain that they have to buy it to remain "BIS" but if they are aimed at new players they also complain that they are "HAMSTER" and an insult to them.