Tonight I had some rogue jump into my fight, pop a daily, and steal my kills for perhaps the hundredth time since I started playing. As a guild leader it got me thinking about an appropriate policy toward players who are toxic in this manner. My policy is the first time you get a warning, and the next time you're terminated. I'd like to hear from other guild leaders about what you all think, though. How do you handle players who do this to other players? More broadly, how do you deal with toxic players?
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My Foundry playthrough channel: 2
Since I posted this, twice more people rushed in to try to steal kill credit from fights that I had only just started. It's very easy to lose kill credit to such a person when you're playing a healer. I decided to switch alts and just do some influence runs. I'm so mad that if someone even looks at me cross-eyed I'll bite his head off.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
It's an MMO, people are doing the same things you're doing......just quicker in this case it seems.
Have you tried talking to them about it?
Of course, that assumes you find out who the guild leader is and this guild leader is actually still active.
By the way, Cleric has a DPS setting. My cleric cleans up mobs faster than few other classes.
If you are talking about your own guild, why not just talk to your guild leader directly?
I'll spell out the scenario from last night that really got my blood boiling. I'm running 17 alts through Sharandar and this *exact* scenario has happened at least four times in the past two weeks.
- You engage a group of enemies that you need for your quest and you've got opening hits on a couple of them.
- A rogue runs up on his mount, pops a daily, one-shots *everything*, jumps on his mount, and rides off.
- You get zero kill credit, even for the enemies you managed to hit.
Now when you need six or even eight of an enemy and the little **** just one-shot three of them, do you think that pisses me off? You'd better believe it does. This happens *repeatedly*. I'm having to pop dailies as opening shots not because I remotely need them to kill enemies, but *solely* to make sure that other players can't sneak up and prevent me from getting kill credit.
As for my guild, I'm the guild leader. If I find out that a rogue in my guild is consistently doing this to other players, the selfish little **** is *gone*. Everyone gets a warning at first because mistakes do happen, but when it becomes a pattern, I'm calling it as a toxic, callous player. There's no place for someone like that in my guild. My primary concern as guild leader is how members treat other people, regardless of whether or not they're in the guild or in the alliance. ALL other concerns are secondary.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Now as far I know, guild internal issues are their own internal matters to solve them.
You are guild lead, so you decide what kind internal policies you have.
What's tolerateed, what is encournaged or demanded and what is forbiden. Guild is your, and you run as how you like.
Either you want friendly guild or toxic ones. As example in eve online where one guild: Goonswarm Federation, which moto where: We did not come to ruin game, we come to ruin your game...
Toxicity where not only allowed, it was encouraged.
The lead decide, so you have to choose.
Now I assume this player(rogue) who keep stealing kills, if he is part of your guild, perhaps he wanted to assit you? Help to kill, or etc. For next time offer to make party before killing. Same thing explain to all guild members.
If this player is not part of your guild, well. Welcome to mmo, some players are toxic and love it. As I wrote above about Goonswarm Federation. Some just like to ruin someone's game.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
First of all, it's clearly bad game design in the first place. This is a MMO and if the game is designed so that multiple people can't get credit at the same time, it should be changed. I recall that being an issue in some module, where something was clearly designed to need multiple people, yet only the kill hit got credit or chance at drops or whatever it was. There Cryptic actually changed it so just having hit the mob was enough. Players should never be penalized for helping other players out.
But if I got just a single complaint about one of my members doing kill "stealing" I would probably ignore it, especially if outside of my alliance.
But if I got several complaints from multiple people I would look into it and have a chat with my member about it. Might be they were not even aware of it being a problem and so I would just inform them to think more about it.
If they were doing it on purpose as in being actually toxic, I would suspect their attitude would shine through in chat, giving me reason to kick them out.
I have had complaints before where I thought it was a minor thing, but after a chat with the member where I was then verbally abused and insulted, it became very clear this was a toxic player, so was immediately booted out. Then entire alliance was informed never to invite this player again.
As with most things involving human beings, it's not always easy to figure out.
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
Some players are more friendly, some as I wrote before are more toxic, some selfish and unaware that are other players.
You can pm him and offer to hunt together.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
In the past they have addressed this by writing the quests a bit differently so that multiple people could get credit for the same mob or that the respawn rate was improved. But it isn't consistent. Barovia has issues with this problem (re: Curious Barovians for Shadow of Strahd weekly), Chult has this issue, but is much better with the Batiri Quest from Rygolt (ie: if you stand next to the scout who was released, you will get credit). WoD was a mixed bag--Fetch was stupid (for multiple reasons) and you didn't get credit if someone got there first, but you could get credit for the black dragon mobs for the Interception quest (sometimes).
That doesn't fix the current issue that the OP is stating, but it does mean that they can address rude behavior like this by changing the way the quest is rewarded.
Imho, kicking someone out of a guild won't fix bad behavior. I think it is great that a guild would set behavior expectations, but a toxic player will just find another guild.
New Sharandar was a peak of forced PvP in Neverwinter. It is not a bad design, it is a malicious design. They knew everyone ends up annoyed and angry - but it keeps the players occupied for a significantly longer period of time, so it is a win anyway.
That area was designed to make you fed up with other players and here you are = mission accomplished. There is a happy, overjoyed dev somewhere out there.
Hard to call folks out because they don’t care and their leaders may not either.
In ANY game dispute, I asked for screenshots or vids. That way with proof it prevents the he said she said.
Unfortunately the game has its healthy share of jerks and now with instances reduced, you can’t get away from them.
But never did I call a buddy with a killer dps, to follow such a jerk all over the instance kill stealing till he got the message.
Because that would be wrong.
> Multiple players can get chains from the same manes.
I can tell you on console I made 11 Nightspie lures without buying parts and not once during farming did two chains ever drop.
In fact we put striker companions away so they wouldn’t get the kill to not lose a chain.
You want to run around as a solo healer or tank? That's your choice.
But not every class has that. And as someone that plays a paladin main I feel it every time I play. In the open world as I am trying to beat down a big enemy (with any actual threat to my character being very rare) someone comes up and *poof*! Their HP bar disappears.
If it is enough to deny me credit it is very irritating.
Not world-shattering, but irritating. Yeah, I can go find another group, but you know who else could have found another group? The person that jumped into mine and made me their unwilling tank.
But to the original question? I am not in a guild, but how do you even prove this? Do you expect people to screenshot such an event, track down the guild leader (and they may have to have a screenshot to read the offender's name/guild name depending upon how quickly this happens), and then get your e-mail address to send you the evidence?
Because why should I believe a stranger if they accuse one of my guildies of doing this (and why might the accuser even think that the guild would care enough about it to go through all of those steps to begin with)? They would have to have evidence, and it doesn't seem that anyone would go through the trouble of collecting that and bringing their case to a guild leader because they wouldn't expect results.
If you see any guildies being jerks, and you can lay that out in some guild rules posted somewhere, then punish them as you see fit, but I wouldn't expect strangers to be reporting people or believe that all such people making these reports were being completely honest about things.
For example because there is Neverwinter Recruitment event I decided to recycle some of my alts, and do the leveling adventure. Do you remember the quest on Whispering Cavern that you need to kill some Drow Warrior, Priest and some Druegar? As far I know there are only 3 spawn spot dor the Warrior and Priest, so someone that probably got a same quest with me kill a pack, and because of that I just go to the other pack, and suddenly that person PM me and said that I am KS his mobs. Well i just block that dude, as simple as that, go on killing another packs.
I think this example is another form of what this thread about, you got a quest to kill certain mob, somoene else is ahead of you and you need to wait again, and thats it. That is not KS.
KS is about you already hit the mobs and need the last hit, but someone take the last hit from you and you got nothing after all the effort you do to the mobs, all gone with the winds, and the troll got this wicked LoL on their face. But this game doesnt count the quest completion like that, as long you participate, you can get the credit.
Ok, there are some cases like Sharandar Bounties that got 5 minutes spawn timer and it not always the Bounties that spawn. My suggestion is just try to communicate to the ppl that camping on the spot.
Something you do not own cannot be stolen from you. You think you can own mobs because of [fill in here your reason]? No. You don't. There is no discussion. And yet, some players keep accusing other players of stealing something some players have never owned in the first place. The audacity and stupidity in this behavior is remarkable.
If somebody wants to sh*t on you because he feels entitled to something he does not own, fell free to tell him to FO, as you are not the villain here
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I agree with you about crow. Apparently there's no one else on the server but him, and if someone else has already engaged enemies, apparently he thinks nothing of jumping in and stealing kill credit -- because we didn't write the Neverwinter code or buy the server hardware, or something equally absurd.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Something isn't bad just because you think it is.
The topic of this thread should actually be:
"I am entitled to judge people because they don't play by the rules I've made up"
or even simpler:
"A Karen's complaint"
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