I mean I'm not saying take away the current quest path, if that leads somewhere else... ...especially if the most recent taken requires going to another area!
Yet I just find it's silly seeing a lot of quests for Sharandar, or other area's if your in Vallenhaus. I mean it's up to the player to set the
Golden Trail or having it updated by a NPC--not suggesting that change at all.
It be nice to finally not always have to X out missions, just cause your simply in other adventure zones, or Maps? So it showed only those in the
current area only, the
exception be the latest QUEST picked up, or the "Golden" Trail.
If you talk about silly, I have a dead event quest be displayed in one of my character and he is not even in the map of that dead quest supposed to be.
Maybe they will consider this?
Hit J for Journal, then select the quest you want to appear at the TOP of your list, You can also minimize (-) those for area's where your not focusing on so they are collapsed. Though the Golden Trail will always be listed in Missions, that makes sense. Just wished it show a Priority to show those for the current area first, as it only displays 3-5 typically.
If I'm in Vallenhas, just don't want to see those for Sharandar; unless they are the Golden path.
Still it's annoying always seeing Missions for other area's where your NOT, I'm fine seeing the Golden Trail still shown; as that usually is the last one you picked up. It's also easy to manually update yourself, just clicking where the PATH is shown in J for Journal on the first (tab) as shown.
Though you can change it just by clicking the quest path for the Mission you want.
1. Quest Tracker (the list of quests you see on the right side)
2. Quest Path (the path for a specific one quest, which is not necessary from Quest Tracker list)
I've made some QoL suggestions here about them:
but nobody seemed to care about it. This thread is very related to it, so there is still hope.
NPC's also update the most recent picked up mission, or as you complete it chooses another from the area.
Will they consider a slight revision to update it slightly? I really don't know they will, yet it would be nice if they at least considered a few of these ideas!