Thread has been closed. We will try to answer as many of these as possible during the stream.
Tune in on Tuesday, March 8, at 11;15am PT for a Q&A stream with Neverwinter Executive Producer Brett Norton! We will be taking both live questions from the community during the stream and ones posted on this thread.
1. In the near future, will there be a hunt system similar to the one we had in Barovia? Out of all of them (Chult, Barovia, Avernus) this one is probably the best. Ability to adjust difficulty, adding extra challanges along the way and thus increasing potential rewards was great.
2. If not for the hunts themselves, could we get something like Barovia hunt system for regular queues? Recent Reaper's Challange is good example, but all of those queues have already set conditions for extra difficulties.
3. Do you have a clear vision for profession and masterwork systems? As of now there is really a small amount of things that can be done with them, not to mention we still did not get the Sharandar recipes we were supposed to get... when was it... last summer? The exchange for old masterwork materials wasn't that great either.
4. Do you plan to change the RNG for places like (Hardcore) Vault of Stars or lockboxes to be similar to the way Knox's Box handled it with guaranteed drops of items?
5. What of Strongholds? I know that question appear a lot and was partially answered, but can we expect something to be done with them in the near future?
6. PvP. As of now, it's pretty dead for the most part (I don't play it myself, no reason to). There was some changes done when Chicken PvP was active and that was nice try. In my opinion, adding extra modes like racing (simril map already has some of it), 3v3, maybe even something like summer festival water splash pvp would bring some more people to try it again.
7. Campaign and Adventures separation. In current mod 22, Scaleblight Summit is technically part of the campaign, but it was separated to be more story focused I guess. Will we see similar approach with the next modules and advantures?
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
Why bug fixes have so low priority?
A great product can be buried with all the bugs, we get more bugs at every patch than bugfixes so in the long time nothing works.
I agree with question 3 from @erevel09 post. When is Sharandar Masterwork coming? Will the prices be lowered since it's not BIS anymore? I know a lot of people in my alliance haven't done the material switch since A. It currently is not helpful and B. the masterwork itself isn't even out yet. Is it possible to switch to the voucher system like last time? Do we have a clear vision for future master work? When will professionals get the necessary overhaul it needs because of the level squish?
Do any of the devs play the game? If they do are they aware of how many players are upset over not releasing content that was set to be released i.e the new master work items, mythic rings, new gear? Do the devs realize that the best equipment is from mods that are years old? Thereis no point in advancing through new content if there is no equipment rewards that are worth the time. Also If any devs do play the game what are their thoughts on the rng in game? In vos for regents, legendary ring drops in vos, artifact drops in demo and the lack of actually fixing broken gear.
What are the plans for PvP? It's been around a year since seasons were removed with no replacement. Even leaderboard, as much as I dislike it, was removed for no reason. PvP is an evergreen, low maintenance content, it's surprising it remains ignored.
Can racial bonuses be applied to any playable race, similar to how mount bonuses are applied to any chosen mount?
I would like to customize my character to look and feel how I want, and perhaps purchase some of these nice appearance microtransactions, but when I’m stuck with Gith and Dragonborn as premium races, takes the immersion away for me.
Hi, first of all please fix all bugs in game, please. THAT SHOULD BE THE 1ST PRIORITY.
2ND please dont narf the players every-time new mod came out
3rd why ??? why..every time I try to refine the enactments it shows the chance of should be 10% or 30% chance..then may be we will encourage to refine.
4th why barb class dont have any AOE power?? is there all enimy ST? They dont have any AOE OR DOT.?? Every class should have some AOE power..look into that matter..
5 th I dont know u people listen or not but its really very hart when u see ur favorite game dying.I know u guys try to get new player base,but if all the old player gone then its really very hard to get new players...THATS HAPPEN IN 1 playing this
6th -- U r doing live strem????did u ever play the game??? the new trail???or any hard dungeon???? If I present in ur stream did u giveaway something??? if no then why?????why Should I west my time...??
7th...stop R n G----every1 want to play the game..not a 2nd job--so its for fun and enjoyments make it like that..plz
8 th I M HERE FROM MOD 3--But almost all of m friends already left..but If this going on then may be in near future this game will became another Skyforge.
10..MAKE THe game more rewording..plz....we like to play..not to work.. thanks
Any plan to divorce earning RAD from random queues to avoid many of the issues that the new Demogorgon exposed?
Months after Mod22 and the game is still handing out obsolete enchants. Why was mod22 pushed out with this functionality? Why is that functionality still in the game? And is there any plan to address it? Some quests now have an empty chest as a "reward" that, pre-mod22, contained a (you guessed it) enchant. Is there a plan to address that?
Need something useful to spend guild marks on. Except for overloads, most everything else that can be purchased with marks is relatively useless.
1.) is there any plans to fix the paladin abilities. There should be no reason a small heal removes bigger shields on a character? 2.) will you ever fix the fact that if you are blocking and die you can’t scroll? Or others bugs such as the friends list that does not work right.
3.) this is about content. Is there any intention to release other content faster or make it more in-depth. You just released mod 22 and most people have already gotten everything out of it. The only thing left for most is the Trial which a lot of people cannot due. I also find content lacking from a story point of view. There is so much more you can do with Ravenloft and other settings. It feels like you are just rehashing old content and lacking in new?
4.) when do you plan to do another dungeon and are there plans to go more in-depth with them. Actual puzzle traps or different ways through depending on your parties classes and abilities.
5.) last but not least when do you plan to release the second wave of unbindable items?
Don’t get disappointed I due love your game but as a 30 plus year gamer, I find it could be so much better.
Player Housing. People have been asking for it for years. Devs have expressed interest in it. But we still don't have it.
Pros: 1) Cryptic earns income through micro-transactions (exclusive zen store housing locations, decoration sets etc.) 2) Players can earn AD by selling masterwork crafted furniture and decorations. 3) Gives players something to do and work on in between mods that isn't grinding the newest dungeon/trial. (Because the rng is awful and we all hate it but I've already made enough posts about that)
Cons: 1) It doesn't exist in this game
It's a missed opportunity and doesn't need to be. Increase your bottom line and make players happy at the same time. Everyone wins.
So my question is, when are we getting player housing?
Why are Paladin healers allowed to be about 1/2 as effective as clerics and warlocks of equal gear and skill in terms of sheer ability to keep their party or raid alive?
Don't say "they are just as good"; they aren't and the entire playerbase is aware.
Are there plans to bring the Oathkeeper Paladin back in line with her counterparts?
I hope we can really focus on the big picture with this stream. We are coming off a great mod (on PC) and what is next for Neverwinter?
1. Will there be more changes to get N.W. inline with 5e? 2. What new systems need to be in place for the next mod? i.e combat changes, UI/UE changes, ect... 3. There are rumors of new hunts? Yes, No, MAYBE?!?! #TeamBaroviaHunts 4. What kind of stronghold/guild updates can we hope to see in the next year or two? 5. Directly to Brett, What vision did you have for N.W when you joined that team? How do you plan to incorporate your past experience into where the game is going?
These are just my personal questions!
A. Can we have dragon mount! B. Game needs more bars! C. Question B but louder! I need new ghoulish concoction dang it! D. When I play my fighter tank, can I have some "more revealing" clothing options? Tanks can be sexy too! E. Will there ever be player housing???? I mean really, our guild hall is cramped! F. What class do you play? and why isnt it Fighter????
Many of the questions today will likely be based around the outlook for the future on all aspects of the game and probably too much to cover and many specifics passed over, so,
1. How would you and what is there to, reassure your existing player base when taking into consderation commonly stated concerns with the game, when looking ahead? (for specifics, neglected systems).
2. Considering the age of the game and in light of recent and forthcoming "competitors" what plans, if any, are there to keep the game fresh and competitive?
3. When will we get dragon mounts? Elminster got one and keeps flaunting it.
1. Are you going to address the Hellbringer Warlock's inability to perform quick burst damage in AOE scenarios? I play with many end game players, and most play TR's, CW's, HR's. During AOE they all outperform the SW except in rare circumstances, and the TR's do the best.
SW's can cause quite a bit of damage, but the Band of Air simply doesn't proc as frequently due to the sheer number of hits the other classes perform during AOE scenarios. Seeing someone surge twenty million or more ahead in the AOE after being nearly tied is simply wrong, and this is because they hit much more frequently (my understanding anyways).
I'd like to make my SW more competitive, but I don't see a path forward in current state. I really don't want to invest in playing another class as it costs a lot of money to do this, and I love my SW.
When are you going to show the SW some love and make some adjustments?
2. As for powers, the SW has many that are almost NEVER used. Do you track any metrics to see why? If you did keep metrics, I bet you'd see a lot of people using Tyrannical Threat and Soul Syphon the majority of the time. Are you going to address the damage output of the other powers anytime soon? Personally, I'd like to use them, but currently it's a waste due to the low damage outputs.
I've never seen the game in such bad shape. I don't think you, the devs and staff have any idea just how bad things are right now. Some people are telling me Mod 6 was worse but I do feel the fallout of Mod 22 was worse than Mod 16. . My Questions: Why didn't you put enchantments up in the trade bar store? Why didn't you give us a better exchange rate for our enchantments? Mid game players are suffering the most (I'm end game). What are you doing to do for them? Why does it take you 1-2 years to fix important things like drop rates and dungeons? By the time you fix them, the content is old and people have moved on. . Mod 22 brought us a beautiful and wonderful huge new map and I love it! I'm very cross and disappointed with the enchantment exchange. Those of use who had R15s should have been able to trade them for R5s. Those who had R8-9 should have been able to trade for R3s. Those in between should have been able to trade for R4s. This is a disaster. Only your top 1% of players who have more AD than they know what to do with were able to fully recover from these changes. . You could have made a ton of actual real money had you put enchantments (R4s+) in the trade bar store like they used to be. People would have been willing to charge zen for this, not just use the exchange. Astral Lockboxes should have been released before the trade bar sale, not after, also encouraging people to charge zen to make AD, thus pushing the exchange to actually move! Who is in charge of your marketing?... because they are doing a horrendous job. . When you make major changes to the game you need to 100% make sure you're prepared. Putting stuff in the zen store that would help people would make you money. Putting things in the trade bar store and wondrous bazaar would also make you money. It honestly blows my mind how things are right now. . I've watched people struggle forming RTQs and RCs, it's bad. When one of your staff does live stream she refuses to answer important questions and only answers the irrelevant ones. "I have aggro in PE because I'm a warlock".... wrong! You have aggro in PE because of the chicken event. Read the darn chat screaming answers at you for crying out loud! Also please fix that... the chickens cause aggro for all characters, not exclusively the warlock class *face palms*. . I feel the only silver lining (and it's a good one) is being able to trade mythic enchantments in to reclaim them for all characters on the account. That's the only positive change in mod 22. . Drop rates and fairness: Trials should be released so that all players can attempt, not just your 1% that doesn't bring you in any money at all. They don't charge zen, they use the exchange, think on that. Hard versions should be released once everyone has gotten the chance to try and learn. You don't just throw a swimming student into the deep end, they'd drown! You teach them the basics then up the challenge. That's just basic life learning. I've seen many players (who spend money by the way) quit because of this backwards system. The 1% will argue "but we've worked hard and deserve it" but they most of the time most of them complain about having too much AD. Why not help out the rest of your player base for once? . Band of Air, you can't complete the new trial without it, the dps check is just too ridiculous and it's extremely sad to me that without that ring, many groups don't' stand a chance. OK, I can accept that you need the ring but... 700 Hard Core Vault of Stars runs and still no regents to make the darn thing, are you serious? Not me personally but I've been talking to a lot of people and this is the sad reality for some players. Fix it, and fix it now! It's not fair and it's not right! Increase the drop rates on the 2nd and 3d mini bosses in there. Players spend hours just trying to get there and deserve those regents if they make it that far. 700 runs without that regent is unheard of! 10 runs tops and 100% drop rate is more than fair. 10 runs means possibly 10 hours. Think about this for a moment... it's hard enough forming a HC VoS run let alone finish one. If people get to those mini bosses, they deserve better than 700+ runs without those bosses dropping the regent needed for the Band of Air. Fix it! Slow that darn warlock down also in VoS that casts darkness. It shouldn't be a line of sight casting, it should be combat engaged casting, fix it. Groups are split up via mechanics, slow down the quickling spawn or don't spawn them at all until the 3rd mini boss has been engaged. Giving players who get disoriented the chance to get out of there. If the group is split up and the dps are alone there, it's very often game over, restart, after 30-40 minutes to get there for 0 reward. Fix it. I know the dungeon like the back of my hand now and am not speaking for me, I'm speaking for those who are struggling, those who love this game and have endured so much. . I hope for once the devs/staff read this and actually do what needs to be done to fix things. I hope all reading this thread will thumb this up, heart, whatever, like, agree, and speak up because the devs and staff I feel have once again stopped caring and have stopped listening. I don't know what happened to Chris but I liked him a lot. He'd answer relevant questions not stupid ones like "how do you pronounce football". Come on, really? Sure having fun during a stream is important but stop giving attention to the stupid questions and start paying attention to the ones that matter. Start being honest again like Chris was, don't bull us and divert us. Fix the game, put good things in the zen store and trade bar store and you'll see a return of your players. If players feel things are possible, even with money and working hard in game, they will play. Also, fashion and dye packs, and appearance change items that are rare: Put that stuff in the zen store and you'll see a nice profit. "Fashion is the true endgame" is a statement that many of us make in game and though it may sound silly, we're not kidding... players would spend lots of money if you put rare stuff up in the zen store. It wouldn't feel like a "pay to win" game if you did that, which is what the game has ultimately become. Players will spend money because they are happy, not because they are desperate. Think on that too! Players who feel desperate will stop playing. Players who are happy will willingly charge more real money to help support you because you are listening to us! Seriously...
Simply put... Rewards no longer justify playing. The new trial is a joke... yes, it is actually fun to most of my alliance but, we only run it due to lack of anything else. The weapons are a joke, companion gear that is only Off/Def is a joke, and to mention ONCE AGAIN... the bugs in this game. I have money I could put into this game, but why? Honestly, tell me what worth buying? VIP? Sure, other then that most of the Zen store is loaded with junk. JMO.
One huge suggestion that you need to follow (Devs):
You need to hire someone full-time to play the game through early/mid/endgame for all of your classes and races and engage with the playerbase.
This way, you have someone on your staff whom you pay to guide your decision-making, to inform you what problems are actually plaguing the player-base, and what solutions you could employ which would retain/gain players, and make your company/team money.
You took Demo out of RTQ and public queues. Tell us what you are doing to this.
To go along with that thought generally, why is communication from the developers so poor and infrequent? Make a mistake? Admit it and discuss what you did (perhaps why) and how you will address it generally. Start acknowledging bugs that you KNOW of and identify the ones you PLAN to address.
Personally I'm still waiting for someone to fix the problem that I have with my Legendary Hunting Hawk - Account that cannot be claimed on any other character except the one that bought it. The last comment from support was "escalate". The forums suggest I am not alone.
Still waiting to hear what the plan is for Masterworks. Why is this still an outstanding (yeah, that was the wrong word) pending "upgrade"? Why is there no communication about it from the developers. Where is that roadmap others keep mentioning?
Buff Paladin healers. This game has a huge shortage of healers as a result of the Mod 22 changes (no more healer weapon enchants/new mythic combat enchant has 5000IL but no combined ratings,so -5% to all stats or -5000IL.) And currently only DC's up to task for competitive solo healing of ANY endgame content (RC/HCVoS.) As someone who plays Paladin it's harder to get a decent heal to clear the daily RC now, usually 5-10+ min of waiting even as a buffed up 70k end game tank and usually I have to settle for a mediocre one. And when I try healing I have found it's esp hard to keep people healed now I am -5000IL when compared to others who might be 73-78k. (higher IL dps = lower def stats/incoming healing.) OP healer were already very underpowered compared to other classes and with the new Mod 22 nerf to healer in general (bloated IL = MUCH lower incoming healing stat for everyone, and it's important because it's multiplicative) it's now unplayable in 5 man end game dungeons. You need to buff OP (and healers in general) to get more healers back playing this game.
Try getting a 70k healer with good build for RC without being just after the daily reset and see how hard it is. You need to get people back by buffing healers as most healers aren't good for RC now and they know it -> healers don't join groups -> other people can't find healer -> harder to get groups -> less people playing the game.
Well, during the last Q&A Stream it was said that players that have purchased the 30k IL Character Boost before Mod. 22 would get a set of new Rank 1 enchantments as compensation through the CS - Customer Support told me that's not going to happen.
So, now what? Waiting for over a month now on some official reply on this issue, any takers?
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
1. In the near future, will there be a hunt system similar to the one we had in Barovia? Out of all of them (Chult, Barovia, Avernus) this one is probably the best. Ability to adjust difficulty, adding extra challanges along the way and thus increasing potential rewards was great.
2. If not for the hunts themselves, could we get something like Barovia hunt system for regular queues? Recent Reaper's Challange is good example, but all of those queues have already set conditions for extra difficulties.
3. Do you have a clear vision for profession and masterwork systems? As of now there is really a small amount of things that can be done with them, not to mention we still did not get the Sharandar recipes we were supposed to get... when was it... last summer? The exchange for old masterwork materials wasn't that great either.
4. Do you plan to change the RNG for places like (Hardcore) Vault of Stars or lockboxes to be similar to the way Knox's Box handled it with guaranteed drops of items?
5. What of Strongholds? I know that question appear a lot and was partially answered, but can we expect something to be done with them in the near future?
6. PvP. As of now, it's pretty dead for the most part (I don't play it myself, no reason to). There was some changes done when Chicken PvP was active and that was nice try. In my opinion, adding extra modes like racing (simril map already has some of it), 3v3, maybe even something like summer festival water splash pvp would bring some more people to try it again.
7. Campaign and Adventures separation. In current mod 22, Scaleblight Summit is technically part of the campaign, but it was separated to be more story focused I guess. Will we see similar approach with the next modules and advantures?
A great product can be buried with all the bugs, we get more bugs at every patch than bugfixes so in the long time nothing works.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Also If any devs do play the game what are their thoughts on the rng in game? In vos for regents, legendary ring drops in vos, artifact drops in demo and the lack of actually fixing broken gear.
I would like to customize my character to look and feel how I want, and perhaps purchase some of these nice appearance microtransactions, but when I’m stuck with Gith and Dragonborn as premium races, takes the immersion away for me.
first of all please fix all bugs in game, please. THAT SHOULD BE THE 1ST PRIORITY.
2ND please dont narf the players every-time new mod came out
3rd why ??? why..every time I try to refine the enactments it shows the chance of should be 10% or 30% chance..then may be we will encourage to refine.
4th why barb class dont have any AOE power?? is there all enimy ST? They dont have any AOE OR DOT.?? Every class should have some AOE power..look into that matter..
5 th I dont know u people listen or not but its really very hart when u see ur favorite game dying.I know u guys try to get new player base,but if all the old player gone then its really very hard to get new players...THATS HAPPEN IN 1 playing this
6th -- U r doing live strem????did u ever play the game??? the new trail???or any hard dungeon???? If I present in ur stream did u giveaway something??? if no then why?????why Should I west my time...??
7th...stop R n G----every1 want to play the game..not a 2nd job--so its for fun and enjoyments make it like that..plz
8 th I M HERE FROM MOD 3--But almost all of m friends already left..but If this going on then may be in near future this game will became another Skyforge.
10..MAKE THe game more rewording..plz....we like to play..not to work..
Months after Mod22 and the game is still handing out obsolete enchants. Why was mod22 pushed out with this functionality? Why is that functionality still in the game? And is there any plan to address it? Some quests now have an empty chest as a "reward" that, pre-mod22, contained a (you guessed it) enchant. Is there a plan to address that?
Need something useful to spend guild marks on. Except for overloads, most everything else that can be purchased with marks is relatively useless.
1.) is there any plans to fix the paladin abilities. There should be no reason a small heal removes bigger shields on a character?
2.) will you ever fix the fact that if you are blocking and die you can’t scroll? Or others bugs such as the friends list that does not work right.
3.) this is about content. Is there any intention to release other content faster or make it more in-depth. You just released mod 22 and most people have already gotten everything out of it. The only thing left for most is the Trial which a lot of people cannot due. I also find content lacking from a story point of view. There is so much more you can do with Ravenloft and other settings. It feels like you are just rehashing old content and lacking in new?
4.) when do you plan to do another dungeon and are there plans to go more in-depth with them. Actual puzzle traps or different ways through depending on your parties classes and abilities.
5.) last but not least when do you plan to release the second wave of unbindable items?
Don’t get disappointed I due love your game but as a 30 plus year gamer, I find it could be so much better.
Brunor out!
Player Housing. People have been asking for it for years. Devs have expressed interest in it. But we still don't have it.
1) Cryptic earns income through micro-transactions (exclusive zen store housing locations, decoration sets etc.)
2) Players can earn AD by selling masterwork crafted furniture and decorations.
3) Gives players something to do and work on in between mods that isn't grinding the newest dungeon/trial. (Because the rng is awful and we all hate it but I've already made enough posts about that)
1) It doesn't exist in this game
It's a missed opportunity and doesn't need to be. Increase your bottom line and make players happy at the same time. Everyone wins.
So my question is, when are we getting player housing?
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
Don't say "they are just as good"; they aren't and the entire playerbase is aware.
Are there plans to bring the Oathkeeper Paladin back in line with her counterparts?
I hope we can really focus on the big picture with this stream. We are coming off a great mod (on PC) and what is next for Neverwinter?
1. Will there be more changes to get N.W. inline with 5e?
2. What new systems need to be in place for the next mod? i.e combat changes, UI/UE changes, ect...
3. There are rumors of new hunts? Yes, No, MAYBE?!?! #TeamBaroviaHunts
4. What kind of stronghold/guild updates can we hope to see in the next year or two?
5. Directly to Brett, What vision did you have for N.W when you joined that team? How do you plan to incorporate your past experience into where the game is going?
These are just my personal questions!
A. Can we have dragon mount!
B. Game needs more bars!
C. Question B but louder! I need new ghoulish concoction dang it!
D. When I play my fighter tank, can I have some "more revealing" clothing options? Tanks can be sexy too!
E. Will there ever be player housing???? I mean really, our guild hall is cramped!
F. What class do you play? and why isnt it Fighter????
in automatic or manual mode. I would like to leave the Russian server for personal reasons.
Many of the questions today will likely be based around the outlook for the future on all aspects of the game and probably too much to cover and many specifics passed over, so,
1. How would you and what is there to, reassure your existing player base when taking into consderation commonly stated concerns with the game, when looking ahead? (for specifics, neglected systems).
2. Considering the age of the game and in light of recent and forthcoming "competitors" what plans, if any, are there to keep the game fresh and competitive?
3. When will we get dragon mounts? Elminster got one and keeps flaunting it.
Just killing time...
SW's can cause quite a bit of damage, but the Band of Air simply doesn't proc as frequently due to the sheer number of hits the other classes perform during AOE scenarios. Seeing someone surge twenty million or more ahead in the AOE after being nearly tied is simply wrong, and this is because they hit much more frequently (my understanding anyways).
I'd like to make my SW more competitive, but I don't see a path forward in current state. I really don't want to invest in playing another class as it costs a lot of money to do this, and I love my SW.
When are you going to show the SW some love and make some adjustments?
2. As for powers, the SW has many that are almost NEVER used. Do you track any metrics to see why? If you did keep metrics, I bet you'd see a lot of people using Tyrannical Threat and Soul Syphon the majority of the time. Are you going to address the damage output of the other powers anytime soon? Personally, I'd like to use them, but currently it's a waste due to the low damage outputs.
I don't think you, the devs and staff have any idea just how bad things are right now.
Some people are telling me Mod 6 was worse but I do feel the fallout of Mod 22 was worse than Mod 16.
My Questions:
Why didn't you put enchantments up in the trade bar store?
Why didn't you give us a better exchange rate for our enchantments?
Mid game players are suffering the most (I'm end game). What are you doing to do for them?
Why does it take you 1-2 years to fix important things like drop rates and dungeons? By the time you fix them, the content is old and people have moved on.
Mod 22 brought us a beautiful and wonderful huge new map and I love it!
I'm very cross and disappointed with the enchantment exchange. Those of use who had R15s should have been able to trade them for R5s. Those who had R8-9 should have been able to trade for R3s. Those in between should have been able to trade for R4s. This is a disaster. Only your top 1% of players who have more AD than they know what to do with were able to fully recover from these changes.
You could have made a ton of actual real money had you put enchantments (R4s+) in the trade bar store like they used to be. People would have been willing to charge zen for this, not just use the exchange. Astral Lockboxes should have been released before the trade bar sale, not after, also encouraging people to charge zen to make AD, thus pushing the exchange to actually move! Who is in charge of your marketing?... because they are doing a horrendous job.
When you make major changes to the game you need to 100% make sure you're prepared. Putting stuff in the zen store that would help people would make you money. Putting things in the trade bar store and wondrous bazaar would also make you money. It honestly blows my mind how things are right now.
I've watched people struggle forming RTQs and RCs, it's bad.
When one of your staff does live stream she refuses to answer important questions and only answers the irrelevant ones.
"I have aggro in PE because I'm a warlock".... wrong! You have aggro in PE because of the chicken event. Read the darn chat screaming answers at you for crying out loud! Also please fix that... the chickens cause aggro for all characters, not exclusively the warlock class *face palms*.
I feel the only silver lining (and it's a good one) is being able to trade mythic enchantments in to reclaim them for all characters on the account. That's the only positive change in mod 22.
Drop rates and fairness:
Trials should be released so that all players can attempt, not just your 1% that doesn't bring you in any money at all. They don't charge zen, they use the exchange, think on that. Hard versions should be released once everyone has gotten the chance to try and learn. You don't just throw a swimming student into the deep end, they'd drown! You teach them the basics then up the challenge. That's just basic life learning. I've seen many players (who spend money by the way) quit because of this backwards system. The 1% will argue "but we've worked hard and deserve it" but they most of the time most of them complain about having too much AD. Why not help out the rest of your player base for once?
Band of Air, you can't complete the new trial without it, the dps check is just too ridiculous and it's extremely sad to me that without that ring, many groups don't' stand a chance. OK, I can accept that you need the ring but... 700 Hard Core Vault of Stars runs and still no regents to make the darn thing, are you serious? Not me personally but I've been talking to a lot of people and this is the sad reality for some players. Fix it, and fix it now! It's not fair and it's not right! Increase the drop rates on the 2nd and 3d mini bosses in there. Players spend hours just trying to get there and deserve those regents if they make it that far. 700 runs without that regent is unheard of! 10 runs tops and 100% drop rate is more than fair. 10 runs means possibly 10 hours. Think about this for a moment... it's hard enough forming a HC VoS run let alone finish one. If people get to those mini bosses, they deserve better than 700+ runs without those bosses dropping the regent needed for the Band of Air. Fix it! Slow that darn warlock down also in VoS that casts darkness. It shouldn't be a line of sight casting, it should be combat engaged casting, fix it. Groups are split up via mechanics, slow down the quickling spawn or don't spawn them at all until the 3rd mini boss has been engaged. Giving players who get disoriented the chance to get out of there. If the group is split up and the dps are alone there, it's very often game over, restart, after 30-40 minutes to get there for 0 reward. Fix it. I know the dungeon like the back of my hand now and am not speaking for me, I'm speaking for those who are struggling, those who love this game and have endured so much.
I hope for once the devs/staff read this and actually do what needs to be done to fix things.
I hope all reading this thread will thumb this up, heart, whatever, like, agree, and speak up because the devs and staff I feel have once again stopped caring and have stopped listening. I don't know what happened to Chris but I liked him a lot. He'd answer relevant questions not stupid ones like "how do you pronounce football". Come on, really? Sure having fun during a stream is important but stop giving attention to the stupid questions and start paying attention to the ones that matter. Start being honest again like Chris was, don't bull us and divert us. Fix the game, put good things in the zen store and trade bar store and you'll see a return of your players. If players feel things are possible, even with money and working hard in game, they will play. Also, fashion and dye packs, and appearance change items that are rare: Put that stuff in the zen store and you'll see a nice profit. "Fashion is the true endgame" is a statement that many of us make in game and though it may sound silly, we're not kidding... players would spend lots of money if you put rare stuff up in the zen store. It wouldn't feel like a "pay to win" game if you did that, which is what the game has ultimately become. Players will spend money because they are happy, not because they are desperate. Think on that too! Players who feel desperate will stop playing. Players who are happy will willingly charge more real money to help support you because you are listening to us! Seriously...
You need to hire someone full-time to play the game through early/mid/endgame for all of your classes and races and engage with the playerbase.
This way, you have someone on your staff whom you pay to guide your decision-making, to inform you what problems are actually plaguing the player-base, and what solutions you could employ which would retain/gain players, and make your company/team money.
To go along with that thought generally, why is communication from the developers so poor and infrequent? Make a mistake? Admit it and discuss what you did (perhaps why) and how you will address it generally. Start acknowledging bugs that you KNOW of and identify the ones you PLAN to address.
Personally I'm still waiting for someone to fix the problem that I have with my Legendary Hunting Hawk - Account that cannot be claimed on any other character except the one that bought it. The last comment from support was "escalate". The forums suggest I am not alone.
Still waiting to hear what the plan is for Masterworks. Why is this still an
outstanding(yeah, that was the wrong word) pending "upgrade"? Why is there no communication about it from the developers. Where is that roadmap others keep mentioning?This game has a huge shortage of healers as a result of the Mod 22 changes (no more healer weapon enchants/new mythic combat enchant has 5000IL but no combined ratings,so -5% to all stats or -5000IL.) And currently only DC's up to task for competitive solo healing of ANY endgame content (RC/HCVoS.)
As someone who plays Paladin it's harder to get a decent heal to clear the daily RC now, usually 5-10+ min of waiting even as a buffed up 70k end game tank and usually I have to settle for a mediocre one. And when I try healing I have found it's esp hard to keep people healed now I am -5000IL when compared to others who might be 73-78k. (higher IL dps = lower def stats/incoming healing.) OP healer were already very underpowered compared to other classes and with the new Mod 22 nerf to healer in general (bloated IL = MUCH lower incoming healing stat for everyone, and it's important because it's multiplicative) it's now unplayable in 5 man end game dungeons. You need to buff OP (and healers in general) to get more healers back playing this game.
Try getting a 70k healer with good build for RC without being just after the daily reset and see how hard it is. You need to get people back by buffing healers as most healers aren't good for RC now and they know it -> healers don't join groups -> other people can't find healer -> harder to get groups -> less people playing the game.
So, now what? Waiting for over a month now on some official reply on this issue, any takers?