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2 BIG AND CRUCIAL BUGS: Stalwart Golden Lion and Band of air + New Combat Enchantments

aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User
Hello @nitocris83 @cryptic39#8917 @noworries#8859 @crypticpop#7861
I want report two big bugs:
1-the first one is related to "Stalwart Golden Lion" companion which has the power:

This companion gives radiant weapon dmg which is not additive but it creates a separate proc.
That lion power has an interaction with band of air and that means the EXTRA RADIANT WEAPON (which comes from lion) can proc touch of wind.
If touch of wind procs from radiant weapon, then touch of wind damage also counts towards summoner of the lion.
Literally, lion companion users steal touch of wind procs from band of air users.

AsteR is the summoner of the lion WITHOUT band of air, and Purupuru is the owner of Band of air without lion.
Puru attacks enemies while having Radiant Weapon buff from Aster's lion. If Puru procs touch of wind from the radiant weapon buff, the game register all dmg to Aster.
Down below a video with ACT charts that shows how i steal touch of wind damage from Puru
this effect works with more lions.

The lion, in this status, gives a false response in game about dmg chart..why?
1-when 6 dps are using band of air and also the lion, this radiant weapon creates big differences between players dmg and cause a misleading on dmg board.
2- if someone in the party doesnt have the band of air, but having the lion summoned, he/she will steal the band of air procs, like he/she has the ring equipped.

2- Second bug is related to new combat enchantments.
Sometimes they do literally 0 dmg, and we discovered some triggers about that:

As Rainer reported on 6th jan, if you die and revive by using a scroll, you will do zero dmg to enemies for 5 seconds.
This reproduces 100% of the time.
- Die
- Scroll
- For ~5 seconds all outgoing damage hits for 0 (base damage is 0)

Here a video

The other trigger happen when you being immune.
If you sprint/dodge... you are immune for a split second.. during that time incoming damage is 0, but also outgoing is 0

Sometimes when you hit dummies or enemies appear a 0dmg by your powers like in these screens

Very noticable on my barbarian:

If I remove my combat enchantment, I would never do 0dmg, in every scenarios.

I'm sure this bug is concerning other classes (sw, hr, dc, op for sure) and if someone can test about that it would be really appreciated.

This bug is really weird especially when we get a new rework on the combat enchantments and in this status we are not able to do accurate test and which one is the best for us.
Please investigate and fix this two problems as soon as possible.

Thanks in advanced.

Best regards,
"The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
Official Content Creator
Wizard Reworker


  • arto#6312 arto Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Both scenarios need to be fixed as soon as possible!
  • boosted#3943 boosted Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Agreed , please fix . Thanks Aster
  • flinnty#9711 flinnty Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Thanks Aster for posting about these, they need to be fixed ASAP.
  • jonchillyjonchilly Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Can confirm as an SW, I do not use a combat enchant because 0 damage is just too painful to see....
  • anjicat#4942 anjicat Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Another interaction between Combat Enchants and equipment that needs to addressed is Cursed Fire not triggering equipment bonuses, possibly as part of the same review
  • marek276343marek276343 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Aragon made a video to show that this isn't happening on other classes, and while saing this isn't happening on rogue he literly had 0 damage floater poping up, it's at 4:54.

  • lordmelchett#1830 lordmelchett Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    Thanks for posting.
    Definitely important issues that should be addressed
  • kittywhite#1302 kittywhite Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Are u sure the proper term is "stealing" .. coz stealing is taking something away from someone. Couldnt be the bug is that Touch of Wind dmg is also shared making the game bliv that the stalwart lion summoner has the ring also?
  • cybnuke78cybnuke78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User
    Fix it as soon as possible
  • arielethane#0573 arielethane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Has anyone tried to upgrade their green blessed weapons after mod 22 update. I find that I cannot do so...I hope I am only doing something wrong....thank you for addressing this..Ariele
  • rovandbcrovandbc Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    Fix the 0 damage or I will be leaving the game, crazy to see a bug that makes a Barb DPS have 0 damage, and yes I spend alot of real $$$ on this game.
  • coffiinphillacoffiinphilla Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    @aragon#8379 I run an endgame rogue and seeing 0 damage after a roll and Assaninate or any single target hit hit after a dodge
  • aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User


    Thank you a lot!
    "The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
    AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
    M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
    Official Content Creator
    Wizard Reworker
  • rovandbcrovandbc Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    Any word on this yet, at least we got a comment escalation is good a fix date is better...
  • xaltius#7326 xaltius Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    especially the stalwart lion is ridiculous. it even steals aggro from tanks, even after 3 increased aggro threat encounters/daily/and a hard taunt after a steal. Also while u are at it, fix the q bug. Cant even start a random q properly anymore. The timer goes out and then it kicks someone and cancels the q. And while u are doing that, fix cone attacks in vos.
  • irene#2829 irene Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    Ah I see why I'm always the bottom dps in chart now. I have always find the lion suspicious. I believe my actual dps is 4x more.

    I'm watching you, lion.

  • jana#2651 jana Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    Hi, I went from 45,000 to 32,000. which is less than what I was when I was given new stats, I was 35 something then and this is just a drag. Like Xaltius was saying the queues are not working, all of a sudden there gone and you have to check it again, that happened 4 times so I picked a skirmish and it sent me to the Manycoin bank whatever its called. The door wouldn't open at the bank so I left. There are more annoying bugs than ever, why couldn't you just leave your system of enchantments and refinements alone and fix what wasn't working well?
  • This content has been removed.
  • aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User

    Looks like Combat Enchants causing powers to do zero damage just got a fix (not making it in to this morning's build, but next update hopefully after QA). Not aware of the Radiant Lion issue's status as that's all going to be in design's camp.

    Thanks you a lot for the reply!
    "The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
    AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
    M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
    Official Content Creator
    Wizard Reworker
  • cygnusx1#6322 cygnusx1 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    While these bugs should be fixed there are bigger issues in the game that should have higher priority than who is on top of the DPS board. Eg. Fix the random Qs on PC and Reapers on console.
  • elisa#8836 elisa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    This was definitely not fixed and it is sooooo very annoying. Warlocks are generally just an after-taught with their long casting times and no AOE at wills when it comes to dps classes like rangers and rouges, but this makes them even more crappy. I hit so many zeros that honestly it's not even fun to play like this.
  • xyzisterxyzister Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    I´d say, I have rarely come across a more annoying bug (except for the perma mail box lamp ;-) ). Dodging with the Immunity frames has become a kinda bread and butter for a barbarian in my opinion. And I still wondered, why this wasn´t fixed. Maybe because there was the time missing for that? I dunno, but I want my IF´s back :p .
    Also...these 5 seconds after the revive...sigh...that´s frustrating.

    What I would really wish for, if the time isn´t there or something else has priority: A feedback from devs side. We know, they are aware of it, and if I recall correctly the user crypticpop somewhere mentioned something about it.

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