Critical visual error in Terror enchantment - missing animation of skulls during the attack on opponent Please fix it before publishing a new module, its a favorite weapon enchant look of many players.
Bug - Unable to trade in Heart of Fire enchants for medallions
I appreciate this is too late for go live but I Hope it gets included in a patch as having slogged through the grind of Acquisitions Inc numerous times specifically to get this enchant, it will be incredibly disappointing not only for myself but a huge number of others not to be able to exchange it at all
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
Bug - Unable to trade in Heart of Fire enchants for medallions
I appreciate this is too late for go live but I Hope it gets included in a patch as having slogged through the grind of Acquisitions Inc numerous times specifically to get this enchant, it will be incredibly disappointing not only for myself but a huge number of others not to be able to exchange it at all
It has been reported many times for a long while. It is kind of doubtful they consider that as a bug instead of WAI at this stage.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
Critical visual error in Terror enchantment - missing animation of skulls during the attack on opponent Please fix it before publishing a new module, its a favorite weapon enchant look of many players.
The skulls are due to the debuff caused by the weapon, I doubt they'll be able to add it to the illusion version.
Critical visual error in Terror enchantment - missing animation of skulls during the attack on opponent Please fix it before publishing a new module, its a favorite weapon enchant look of many players.
The skulls are due to the debuff caused by the weapon, I doubt they'll be able to add it to the illusion version.
No, it isn't a visual from debuff. All weapon enchants add an unique animation to your attacks, but at the moment all weapon enchant illusions missing this animation.
I hope you guys understand the players base is not as healthy to be like this right now resetting things every year might not be wise as yall think it is for now
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
I hope you guys understand the players base is not as healthy to be like this right now resetting things every year might not be wise as yall think it is for now
"Players base is not as healthy" probably is the reason why they keep on doing it. When the players base is "healthy", it makes less business sense to do these.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
This is a nightmare. This is the most poorly thought out, poorly explained, absolutely pointless, broken, unasked-for nonsense in this history of this game, and having been here since mod 2, through the mod 6 nightmare and the several other nightmares that followed, that's saying something. You want to fix this game? Roll it back to mod 5. Everything since then has made this game less fun. I'm too disgusted by this mess to say anything more.
Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
Buying Holy Vorpal Rank 9 with ZEN -> getting an "Illusion" and not a working enchantment with Mod. 22 Buying 30k Character Boost with ZEN -> getting a around 27k Character in the end, since Rank 9 enchantments are not giving any IL with Mod. 22 again, what about all the players that have spend ZEN on those or similar enchantments/items, and can now only turn those low ranking enchantments into worthless "Illusions" or Refinement Points?
We paid real money for working enchantments, the least you could do is refund us the ZEN spend on those lower ranking enchantments, so that we can buy Coalescent Motes for upgrading new enchantments instead...
Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
PW's are now useless? I had 318 pw bound and as I was bored, I went to try to upgrade one of my r2 enchants (yes, no I don't have anything temporary anymore), and I incredibly only managed to get 1 rank up using the 1% mote. Soon after, there was a certain sadness for the expense of PW's and resources such as RP (insignificant) and gold (this is a complication due to the excessive cost).
In 6 days when the temporary enchants are over, it will be funny to see the disappointment of others with this system that is HORRIBLE!!! Yes, valuing resources is always interesting, making something impractical like what the game did in this module is scary.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
PW's are now useless? I had 318 pw bound and as I was bored, I went to try to upgrade one of my r2 enchants (yes, no I don't have anything temporary anymore), and I incredibly only managed to get 1 rank up using the 1% mote. Soon after, there was a certain sadness for the expense of PW's and resources such as RP (insignificant) and gold (this is a complication due to the excessive cost).
In 6 days when the temporary enchants are over, it will be funny to see the disappointment of others with this system that is HORRIBLE!!! Yes, valuing resources is always interesting, making something impractical like what the game did in this module is scary.
If you have a lot of p-ward, you can use a 1% mote and up to 150 p-ward (assuming you only want to protect GoP) to upgrade.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
As you can see in the video, I had 47 preservation wards to protect the glyph slot, and then suddenly they were all gone on the next page and I lost my glyph thinking they were still protected as I had more than enough.
This is misleading, and counteracts the "protect" option in the game settings.
PW's are now useless? I had 318 pw bound and as I was bored, I went to try to upgrade one of my r2 enchants (yes, no I don't have anything temporary anymore), and I incredibly only managed to get 1 rank up using the 1% mote. Soon after, there was a certain sadness for the expense of PW's and resources such as RP (insignificant) and gold (this is a complication due to the excessive cost).
In 6 days when the temporary enchants are over, it will be funny to see the disappointment of others with this system that is HORRIBLE!!! Yes, valuing resources is always interesting, making something impractical like what the game did in this module is scary.
Think of it this way (not because it makes it easier but because it is LITERALLY how it works).
A R1 under the new system is equivalent to about a R18-20 under the old system, being 1.5x a R15.
If a R14-15 upgrade chance is 1% then at best you could carry that chance to maybe R16/17 naturally but after that, the chance has to either drop to 0% or adopt the old Weapon/Armor pathing of a set 1% for all ranks.
So that's how it is but instead, you actually get the option of being able to make it a 5% or 10% chance if you work for those Motes instead.
Or just do as everyone has been doing for many years and use a Coal. Mote on things with a 1% upgrade chance.
On top of that, it was well known the upgrade system when using pwards was not working correctly so unless you don't ever read these forums, which you clearly do; it's entirely your fault for expecting it to.
i have every single enchant I want, in the quantity I want; upgraded to Mythic, traded for account reclaim versions and equipped on every one of my characters as I want them to be.
I’m just trying to figure out how many medallions I have , need to write down and make notes . I’m ok with having an extra 100 medallions left over ; but am thinking I might need to sell many rank 15 so I don’t have 800 extra> @dmdoom said: > Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
Wait a second. Are you saying that you can’t turn in all your old enchantments and rune stones from all your characters and than either move the medallion currency via mail or bank and purchase NEW ones ? Do I have to unequip and move every enchantment to one character? Please , advise
I’m just trying to figure out how many medallions I have , need to write down and make notes . I’m ok with having an extra 100 medallions left over ; but am thinking I might need to sell many rank 15 so I don’t have 800 extra> @dmdoom said: > Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
Wait a second. Are you saying that you can’t turn in all your old enchantments and rune stones from all your characters and than either move the medallion currency via mail or bank and purchase NEW ones ? Do I have to unequip and move every enchantment to one character? Please , advise
Well, when you exchange R10+ enchantments you get bound to account Medallions, you can then move those between your characters through the shared bank.
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,521Arc User
I’m just trying to figure out how many medallions I have , need to write down and make notes . I’m ok with having an extra 100 medallions left over ; but am thinking I might need to sell many rank 15 so I don’t have 800 extra> @dmdoom said: > Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
Wait a second. Are you saying that you can’t turn in all your old enchantments and rune stones from all your characters and than either move the medallion currency via mail or bank and purchase NEW ones ? Do I have to unequip and move every enchantment to one character? Please , advise
1. You can move medallions from one character to another character. Medallion is an inventory item and it is account bound. 2. You can buy and upgrade on more than one character but in term of strategy (say, you want to upgrade all to account wide r5), better control and less confusing to yourself, moving all medallions to one toon and upgrade can make your life easier.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
"Existing enchantments can be exchanged for the new enchantments at the antiquities dealer."
Err....where is this antiquities dealer exactly. I've searched protectors enclave and can't find anyone who will take my existing enchantments. Are they invisible?
"Existing enchantments can be exchanged for the new enchantments at the antiquities dealer."
Err....where is this antiquities dealer exactly. I've searched protectors enclave and can't find anyone who will take my existing enchantments. Are they invisible?
Next to the reward claim agent (RCA). If you don't know where RCA is, it is in PE, go upstairs and on the left side. Your "existing enchantment" needs to be rank 10 or higher and not the Heart of Fire Enchantment.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I actually had many (so few close to what sharks have) PW's, and I didn't mind burning them. I had already read the forum and seen some videos on youtube. I did it because I don't plan to grind this module or because I care more about certain content, since for what I do on a daily basis, which are randoms, my experience means that I don't need to be full build to play this.
It's sad to see the difficulty of finding support classes currently in the game, they are disappearing. Imagine in 5 days when the temporary enchants run out.
> @plasticbat said: > Next to the reward claim agent (RCA). If you don't know where RCA is, it is in PE, go upstairs and on the left side. > Your "existing enchantment" needs to be rank 10 or higher and not the Heart of Fire Enchantment.
The idea of the new enchantments pleased me, but after I saw the enchantments that cost 30 medallions (1.2 million astral diamond) being sold for only 100K I was disheartened by the game. I spent a lot of AD considering that each medal would cost 40k AD. I would be happy if I had the option to sell to NPC for 40k each and get my AD back.
Well, the option for buying extra Medallions was probably only added for those players that got for example 119 medallions from the exchange and only needed one more for the Rank 4 Choice Pack, it was probably not added as price mark for those packs.
And i'd guess that the AH prices for those packs will decrease even more, when a good portion of the players have upgraded their enchantments to mythic and turned them in for account wide versions...
Another factor to think about might be the return of new enchantments to lockboxes and the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store, which will probably have an impact on the prices for those Medallion packs too.
Anyway, i'm not a fan of the new refinement system, and i still think that low ranking enchantments paid with ZEN for in one way or the other should also give us at least Medallions in return, but not pumping even more AD into the game through the exchange was actually the right choice here...
> @orcariom#3060 said: > The idea of the new enchantments pleased me, but after I saw the enchantments that cost 30 medallions (1.2 million astral diamond) being sold for only 100K I was disheartened by the game. I spent a lot of AD considering that each medal would cost 40k AD. I would be happy if I had the option to sell to NPC for 40k each and get my AD back.
Yes , I too would love to see us being able to sell our extra medallions back to vendor for same price
Please fix it before publishing a new module,
its a favorite weapon enchant look of many players.
Bug - Unable to trade in Heart of Fire enchants for medallions
I appreciate this is too late for go live but I Hope it gets included in a patch as having slogged through the grind of Acquisitions Inc numerous times specifically to get this enchant, it will be incredibly disappointing not only for myself but a huge number of others not to be able to exchange it at allThis is the most poorly thought out, poorly explained, absolutely pointless, broken, unasked-for nonsense in this history of this game, and having been here since mod 2, through the mod 6 nightmare and the several other nightmares that followed, that's saying something.
You want to fix this game? Roll it back to mod 5.
Everything since then has made this game less fun.
I'm too disgusted by this mess to say anything more.
What they heard: Make it a worse pay to win experience? DONE!
Buying 30k Character Boost with ZEN -> getting a around 27k Character in the end, since Rank 9 enchantments are not giving any IL with Mod. 22
again, what about all the players that have spend ZEN on those or similar enchantments/items, and can now only turn those low ranking enchantments into worthless "Illusions" or Refinement Points?
We paid real money for working enchantments, the least you could do is refund us the ZEN spend on those lower ranking enchantments, so that we can buy Coalescent Motes for upgrading new enchantments instead...
In 6 days when the temporary enchants are over, it will be funny to see the disappointment of others with this system that is HORRIBLE!!! Yes, valuing resources is always interesting, making something impractical like what the game did in this module is scary.
See this video for proof.
As you can see in the video, I had 47 preservation wards to protect the glyph slot, and then suddenly they were all gone on the next page and I lost my glyph thinking they were still protected as I had more than enough.
This is misleading, and counteracts the "protect" option in the game settings.
A R1 under the new system is equivalent to about a R18-20 under the old system, being 1.5x a R15.
If a R14-15 upgrade chance is 1% then at best you could carry that chance to maybe R16/17 naturally but after that, the chance has to either drop to 0% or adopt the old Weapon/Armor pathing of a set 1% for all ranks.
So that's how it is but instead, you actually get the option of being able to make it a 5% or 10% chance if you work for those Motes instead.
Or just do as everyone has been doing for many years and use a Coal. Mote on things with a 1% upgrade chance.
On top of that, it was well known the upgrade system when using pwards was not working correctly so unless you don't ever read these forums, which you clearly do; it's entirely your fault for expecting it to.
i have every single enchant I want, in the quantity I want; upgraded to Mythic, traded for account reclaim versions and equipped on every one of my characters as I want them to be.
As does everyone who was paying attention.
I’m just trying to figure out how many medallions I have , need to write down and make notes .
I’m ok with having an extra 100 medallions left over ; but am thinking I might need to sell many rank 15 so I don’t have 800 extra> @dmdoom said:
> Wow, this is a BS update. Not only do you lose all the enchantments you've worked hard to rank up, but you can't even swap them between characters? When this temp stuff runs out they'll be screwed. Let me guess, we'll have to throw down cold hard cash for this nonsense?
Wait a second. Are you saying that you can’t turn in all your old enchantments and rune stones from all your characters and than either move the medallion currency via mail or bank and purchase NEW ones ?
Do I have to unequip and move every enchantment to one character?
Please , advise
Do all my new enchantment need to be bought and upgraded on one character ?
2. You can buy and upgrade on more than one character but in term of strategy (say, you want to upgrade all to account wide r5), better control and less confusing to yourself, moving all medallions to one toon and upgrade can make your life easier.
Err....where is this antiquities dealer exactly. I've searched protectors enclave and can't find anyone who will take my existing enchantments. Are they invisible?
Your "existing enchantment" needs to be rank 10 or higher and not the Heart of Fire Enchantment.
It's sad to see the difficulty of finding support classes currently in the game, they are disappearing. Imagine in 5 days when the temporary enchants run out.
> Next to the reward claim agent (RCA). If you don't know where RCA is, it is in PE, go upstairs and on the left side.
> Your "existing enchantment" needs to be rank 10 or higher and not the Heart of Fire Enchantment.
And i'd guess that the AH prices for those packs will decrease even more, when a good portion of the players have upgraded their enchantments to mythic and turned them in for account wide versions...
Another factor to think about might be the return of new enchantments to lockboxes and the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store, which will probably have an impact on the prices for those Medallion packs too.
Anyway, i'm not a fan of the new refinement system, and i still think that low ranking enchantments paid with ZEN for in one way or the other should also give us at least Medallions in return, but not pumping even more AD into the game through the exchange was actually the right choice here...
> The idea of the new enchantments pleased me, but after I saw the enchantments that cost 30 medallions (1.2 million astral diamond) being sold for only 100K I was disheartened by the game. I spent a lot of AD considering that each medal would cost 40k AD. I would be happy if I had the option to sell to NPC for 40k each and get my AD back.
Yes , I too would love to see us being able to sell our extra medallions back to vendor for same price