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You still can't buy knox boxes from the bazar with AD



  • chucknorris#1854 chucknorris Member Posts: 13 Arc User

    ok so that's dead for us who are unlucky enough to try buying boxes before patch is up ... :/
  • kors#9447 kors Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Same for me, I could only buy 1 Knox box from WB, not 5.
  • mintmarkmintmark Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 483 Arc User
    Oh well... it looks like I won't be able to buy as many as other people. But on the plus side I'll still have those AD to spend on something else :)
  • tosspot#0634 tosspot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    will there be 5 free box at reward claim next week? if i claim them will i be prevented from buying more from bizarre?
    if i dont claim them can i buy unlimited from the bizarre.
    this has turned into the usual cluster-mess.
  • edited December 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • juniperwuf#9831 juniperwuf Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    Please add me to the list of accounts being investigated. I bought 1 box for AD and it is now grayed out.
  • simoerbysimoerby Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi, this is a recap of my reclaim situation:

    5 free (reclaimed)
    5 with ad the first week (can't reclaim)
    3 with promissory note (can't reclaim the first week, reclaimed after the patch)
    5 with ad the second week (can reclaim only 1 at 30/11)

    I lost 9 of 18 box in total. I hope in a fast fix or an adeguate compensation.
  • irene#2829 irene Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    Honestly I feel the real bug is the typo and over-promise in patch notes. Why would Cryptic want to give over 15 knox boxes away? :p

    Rewards ranged from Mythic mount to golden companions. Those are worth a lot. It could have been just 1-3 boxes to try out, gets you addicted and wanting to buy the rest from store.

    I mean, as a player I wish to have more knox boxes too, perhaps it's not a bug fix, but a promise they owe us. Yayyyy!!
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    This is why tooltips and information text is so important in the game and has to be correct AT ALL TIMES, and why I complain about it when it's so often containing stupid errors and mistakes which are simple to get right and should never happen in the first place. If it's wrong it creates a lot of unnecessary confusion and anger because we rely on this information and take it on face value when we read it.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User

    Hey folks - we are unable to repro this with the initial information so we are looking at specific accounts that are having this issue. Thanks!

    #PC could claim the 5 free ones last week, but only one for a Promisorry Note and one for AD.
    This week i could claim two more for notes but only another one for AD.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited December 2021

    Honestly I feel the real bug is the typo and over-promise in patch notes. Why would Cryptic want to give over 15 knox boxes away? :p

    Rewards ranged from Mythic mount to golden companions. Those are worth a lot. It could have been just 1-3 boxes to try out, gets you addicted and wanting to buy the rest from store.

    I mean, as a player I wish to have more knox boxes too, perhaps it's not a bug fix, but a promise they owe us. Yayyyy!!

    Knox Box for AD -> bound to account content
    Knox Box for ZEN -> tradable content

    And it was advertised that 5 could be bought for AD per week, so we should be able to buy those 5 every week for as long as the Knox Box is in game. Since that didn't work out properly, there should be a way to buy those missing lockboxes plus the actual weekly 5 next week.

    Sure, this box is a nice upgrade to the game, and it could be the AD sink the game really needs, if they could get it to work properly and perhaps even increase the weekly amount of them, but what you get from a box is still random and you have to open 150 of them for that big mythic prize too.

    Btw. i think they added the Knox Box to the Wondrous Bazaar for the same reason they added the Astral Lockbox to it, to say that there's also something for people that don't want to gamble on these boxes with real money...
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • rheylinsark#1888 rheylinsark Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    I was able to purchase 1 Knox Box with the Promissory Note last week. I was able to purchase only 1 Knox Box last week with AD from the WB. I was able to purchase only 1 Knox Box with AD from the WB this week. None available from the RCA.
  • doctormordriddoctormordrid Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I was able to buy a Knox Box with the Promissory note but not with AD
  • rocketabbyrocketabby Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    I have 2 Promissory Notes in my inventory, but during this second week I cannot buy any Knox Boxes with Promissory Notes. I got three Boxes last week on two other characters. I am capable of buying the Boxes with AD during this second week. Not sure of the rules on purchasing these items. I truly appreciate getting the Promissory Notes out of my inventory though!
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