The Sigil of Bard is 3 minute cooldown at every rank/quality, i really doubt this was intended as all other mythic artifacts in the game have a standard 60 second cooldown. this needs fixing asap
Surplus Equipment donation in Strongholds is now bugged. Equipment that should show up as options to donate has stopped showing up in the donation menu.
Tested with a wide range of equipment dropped from general mobs and hunts in Omu, none of them showed up.
Tested further with a wide range of equipment from Avernus treasure map chests, none showed up.
Storm king thunder campaign store won’t let me buy the bag of 10 town’s treasures using a Jeannie gift. Can you please fix this before double storm king thunder weekends
Why did you guys take away my buff/debuff messages? They are important to the game. We already have tiny buff bars as is.. Then you added "Hold circle" to skip cutscenes... Why? Cutscenes get annoying after you've run the dungeon 100 times. There's nothing spectacular about a T-rex busting through a wall... skiiiiiiiiiip.
What is this tyranny? Why don't we have a choice in this matter?
Anyways, the bug with IC loading into the hall of chains needs to be looked at. The whole intro part is buggy now. I usually join groups that have defeated entry area mobs or none exist. Then once we all pick a demon skill, we go to gate and *try* to enter.... The party is thrown into a cutscene loop and loaded into the boss room past the chains with no boss and a chained door. This leads to party problems because people either A) Close the game and disconnect or see no solution and abandon. Once you can break the cutscene loop hell, there are enemies in the chained rooms, but we can't get to them.
I submitted a support ticket and after days of investigating I was told to leave a comment on this thread for further assistance. I have completed the leveling quest “leader of the pack” in vellosk yet did not receive the reward of greatsword of the shadow wolf . I did not accidentally delete it I never received in my inventory
I bought out AI on 1 of my toons , after update I am now required to complete AI , no chance ! All toons have completed WoD with 100% I now have 2 toons that cannot access the campaign tree because they have no currency to start a campaign that has already been completed.
Still getting the weird turquoise block around my characters from time to time
It seems to take multiple button presses to delete one item of mail, even though the sound effect happens the mail's doesn't delete and you have to try again. Personal best so far is 8 attempts on one piece of mail
Armor Kits still not working
I am getting replies to another guild weekly guild mail and the replies are vouchers for some sort of guild competition. Luckily I am a nice guy and I am returning the vouchers explaining this must be a glitch but I could just as easily keep and use/sell these vouchers if was that sort of person.
Despite not intially suffering from it I now have the permanent mail icon on ALL of my toons with various workaround not getting rid of it.
Several of the items in the Valiant Wayfarers pack DO NOT have the option to convert to appearance library making them pretty useless as transmutes
Under mountain campaign won’t let you claim your rewards even after completing certain sections. Also when interacting with objects need it for a quest in all adventures, you keep getting interrupted by nothing and it takes usually 2 to 4 tries to actually finish the interaction
Possible Fix for those with the Mail Icon Bug: I got that a couple times too. The last time I was able to get it to disappear by first reading a new mail via the menu (Options Button -> Social -> Mail), instead of going directly to the VIP 'Summon Mailbox' (which is what I would normally do so I could delete it right after). I can't confirm this is a consistent fix as it hasn't come back yet for a couple days.
The visual distortion still is happening on PS4. Pixel squares of white or yellow till your character renders. The texture maps fluctuate when you move into new areas of same map. It can’t keep up with rendering so there is visual distortion, super bright pixelation of character and surrounding. Protectors enclave is bad. The moss and mushrooms on the great tree start out as icebergs till they render and there is a hole/ window triangle behind the mount platform near the bank. The texture map is missing and you can see under the map. In the new Adventure hall the screen will suddenly flash all white for a second. It happens everywhere, but most noticeable there. And the illusionist gambit is like an LSD trip. It takes a long time for textures to render if they do. Anything that glows or shimmers or lightning is pixelated till it can render. But doesn’t stay rendered. Load outs get randomly locked. And if you bought out EE you still have to replay one of the chapters. The Well of dragons 75% is annoying as all toons had it complete. Still get stuck in Anvil pose and it cancels the encounter as I slide around sword stuck in the air, or using an encounter on wizard or Cleric mostly, it will finish animation with water balloon toss/ throw animation.
As of 08/27/21, the only premium races in the Zen Market (Services) for PS4 are the Gith Race and Moon Elf. On PC, the premium races are Dragonborn, Gith, Moon Elf, and Renegade Drow Race.
Will PS4 players receive the premium races missing in our services section? (Dragonborn and Renegade Drow Race for 500 Zen)
Unlikely due to consoles selling the dragonborn and champion of the north packs in their respected stores like psn and xbox. I think they have something in place for that never to be allowed.
As of 08/27/21, the only premium races in the Zen Market (Services) for PS4 are the Gith Race and Moon Elf. On PC, the premium races are Dragonborn, Gith, Moon Elf, and Renegade Drow Race.
Will PS4 players receive the premium races missing in our services section? (Dragonborn and Renegade Drow Race for 500 Zen)
Unlikely due to consoles selling the dragonborn and champion of the north packs in their respected stores like psn and xbox. I think they have something in place for that never to be allowed.
If they can come up with a PS Exclusive for Jewel of the North Pack for PS players, they can create a PS Exclusive pack with those premium races and make it available. The marketing team knows how it can be done. Until it is address, I will continue to warn about those races being reduced in price. $60 for an outdated race pack on console while PC enjoys the race for $5 dollar is not justification for not updating a quality of life change like this one.
Bought a new character slot from bazaar. It appeared in my inventory. I opened it. No new character slot appeared. Logged out fully from game, logged back in: there is no sign of the new character slot anywhere.
The same exact thing happened to my friend.
My username is HectorJGuay (ps4 obviously). Not sure what extra information you might need. Is this a known bug? I have not seen anyone else talking about this on the forum.
2500 +Coalesced Magics missing from inventory. They are not in the obsolete currencies, like other outdated currencies to trade to Antiquities Scholar for AD. Not sure what happened. Store has been closed and the only way to get "Wyvern-Venom Coated knives" is from trade bar store for 1000 bars or Trade House for 500K. Had enough to get them for free. Thanks
The visual distortion still is happening on PS4. Pixel squares of white or yellow till your character renders. The texture maps fluctuate when you move into new areas of same map. It can’t keep up with rendering so there is visual distortion, super bright pixelation of character and surrounding.
I'm getting this on XBox too
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
2500 +Coalesced Magics missing from inventory. They are not in the obsolete currencies, like other outdated currencies to trade to Antiquities Scholar for AD. Not sure what happened. Store has been closed and the only way to get "Wyvern-Venom Coated knives" is from trade bar store for 1000 bars or Trade House for 500K. Had enough to get them for free. Thanks
I second this concern. I'm in the same boat with >5,000 lost (that I was saving to buy a full 3-piece set for one toon). Other than AH don't know where to get neck/waist pieces. I went back and checked all the official Mod 21 release notes and didn't find any mention of UM converting to Adventure status or the loss of it's campaign store.
Hello. Ever since jewel of the north came out my guild utility boon that makes it so whenever I take a healing potion my party gets 25 to 75 percent effectiveness of that healing potion shared with them is broken. I'm in a max level guild so we get 75 percent, and ever since mod dropped it somehow became a flat 10 percent no matter what. Also all the player potion boons do not proc the rank 5 bonus only the increased health healed. I came back to Neverwinter after multi year stoppage about a month before jewel of the north and noticed the massive outgoing healing nerf paladins got, and that guild boon was the only thing keeping the paladin group healing efficiency relevant. Thank you for reading this.
Cannot fit any Insignia into Universal Slot - error "You can only put Insignia of the correct type here" when I try any Insignia in Universal slot. Also noticed similar in Companions Equipment slots on different toon yesterday
Cannot fit any Insignia into Universal Slot - error "You can only put Insignia of the correct type here" when I try any Insignia in Universal slot. Also noticed similar in Companions Equipment slots on different toon yesterday
Cannot fit any Insignia into Universal Slot - error "You can only put Insignia of the correct type here" when I try any Insignia in Universal slot. Also noticed similar in Companions Equipment slots on different toon yesterday
I haven't used my Paladin for a while. Logged in today and had reallocate stat points. I did this on my tank loadout first, then swapped to my healer loadout. Did the same on there. Went to swap back to my tank loadout and it won't let me. I can click to swap loadouts and it makes the noise like it has swapped it but it doesn't. Stuck on healer.
I haven't used my Paladin for a while. Logged in today and had reallocate stat points. I did this on my tank loadout first, then swapped to my healer loadout. Did the same on there. Went to swap back to my tank loadout and it won't let me. I can click to swap loadouts and it makes the noise like it has swapped it but it doesn't. Stuck on healer.
Recommend you try to go to your companions window and use the "Apply to all loadouts" icon. Especially, if you are using the same companion but in a different slot in another loadout. Good luck.
Tested with a wide range of equipment dropped from general mobs and hunts in Omu, none of them showed up.
Tested further with a wide range of equipment from Avernus treasure map chests, none showed up.
Please fix, thank you,
Then you added "Hold circle" to skip cutscenes... Why? Cutscenes get annoying after you've run the dungeon 100 times. There's nothing spectacular about a T-rex busting through a wall... skiiiiiiiiiip.
What is this tyranny? Why don't we have a choice in this matter?
Anyways, the bug with IC loading into the hall of chains needs to be looked at. The whole intro part is buggy now. I usually join groups that have defeated entry area mobs or none exist. Then once we all pick a demon skill, we go to gate and *try* to enter.... The party is thrown into a cutscene loop and loaded into the boss room past the chains with no boss and a chained door. This leads to party problems because people either A) Close the game and disconnect or
All toons have completed WoD with 100% I now have 2 toons that cannot access the campaign tree because they have no currency to start a campaign that has already been completed.
Still getting the weird turquoise block around my characters from time to time
It seems to take multiple button presses to delete one item of mail, even though the sound effect happens the mail's doesn't delete and you have to try again. Personal best so far is 8 attempts on one piece of mail
Armor Kits still not working
I am getting replies to another guild weekly guild mail and the replies are vouchers for some sort of guild competition. Luckily I am a nice guy and I am returning the vouchers explaining this must be a glitch but I could just as easily keep and use/sell these vouchers if was that sort of person.
Despite not intially suffering from it I now have the permanent mail icon on ALL of my toons with various workaround not getting rid of it.
Several of the items in the Valiant Wayfarers pack DO NOT have the option to convert to appearance library making them pretty useless as transmutes
Also when interacting with objects need it for a quest in all adventures, you keep getting interrupted by nothing and it takes usually 2 to 4 tries to actually finish the interaction
Unable to choose and equip the Epic quality(Purple) Masterwork tools which are acquired from Mastercraft lvl 1/2 when using a recipe.
The tools are present in the Professions bag but are unavaible to use.
I got that a couple times too. The last time I was able to get it to disappear by first reading a new mail via the menu (Options Button -> Social -> Mail), instead of going directly to the VIP 'Summon Mailbox' (which is what I would normally do so I could delete it right after).
I can't confirm this is a consistent fix as it hasn't come back yet for a couple days.
Protectors enclave is bad. The moss and mushrooms on the great tree start out as icebergs till they render and there is a hole/ window triangle behind the mount platform near the bank. The texture map is missing and you can see under the map.
In the new Adventure hall the screen will suddenly flash all white for a second. It happens everywhere, but most noticeable there.
And the illusionist gambit is like an LSD trip. It takes a long time for textures to render if they do.
Anything that glows or shimmers or lightning is pixelated till it can render. But doesn’t stay rendered.
Load outs get randomly locked.
And if you bought out EE you still have to replay one of the chapters.
The Well of dragons 75% is annoying as all toons had it complete.
Still get stuck in Anvil pose and it cancels the encounter as I slide around sword stuck in the air, or using an encounter on wizard or Cleric mostly, it will finish animation with water balloon toss/ throw animation.
The same exact thing happened to my friend.
My username is HectorJGuay (ps4 obviously). Not sure what extra information you might need. Is this a known bug? I have not seen anyone else talking about this on the forum.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Bug: can't buy Mirage weapons in shop of river dirstrict with Bard......
- in umbra igitur pugnabimus!