With module 21 came the new adventuring system with the leveling campaigns and cryptic added famous, very rare, some legendary transmutes back to the game. Here are some pictures of them:
If you're an old great weapon fighter, you know that sword

If you aren't then look it up the Auction house, they go about 100 mil Astral diamonds.
All is good except the items that you get from this quest are "bound on pickup (Character)". Which means when you pick it up, it is no longer tradable even within your account.
A lot of us has maxed characters from the past and have completed these quests back in the old days. So you can't get them to your characters.
Also on Preview server they all were "bound on Equip" which means they were tradable.
I would ask you guys at cryptic to give our main/old characters the chance to get these old transmutes, because the state it's in, we cannot.
I have already posted on several threads on many forums with solutions about this problem. Here are some:
1. Make them "Bound on equip" again
2. Make them "Bound on pickup (Account)
3. Add in the quest/campaign replay future like we had something like that in the recently removed "Maze Engine" campaign.
Thank you!
I totally agree with you, but I don't need an apology letter or explanation. I just want them to fix these things about the game, but the devs doesn't even seem to mind it. 0 response. I asked the support too, they told me:
Also lot of people outraged about this, especially barbarians/gwfs. A couple of guys I talked too:
Exactly. This is one solution, but I prefer the "Bind on Equip" way, because in this way beginner players can start to get Astral Diamonds by selling them on the Auction House. This would be better for cryptic, because they could get more Astral diamonds out. A lot of people would buy them, question about that.
Yeah, I saw that also. Flower vorpal character bound, like why lol? All the other enchantments with different colors are tradable, but not this one. Sometimes I think that cryptic makes random decisions about these. Looks like a mess right now
My thoughts, absolutely nothing should be Bound to Character, unless a character has equipped that item and even then I still find it objectionable -vs- the item Bound to Account, but that last part is just a personal opinion.
The game would probably make a decent revenue return if they sold a token that would remove the Bound to Character limitation even if it only made the item Bound to Account instead... More revenue if the game released a token to remove the bound status completely.