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lostmouth extra dmg proc from books or lm set doesnt proc AT ALL when wearing dot enchantments

catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
edited February 2021 in Bug Reports (PC)
Having equipped 3 tales books,
we get bonus "Additional hit for weapon damage on Critical hit."

IF with that we Equip ANY weapon enchantment that does Damage Over Time (flaming, dread, plague fire), this bonus from books will NEVER apply.

It was bugged like that for a long time, I think i reported it already.


Please, fix.

edit: oh ye i did report that, but i guess nobody cared :(

Post edited by catson#7772 on


  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    I have Bilethorn and I am pretty sure it showed in act. Maybe every enchant doesnt work in the same way
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2021

    I have Bilethorn and I am pretty sure it showed in act. Maybe every enchant doesnt work in the same way

    bilethorn, lightning are not Damage over time, bilethorn is single delayed hit

    flaming, dread are dmg over time, and they block possibility to proc losmouth :(

    they shouldn't
  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    I was told a while back that lostmauth's vengeance would proc off the dots of weap enchants, and to use dread for more dps. While it was just something I heard, by the time I tested it, lostmauth's vengeance didn't proc at all with dread. I figured that they had "fixed" the multi-procing by that time, but in the process broke it for dot enchants altogether, it would certainly fit the m.o..

  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    nice from Northside he made short vid about it...

    i really hope it receives attention and gets fixed
  • drago#9606 drago Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2021

    Having equipped 3 tales books,
    we get bonus "Additional hit for weapon damage on Critical hit."

    IF with that we Equip ANY weapon enchantment that does Damage Over Time (flaming, dread, plague fire), this bonus from books will NEVER apply.

    Just did some testing on a Wizard with 3 Storyteller journals, LostMouth Artefact set and lightning enchantment. It should proc the LostMouth bonus twice each time a power crits, since the journals and the artefact set both give it.

    I found the problem seems to occur with any DoT power, and even potentially some that aren't. Here's a summary of how often the bonus procs with various powers, when they crit:

    * Ray of frost - at will - not DoT - double procs - as expected
    * Ray of Enfeeblement - encounter - DoT - never procs - broken
    * Entangling Force - encounter - DoT - never procs - broken
    * Repel - encounter - not DoT - double procs - as expected
    * Disintegrate - encounter - not DoT - never procs - broken
    * Lightning arc - weapon enchant - not DoT - never procs - I assume this is as expected, since its an indirect proc itself

    DoTs definitely don't work, but also the Disintegrate power did not proc anything when it crit.

    EDIT: I also found that if removing either the artefact set or the journals (and keeping the other) that the DoT powers still didn't proc the bonus at all, but Disintegrate did proc it once per crit (as expected). So there may be a slightly separate cause for that particular power.
  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    i get that they didnt want it to procs each dot tick, but when wearing any dot ench, and using not dot skills, it still should proc just from that skill itself at least once :(

    can we please have some dev look into it so we can have more choices of enchantments before new mod hits? I'd really woiuld love to run dread or flaming, thats such a good buff for party, but not worth losing lots of dmg from proc
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    I would expect it to work like other procs do (or should); once per cast or once per tick if it's a channeling one like dreadtheft or ray of frost.
    With adjustments if said powers have long cooldowns.
    It's a bit... hit and miss at the moment.
  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    is someone looking into it? i have feeling that dot enchantments are block many other procs
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Reporting internally for investigation.
  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    so back to the point we were year ago :(
  • datarider#1036 datarider Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    try posting ring with wrong stats with any other bug reports - it will be noticed right away :D
  • shockerizershockerizer Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    Here's to hoping for an update...
  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    no new info about fix for that? it would be great
  • malakut#1916 malakut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    @nitocris83 I'm back!! Sorry, I took a little cat-nap between checking the tickets that have fallen through the cracks due to ya'll paying too much attention to the silly Harpy Class. Where's our update on this?
  • catson#7772 catson Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Maybe some day, i still hope, it will get fixed.
  • malakut#1916 malakut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User

    Maybe some day, i still hope, it will get fixed.

    Looks like "Internally" means "In our trash can". :Sadpanda:

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