There are people in the game with over $500 million AD and I've heard whispers of those with over $1 billion. That wealth did not come from selling bondings either. It was obtained through methods I won't post about here. I know a subset of people in the game with hundreds of million in AD and who continue to post to ZAX because there is nothing worth buying (With AD or Zen).
I heard there's a hard cap on how much AD you can have on an account.
Integers have limits in the SQL database, it depends on how they set the field. Integers can be assigned as; Tinyint 1 byte = 255 Smallint 2 bytes = 32,767 Int 4 bytes = 2,147,483,647 Bigint 8 bytes = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
I am pretty sure they used the Int value. I don't recall were I read it in the game, but your gold is capped at 21,478 gold 36 silver and 47 copper. An obvious 4 byte Integer. Since AD is not divided, this would mean you could have a little over 2 billion.
You mean 214,748 gold.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
> I heard there's a hard cap on how much AD you can have on an account.
There is, but you can use high value items to save you astral diamonds as assets, enchantments and legendary packs ect.
I guess the trend now is for these guys to buy the rank 15 bondings since they never have to worry about them losing value due to nerfs and changes
Exactly. There are players with over 100k in zen, hundreds of millions in AD, and items (Legendary mount packs, Rank 15 packs, etc.) which allow these players to preserve wealth.
I still don't understand why they can't add fashion, transmute, and similar items to the game to make people want to spend AD and zen.
There are people in the game with over $500 million AD and I've heard whispers of those with over $1 billion. That wealth did not come from selling bondings either. It was obtained through methods I won't post about here. I know a subset of people in the game with hundreds of million in AD and who continue to post to ZAX because there is nothing worth buying (With AD or Zen).
I heard there's a hard cap on how much AD you can have on an account.
Integers have limits in the SQL database, it depends on how they set the field. Integers can be assigned as; Tinyint 1 byte = 255 Smallint 2 bytes = 32,767 Int 4 bytes = 2,147,483,647 Bigint 8 bytes = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
I am pretty sure they used the Int value. I don't recall were I read it in the game, but your gold is capped at 21,478 gold 36 silver and 47 copper. An obvious 4 byte Integer. Since AD is not divided, this would mean you could have a little over 2 billion.
Remember when dps chat goes negative numbers when dps > 2,147,483,647 ? It would be fun if AD goes negative at the same way lol
There are people in the game with over $500 million AD and I've heard whispers of those with over $1 billion. That wealth did not come from selling bondings either. It was obtained through methods I won't post about here. I know a subset of people in the game with hundreds of million in AD and who continue to post to ZAX because there is nothing worth buying (With AD or Zen).
I heard there's a hard cap on how much AD you can have on an account.
Integers have limits in the SQL database, it depends on how they set the field. Integers can be assigned as; Tinyint 1 byte = 255 Smallint 2 bytes = 32,767 Int 4 bytes = 2,147,483,647 Bigint 8 bytes = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
I am pretty sure they used the Int value. I don't recall were I read it in the game, but your gold is capped at 21,478 gold 36 silver and 47 copper. An obvious 4 byte Integer. Since AD is not divided, this would mean you could have a little over 2 billion.
Remember when dps chat goes negative numbers when dps > 2,147,483,647 ? It would be fun if AD goes negative at the same way lol
That was the "Caturday Exploit" someone allowed you to post negative bids on items. The Auction House started paying players to buy items.
2. The current limit is 100m * (max number of chars (about 60) + 1 shared bank slot). So you can have about 6'100'000'000 AD on an account.
> I heard there's a hard cap on how much AD you can have on an account.
There is, but you can use high value items to save you astral diamonds as assets, enchantments and legendary packs ect.
I guess the trend now is for these guys to buy the rank 15 bondings since they never have to worry about them losing value due to nerfs and changes
I still don't understand why they can't add fashion, transmute, and similar items to the game to make people want to spend AD and zen.