The mount combat power is stuck at default epic rank despite being upgraded to mythic. I'm not sure if the equip power is, but this is not cool. I spent valuable resources on the pack and upgrade tokens.
I have screenshots if needed.
P.s. while I'm typing this, the last 5 or so people have teleported into the citadel while in their avernus car. That seems broken too. This is why PC is our beta test group.
As mentioned above, insignia slots do not change as your mount is upgraded. Along with that, you do not unlock additional costumes or powers as your mount ranks up. This means that the rarer legendary mounts will retain a good amount of their uniqueness including their multiple universal insignia slots and their unique combat powers.
I was at like 2.4k-2.6k magnitude before this patch and now at a measly 1,075 tunnel vision after patch aka epic level instead of mythic.
Look, I'm not stupid. Neither one of you are helping. This is a bug and I'm not the only one who is experiencing it. It was brought up by someone else in NW discord.
Btw, Tunnel vision didn't exist before the mount update so I'm not sure how you misinterpreted that
As you can see here, it went up by 600+ points after I upgraded another mount (with tunnel vision) from epic to legendary. I just spent $20 to prove a point. I'm not spending more.
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