When we requested a rework of rewards system we didn`t mean new drops at their lowest drop chance. We are tired of gambling in MMOs especially when we have to spend time completing a piece of content. If I queue for a Dungeon and spend 20-30mins to complete it and I have to gamble up to 40k AD each time because I hope there will be something good I can use I won`t do anything else but wasting my time and AD. The system in actual form is nothing else than a bad concept of AD sync. I no longer have fun in Neverwinter because everything spins around rng and gambling my time. People who designed these systems as they are right now they didn`t do it for human beings thinking there are people behind the screens, spending time and money trying to have fun leaving their problems away but they did it for profit. That makes me sad. The fact that we have some interesting rewards behind rng. I expected a rewark to the guaranteed rewards that we get in chests because I am tired and I have no use for obsolete armor pieces and so on nor for RP. The game become more p2w than player friendly in any way. For me p2w is not related about subscription. It is about the number of items you can obtain by paying, not playing. In this case you win the hunge amount of time you`ll probably waste trying to farm for hours gambling you AD to get 1 preservation ward or 1 scroll of mass life or 2 tradebars..I mean come on guys..
I am an endgame player. And this is what I feel. The only reason anyone would ever pay for anything in this game is to have a higher damage number poping on their screen. The content is the same for everyone, the rewards not worthing the time nor the money. The designs are bad and rushed, the gameplay is mediocre and the quality control is still bad. The only reason I play the game is because I don`t have time to learn another game and most of them are too huge to be discovered. But for sure I am not the only one who is waiting for the next big mmo showing up. And until now the only two options for Neverwinter is to try and milks as much as it can the people`s pokets or try and evolve becoming player friendly giving a unique experience that will worth both time and money. This is just my opinion abd feedback regarding what I`ve experienced in the past few months since Roadmap was released.
I am pretty sure if things won`t change, people will realise that you did it only for money and nothing else.
@cwhitesidedev#9752 I am not expecting you nor your team to come and lie about that. But let`s switch sides for once and play your product without using any admin privileges, engage, evolve and once you are in endgame let us know how the gameplay feels? Repetitive? Booring? Not rewarding? Pay for VIP sir, get these 3 reroll tokens and open some chests after 30 minutes. Or just do the randoms get 100k AD, refine and try to gamble it all for 1 scroll of life and 1 preservation ward or even better, keep the AD and buy something nice, maybe an epic mount at the end of the week. You will be 1% closer to 10 Mythic Mounts. Or just sell your car and house and let equip you with bis from Zen Store in just one click?
2. You should use re-roll token if you have. If you don't, what you see first should be what you take. If you choose to gamble, it is your choice.
3. That should be the basic rule of thumb before and after this "reward" change.
4. This is not worse than before the change. For me, it is indifferent mostly but with a tiny hope to get something good. i.e. it is as player friendly/unfriendly as before the change.
They are trying to make this a p2w and are, again, loosing thousand of players. Good job.
Also grinding is a part of any MMO, there is no getting around it. The trick is to find something to play that you like to grind in.
I suggest you run the random skirmishes as that is where I have had the best luck with drops and they generally are over much faster than a dungeon and the queue time is not as long.
Sadly, it all comes down to RNG which is the bane of the gaming fandom.
An 8 minute skirmish at 7,000 IL would give 56,000 AD bonus (1% chance)
A 30 minute dungeon at 25,000 IL would give 750,000 AD bonus (1% chance)
This would go a little ways in balancing the reward between areas for invested effort, and increase the overall payouts some.
agree with all but 4. it IS worse. I used to get something.. SOMETHING at least once every three days just doing my daily random ques on 1 toon. I've been doing a lot of dungeons and trials and skirmishes to try it all out. many more than usual and I've got nothing of note. nothing at all. I don't count 1 presward here or 2 trade bars there as anything worth note. I've done a lot of codg and tong and fbi and they used to be reliable for SOMETHING but the rewards are pooh. honestly not worth playing. not worth rerolling. the wind is out of my sails on this.
Mind you I have 30 toons so almost everything I can get I can use one way or another I also have 1000s of re-roll tokens because I stopped running dungeons out of frustration ages ago. And lastly, any gems or enchants I get I throw in my guild coffers because we are growing like mad so even the level 5 and 6 enchants don't go to waste.
It's all cake to me although it sounds like mileage my vary by each person.
EDIT: I forgot add genie's gift and the books you need for various tasks like Haarl's Treatise, etc.
I don't remember all the numbers that were posted. It was something like....
Chance of a Premium Loot from one opening: 10%
Chance of a basic premium drop was over 98%
Chance of companion or mount was a bit less than 1% each.
The info could have been wrong and I have certainly not remembered it spot on, but it did suggest that everything was a random drop table/subtable , and nothing was to vary between dungeons. Yet a different post had suggested that harder content would have better rewards... so I don't know, its conflicting statements.
Anyway, if you have a 1% chance to get a random mount each time you get premium loot, and you get premium loot 10% of the time you open a chest, you need to use an average of 1,000 re-rolls before you run into a mount. (about 100 dungeons/trials/skirmishes if they contain 2 chests each run).
If you want to implement an AD sink, put more chests in each dungeon, and put chest keys in the bazaar. But hell dont make me feel like I am in Dungeons and Dragons Las Vegas edition.
Also, I was shocked when people started reporting some rewads
- 1 Tarmalune bar.... 1????? really? Is better to put 10 with less chance...
- Same with mount / companion tokens, preservation wards or other things.
Is ok to have big prizes like the legendary mount or the runic bag, good feeling if you get them. But the "normal" rewards are more important, here is my feedback:
- Increase the ammount of tokens / tarmalunes / preserv and reduce the chance of getting them
- Increase the chance to get a bound companion / mount
- Implement an option to "salvage" companions and mounts for companion tokens / mount tokens depending on the rarity of the companion / mount
Edit: Typos
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
it seems that it was changed from getting a lot of low vallue suff to have 1% chance to get something really valuable, i recall that all cpd people talked about RGN being bad and that grindy but sure stuff would be better...
I was waiting to se this changes to buy VIP again, that saves me money, rerols are useless i have no need for vip...
About 30/40 Skirmishes/Dungs, doing rerolls (5 rolls or until premium prize apears) my "Premium" were:
2 pres wards (two drops)
2 Tamalure bars (one drop)
1 Scroll of Life (one drop)
one pres ward at chest... ONE...
Not worth at all...