Come on, you know they don't play Soulweaver, not even one of them "elite" chosens to play the alphas. What kind of soulweaver would agreed with this shhiit?
Actually, 3 of the beta testers all play Soulbringer. But if you think that every single piece of feedback given by players was implemented than I have some things I want to sell you. Also if you think that they have the exactly same opinion as you with regards to the changes, I am afraid you would be disappointed.
What!? There's ppl that don't have the exactly same opinion as me!? That is impossible! Impossible i say!
If those 3 said something to bring this actual soulweaver to live, i fear what was on the alpha. And to know before i talk (because this is the first time in years i find out there are soulweavers there), are those 3 in the live or are just testers? Don't need names, just know if they are real mains or someone told them "this is the class you are going to test".
Feel i need to add: 1) The first line is a joke, i know that about opinions. Feel i need to put this disclaimer cuz there are ppl that wont get it.
2) If my previous comment sounded like a dis, it was ONLY if the testers agreed with this changes that (looks like) the rest of the soulweavers actually hate. If they didn't agreed, well, i apollogize to them.
Post edited by shugensha on
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Come on, you know they don't play Soulweaver, not even one of them "elite" chosens to play the alphas. What kind of soulweaver would agreed with this shhiit?
Actually, 3 of the beta testers all play Soulbringer. But if you think that every single piece of feedback given by players was implemented than I have some things I want to sell you. Also if you think that they have the exactly same opinion as you with regards to the changes, I am afraid you would be disappointed.
What!? There's ppl that don't have the exactly same opinion as me!? That is impossible! Impossible i say!
If those 3 said something to bring this actual soulweaver to live, i fear what was on the alpha. And to know before i talk (because this is the first time in years i find out there are soulweavers there), are those 3 in the live or are just testers? Don't need names, just know if they are real mains or someone told them "this is the class you are going to test".
Feel i need to add: 1) The first line is a joke, i know that about opinions. Feel i need to put this disclaimer cuz there are ppl that wont get it.
2) If my previous comment sounded like a dis, it was ONLY if the testers agreed with this changes that (looks like) the rest of the soulweavers actually hate. If they didn't agreed, well, i apollogize to them.
They play them on live, not just the beta. Nobody during the beta was asked to specifically play a class they do not want to (or normally) play, people played what they wanted to. If you want to ask them what they think of the changes I am sure @tom#6998 wouldn't mind giving his opinion (he was 1 of them for example). Hes been playing SW as his main character since at least mod 9? The other 2 are more quiet people who don't usually comment on the forums so I won't single them out, but one of the other 2 exclusively plays healers and has all 3 BiS (although admits they prefer SW to the other 2) and the third plays pretty much every class in the game (they have all chars BiS), although they usually play on live SW, OP and CW.
The least represented healer on the Beta was actually the healer cleric with only a single person playing that, as far as I am aware. There were plenty of Arbiters, but I don't count those as healers.
Then i apologize to them, and thank you for the info.
Now i need to hope the devs will take into some consideration all the feedback about soulweaver the ppl left here for the future (hope not a far one). And i hope they can take the time to explain their plans for SW, healers and/or the healing formula (as they did with the tanks).
Guess that until i get BiS or close to BiS i (and most SW) will be struggling a lot, but if there are BiS SWs.. It means there is still hope.
Again, thank you for the info.
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
I play all 3 healers and it's true that warlock was the hardest to play before the changes. I used to be able to compete with more powerful DC or paladin but now warlock is completely useless. First, tab mechanic is bugged with warlock. you have to try several times to make it work. Second, soul reconstruction takes longer compare to healing at-wills from cleric or paladin. Third, targetting is buggy on warlock. Finally, you have no encounter that allows you to heal people if they are scattered. Paladin can use shield, cleric can use healing word. Before we could use Shatter Spark but now it's gone. The only problem soulweaver had is that we didn't have any encounter with aoe healing unlike the 2 other classes with baston of health or divine touch. In my opinion, it would have been useful to keep shatter spark and remove another encounter to add revitalize.
Xbox player here, so just experiencing these changes. Please increase the healing magnitude of Divine Shelter. Divinity cost can even be increased a bit to compensate.
Divine Shelter Magnitude decreased to 200, down from 400. Divinity cost decreased to 120, down from 180.
Definitely feeling that magnitude cut in half. Especially since Divine Touch is nerfed between targets. I don't have that much of an issue with divinity management, but spamming Divine Shelter in Valindra's Tower praying to God your team stays alive with each little sliver of health it gives is not fun. Ending up 4th on the heals board in a trial because the tanks and dps can now self heal more than I can help is not fun.
I noticed this correlation on my DC as well. I'm fine on divinity management, so I can spam healing word. Despite it's weak heal, exalt+blessing of light+the healing word HOT and my team will stay alive. Plus DCs get Intercession. Circle of Divinity roots us in place on pally, so DCs feel a lot better to play healer.
My pally and dc are both maxed out 27k. Can't speak for soulweaver as he's 22k alt and I haven't played with the changes yet.
TLDR: Spamming weak heals does not feel fun to play healer anymore.
Xbox player here, so just experiencing these changes. Please increase the healing magnitude of Divine Shelter. Divinity cost can even be increased a bit to compensate.
Divine Shelter
Magnitude decreased to 200, down from 400.
Divinity cost decreased to 120, down from 180.
Definitely feeling that magnitude cut in half. Especially since Divine Touch is nerfed between targets. I don't have that much of an issue with divinity management, but spamming Divine Shelter in Valindra's Tower praying to God your team stays alive with each little sliver of health it gives is not fun. Ending up 4th on the heals board in a trial because the tanks and dps can now self heal more than I can help is not fun.
I noticed this correlation on my DC as well. I'm fine on divinity management, so I can spam healing word. Despite it's weak heal, exalt+blessing of light+the healing word HOT and my team will stay alive. Plus DCs get Intercession. Circle of Divinity roots us in place on pally, so DCs feel a lot better to play healer.
My pally and dc are both maxed out 27k. Can't speak for soulweaver as he's 22k alt and I haven't played with the changes yet.
TLDR: Spamming weak heals does not feel fun to play healer anymore.
First, i want to say i hate the healing changes cuz my SW was destroyed and needed to be build from 0... And low heals for a warlock. The only SWs i saw happy were the dps ones trying healing for the first time. Also hate that companions count as target when using the aoe healing. Now, that being said, if you need to "pray to god" so your team stays alive, then the problem is your team. Something good about this changes is that ppl needs to start playing smarter and not yolo. And don't mind the board, as long as you kept your team alive you are doing a great job.
The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
I also do not care for the tab mechanic. Often times I just forget to use use it. Other times it take like 3 times to actually mark your target. Something is off with how responsive it is to targets. I seem to have a harder time marking on cleric than pally.
It is also hard to see those angel wings in the chaos of battle. This makes you question whether you had the mark on or not, or marked the right person (tank).
When trying to do the big heal by holding tab down, you end up removing the mark or finding the tank didn't even have the wings on in the first place.
Meanwhile fiddling with the tab, you have allies dying around you.
I want all casting times reduced. When a team mate takes damage i need to heal then immediately. But my healing word takes so long to cast that i get interrupted constantly and people die. Please make encounters cast in one second or less
What!? There's ppl that don't have the exactly same opinion as me!? That is impossible! Impossible i say!
If those 3 said something to bring this actual soulweaver to live, i fear what was on the alpha.
And to know before i talk (because this is the first time in years i find out there are soulweavers there), are those 3 in the live or are just testers? Don't need names, just know if they are real mains or someone told them "this is the class you are going to test".
Feel i need to add:
1) The first line is a joke, i know that about opinions. Feel i need to put this disclaimer cuz there are ppl that wont get it.
2) If my previous comment sounded like a dis, it was ONLY if the testers agreed with this changes that (looks like) the rest of the soulweavers actually hate. If they didn't agreed, well, i apollogize to them.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
> They clearly don't play as a soulweaver main. Fact
feels like clerics or palas with soulweaver on the side
The least represented healer on the Beta was actually the healer cleric with only a single person playing that, as far as I am aware. There were plenty of Arbiters, but I don't count those as healers.
Now i need to hope the devs will take into some consideration all the feedback about soulweaver the ppl left here for the future (hope not a far one).
And i hope they can take the time to explain their plans for SW, healers and/or the healing formula (as they did with the tanks).
Guess that until i get BiS or close to BiS i (and most SW) will be struggling a lot, but if there are BiS SWs.. It means there is still hope.
Again, thank you for the info.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
First, tab mechanic is bugged with warlock. you have to try several times to make it work.
Second, soul reconstruction takes longer compare to healing at-wills from cleric or paladin.
Third, targetting is buggy on warlock.
Finally, you have no encounter that allows you to heal people if they are scattered. Paladin can use shield, cleric can use healing word. Before we could use Shatter Spark but now it's gone.
The only problem soulweaver had is that we didn't have any encounter with aoe healing unlike the 2 other classes with baston of health or divine touch. In my opinion, it would have been useful to keep shatter spark and remove another encounter to add revitalize.
Divine Shelter
Magnitude decreased to 200, down from 400.
Divinity cost decreased to 120, down from 180.
Definitely feeling that magnitude cut in half. Especially since Divine Touch is nerfed between targets. I don't have that much of an issue with divinity management, but spamming Divine Shelter in Valindra's Tower praying to God your team stays alive with each little sliver of health it gives is not fun. Ending up 4th on the heals board in a trial because the tanks and dps can now self heal more than I can help is not fun.
I noticed this correlation on my DC as well. I'm fine on divinity management, so I can spam healing word. Despite it's weak heal, exalt+blessing of light+the healing word HOT and my team will stay alive. Plus DCs get Intercession. Circle of Divinity roots us in place on pally, so DCs feel a lot better to play healer.
My pally and dc are both maxed out 27k. Can't speak for soulweaver as he's 22k alt and I haven't played with the changes yet.
TLDR: Spamming weak heals does not feel fun to play healer anymore.
Now, that being said, if you need to "pray to god" so your team stays alive, then the problem is your team. Something good about this changes is that ppl needs to start playing smarter and not yolo.
And don't mind the board, as long as you kept your team alive you are doing a great job.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
It is also hard to see those angel wings in the chaos of battle. This makes you question whether you had the mark on or not, or marked the right person (tank).
When trying to do the big heal by holding tab down, you end up removing the mark or finding the tank didn't even have the wings on in the first place.
Meanwhile fiddling with the tab, you have allies dying around you.