Description and Goal: Self-Casting TAB it's awful as it is in mod19 mainly where there is several targets nerby (ea: Trials and Heroic Encounters) and creating a bad issue in PvP (forced to look to the sky or the ground loosing the enemies/allies from view). I suggest a creation of a command for Self-Casting for a better feeling of control and immersion : Hold SHIFT + Press TAB = Put a Mark in yourself Hold SHIFT + Hold TAB = channeling yourselft (if the Mark is already in another player it wont remove it, similar to when an player with the mark is out of range)
Area of Impact : Combat Design, Healers Role, PvE, PvP. Risks & Concerns: Maybe could conflict with others keybinds/commands (on consoles ?), but if you also give the option so change in the option menu it can be solved.
Description and Goal: Queue Group Voice Chat. And while that's being worked on, stream line the options for in-game voice chat so players can intuitively turn it off/on etc.
Area of Impact: Trials. Players wont have to rely on 3rd party apps to coordinate actions and phases.
Description and Goal : Many people like the screen clean for a better view of the fights and to achieve that they disable several elements and one of it is "Show player's damage floaters" in the Interface > HUD menu. The issue is when you do that the "Show Player Triggered Power Names" are also forced disabled. Turning both options autonomous would be appreciate. Also if there is resources enough to create a sound alert when Triggered a Power Effect (similar to when reach 100% Action Point bar) i believe it would create an even more enjoyable experience
Area of Impact : Interface, HUD, Accessibility Risks & Concerns : None i can see, quite the opposite, it also can help people with the different types accessibility needs.
Description and Goal: (re)learning basic skills/powers etc of a class Being able to do the basic what do this powers/class mechanic quest again, when for example you are revitalizing an alt that you haven't played for years, totally forgot how those class mechanics work and want a refresher. This can also be used for players to get en visual guide when classes get their mechanics changed with re-ballanced or re-worked.
Area of Impact: quest mechanics/quest replayability
Risks & Concerns: if there are no safeguards in place their could be an option of getting valuable quest rewards again.
I think to add to this, what he is trying to say is simply when logging in after several mods have gone by and your character is 'reset' that there be the 'green boxes' (the same ones that are shown to new players to walk them through the character screen) walking an existing player through their characters powers/feats/boons changes from the different mods they have missed out on.
Duur, hope this helped clarify!
Just call me Enna... Enna Backpetal Cleric Enna F Backpetal Fighter
Description and Goal: (re)learning basic skills/powers etc of a class Being able to do the basic what do this powers/class mechanic quest again, when for example you are revitalizing an alt that you haven't played for years, totally forgot how those class mechanics work and want a refresher. This can also be used for players to get en visual guide when classes get their mechanics changed with re-ballanced or re-worked.
Area of Impact: quest mechanics/quest replayability
Risks & Concerns: if there are no safeguards in place their could be an option of getting valuable quest rewards again.
I think to add to this, what he is trying to say is simply when logging in after several mods have gone by and your character is 'reset' that there be the 'green boxes' (the same ones that are shown to new players to walk them through the character screen) walking an existing player through their characters powers/feats/boons changes from the different mods they have missed out on.
Ah, indeed I had forgotten that part
Play for fun, Work to get rich, These two are not compatible!
Description and Goal: Auras that you can edit/toggle Area of Impact: Most in-game auras associated with classes/powers are ugly. Case in point, Fighter Aura of Vengeance/Rage is absolutely hideous and looks more like a bloody HAMSTER than anything else. Please allow characters to either edit the color of auras, or at the very least, toggle them off, especially when there is another HUD meter showing Vengeance level. We can toggle off weapon and armor enchant effects, why not auras? Risks & Concerns: Potential risks- Not sure how easy it would be to code the change since it is tied to a specific mechanic.
Description and goal: Being able to see you own performance in a dungeon or activity that has more than 5 people. Right now, in 10 men dungeons, we can only see the 5 best in each category. For the ones that never show on the paingiver leaderboard, it can be nice for them to know if they are close to the 5th dps or far from him. In big trials like ToMM or Zariel, where your acceptance in group depends on your dps, it can be nice to know. Area of impact: Trials or activity with more than 5 people. Risks and concerns: I dont see any.
In big trials like ToMM or Zariel, where your acceptance in group depends on your dps, it can be nice to know.
Area of impact: Trials or activity with more than 5 people.
Risks and concerns: I dont see any.
this is the part that concerns me. it's true. some groups (most groups) look at top dps and will often kick anyone not on the leaderboard or too far below even if the runs are going ok. lots of things affect paingiver. it's often not a very accurate representation of the whole.
me personally, I'd rather they got rid of paingiver or redid it to be different metrics. I'm not mathy.. but I know there are better captures out there. I think it does more harm to the community than good.
damnaciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 354Arc User
Description and Goal: Provide the means for Owners, Admins and Moderators of Public Chat Channels to correctly Mute members and permanently ban players.
Chat Channels currently have no effective tools to manage members. Mute functions do not work properly and are bugged, and players who are Kicked may rejoin a Public channel. The only effective method for managing Chat Channels it to make them Private, which reduces their effectiveness and efficiency.
Area of Impact: Significantly improve the social environment of the game, support greater player-friendly environments, and improve non-gameplay mechanics.
Risks & Concerns: Bugs related to the Mute function of Chat Channels has existed prior to the release of Star Trek Online (STO) - from whence the chat system was created. Any such changes are likely to involve and affect other games and may prove difficult to resolve and implement.
damnaciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 354Arc User
Description and Goal: Enable Helm guilds to invite all guilds into specific positions within an alliance, facilitate the ease of movement of guilds within an alliance to different positions within an alliance, enable an option for sending mail to all alliance members which is a permission assigned within each guild to specific ranks, enable Mute/Unmute functions of alliance members by members / officers with assigned permissions based upon guild rank and preferences, and enable an 'Alliance Officer Chat' which includes alliance members assigned permissions based upon guild preferences and ranks.
Area of Impact: Completely, significantly, and utterly improves the entire alliance experience for everyone, particularly alliance leaders and officers.
Risks & Concerns: None identified.
damnaciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 354Arc User
Description and Goal: Enable the facility for old lower level artifacts to be 'fused' together, to create a newer 'custom' artifact, which uses the base stats and effects of one, with half of the stats and effects of two others.
Currently, old artifacts in the game serve little to no purpose and may, nostalgically, take up inventory space. Creating the facility for players to 'fuse' old artifacts together to create new and dynamic custom artifacts will reinvigorate the acquisition of old artifacts and ensure an ongoing future expansion-proof system.
Area of Impact: This will improve the viability, value and use of old artifacts to ensure they remain meaningful and desired.
Risks & Concerns: None observed.
damnaciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 354Arc User
Description and Goal: Allow for old artifact equipment, including weapon sets, necks and belts to be upgraded to contemporary base weapon damage and stats.
Despite being currently obsolete, old artifact equipment, including weapon sets, necks and belts continue to exist in the game and are obtainable, yet serve no real purpose and provide a source of confusion and waste for new players who may not be aware that such items are, in fact, worthless.
Area of Impact: This will improve the viability, value and use of old artifact equipment to ensure it remains meaningful and desired.
Description and Goal: Right now, if you have lots of toons, it can be a hassle to collect your 100k Rough AD across all of them. Ever since there is an account wide limitation on how much Rough AD you can refine anyway, I propose to make the pool also account wide. Make the limit for this account wide pool the same as the AD limit per character (100 million). Everything else Rough AD related should stay the same (e.g. character RAD boost).
Area of Impact: Ease of use
Risks & Concerns: People with >100m RAD might lose some (although, that's almost 3 years worth of RAD)
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
In no special order:
Description and Goal: clearly state the chances of getting each item in boxes descriptions to inform people properly before they try to farm/open boxes. Area of Impact: boxes/rewards Risk and Concerns: people may give up if chances for certain items are too low
Description and Goal: when you place an item on sale on the auction have a window showing prices of existing items of the same type on the auction to avoid going back and forth between sale and purchase windows. Possibly merge the two windows. Area of impact: auction house Risk and concerns: getting a crammed window with readability issues
Description and goal: make AD, rough AD, refining points and appearance change tokens shared resources across the account to reduce the amount of swapping and having resources locked on a character that doesn't need them Area of impact: inventory Risk and concerns: upper limits may have to be changed as they are today per character and should be adjusted to per account
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Description and goal: Companions and soul puppets only attack if a player attacks. It has some delay, sometimes they dont even have a chance to participate in a fight because player can kill mobs faster. Same goes for tanking companions who could make a diffrence for low lvl characters. Soul puppet is unique, but in general share the same principle. Allow us to use a specific key to command those companions/soul puppet to move/attack the target. "F" key could be used for that.
Area of impact: Active (not augment) companions, soul puppet
Risk and concerns: Tanky companions might be enough in dungeons to hold aggro and thus making tanks less relevant
Description and Goal: Lists or Database access and search functionality needs a revamp. AH, Friends List, Guild Search .... the list goes on and on, the search-ability and access to the many databases in the game is just poor and needs a major rework.
Risks and Concerns: None
unknowndramaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 115Arc User
edited July 2020
Area of Impact: UI performance Description and Goal: Optimizing graphics performance Risks & Concerns: .. Opening Social:Friends list drops from 60 fps to 5fps :opending inventory drops fps from 60fps to 20 fps :opening inventory and character sheet drops fps from 60fps to around 20fps
Game UI-HUD affects a lot graphic performance maybe work on that if you have time.. Also on Chat..add please a option that when someone pm you to open a private window for wispers whit the player name who pmed..its annoying as hell you have to right click each time you want to say something...
Make a global trade and looking for group chat for console. Not sure if pc already has something like this.
The player base is so spread out it's a pain having to transfer zones over and over looking for people to fill queues for dungeons. Keep the zone chats so people doing things related to that area still have a place to discuss things.
You can even implement a cooldown like 30 seconds so the trade and lfg chats aren't filled with people spamming.
We already have the ability to see game wide whenever someone gets a legendary drop so i don't see why this isn't possible.
Ps. Alliance chat and guild chat stills bugs out sometimes when you only post once, causing some people to not even be able to see your message, forcing people to have to double post everything.
Area of Impact: UI performance Description and Goal: Optimizing graphics performance Risks & Concerns: .. Opening Social:Friends list drops from 60 to 5 :opending inventory drops fps from 60 to 20 :opening inventory and character sheet drops fps from 60 to around 20
Game UI-HUD affects a lot graphic performance maybe work on that if you have time.. Also on Chat..add please a option that when someone pm you to open a private window for wispers whit the player name who pmed..its annoying as hell you have to right click each time you want to say something...
to answer a pm, you type /r write-here-what-you-want-to-say, there is no need to right click each time, if you have more that 1 ppl that are talking to you in pm this will not work
Being this is a QOL topic . Have noticed that while inside a Stronghold one finds gates that are blocked off. Why not allow one of them to be used for Player Housing. Separate instance if need be. One could also add for none guild players an instance in PE something like apartments perhaps not as cool as the guild player housing but still something so everyone is covered. Just a QOL idea for all that like that stuff.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
Being this is a QOL topic . Have noticed that while inside a Stronghold one finds gates that are blocked off. Why not allow one of them to be used for Player Housing. Separate instance if need be. One could also add for none guild players an instance in PE something like apartments perhaps not as cool as the guild player housing but still something so everyone is covered. Just a QOL idea for all that like that stuff.
Which gates?
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
try listening when your paying customers have issues. that way, you dont end up with people leaving. you ultimately keep your job. and you wont be looking at fruit picking as a career from next year. you continually ask for feedback but ignore it when its given you ask for ideas - but most ideas here are regarding broken or inefficient material extant in game now....which should have been resolved months and in some cases years ago. if you dont intend to do anything about all these issues...dont bother asking, it just gets peoples hopes up. anyhow, good luck with the fruit picking.
Being this is a QOL topic . Have noticed that while inside a Stronghold one finds gates that are blocked off. Why not allow one of them to be used for Player Housing. Separate instance if need be. One could also add for none guild players an instance in PE something like apartments perhaps not as cool as the guild player housing but still something so everyone is covered. Just a QOL idea for all that like that stuff.
Which gates?
Two closed gates at the North Gate location. Another fence at the Graveyard Giants Among the Dead location . And another Gate blocking the road at Grim Forest near the location you speak with the ghost.
Idea #1 Make special inventory bag sizes more realistic.
The size of the Material Satchel is totally unrealistic. It is not large enough to hold even one stack of every material (partly because of regular and +1 versions of crafting materials), which forces crafters to use various inconvenient measures, such as using the mail system as secondary storage, or have alts whose only purpose in life is to hold lesser-used materials for the primary crafter. If the size of the material satchel was increased by 50-70 slots, this inconvenience could be avoided. (On the flip side, the fashion item bag size is excessive, now that we can convert fashion items to apperance items. In fact, the fashion bag as such is kind-of unnecessary.
Area of impact: Inventory management.
The effect of this depends on what you do about crafting in the is not relevant if crafting stays useless. I do not see any special risks if this is implemented.
I never noticed on PC, but I ran out of Materials room on Xbox, it became overflow in the regular inventory and I couldn't complete any Quests.
Quest items tend to clutter up inventories of players, and they really do not need to access those items or interact with them, which makes it somewhat pointless to have them take up space in the primary bags.
Area of impact: UI, gameplay.
The drawbacks of this is that this might reduce the need for bags, and thus reduce bag sales. Also, care is needed to ensure that the special bag is large enough.
Yes Please, maybe add it to the box with keys and things
I don't see it in here, but there are a lot of posts. I have a request for Xbox that might also be great for PS4. It might not be necessary in PC, but I have been playing been playing on the xbox for a few months.
On PC, I would open the Professions Inventory to Materials so I could see what I needed. The Workbench and Dispatch board take the whole screen, so you can't do that.
Please add information on what you current inventory of Gathering and Crafting for regular and +1 results. There is room under the Adventurer, Tool, and Supplement. Or give an option to open the Professions Inventory too.
Area of Impact: Guild management
Risks & Concerns: None
Enna Backpetal Cleric
Enna F Backpetal Fighter
Twitch Me Baby One More Time
Healer Self-Cast TAB
Description and Goal: Self-Casting TAB it's awful as it is in mod19 mainly where there is several targets nerby (ea: Trials and Heroic Encounters) and creating a bad issue in PvP (forced to look to the sky or the ground loosing the enemies/allies from view).I suggest a creation of a command for Self-Casting for a better feeling of control and immersion :
Hold SHIFT + Press TAB = Put a Mark in yourself
Hold SHIFT + Hold TAB = channeling yourselft
(if the Mark is already in another player it wont remove it, similar to when an player with the mark is out of range)
Area of Impact : Combat Design, Healers Role, PvE, PvP.
Risks & Concerns: Maybe could conflict with others keybinds/commands (on consoles ?), but if you also give the option so change in the option menu it can be solved.
....... Class re-roll token.........
Area of effect: classes
Risks: a lot xD
Queue Group Voice Chat. And while that's being worked on, stream line the options for in-game voice chat so players can intuitively turn it off/on etc.
Area of Impact:
Trials. Players wont have to rely on 3rd party apps to coordinate actions and phases.
Risks & Concerns: None
Floaters Accessibility
Description and Goal : Many people like the screen clean for a better view of the fights and to achieve that they disable several elements and one of it is "Show player's damage floaters" in the Interface > HUD menu. The issue is when you do that the "Show Player Triggered Power Names" are also forced disabled. Turning both options autonomous would be appreciate. Also if there is resources enough to create a sound alert when Triggered a Power Effect (similar to when reach 100% Action Point bar) i believe it would create an even more enjoyable experienceArea of Impact : Interface, HUD, Accessibility
Risks & Concerns : None i can see, quite the opposite, it also can help people with the different types accessibility needs.
Enna Backpetal Cleric
Enna F Backpetal Fighter
Twitch Me Baby One More Time
Areas of Impact: Potentially all players could benefit.
Risk and Concerns: Some players could use this as an opportunity to gain good in a manner not consistent to the ToS.
Area of Impact: Most in-game auras associated with classes/powers are ugly. Case in point, Fighter Aura of Vengeance/Rage is absolutely hideous and looks more like a bloody HAMSTER than anything else. Please allow characters to either edit the color of auras, or at the very least, toggle them off, especially when there is another HUD meter showing Vengeance level. We can toggle off weapon and armor enchant effects, why not auras?
Risks & Concerns: Potential risks- Not sure how easy it would be to code the change since it is tied to a specific mechanic.
Area of impact: Trials or activity with more than 5 people.
Risks and concerns: I dont see any.
this is the part that concerns me. it's true. some groups (most groups) look at top dps and will often kick anyone not on the leaderboard or too far below even if the runs are going ok. lots of things affect paingiver. it's often not a very accurate representation of the whole.
me personally, I'd rather they got rid of paingiver or redid it to be different metrics. I'm not mathy.. but I know there are better captures out there. I think it does more harm to the community than good.
Description and Goal:
Provide the means for Owners, Admins and Moderators of Public Chat Channels to correctly Mute members and permanently ban players.
Chat Channels currently have no effective tools to manage members. Mute functions do not work properly and are bugged, and players who are Kicked may rejoin a Public channel. The only effective method for managing Chat Channels it to make them Private, which reduces their effectiveness and efficiency.
Area of Impact:
Significantly improve the social environment of the game, support greater player-friendly environments, and improve non-gameplay mechanics.
Risks & Concerns:
Bugs related to the Mute function of Chat Channels has existed prior to the release of Star Trek Online (STO) - from whence the chat system was created. Any such changes are likely to involve and affect other games and may prove difficult to resolve and implement.
Description and Goal:
Enable Helm guilds to invite all guilds into specific positions within an alliance, facilitate the ease of movement of guilds within an alliance to different positions within an alliance, enable an option for sending mail to all alliance members which is a permission assigned within each guild to specific ranks, enable Mute/Unmute functions of alliance members by members / officers with assigned permissions based upon guild rank and preferences, and enable an 'Alliance Officer Chat' which includes alliance members assigned permissions based upon guild preferences and ranks.
Area of Impact:
Completely, significantly, and utterly improves the entire alliance experience for everyone, particularly alliance leaders and officers.
Risks & Concerns:
None identified.
Description and Goal:
Enable the facility for old lower level artifacts to be 'fused' together, to create a newer 'custom' artifact, which uses the base stats and effects of one, with half of the stats and effects of two others.
Currently, old artifacts in the game serve little to no purpose and may, nostalgically, take up inventory space. Creating the facility for players to 'fuse' old artifacts together to create new and dynamic custom artifacts will reinvigorate the acquisition of old artifacts and ensure an ongoing future expansion-proof system.
Area of Impact:
This will improve the viability, value and use of old artifacts to ensure they remain meaningful and desired.
Risks & Concerns:
None observed.
Description and Goal:
Allow for old artifact equipment, including weapon sets, necks and belts to be upgraded to contemporary base weapon damage and stats.
Despite being currently obsolete, old artifact equipment, including weapon sets, necks and belts continue to exist in the game and are obtainable, yet serve no real purpose and provide a source of confusion and waste for new players who may not be aware that such items are, in fact, worthless.
Area of Impact:
This will improve the viability, value and use of old artifact equipment to ensure it remains meaningful and desired.
Risks & Concerns:
None identified.
Description and Goal:
Right now, if you have lots of toons, it can be a hassle to collect your 100k Rough AD across all of them. Ever since there is an account wide limitation on how much Rough AD you can refine anyway, I propose to make the pool also account wide. Make the limit for this account wide pool the same as the AD limit per character (100 million). Everything else Rough AD related should stay the same (e.g. character RAD boost).
Area of Impact:
Ease of use
Risks & Concerns:
People with >100m RAD might lose some (although, that's almost 3 years worth of RAD)
Description and Goal: clearly state the chances of getting each item in boxes descriptions to inform people properly before they try to farm/open boxes.
Area of Impact: boxes/rewards
Risk and Concerns: people may give up if chances for certain items are too low
Description and Goal: when you place an item on sale on the auction have a window showing prices of existing items of the same type on the auction to avoid going back and forth between sale and purchase windows. Possibly merge the two windows.
Area of impact: auction house
Risk and concerns: getting a crammed window with readability issues
Description and goal: make AD, rough AD, refining points and appearance change tokens shared resources across the account to reduce the amount of swapping and having resources locked on a character that doesn't need them
Area of impact: inventory
Risk and concerns: upper limits may have to be changed as they are today per character and should be adjusted to per account
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Ability to "command" companions/soul puppet
Description and goal: Companions and soul puppets only attack if a player attacks. It has some delay, sometimes they dont even have a chance to participate in a fight because player can kill mobs faster. Same goes for tanking companions who could make a diffrence for low lvl characters. Soul puppet is unique, but in general share the same principle.
Allow us to use a specific key to command those companions/soul puppet to move/attack the target. "F" key could be used for that.
Area of impact: Active (not augment) companions, soul puppet
Risk and concerns: Tanky companions might be enough in dungeons to hold aggro and thus making tanks less relevant
Add preservation wards to the wondrous bazar
The ad sink you have been searching for some time...Risks and Concerns: None
Description and Goal: Optimizing graphics performance
Risks & Concerns: ..
Opening Social:Friends list drops from 60 fps to 5fps
:opending inventory drops fps from 60fps to 20 fps
:opening inventory and character sheet drops fps from 60fps to around 20fps
Game UI-HUD affects a lot graphic performance maybe work on that if you have time..
Also on Chat..add please a option that when someone pm you to open a private window for wispers whit the player name who pmed..its annoying as hell you have
to right click each time you want to say something...
Make a global trade and looking for group chat for console. Not sure if pc already has something like this.
The player base is so spread out it's a pain having to transfer zones over and over looking for people to fill queues for dungeons. Keep the zone chats so people doing things related to that area still have a place to discuss things.
You can even implement a cooldown like 30 seconds so the trade and lfg chats aren't filled with people spamming.
We already have the ability to see game wide whenever someone gets a legendary drop so i don't see why this isn't possible.
Ps. Alliance chat and guild chat stills bugs out sometimes when you only post once, causing some people to not even be able to see your message, forcing people to have to double post everything.
that way, you dont end up with people leaving.
you ultimately keep your job.
and you wont be looking at fruit picking as a career from next year.
you continually ask for feedback but ignore it when its given
you ask for ideas - but most ideas here are regarding broken or inefficient material extant in game now....which should have been resolved months and in some cases years ago.
if you dont intend to do anything about all these issues...dont bother asking, it just gets peoples hopes up.
anyhow, good luck with the fruit picking.
On PC, I would open the Professions Inventory to Materials so I could see what I needed. The Workbench and Dispatch board take the whole screen, so you can't do that.
Please add information on what you current inventory of Gathering and Crafting for regular and +1 results. There is room under the Adventurer, Tool, and Supplement. Or give an option to open the Professions Inventory too.