dps pov:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNE-IG0-AmY&start=22sop healer pov:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC-IHcqXQvk[2 CW, 1 DC, 1OP heal, 1OP tank]
Every dps in that run had -25% incoming healing, this post isn't just to brag about us completing or to call healers that cry "uGGHhhH nURfs" bad.
This post is to show that the lionheart weapon damage buff has led to horrible powercreep yet again, and it can be seen in the damage of the group and to some lesser extent in the healing (weapon damage affects healing aswell).
The same powercreep stuff is true for content like TIC aswell, for someone that's bis that dungeon is just a "whoever reaches mobs first kills them" and that is a big issue in my eyes since yet again we are at the point where for an endgamer there isn't really any content to do, and don't say zariel, as you can see from the links above the weapons for zariel aren't even needed.
We know that in the shape of them Game TOP DPS can outdps the average players by over 100%.
3 DPS can performance like 6 DPS.
After the Milestone of Tankbuster is taken, you can win the game. And TOMM is AoE damage to prevent. What you did is, that this group of five players would perform worse with 6 Players. Because the solo heal would decrease by the sixth target.
You did these changes - because you never see the bigger picture.
If you want stop this.
Start thinking.
What you do is simply aiming the king but shot the peasent. You pull out the nerfhammer and add workload. But the TOP players will adapt the increased workload while the average player get overwhelmed.
It is not that smart to implement AoE Heal decrease per target, while AoE DPS received remain 100% per target. An average player is now a burden. That is what you implemented.
Edit: I thought about what I wrote, but I fear you will not understand what I mean with added workload: The more players you are, the harder it is to use increased single Target heal. While you are smaller amount of players, organized - you can handle it - only small amount of players need focus of healer. It's easier to handle with the AoE crackers in TOMM, because you need only evade 4 players instead of 9. With smaller amount of players, the healer is stronger now. With TAB he has an answer against Tank Bustering. What you did is shifting the stress to DPS. Because while you need 1 Tank and 1 Heal in this setup you need small amount of TOP DPS. Better 4 than 5, better 3 than 4. Ever single DPS you add will only lead to a faster victory but stress Heal and Tank.
The bigger Picture of shared Magnitude Heals is pretty easy.
1 Heal 1 DPS
1000 DPS
1 Heal 2 DPS
1000 DPS 400 DPS = Average DPS 700 - Is the new answer that we kick the burden 400 DPS that only add useless workload to the healer, while he eat 50% of the heals for the 1000DPS. Funny changes. Because it's more realistic that the 3 Person setup will wipe than the 2 Person setup. Don't tell me you did not want that. It is what you implemented. The small man burden.
The bigger Picture is that it was a huge fault to remove stabilizers like Shield of Faith. You removed evenly shared non discriminatory heals. That don't make a difference between the better and the worse players. Once you remove the reduced magnitudes of healing while you heal in an area with corpses - and if you again ignore the bigger picture than you will give us an answer. Because than the burden is better dead and remain dead. The less and the stronger is the new Meta.
Stop Tank bustering. Increase the damage received but spread it and give time to react.
It doesn't matter if they took 20 min or 2 hours to complete it, doing it with 5 might bring a nerf for the mayority.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Also i've seen a cleric solo heal tower of the mad mage (a 10man run obviously). It's just that some dps changed a few pieces of gear around to have more hp and they -get ready- played with more care than usual and bundled together for heals. Shocker, i know.