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MOG / GARYX do not work, they are camped by AFKers while the people killing the devils / demons cant

dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
In order to get MOG / Garyx to spawn, you need to kill Devils or Demons. This is server wide, so there is no way to organize to choose one of the two when you have that specific quest. Unless you can convince the other 1000 people online to help you. However, that is not the biggest problem.

The biggest problem is that, once they spawn, there are a few AFKers standing at their spawn point, who are not killing either demons or devils. So if you are killing demons / devils, you will never arrive in time to MOG / GARYX as 4-5 'afk'ers who are suddenly not AFK once one spawns, kill it within 20 seconds.

It needs to be beefier. Like the Ascension BHE. Or something needs to be done about these AFKers. Maybe you do less damage to MOG and Garyx if you haven't killed demons/devils in the past round?


  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Well, why not simply link the reward to the whole work that has to be done here? Meaning, the ones that kill those bosses get their reward, but the ones that do all the legwork also get at least something from the final kill too?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    That's definitely also a good solution
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    edited July 2020
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  • cracklepants#2252 cracklepants Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    I did not see Gary spawn a single time yesterday or today. I know he did on some, as an Alliance member confirmed. Today we ran a test. They killed and I camped at the spawn point. 4 times, no Gary.
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  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited July 2020

    I did not see Gary spawn a single time yesterday or today. I know he did on some, as an Alliance member confirmed. Today we ran a test. They killed and I camped at the spawn point. 4 times, no Gary.

    Yes, that is because Gary spawns if everybody who is playing on all the instances kill more devils than demons. If more demons than devils are killed, Mog' spawns. So it doesn't matter what you tested, as long as the other 990 players online didn't help you test that out you didn't contribute anything meaningful.

    So you can wait at Gary spawn point (at the... sprog?), but if it's a Demon blood war he won't spawn. (mog spawns at the docks)
    Thank you, I'm looking forward to see what the solution will be like :). That is some very fast solution action! Will you also consider thinking of something that helps discourage the AFKers who wait for Mog'/Garyx while the rest of the server hunts demons/devils, then kill the boss before other people can arrive (within 20 seconds, with 4 people)?
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    The Blood War meter should probably have been per-instance .... that way people could form specific demon-killing or devil-killing groups in an instance, farm for, say an hour, and get a boss spawn as a "reward".

    The current design just encourages toxic behavior. And, yeah...something needs to be done about "leeches"...or maybe have the boss spawn a few times, but you yonly get rewards from it once per day or something like that.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    I confirm that the above problem is still there. It is now possible to have Garyx spawn, but it is still impossible to both participate by killing demons to do so, and actually be there to kill him, because it takes seconds to kill him. So AFKing at his spawn is actually encouraged by the current system.
    Post edited by dillygirl on
  • crusthelvetecrusthelvete Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Havent tried this, and i wont until they have made a fix.
    Just see all the lame *** leaching on others will only HAMSTER me off, so therefor ill wait.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Well, i was doing a few daily quest in that corner of the map yesterday, and ran into Garyx for the first time, but didn't attack directly, another player came around and started fighting, i joined in, took a few minutes and it was done - reward, some Infernal Scrap? :confused:

    And what's up with that Dock Master? One of his "regular" attacks takes around 80% HP with one fell swoop... i thought he had to be a rare enemy of this area, and i was hoping for some good loot, but nothing, is that one just another quest mop?

    Anyway, did 3 "treasure" maps, but only got rubbish from the hidden chest too...
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • edited July 2020
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  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User

    Another point of note would be with regards to the BHE.....since it consists of only devils, it doesn't take many parties across instances, to completely fill the demon meter and spawn Siegebreaker Mog'borath (Demon Boss) in seconds, whereas Garyx (Devil Boss), has no such support. 99% Purple....1% Red. Doesn't seem well balanced to me.

    Ah, this is because the other BHE is not yet active. From the post:

    Avernus Major Heroic Encounters


    Angels from Mount Celestia working for Zariel have captured Garmuun the Vile, one of Bel’s most powerful generals. Bel won’t sit idle as his general awaits trial, however! Soldiers and War Machines have begun their assault upon the Bleeding Citadel in hopes of freeing him and defeating Zariel. Join the celestials as they battle some of Avernus’ greatest fiends.


    Avernus devils are moving captured innocents and trapped souls through the Stygian Docks region for use in the Blood War! Defeat captors, free souls and help innocents ascend to Mount Celestia to thwart their evil plans. Your actions won’t go unnoticed though, as the feared pit fiend, ‘Commander Lazuul’ won’t let you hamper their wartime efforts!

    Basically, right now we only have the Devil BHE, not the Demon one.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • northwind1974northwind1974 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    And what's up with that Dock Master? One of his "regular" attacks takes around 80% HP with one fell swoop... i thought he had to be a rare enemy of this area, and i was hoping for some good loot, but nothing, is that one just another quest mop?.

    That is a named mob, he's been in the insurgencies and is the 1st boss of IC. I believe it has to be a bug or something drastically messed up with the loot table. He should be dropping something nice as he is one tough bugger.

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    regenerde said:

    Well, i was doing a few daily quest in that corner of the map yesterday, and ran into Garyx for the first time, but didn't attack directly, another player came around and started fighting, i joined in, took a few minutes and it was done - reward, some Infernal Scrap? :confused:

    Keep in mind that only one person gets a chance at the "real" reward - I'm not sure if it's the one doing the most damage or the one dealing the killing blow, though.

    Having the boss being killed by campers before those who do the work can get to him is just not acceptable. The current set-up encourages leeching and general toxic behavior. It needs fixing.
    Well, i most certainly wasn't top dog in the damage department, but i wasn't just waiting for the other guy to finish the job for me either, so it would have been nice to get a little more then what i usually get from any random repeatable quest.

    regenerde said:

    And what's up with that Dock Master? One of his "regular" attacks takes around 80% HP with one fell swoop... i thought he had to be a rare enemy of this area, and i was hoping for some good loot, but nothing, is that one just another quest mop?.

    That is a named mob, he's been in the insurgencies and is the 1st boss of IC. I believe it has to be a bug or something drastically messed up with the loot table. He should be dropping something nice as he is one tough bugger.
    Well, any other named ones around that aren't worth killing until they fix this?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • raiderone000raiderone000 Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    Really need to get away from kill equals reward. My Main is a Pally Tank, so u can guess that the 27k DPS
    is getting the reward most times. I get the aggro n thats about it.

    Needs to random based on some damage
  • psychoticsatyrpsychoticsatyr Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    how about you fix the fact that it takes hours of grinding to get them to maybe spawn now, and after such a time, the map i was in got no spawn. 100% Mog, 10 minute wait, nothing?

    need mog / garyx to spawn so i can restore my gear.
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  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User

    how about you fix the fact that it takes hours of grinding to get them to maybe spawn now, and after such a time, the map i was in got no spawn. 100% Mog, 10 minute wait, nothing?

    need mog / garyx to spawn so i can restore my gear.

    ATM since last patch it works like this: Mog/Gary spawn the very moment the blood war starts. So when the meter is at 100%. Make sure to move to their spawn from about 95%.

    It also now works per instance, so another instance will have a different balance / blood war.

    The problem is this still means the people grinding for the last 5% will also not get to participate in killing mog/gary which is still unfair. In game chat some people suggested having the War Party spawn at a delay from when the blood war starts, like 30 seconds - 1 minute. Just enough time so that people can move to the spawn points after the blood war starts.
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